Millionaire's Harem Ch. 04-05

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Joey meets his new boss, dessert gets spicy.
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04 - Dinner

She led the way, surprisingly though, it was in the opposite direction to the ballroom where the dinner was taking place. Each step hurt as my boxers brushed against my abused butt, this did not bode well for being able to sit down. Luckily, it didn't take long before we reached our destination, as she led the way into another small room. As I walked in, I lost my breath. Amira and Acacia were stood against the opposite wall waiting for us. As I stood there, I steadily took them both in, uncaring of any judgement I might get for blatantly admiring them whilst we all stood there in silence.

They both wore a simple pair of dark red heals, about two inches, I think. Their dresses were both black, with long slits up either side that looked like even taking small steps would put them at risk of exposing themselves. They were facing me yet as the slits went up above their hips, even now a small line of skin was exposed from their feet all the way to above their hip bone. Thanks to this line, it meant I could also say that they were both wearing dark red underwear that not only matched their shoes but also their bras. The later were clearly revealed along with a generous portion of the inside of each of their recently enhanced breasts due to a very deep plunging v-neckline. The only difference I could tell between their two outfits was the style of the bras. Amira's was lacy and helped magnify her impressive size whilst Acacia's were looked more like simple ribbons and the tents in the fabric from her nipples made it clear there was nothing between them and the thin fabric of the dress and that she had her ring piercings in.

After standing there for several minutes simply admiring the pair, I dragged my attention away from the beautiful outfits and to the people wearing them. Only then did I notice how uncomfortably upright the pair were stood. There were actually two things I had missed in my long study of the pair. The first was the black lace chockers around both their necks. Although Acacia's was mostly hidden by her unbound hair, Amira's ponytail meant hers was on full display. Hanging from the middle of each chocker was the gold chain that went down between their breasts and below the bottom of the V of the dresses' necklines.

"You can go closer; they are yours after all. But remember, you aren't in a relationship with them, so no sex." Kat laughed as she said the last part. I turned to look at her, expecting to see her being amused at my staring. Instead, I see that despite taking the mick out of me, she too is enraptured by this view Infront of us.

"Well, there is one each." I respond, raising an eyebrow at her as she finally drags her eyes away from my two submissives.

"Thank you, if it hadn't been so much fun, I think I'd feel bad for stopping you from being able to sit down for the next few days." She responded, before confidently walking up to Acacia and slipping both her hands under Acacia's dress to fondle her unprotected breasts. Taking Kat's lead, I more hesitantly approach Amira, who could clearly see me nervousness.

"I'm all yours," Amira said seductively, "just don't ruin my hair, it felt like Acacia was trying to pull it out and I don't want to go through that again before dinner. Afterwards though, you're welcome to pull my hair all you like." She giggled, doing a very good job at putting me at ease. I end her chuckling as I leaned down and press my lips against hers. As we made out, I made use of the slits in her dress sliding my hands over her figure. By the time I broke the kiss, my hands were on her plump butt cheeks.

"Shall we go to dinner?" I asked her, looking forward to showing off these two stunning women even if I wasn't going to be able to sit down.

"Although I wish to do as you tell me to, I must ask that you unlock me first." She replied, a sly grin on her face.

"Done already?" Kat asked, before I could understand what Amira had meant. As I looked at her, she retracted one hand from Acacia's breast and the other rather more carefully from between her legs. As the second hand came into view, I could see the reason for her care, it was completely soaked in Acacia's juices and was dripping on the floor. Without hesitation, Kat fed Acacia her own juices, letting her run her tongue over her hand to clean it.

"Thank you for keeping her dress clean, but yes, I would rather not be late for the first time I meet my owner." I say, getting excited finally accepting that whoever this woman is, she could be my owner if she let me keep these magnificent women.

Sighing, Kat reached into the bottom of the V of Acacia's dress and pulled a key that was hung on the chord from her chocker. She reached around the back and only then could I see that Acacia's chocker was padlocked to something on the wall. As I had pressed Amira up against the wall during our little make out session, I hadn't even noticed that she had been barely able to move. Coping Kat, I unlocked Amira from the wall and return the key to between her breasts.

"What do we do with the locks, shall we bring them for later?" Kat queried.

"I was just thinking about that." I replied, turning to Amira, I asked "what piercings do you have down below, able to accommodate a bit of weight or not?" Although I knew she had ring piercings in, I have no piercings myself so don't quite know if they could take the weight of even the small little lock on them.

