James Gang Ch. 01: Mean Darbie


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"I know this goes counter to half what you just said, but I want that just for a little while. And I—I just thought that you should know."

Somehow, this speech got to me even more than the first one did. Perhaps it was the reaffirmation that let me know just how serious she was, or maybe it was the fact that, in her mind, she thought we were already together. In either case, she caught me off-guard yet again.

"Darb," I said, taking her hand gently. "I don't think I could stop you if I wanted to, so I guess the only thing I can do is tell you that I accept it." I squeezed her hand. "Believe me, if it weren't for our blood, I'd seriously consider this."

She squeezed my hand back and smiled. "I know, my darling."

As she looked into my eyes and said that nickname, I could see, for the first time, what she was thinking clear as a summer sky. She was having an 'episode'. With me holding her hand like this, she was lost somewhere in the reaches of her fantasy, in that secret place where she and I were lovers, and we explored our deep feelings for each other. She had brought that to the surface, just for an instant, allowing me to catch a glimpse of what she truly felt.

And, I was surprised that the reality of it felt . . . uncannily good. When Darbie looked into my eyes and called me 'My Darling', for a brief moment, I didn't see my sister. I saw her just as she saw me: as the perfect soulmate, as someone who I loved and loved me against all odds and conditions. Someone who would always be by my side, regardless of how bad things got, or how much things changed. I saw someone kind, strong and sexy. Someone who deserved true love.

And when that moment passed, when I stepped from Darbie's point of view and back into my own, I came to a shocking realization: nothing had changed!

I still felt that way about Darbie. I still saw those exact things when I looked at her . . . and now, I was beginning to realize that I always had.

Just as she said, this didn't change anything between us.

Something came over me, and I leaned forward, slowly, gently pressing my lips to hers. Darbie whimpered softly, and as soon as our lips touched, the instinct which dwelled on the edge of her fantasy took control. Darbie had spent twenty years dreaming of this fantasy, and she had become remarkably good at allowing it to define her reality. When she kissed me, it was without hesitation or surprise. It was with complete acceptance. Complete longing.

It must have been contagious, because I could feel the same feelings pouring into me. I nipped at her lips, loving caressing mine to hers, our heavy breathing loud and deafening. Eventually, she grew bold enough to slip a tongue into my mouth, and my body accepted eagerly, sucking upon it with my lips and dabbing it at the tips of it with my own.

Our lips remained locked for several minutes before I finally broke away, taking one last effort to regain my sanity. I wanted to look at her with clear vision one more time before I went somewhere I may never have come back from. She gazed at me with doeish eyes, holding her breath as she waited for me to make a choice. I could see that she was still on the brink; one more push and she could go right back into her fantasy, while one last yank backward would allow her to close it off as nothing but a fond memory.

But there was something else in her eyes, too: yearning. As much as she was prepared to end this here, she was silently begging me to continue. She didn't care how logic dictated this should end. She didn't care about whether this would end in happiness or tragedy. She just wanted me. She wanted me to continue . . . to let her pretend, just this once, that weren't just soulmates. That we were lovers.

And now, I was curious to know how it felt, too.

I pressed my face to hers again, and that was the signal. We stood up and immediately began to take each others' clothes off, walking toward my bedroom all the while. We left a pile of shirts, pants, socks and underwear on the floor as she climbed upstairs, completely nude by the time we reached the door to my room.

Our hands were all over each others' naked bodies, and for the first time, I truly admired the gorgeous ass of my sister's that I'd only noticed before in passing. The more of her body I touched, the more I was in awe of it. Her skin was silky smooth, and she even displayed quite a few impressive bits of muscle, gained from twenty years of tough work. THAT fact only made me want her more.

I pushed her backward onto my bed, and lorded over her with my nude body and erect cock. She feigned helplessness as she splashed on my mattress and writhed her gorgeous naked body before me. She looked up and saw stiff did standing at attention, pointing directly at her as if she'd been chosen.

