Matt and Zack Ch. 03

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Tricked into meeting the parents.
8.1k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/14/2024
Created 01/10/2024
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Chapter 3

Tricked Into Meeting The Parents

One Year Later

Matt thought waking up in his boyfriend's arms was wonderful. They had come home the night before with eyes only for one another and started ripping at each other's clothes. He hoped Zack's neighbors wouldn't complain; he was sure they were loud. They were going at one another all night, but if the cops were called, at least he knew all of them.

Matt dragged his ass out of bed around eight that next morning. He needed to leave. He sat on the edge of the bed and started to get dressed. Zack rubbed his foot along his back, "Do you have to?"

"I work at three and need to get some real sleep." Matt smiled at him, and Zack gave him a grin back. "We'll have lunch tomorrow before my shift." He pulled his t-shirt on as he said that and bent down to kiss Zack.

"Hey, my parents are coming in today."

"Your parents?" Matt stood there in shock. Zack had never mentioned it before today. They had been in twice before; the first time, their relationship was too new. This second time, Matt was 'conveniently' out of town.

"Yeah, they will be here for a week; just letting you know so you're prepared to meet them."

"Again, your parents?"

"Are you afraid to meet them?" Zack asked.

"No, you could have given me the heads up, so I could have been a little more prepared than the day they were due to come in. You know I love you, and I won't run." He bent back down and kissed him again. "But I do have to leave; I need some real sleep because I know if I stay, all we'll do is fuck more." Zack laughed; he knew it, too.

"Love you." Then Zack turned over onto his stomach and settled back asleep.

Matt walked into the bathroom first to relieve himself. He noticed something was off but didn't think much of it. When he went into the kitchen to grab water before leaving, he found out what was throwing his warning signals off. "Hello, you must be the boyfriend, Matt, is it?"

"Ahhh, Umm." Matt was shell-shocked. Sitting at the kitchen table, he could only assume it was Zack's mother and father. "Yes, Sir."

"My name's Darren, and this is my wife, Patty; if you haven't already guessed, we're Zachary's parents. We came in last night."

"Oh God." Matt turned red and ran his hand through his hair. "I think I'll leave now." And he went to turn around.

"Wait a minute." Matt closed his eyes and turned back. "When will we get to see you again?"

"Next year?" He grimaced and chuckled. "Tomorrow, I work tonight."

"Okay, we will see you tomorrow, Matt," Darren responded.

Matt walked out; he didn't remember seeing the Malibu sitting in the driveway when they pulled in last night. God, did neither hear them come into the house? Matt started his car and texted Zack while sitting in the driveway. Zack didn't respond. He was sure Zack was already being talked to. Shit, nothing like being in your thirties and feeling like you're five again.

When Matt woke and got ready for work. He had a long series of texts from Zack, telling him his parents would like to have lunch tomorrow. He just responded okay to all of it and left for work.

As always, Matt was out with Frank on patrol that night. They pulled a few people over for speeding before their dinner break. At dinner, Matt told Frank about the fiasco of waking up to Zack's parents being there. Frank laughed his ass off.

After dinner, they sat off Main Street, waiting for speeders to go by or run the red. An out-of-state Malibu went by them, going fifteen over, and Frank pulled them over. The license plate returned in the system as a rental car. They could see three occupants in the vehicle.

Frank approached the driver, and Matt stood back at the rear of the car on the passenger side. The driver already had his window down. "Hello, Sir. Can I see your license?"

"Yes, but what did I do?" The driver asked as he retrieved his wallet from his back pocket.

"Ask for Matt, Dad." A passenger could be heard.

"Sir, who's in your backseat?

"My son, don't listen to him. I'm not getting out of a ticket because he's dating a cop." He hands Frank the license.

"Darren!" The front passenger exclaimed.

"Just because this is a small town and all the cops know one another, I'm not going to ask for his boyfriend. I want to know what I did first."

Frank laughed and looked up at Matt. Matt could already hear everything and knew he was fucked. First, loudly fucking his son and then pulling him over; boy, this is looking better and better.

Then Matt heard Zack, "Frank, is that you?"

"Yeah, Zack, how are you doing?" Once Zack confirmed it was Frank, he opened his car door and got out.

"Zack, what are you doing?" Darren asked.

"Hi," Matt said sheepishly.

"You pulled my father over?"

"Technically, I didn't," Matt responded.

