Millie Ch. 03

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Chapter 3 of a slow tale of sex with my Mother.
9.3k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 05/26/2013
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Everything I needed to know about Millie could be summed up in a single word. Devoted. I lead her into the house and directly into the bathroom. She wanted to go back out and get her clothes but I liked her naked. I started the water so that it would warm. I turned her to me and we kissed again. Although we had kissed a lot as Mother and Son it was never like this and it was never as enjoyable as it was now.

I let my hand come up along her hip and slide up her ribcage to cup her breast for the very first time. I hefted it so as to assess it's weight in my hand. It felt very warm and soft but firm still and wonderful. Too much to take in on just this one occasion and I knew I would be feeling, touching, cupping and copping a feel of these globes often enough that it wouldn't matter too much anyway. She moaned in my mouth as my finger and thumb found her hardened nipple and gave it a pinch and a pull.

As the kiss broke, I did not release her nipple but kept it captured. She was smiling at me mostly with those sparkling eyes of hers as she said,"I have waited a very long time for you to do that!"

I lowered my head while keeping my eyes on hers and took the nipple into my mouth sucking hard on it. She moaned deeply and said,"And that too!" She was shifting her body to press her breast into my face harder. I ducked harder. She hissed now.

My other hand slid up the inside of her inner thigh and cupped her very open very wet pussy. Two of my fingers slid right up into her effortlessly. Again she hissed loudly and said,"Oh my God! I've wanted to feel you do that for weeks baby!" Her knees buckled and she grabbed my shoulders weakly hanging on.

I slid the two fingers in and out twice and then brought them up to my mouth. Her sparkling eyes were on me as I opened my mouth to slide my fingers in between my lips she raised herself and kissed me trapping my soaking wet fingers between our open and wet mouths and tongues. Her eyes were really sparkling as she swiped her tongue along the side of my soaked fingers. I too was licking as hard and fast as I could savoring the taste.

I drew back and again lowered my hand cupping her sex and re-inserting my fingers into her juicy slit. She gasped and smiled. I had to ask,"Since when do you enjoy the taste of hot pussy?"

"Since I was forced to suck it off a leather seat!" She said it proudly as though it were a great accomplishment. I guess it was as it was the first really kinky thing I had made her do besides get topless in public.

"You like the taste now?" I again voiced my curiosity.

"I, unlike someone else I know do like the taste of pussy. I'm not turning lesbian or anything but I have sucked a cock or two after they've been in me and it ain't so bad." She was giving me that curious look as if to ask if I understood her innuendo. I understood alright. She was basically daring me to taste my own cum at one point or another. Perhaps eating her after cumming in her. I wasn't to sure about that though. I probably would do it, but I wasn't too happy talking about it.

I almost laughed. I wasn't too comfortable talking about it. There she goes again giving me another lesson. I was the one that told her that we would have no secrets from each other and that we would be completely honest with each other about our needs, wants and desires. She was showing me that I had a ways to go in that department.

"I love you!" I said as I kissed her mouth again and really gave my fingers a workout in her soaking snatch. She moaned loudly.

As I withdrew my soaked fingers and brought them up I sank down on my knees and pressed my face between my more than willing Mother's legs. I raised my fingers and she took both digits into her mouth and hotly sucked them clean. She bowed her knees out to allow my face to fit into her soaked crotch easier. My tongue snaked up into the open and inviting lips of her dripping pussy. At first contact her knees again buckled and she slumped onto the toilet lid. I used mt free hand to press her legs open and kept right on tonguing her. She crested to a climax very quickly as she had been turned on from the garage and I had kept he in a constant state of total ecstasy since.

The cream from her pussy was coating my mouth and I slurped it up and scooped it with my tongue as much as was possible. Man did my Mother taste sweet as pie! The juices direct from her little hole of honey was especially tasty and completely satisfying to me. I could eat this woman morning, noon, and night every day for the rest of my life and never be disappointed!

She went totally limp with the orgasm. Her hands dropped away from cradling my head and fell to her sides. I hadn't even felt or known she was holding my head! She had her head back on the toilet bowl lid and was just totally relaxed. Oddly enough she hadn't made a sound that I could hear as she came. Her body just went rigid and then it was over with a few spasms of her leg muscles and rippling of her stomach.