"Oh yesssss . . ." She breathed. "Yes, come here, please. Please, brother . . . come to me."

I crawled on the bed after her, and she eagerly spread her legs and reached out to welcome me. When my body was atop hers, my hands held her meaty thighs while I put my tongue on her womanly area. I had never eaten a pussy before in my life, and had never even wanted to . . . but I was sure as shit gonna eat this one! I buried my mouth on her mound and began munching as if this had been what she cooked for dinner. I took in the smell of her sex, captivated by the aroma and only enticed more by the thought that it was my sisters—my twin's.

We had both been born on the same day. Thirty-three years we emerged in life naked together, and it took all these decades for us to come full circle again.

"Oh, brother, I love it . . ." my sister breathed, rubbing her fingers through my hair ". . . but this isn't what I NEED. Please, my darling . . . I've waited so long. Give me what I need . . ."

I wanted to stay and enjoy her pussy with my tongue a little longer, but I couldn't ignore her pleas. Obediently, I crawled forward between her thighs, and her eyes lit up eagerly. I could see her lips trembling and her chest heaving, in deep anticipation. I couldn't imagine what it must have been like for her. This exact scene must have played out in her mind more times than I could fathom, and now, she was moments away from it happening for real. Right here, in her brother's own bed.

I didn't waste any time at all. She wanted my cock inside her, and now, I needed it myself.

I guided my nob into her slit, and I pushed slightly, allowing half of it to disappear into her chute with one stroke.

"YES!!!!!" she screamed. "FINALLY!!!!!!!!!"

I pushed a little deeper, and I felt something break. Darbie bit my shoulder to keep from screaming, but I had a feeling I knew had just happened. I'd done enough deflowering in my lifetime to know.

"Darbie, honey . . .?" I said softly, "were . . . were you a VIRGIN?!"

"Don't talk," she growled. "Just fuck me. Please. FUCK ME."

The lady didn't need to tell me twice. I locked our hands together and pinned them to the mattress as I started pounding deep into my twin sister's pussy. She started moaning, and she locked her legs around me, trapping me against her as though letting me go would somehow allow me to disappear.

"I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. I'm NOT dreaming," she said over and over as I pounded into her, I suppose to try and come to grips what was really happening. To add further proof to it, I tightened my grips on her hands, covered her mouth with my own, and pounded her even harder.

I suppose my message must have come across, because she came immediately, her thigh muscles tensing as she screamed into my lungs. I enjoyed hearing her muffled cries in my mouth and I began motioning my entire body up and down, putting my entire weight into things as I fucked her. Her groans of muffled passion continued, and she kissed my face all over, showing me all of the affection that had been buried inside all of these years.

"Oh Kenny, I'm in heaven. I know for sure I'm not dreaming anymore, because in my dreams, it isn't this good!"

"Oh, I'm only getting started, baby," I told her confidently.

"No, Kenny," she said, her head falling back on the pillow so that she could look into my eyes, still with those thick, nerdish glasses on her face. "Believe me, baby, I want to feel everything you have to offer, but not tonight. Tonight, Kenny, I want to feel you come inside me. And I want to feel that now. Please?"

I grunted my bewilderment, but I didn't slow my pace for a second. "Are you for real, darlin'? I mean, this is one thing, but . . . that—"

"Please, big brother," she said,in that hushed 'Sweet Darbie' voice I had known and loved all these years. She kissed me lovingly and then looked back into my eyes. "Even if nothing happens after this evening, I want to be completely yours tonight. I want to have just one night as your woman, and for that, I need you to come inside me while we're both at the peak."

Let me tell you something weird. Maybe if she hadn't called me 'big brother' then, I would have had a different response. Anything other than that specific phrase would have let me keep some reason. But, over the years, Darb had conditioned a very passionate reaction from me every time I heard the words 'big brother'.