Patty and Darren exited the car and looked at their son, talking to Matt. "You gotta be fucking kidding me," Darren responded.

Frank was standing next to Darren. "Excuse me, Sir?"

"His boyfriend pulled me over?"

"Actually, Sir, I did," Frank responded. "Would you like to discuss that ticket now?"

Darren looked at Frank, could tell he was serious, and became remorseful. "Ah, officer, I'm sorry."

"I thought that would change your tune," Frank responded. "Sir, give your son a few minutes, and you can drive away." Frank returned Darren's license and returned to the patrol car to log the stop.

Darren sat in the car. He didn't want to talk to Matt. Patty shook her head and walked over to her son. "Hello, Matt. I'm sorry we seem to have met under the most. Excuse my French. Fucked up possible ways ever."

"No, ma'am, that pretty much sums it up." Matt looked back at the patrol car. "I better get back to work and let you all get on your way before Mr. Pierce finds more ways to hate me."

Patty went back to the car. "See you tomorrow at eleven?" Zack knew not to try to hug or kiss Matt. They didn't need that on the dashcam.

"Do I have to?" Matt pleaded.

"Yes." Zack smiled, turned, and got into the car. Darren didn't wait to leave. He pulled away before Matt turned to walk back to the patrol car.

"Wow, you're in the shithouse." Frank laughed.

Matt chuckled, "Yeah, I'm sure I won't be staying over there on my next two days off."

"Shit, I don't blame you. How long have you two been dating?"

"Just over a year now."


"Dad, you were the one that came a day early and didn't tell me you were here." Zack was in his living room talking to his parents.

"Well, I didn't think you would be fucking your boyfriend loud all night long," Darren responded.

"Darren, just calm down." Patty was trying to calm the situation. "Why can't we just act like none of this happened and give Matt a chance."

"Because he fucking pulled me over after he was fucking my son all night long in the bedroom next to us."

"Damn it, Darren. You won't get pulled over if you go the speed limit like you are supposed to. And I told you we needed to tell Zack we were here, but you were the one who was adamant that we surprised him. Well, surprise him we did, or I should say surprise us he did. We were the ones that intruded on him."

Zack decided he might as well piss his father off more, "Actually, Dad, Matt, and I go both ways." Patty looked down, trying to hide her smile.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Darren said it before his brain kicked in, but Zack was happy to explain.

"I meant last night, we were taking turns fucking one another."

"Oh God." Darren got up and walked out of the room.

"Mom, he loves me, but he hates me."

"No, he just doesn't understand how you can love a man, and it doesn't help that when you came to visit, Matt didn't come. Then, when we came, he was suddenly off somewhere else."

"I know. That is why I chose not to tell until you were due to come in." Zack smiled.

Patty laughed, "Boy, you are mischievous, so he was shocked when he ran into us."

"He's the love of my life. I wanted him to meet you. I don't know why he fears it so much."

"How is his relationship with his parents?"

"I don't know. He doesn't talk about his family." Zack responded. "I've met all his friends but no family."

"Maybe he doesn't have a close relationship with them."

"I've never thought about that."

Darren listened from the kitchen and decided to poke Matt for information. If he had been in a relationship with his son for over a year, why hadn't he told Zack about his family?


Matt joined the guys at the bar after work. It was customary to have a couple of drinks to end the night. He sat and talked with a few guys in the bar until after three. They drank coffee while the bar was getting cleaned. Then, as usual, they got pushed out near four and all headed home.

Matt walked into his house and crashed on the bed after dropping his duffle with his uniform and duty belt on the floor beside his bed. He didn't even change out of jeans and a t-shirt. The next thing Matt knew, Zack was whispering in his ear.

"Babe, Matt, Honey."

Matt wrinkles his brow, "Mmmmmm."

"It's eleven-thirty."

" Eleven-thirty, okay." Then he lays there for just a second longer. "Oh shit." Matt hears Patty laugh and looks at the doorway. "This is why I don't meet parents." Matt covers his head with the pillow.

"Mom, can you give us a few minutes?"

"Yeah," Patty replied.

"So you were going to continue to dodge my parents?"

Matt turned over and sat up. "It's bad luck. My relationships have never made it past meeting the parents. Every time something bad happens, and then we break up."

"So you stopped meeting the parents."

"We've been together for a year now. I didn't meet your parents. Now look what has happened." Matt looked at Zack. "You were the first one I have done this with."

"I'm not going to leave you over what has happened."