Our first real honest to goodness sexual act was over. I was thrilled! I wanted to shout it out to the world. I wanted a t-shirt silk screened with "I ate my Mother and she taste's great!" and I'd wear it around all the time! This hadn't been much like the stuff I had read about in the magazines!

It hadn't been a soft slow seduction in a nice warm comfortable place either, but a quick kinky oral orgasm in a uncomfortable hard insensitive place. I quickly became ashamed of my performance with my beautiful Mother.

"Mother, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that here. I should have let you have your shower and then..." Her fingers silenced me from continuing.

"Hush baby, I needed that and you have no idea how much I desperately wanted it!" She was talking with her head still back on the porcelain of the bowl, eyes closed and breathing hard. It just dawned on me that she must have been holding her breath through the orgasm and that was why she didn't make any noise! I was impressed to say the least. I had to know more about this fabulous woman that was, or had been, my Mother.

I had no idea that in all the years I had been around this wonderfully beautiful woman, she could be the most sensuously sexy creature I had ever known! I knew so very little and what little I did know was amazing in and of itself. Reading about sex is one thing but actually practicing it is something else!

I helped her into the shower and under the warm spray she revived quickly. I was getting wet from the over-spray of the water hitting her and bouncing off onto me as I held the shower curtain back so I could watch. She looked up at me and laughed. I could never get enough of those eyes of hers and the magical way they sparkled when she looked at me. "If you are going to just stand there and get soaked watching me wash, you might just as well get undressed and join me baby."

When I was younger I hated it when she called me baby, but that had changed over just the last few weeks. Now I loved it. I also realized she was right I was getting soaked and I did need a shower, so, it only took me a minute maybe less and I was snuggled up to her in the spray. My cock was scraping along her ass crack with every stroke of my hands while I soaped up. She giggled and said,"If you keep that up we'll never get out of here!"

I acted innocent as if my knees weren't slightly bent so that my stiffy would line up perfectly with her ass and said in a most innocent tone,"Whaaat?" Dragging out the "a". It didn't do one bit of good to put on the act though because she was on to me right from the start. Hard to fool Mom and even harder to fool a wise woman of the world.

"You got three choices cowboy! You can stop diddling my ass in this shower and wait until we get out. You can go ahead and bend me over and fuck me right here and right now, or you can straighten up and turn me around so that I suck that soft so that it will quit poking me in my ass!"

I was flabbergasted to say the least.

"Well, what's it gonna be stud, because if my calculations are right we only have a few more minutes of hot water anyway so you better make up your mind pretty damned quick!" She was using her "Mother" tone and I knew she was setting me straight. I bent forward and kissed her neck causing her to moan and straightened up saying,"We better finish our shower and get out! It'll give the hot water heater a chance to recover while we finish in bed."

There wasn't any hesitation as she soaped herself with a purpose and so did I. No more fooling around. Just as we were rinsing the water started to go cold. She squealed,"I told you!" and spun around rinsing her back as she slid the curtain out of the way and stepped out. I had been behind her all the time and was still covered in soapy residue," Shit!" I yelled as the water went from semi warm to completely cold in just a second or two. Mom laughed a deep throaty laugh at me,"See what fucking around in the bathroom does for you!"

"I didn't know it'd get me a COLD shower, hell I wouldn't mind a hot one but the cold is too much!" I was turning in quick circles so as to try and limit the cold water from concentrating in one spot too long but I was still freezing in the cold anyway. I just stepped out soaking wet and shivering just trying to avoid any more cold spray. Mom covered my back with a warm towel right away and began to dry me off like she used to do when I was little. I glanced back and saw her tits were shaking like crazy at me. I turned and grabbed her up in my arms and hugged her to me tightly, "I love you Mother."

She just "ummmm Hummed." at me. I had her in a good tight hug and her body was pressed against mine completely. I felt her legs part slightly and her feet hook on to my calves pressing her pelvis into me slightly. My hard cock was flattened against my lower belly by her hot and still moist pussy as her nipples bore into my chest so hard I would not be surprised to find myself bleeding from the marks they would leave. I was kissing her neck and sucking it too but not hard enough to leave a mark. Her arms were around my shoulders and her hands cupped on my shoulder blades pulling her to me. It was lovely.