And more than that, this time she said it without sarcasm. Without malice. She actually called me her big brother and believed it, honestly and truly. The things that realization did to me pushed me over the brink. All of the indignation and resentment I usually felt at those words converted immediately into lust and intensity. I was like Pavlov's dog, only my conditioning made me want to fuck.

It made up my mind for me. I leaned my body up and put all of my effort into my hips. I ravaged my sister's pussy. I was determined to sacrifice neither depth nor speed as I quickened and pushed my hips to their brink. Even if I'd thrown my back out right then and there, I was determined to fuck her cunt to the hilt, yet at the fastest pace I could muster.

"Oh Kenny! You're only man in the world for me! The only one I've ever loved! I don't care what happens after this is over, but do everything to me tonight!"

Maybe it was the intoxication of sex. Maybe it was how good her tight, wet pussy felt, but before my head could catch up, my mouth said:

"Fuck tonight. You think I'm letting this pussy get away from me?! No chance in hell. From now on, I'm going to fuck this every night. I'm going to fill it with my cum, and God willing, I'm going to make a baby inside of it!"

Darbie screamed again, and that triggered me to do so as well. Both of our cries filled my home as I emptied everything I had into her soft, warm womanhood.


An hour or two after we finished, I felt Darbie's naked body moving next to me, and it nudged me from my sleep. I woke up to find her getting out of bed and starting to leave the room. As she started to go, I caught her wrist.

"Where are you going?" I demanded.

"Back to my room," she told me. "I . . . ah . . . I appreciate what you said in the middle of . . . you know . . . but . . . Well, we're back to our right minds now. And I figure you probably need time to—YIPE!!"

I shut her up by delivering a strong backhand to her plump ass cheek, marking it deep red, and forcing the meat to jiggle several seconds after impact.

"Get back in bed," I told her. "This is your room now, too."

Never in my life had I seen Darbie look as giddy as she was then. She pounced her naked body back into bed with me, and my hard-on returned instantly.

I pounded her pussy a good three or four times more before dawn, dumping a thick load each and every occasion.


A few days later, I returned home and told Darbie that we were probably going to need to tear down her old building. It was completely beyond saving. She feigned distress as she cried, "Oh no! Where will I ever live in the meantime!?"

She unbuttoned her shirt, letting the flaps fall aside to reveal her gorgeous tits. "Can big brother cum and rescue me?"

I carried her into our room and I did just that. Several times over.

By that time, both of us already knew that she was never moving back into that building. I meant what I had said—she was living with me, in my bed, from that moment on.

It wasn't long before people figured out what was going on. Hell, we weren't trying hard NOT to tip them off—Darbie and I went for our romantic walks. I held hands with her wherever we went, and neither of us were shy about kissing in public. I had meant what I said about only loving someone 'properly'. Darbie was my world, and I was going to treat her like it.

I said to the world, 'This is MY woman!'

We were the talk of the town for a while, and a few people tried to shy us away from what we were doing, but we lovingly . . . and respectfully . . . let them know that this was what we both wanted. It made us very happy, and they could either get on board or get out of our way.

Unsurprisingly, at least to me, they got on board.

Like I said, we were that kind of town.

They threw a wedding for us at the town's own expense—apparently, a marriage between twins was such a quaint idea that it brought a cheap bit of excitement to the quiet burg. Everyone congratulated us on the street, and I even saw a few of my exes—girls whose hearts I had broken decades earlier—come out to wish us well.

Mom and Dad were stunned, but when we explained what we were doing and why, the two of them looked at one-another and I think for the first time, they saw something they had both tried to ignore for years. Mom took Dad's hand gently and told him that they needed to talk. Caroline, Darbie and me looked knowingly at each other, as we guessed what she wanted to say, but we left the room to give them their privacy.