"You say that now, yeah, this has been small, but it's piling up."

"Will you just get in the shower, please?" Zack responded. "My dad's waiting in the car."

"Yeah, I'll be out in five minutes." Matt grabbed some clothes from his dresser and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

"Bad luck?" Patty asked.

"I don't know."

"How many relationships has he been in?"

"He told me about a few of them while lying in bed."

"How about how they ended?"

"No, just said they would end the normal way, grow apart, or something would change."

Matt was kicking himself in the shower for not setting an alarm. He was washing himself quickly, jumped out, and dried off to dress. He returned to his room to put socks and shoes on and heard a little of what Patty and Zack were discussing.

"I'm ready. Sorry that I didn't meet you at Zack's."

"That's quite alright, Matt," Patty responded. "Are you ready?"

Matt felt his pocket for his phone, wallet, and his keys next to the door. "Yes, ma'am."

"Matt, my name is Patty. Please call me that."

"Thank you, Patty."

"Thank you too, Matt. Let's go before Darren has a stroke out there."

"Maybe I should drive separately. Since I do have to be at work by three."

"We'll get you back in plenty of time for work, Matt," Patty responded, and Zack smiled at his mother; he knew she was now being the mischievous one.

When they got out to the car, Darren was more than annoyed. "Sir, I'm sorry I overslept."

"Yeah, are we ready now?"

"Yes, Dear," Patty responded for all of them.

Zack reached over and took Matt's hand. He knew it wouldn't soothe everything, but he hoped it would help a little. They ended up at Big Boy's. Matt remembered Zack saying that they would end up at Big Boy or Bob Evans whenever his parents came into town. Zack wished they would go to Applebees or one of the other local restaurants, but they never did.

When they walked in, they were seated almost right away. Matt was glad for that, being Saturday at noon. Patty and Zack sat inside the booth, leaving Matt and Darren sitting across from one another.

Their waitress came around and took their order. "Matt, where are you from?" Patty asked.

"Raised here."

"You weren't born here?"

"No, in a facility up north."

"Facility?" Darren asked.

"A correctional facility. I was a ward of the state, if you need to know. I was shuffled from one foster family to the next." Matt could see out of the corner of his eye, Zack and Patty looking at one another.

"So you don't know who your mother and father are?"

"No, I know who they are. I have visited my mother a few times, but my father was killed in prison after he was incarcerated for raping female inmates. Ex-police and prison guards don't last long inside without protection."

"Why only a few times?" Darren asked.

"Because my mother didn't like being reminded of her past, she asked if I would stop coming to visit her. The last time was well over ten years ago."

"Well, Matt, I'm honestly sorry to hear this."

"It is okay, Sir. I have gotten over it a long time ago." Matt stood up. "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." Matt walked away from the table, pulled out his phone, and called Frank.

Matt hoped it wasn't going to voicemail because Frank answered on the fourth ring. "Thank God you answered. Call me in ten minutes and say we need to come in early."

"Lunch going that bad?"

"Yeah, directed all at me. So far, we've discussed my parents."

"Oh shit, who were they this time?" Frank asked with a laugh, but he knew if Matt was this uncomfortable, he had told the truth.

"Just call me, and then come get me."

"Where are you at?"

"Big Boy."

"Okay, ten minutes from now."

Matt slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked to the table. He could see them all talking, but they became quiet once he was in view. Matt sat down and was glad the waitress came over with their order so he would at least get a little food in him before he had to leave.

"Babe, I took this entire week off. So when you have your two days off, Mom wants to go to the comedy club to catch a show."

"That will be nice." Matt smiled.

"Zack says you've been a cop for a long time?" More questions from Mr. Pierce.

"Twelve years, a small stint in the Army, then the Academy."

"Is this where you wanted to be placed?"

"Didn't care where I got the job. I wasn't living here at the time." Matt responded. "I only lived in this town a few years growing up before I was moved."

"How often were you moved?"

"One second." Right on schedule, Matt's phone started vibrating, and he fished it out to see who was calling, knowing he was losing more points with Mr. Pierce. "Oh, it's Frank; let me see what he needs."

Matt stood and walked away from the table, "Can you come get me?"

"Yeah, I'm five minutes away."

"Alright, I'll be outside."

Matt walked back over to the table. "I'm sorry, but I've got to go to work early; some guys are sick, and Frank volunteered us. He's on his way to pick me up to take me home to get dressed."