I simply began to slide my feet along the floor and out into the hall heading for her bedroom. I don't know why I didn't go into my own room with her, but I didn't. I went straight for the bed and just stood at the foot of it holding the hug. I brought my head back and looking into her eyes brought my lips to hers and began a soulful kiss. She moaned in her throat.

Again I was impressed by this woman. She was very intuitive of my wants and desires and seemed to at times be able to read my mind. She returned the kiss fiercely and once the initial tongue duel was over and I had withdrawn mine she allowed hers to enter slowly. I loved her doing this and sucked her tongue with only slight pressure. Just enough to let her know I wanted her tongue in my mouth and that I was thoroughly enjoying sucking it. I moaned deep in my throat so that she would get it and as mine finished she did the same.

I broke the kiss and just pulled away far enough to allow our eyes to gaze upon each other because I wanted to make sure she was all right with this. All right with her being naked in front of me. All right with my cock straining against her. All right with the fact we were in her bedroom. Alone. I was trying to figure out if I was all right with what I was doing too. I still had some doubts and I didn't know why. I wanted my Mother as I had never desired any woman before. She was beautiful, smart and sexy and she had given herself to me or so she said. It wasn't her so much as me.

I suddenly realized that I would have to get over the very fact that this beautiful wonderfully naked woman was my Mother. I would have to get by the fact that she was just as she had said she would be, devoted. She was terribly submissive too, but could be very dominant also. What a fabulous combination for a really good looking babe to be.

I was still learning. Not only about myself and Mother of course, but about how far exactly I was willing to take our relationship, both in a sexual as well as an emotional state. Mother was doing the same. She had decided to give herself over to me early on, but hadn't really decided what to do about the consequences of our being caught or found out. She had just said the hell with all that crap and decided she would go along with whatever I decided to do.

I slowly slid my hands down from her shoulders to her waist allowing her body to fall slightly and slowly away from mine. I bent my knees and she was on the bed, well the top half of her was. Her lower half had become more or less stuck on my cock as she rotated. My cock had wedged itself up into her ass crack and stayed there pressed along the inner tender skin by weight and leverage. My cock was being bent down at a very uncomfortable angle by this little show of mine too and I had to bend at the hips to lessen the pain. This withdrawal caused my meat to slide along her crack and of course across her anal opening. She jumped and her eyes flew wide as my hips came back forward trying to slide her up farther onto the bed. She gasped loudly as she was rotating her shoulders trying to do a crab like climb up the bed allowing the pressure on her lower torso to make her slide back. Her legs had clenched and her knees had dug into my hips now pressing to push her away instead of clinching in as before.

I hadn't realized until we came to a stop that the forward motion had the effect of forcing my cock forward again along that tender slot until it had encountered a path of lesser resistance and entered her. I wasn't in far, just slightly past the crown of my cock, but it must have been quite a shock to her and judging from her wide eyed expression fairly shocking. Her eyes held mine now. Her breathing harsh and gasping as her hands were spread on the top covers of the bed. She was definitely feeling it but wasn't going to do anything to stop me.

Of course all of this came to me in a flash as the bed was still shaking from our combined effort.

"No mother I am not going to fuck that cute little pussy of yours right now." She just looked at me and her eyes slowly went back to the sparkle I enjoyed so much. "What would you like for me to do Mother?" She was being very still but I knew she wanted to move her hips. "What else can I do besides jerking myself out?"

She hissed at me drawing in her breath and almost screamed, "Oh God no please don't jerk it! Her eyes were wide again that little look of slight pleasure back. She just panted for a moment or two and then brought her hand to her mouth to stifle a moan. Finally after a few seconds she just gave me a pleading look and nodded,"Okay, try and go slow."

My eyebrows went up as she continued,"In or out but go slow, please!"