The wedding brought ALL of our sisters from around the globe back home. Grace came home with her French doctor and their two kids. Sarah and her football star brought their litter of six mulattos. Rachelle, Chloe and Barbara moved back into town permanently; they hired me and my team to build a new building for the three of them to share space in, with Rachelle's restaurant on the ground floor and Chloe's law office in the suites upstairs. Barbara, at least 14 weeks pregnant, said that she and her husband were going to settle here, probably trying to open a tourism or travel bureau.

Some time after the ceremony, Caroline told Darbie that she was jealous that she 'hadn't thought of this first', and when I laughed it off, she only rose an eyebrow at me and went back to the reception. Darbie just smiled.

Needless to say, Darbie never reopened her pet shop. Soon, she had plenty of nurturing to do at home, and we both agreed that we wanted another family like the one we had lived in as children. We were going for at least eight, and we were halfway there only three years later. We got lucky—all of our children where hale and healthy, though we knew we would have to discourage them from following in their Mom and Dad's footsteps.

We even had a set of twins. Yep, you guessed it-- a boy and a girl.

We'll be keeping an eye on those two . . .


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Tiku21Tiku21about 3 years ago

Well this was nice kinda rushed tbh otherwise nice

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I've never seen so many self righteous comments in my 67 years. It's just a damn story people. Get over yourselves. Let the man write his stories as he sees fit and quit bitching so much. No one has to agree with him but quit being so damn nit picky.

The old guy

HatracksHatracksabout 7 years ago
One of my favorite stories

Well written. The characters are rough enough to add some bite. Is he racist? He's certainly imperfect, judgemental. That makes it more moving when he puts his sister above his prejudices. When he decides to be with her, he knows his community may be as judgemental as he is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
don't apologize

No need to apologize to everyone, unless you actually believe that you did something wrong. There is no "inalienable right to never feel offended" in the US constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence. These "free thinkers" who obviously think incest is ok, and perhaps that adultery is ok, - they would sanitize your writing down to what they decide is acceptable? You have your own conscience. Thought Police should police themselves and leave others alone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

The character may have been in enough virgins in his life but apparently the author has never been in one, much less seen one. He slid in half way before he felt something break?! Uh, NO. Maybe they didn't have sex ed classes with pictures back when you went to school but they sure have the internet now and you can look at pictures of hymens all day long. Do your homework when you write about something you dont know about! The hymen is right the hell up front!

Anyway, other than that travesty the story was really pretty good so far! I'm looking forward to reading the rest and seeing what else you have :)

'Knob' and 'chute' were a little crass, but I guess he is technically a country boy hick, even if he did go to college... Guess some speech/thought patterns stick with you growing up, lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Was good

Probobly one of the best stories i have read here

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
not good

poor writing and very rushed, you give very little background, the plot is very thin and needs better developing and the end was way to unrealistic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Stopped reading when you said negro football player ? Thats rude and i dont like racism! Thumbs down

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Love it

this is my absolute favorite of all your stories. Love it.

LordOfHellLordOfHellalmost 12 years agoAuthor
Don't worry.

It's coming :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Wish you had more chapters for Kenny and Darbie's relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I stopped at the sister's "litter" with the Negro football player. Put a disclaimer in the heading next time you want to justify racist behavior in your stories. Save us the bother.

tomatosmashertomatosmasherover 12 years ago

Really enjoyed this thanks

LordOfHellLordOfHellover 12 years agoAuthor

There's now a sequel to this story titled "The James Girls". It should answer those questions, friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
ehhh...good not great

it was good...either way you chose to look at it though,it was weak...not the most arousing of stories. then from the novel perspective it could have had a bit better character development and been more descriptive. romantically i did like the way you were trying to take the stroy...please DO keep writing and improving!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Thanks for the story

I liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I stopped at...

negro football player

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Best story by far in a long while!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good but sly!

I find it hard to accept that there are no racist tendencies in the writer. I also do not see any acceptance of the football player and his wife from the family or community as the writer mentioned in the last comment. That said, I was completely spellbound with the narrative and storyline. Excellent stories like these should be appealing to all races; you failed in that regard.

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