Matt looked at Zack and mouthed that he was sorry. Then, he pulled out his wallet and dropped a twenty on the table. "No, keep your money; I was paying for lunch," Darren responded.

"Use it for the tip, then." Matt grabbed his napkin and the other half of his Slim Jim and walked away from the table. He didn't have to wait long; as he walked out of the restaurant, Frank pulled up in his truck. "God, thank you."

Frank laughed as he pulled away. "Damn, man, what is it with you and parents?"

"It's a bad omen."

"Or you just think it is."

"I was with Ken for six months, met his parents, and bam, we started fighting and done. Jeff, he wanted me to meet his parents after a month of knowing him, then he goes out and cheats almost the next day."

"Okay, that is two guys."

"John was with him for almost a year, went to his parents for Christmas; it was over by New Year."

"What the hell happened."

"He stayed behind because I had to go back to work. He rekindled with an old boyfriend, and poof, ours was done."

"Shit, I guess meeting the parents is bad luck for you."

"There were others, but sometimes it was my fault the relationship would end just after meeting them. But for fucks sake, even now, everything so far has gone wrong. They came in early, Zack didn't know. We were fucking loudly in the bedroom. Then we go and pull them over for speeding. And to top it all off, I was supposed to meet them at Zack's at eleven this morning, and they came to my house and woke me at eleven-thirty."


"Yeah, I'm bad luck."

"Maybe I should reconsider being your partner." Frank joked.

"Thanks, man." Matt laughed.

"You better get dressed and leave your house. You know they're going to come by and check for you."

"Yeah, I was already going to grab my gear and sleep in the parking lot. Because I know Zack, he may even swing by the station to see if my car is there."

"God, have you lied to him before?"

"Only to get out of seeing his parents, and he knows it. I think it's why he didn't tell me they were coming this time."

"Well, I'll see you at work in a bit," Frank said as he pulled up to Matt's house. "I don't envy you right now." He laughed as Matt was getting out of the truck and drove away.

Matt grabbed a clean uniform, his duffle containing his gun, duty belt, and shoes, and left for the station. He leaned back in his seat, set an alarm on his phone, and napped.

"Darren, where are you going?" Patty asked as they were leaving Big Boy's. They weren't heading in the right direction to Zack's.

"I want to check something." Darren knew what Matt's car looked like since he had been waiting in the car behind it for almost thirty minutes. Then Matt got his sunglasses out of it before they left for lunch. His car has a large Tasmanian Devil on the back window. So when he drove into the parking lot of the police station, saw the car, and drove right by Matt sleeping in the driver's seat,

"Matt doesn't lie much, Dad," Zack commented. "He is pretty truthful. He may not have wanted to meet you for some reason, and I will get to that tonight.


Later that night, when Matt walked into his house, he did have a Zack to deal with. First, a horny one, then one that wanted answers. Matt thanked God for checking the cars parked on the street before walking in because Zack pounced.

Matt laughed as he kissed Zack. Zack unbuttoned his shirt before the door was closed. He slid down and unbuttoned his belt, pants and pulled them down to expose his cock, which was down his throat like lightning. "Jesus, Zack."

Zack wanted Matt, and he wanted to please him first because he planned on fucking the shit out of him for a few short minutes until he came. It didn't take long before Zack had Matt fucking his face and then cuming down his throat.

As soon as he did, Zack wasted no time standing up, twisting Matt around and leaning him over the back of the couch. Lubing Matt's hole, his cock, and pushing in. "Fuck Zack," Matt screamed, and Zack covered Matt's mouth.

Leaning over him, "You know you like it rough, Matt." Zack started fucking him. They were grunting. "See Babe." Zack was breathless, and he was getting close to cuming. Matt was already hard again. He loved the exchange that Zack and he had.

While Zack was leaning over him, recovering from cuming, Matt had reached for his duffle bag that he had thrown on the couch when he came in. He pulled out his handcuffs and cuffed one of Zack's wrists. "Come with me."

They bypassed Matt's room and went into his spare room. "I know you like it rough, too." Matt pushed Zack to the bench. "Get into position."

Zack smiled as he climbed onto the fuck bench. He knew he was not only going to be fucked but whipped and violated. Matt came around and strapped his arms in and then his legs. Matt had a raging hardon that he forced down Zack's throat. He didn't want to come yet, so he backed off and grabbed the ball gag but kissed Zack before pulling it on him, tugging at his hair as he walked around to the ass.