"I think they can take the weight Sir." Amira answered, the nervousness in her voice evident. However, I couldn't tell if that was from the general situation or specially the possibility of having her vagina locked up. Taking her response as sufficient approval, I dropped to my knees and attached the lock through the two rings before pressing it shut. Before rising back up, I carefully adjusted her underwear that I had pulled to one side back over her vagina, taking the weight of the lock off of her labia.

"Everyone ready now?" I asked to no one in particular as I rose to my feet.

"Yep, let's go." Kat responded, slapping my butt at the same time causing me to let out a stifled groan. "That's going to be fun at dinner." She laughed as she led Acacia out of the room by her hand.

I took Amira's hand and fell instep behind the other two women. As we walked to what was going to be our new future, I relived the last however many days it had been. At the start, I had been a shy, nerdy guy who seemed destined to a mundane career and life. Now here I was, surrounded by three stunning women, one whom was essentially my Mistress and the other two my own submissives.

As we approached a set of double doors, the noise of music and many conversations brought me back to reality. Terrified of what else this surprising change of life plan could through at me beyond the door, when I turned and saw a very calm and confident looking Amira, I was shocked. The girl who had seemed nervous every time I had been around her was now looking at me with a smile plastered across her face, shoulders back and head held high.

As we made eye contact, I could see her clock my nerves and she gave my hand a little squeeze as she winked at me. She then turned her head back towards the door as Acacia and Kat reached it.

"I am due to spend the evening with my boss not yours after I hand you over, so you should take hold of both of your ladies Joey." Kat told me, offering me Acacia's hand. I accepted it, glad to have these two stunning women either side of me both because it would further reduce the number of eyes on me and if I did faint, there would be two people to catch me before I hit the ground.

"Let's do this." Kat laughed as she swung open both doors and strode confidently through. Realising the doors would swing shut on us if we weren't quick, I walked quickly after Kim. Only once I was through did I clock that this meant I was almost pulling the two ladies either side of me through, but they quickly recovered and matched my pace.

As my eyes swept across the room, I couldn't help but be in awe of the wealth on show. The was solid stone with incredible pillars on one side with four meter high windows in between them looking out to sea and currently lighting up the room in the orange glow of sunset. The walls were covered in giant pieces of artwork and the tables decorated as though they were Victorian royalty with mini statues on each table and an absurd amount of glass and silverware.

As Kat led us towards a small group of people at one end of the room, I noticed that a lot of people had turned to look at us as we walked past. Even the group we were approaching turned to study us, a couple of them getting a comment or two in before we were within earshot and their conversation died off. As I had predicted, everyone's attention was on Kat and then the girls either side of me.

As we joined the circle, Kat started talking to the group in what I assume was Arabic. Her occasional motions towards each of us and the mentioning of our names gave away the unsurprising fact that she was talking about us. The girls either side of me let out a small moan almost in unison, it was quiet enough that it was drowned out by the conversation, however their tightening of their grips on my hands made me certain of what I had heard. I had no idea what languages Acacia or Amira knew apart from English, but I couldn't exactly ask either of them at that moment if they were able to translate what was being said.

Trying to hide my nerves regarding what sort of conversation could cause them both to react like that, I focused my attention beyond our circle of people. All the women were dressed in elegant long flowing dresses whilst the men were split reasonably evenly between western suits and the local white thobes. I almost let out a gasped of surprise when a waitress squeezed between Amira and I so she could top up the champaign glasses of one of the groups. I looked back at the group I was in to see if anyone had noticed my reaction. A couple of them were looking me up and down but there was only one woman who made eye contact with me.

I felt a shiver run through me as I locked eyes with her, I suddenly felt happy, horny and at ease as I looked into this woman's eyes. As I continued to look at her, I sensed a stirring in my loins, she smiled knowingly at me and briefly glanced downwards. Embarrassed by my body's reaction, I looked away and felt my nerves return and although I tried to avoid looking back, in less than a minute my eyes drifted back to look at her.

Her beautiful green eyes were now focused on the woman next to her who she seemed to be having an amusing conversation with. Despite the lack of attention, I could feel the growing contentment and arousal return. In my state of bliss, my eyes steadily roamed the beautiful woman's body, losing any awareness of the room around me. In my blissed out state, my brain didn't absorb much information. All I could determine was she was perfect, in a green dress and had long black hair with gold thread woven into it.

Some time later, the waitress returned, breaking me from my stupor. Petra briefly smiled at the waitress as she topped up her glass before turning her gaze towards me with a knowing smile. Entranced by this woman's eyes I struggled to look away or even blink. As I stood there, frozen in place, I felt the same feeling as before only ten times stronger. Despite the lack of any actual stimulation, I felt like I was about to orgasm. At the last moment, she turned her attention back to the curvy woman next to her.