I got it. Not wanting to ever cause her any pain I gently applied pressure from my hips to withdraw. Just steadily increasing back pressure. Finally I felt the dry skin move and the crown of my cock pulled back with a pop. She gasped loudly, but she almost immediately relaxed as it quickly dawned on her.

Her sparkling eyes caught mine as she spoke,"You're first time."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise and said," Yes it was!"

Now she really laughed and between chuckles said,"Not quite the same for you as it was for me!"

I stayed serious and lowered my eyes as I felt ashamed. She stopped laughing almost immediately ans with a serious tone asked,"What is it son?"

I just repeated," My first time."

It hit her like a ton of bricks then. "Oh my God, that was the first time you've ever... You've never had... Oh my God Son that was the first time you ever... " She was dumbfounded and just babbling. I think she was totally shocked.

I was smiling at her eyes hoping my eyes were sparkling now as I said quietly," I guess I lost my virginity to you Mother didn't I?"

A shocked look came over her but her eyes began to take on the shine that leads to the sparkle again.

"I mean even if neither of us did it intentionally, it still counts right?" I was asking her a sexual question that a boy doesn't get to ask his own Mother most of the time and she got that "look" on her face and the sparkle was back as she replied,"Yes, Son it counts but you didn't get my cherry ass!" Then she smiled big and added,"I've never lost it to any man, but I'm going to give it to you Son." I felt about ten feet tall just then.

"Mom, I wouldn't hurt you for the world!" She just shushed me and cleared her throat before she could speak.

"You won't hurt me. I'm not going to bleed and I'm not going to be sorry when it happens, but Son, I want to GIVE it to you and I want you to really TAKE it from me." Now I was a little shocked but she just let her sparkling eyes lock onto mine as she continued,"You're my man from now on, and you get to have everything. I've never let anyone else have. Everything! I'm so proud that I have a virginity to give to you and you must know that if I've never allowed another man to have it, that you are my man and I want you to take it."

I was about to turn 19 in a few weeks and marveled at my situation. It probably wasn't unique, but it was definitely out of the ordinary. How many 18 - 19 year old's do you think have a good job that pays well, a nice car, a new Harley Davidson and a good looking babe that's totally devoted to pleasing him? I didn't know a single one unless I looked in the mirror.

I had told Mom that I would stop calling her Mother or Mom outside the house or around people we didn't know. First start. I wasn't into hiding and sneaking around, I hated it. When I had told Mom that we needed a new home I had thoughts of us moving out into the canyon area. Out of town on a ranch maybe where we could be together without a lot of other people getting too snoopy and asking one too many questions. It was just a thought but one which I found very attractive.

I didn't like my Mother's job. It wasn't that her boss was an asshole or anything like that, hell he was hardly ever there as his Father was still living and he had to see after him all the time and try to run the business too. This was getting to be a monumental chore for him and he had mentioned that he might be forced to put his Father into a rest home to get the constant care he needed. The problem was that that type facility was fairly expensive. He often talked of these things while he and my Mother worked in the shop. His biggest problem was the money. It would require a large deposit to get the old man into the "good" home and Sammy didn't have that kind of cash just laying around. He had a thriving business in the cleaners and was making good money, but also had a good looking high maintenance wife that made a lot of demands of him. It was a huge dilemma.

Mom thought it over and asked Sammy a few questions over the weeks that they were discussing the problem and thought of a solution for the situation.

"Sammy, where is your Father now?" She asked Sammy one day.

"He's out at our old place. I've had a live in caregiver with him for over a year, but it's so very expensive." Sammy lamented.

"Do you have any savings you could use to get your Father in the home you want him in?" Mom asked.

"No, I mean I do have some savings, but no where enough to get him in there. The situation he's in now is costing me so much that putting more into savings is very hard and if anything should happen, I mean a medical emergency of course we would be wiped out!" Sammy had that far off dreamy look on his face just talking about what might happen.

"Well, do you have any assets, do you or your wife own any property that you might sell or something?" Mom was trying to think of ways that Sammy might have to get things worked out.

"No, I don't have anything but my house and it already has a pretty big mortgage payment as it is." He waggled his eyebrows at Mother when she looked his way, "You know my wife, she's got to have the biggest and the best!"