Returning back to reality, my eyes had remained fixed causing them to now be staring at the gap between Petra and the woman next to her. Despite this, I felt the memory of her stunning green eyes burn themselves into my memory. Looking between the pair, their occasional glances at me gave away the fact they were talking about me as they laughed. Realising that I was somehow getting turned on just by looking at me new owner, I forced myself to look away from her as I remained on the edge of release. Looking around the rest of the group, most eyes were on me as they continued their discussion with Kat in Arabic.

The only other people who were not involved in the conversations were Acacia and Amira who were still stood silently next to me.

"Are you feeling like there is something off?" I quietly asked Amira who was stood next to me.

"Yeah, I almost came when I made eye contact with Petra. Am fine though now I am not looking at her though. Did you cream your pants, seemed like you two were having a staring contenst" She replied with a quiet laugh.

"I couldn't draw my eyes away from hers, it felt like I was hypnotised. I was close, am also glad I wasn't drooling." I chuckled. Acacia also started to chuckle as well, giving my hand a gently squeeze.

"Lucky you, my pussy is still drooling, and she barely glanced at me. Some of it has even reached my shoe and I am fairly certain at least Petra and her friend have noticed." Acacia whispered, causing Amira and I to let out stifled laughter that was still loud enough to get most of the group to look at us questioningly. The three of us dropped our heads in embarrassment and quietly prayed for attention to shift away from us.

"I think dinner will be served in a minute; shall we find our seats." Petra's dad announced to the group, saving us from our torture. "Petra, I hope you like your gifts. I advise you get to know them as they are all full of surprises." He laughed and led his friends off in a different direction than Petra, some of his friends turning to get a final look at the three of us before they too walked away.

"Lots of the boss's friends do not speak English, they deem it lowly to learn another language as they expect others to speak Arabic." Amira whispers to me as we follow Petra to our table. Although the majority of the tables look to fit around ten people each, Petra stops at a table in a corner set up for only five people. Petra waves dismissively to the remaining three seats as she and her friend sit down, still deep in conversation. Acacia brushes against my back with her hand as she walks behind me to take the seat on the opposite side to Amira. Distracted by the two beautiful women either side of me who have become very handsy, I forgot the ache emanating from my rear. As I took my seat and almost manage to suppress the groan of pain as I got a rude reminder of my beating.

"I'm aware Kat has a thing for spanking, I take it she took a liking to you?" Petra asked me, clearly catching my groan. I feel heat rise to my face and am sure they are noticing my bright red face. Clearly having finished their conversation, the two women turn their attention to the three of us.

"I'll take that as a yes. So, tell me, what are the surprises my father was talking about?" She continued before I could find my voice.

"We are his and he is yours, which I guess means we are also yours. Similarly, these are also for you." Acacia said. I was once again struggling with my erection making it difficult to hold a thought long enough to make a sentence. Dragging my eyes away from Petra and to the item Acacia was handing over, I tried to figure out what the box and gift bag she handed to Petra was and where it had come from. Obviously, it must have come from Kat but all I could do was watch and wait as Petra opened it to find out anymore.

Inside the neatly wrapped box were two smaller ones that looked like new iPhones and a piece of paper. Petra sat there reading the sheet, her friend leaning in to also read it. Petra, quickly followed by her friend took an intake of breath before bursting into laughter. Everyone on the surrounding tables turned to look but Petra and her friend were completely oblivious.

As they laughed, my mind was once again taken over by Petra's beauty, her song like laughter taking me almost over the edge. Amira's hand resting on my leg must have felt my tensing muscles and gave my thigh a pinch to bring me back to reality. I smiled and nodded a silent thank you to her and tried to get control of my body again. Feeling my eyes being dragged unconsciously towards Petra again, I instead focused my attention on her friend.

Petra was slim with perky breasts and a stunning figure which was tightly wrapped in a stunning green dress. Her black hair was done up in a bun with a gold needle through it. Her friend had the same bun and needle however she was wearing a black dress with gold lace. Although the dress was less revealing than Petra's, her larger figure and curves still meant she made for an impressive sight. Eventually, the pair got control of their laughter and returned their attention back to the table.

"Now this is going to be fun." Petra grinned, almost breaking into another bout of laughter. "Apparently the second phone is yours, Joey. I will give it to you now however you aren't to unlock it until after dinner." She tells me as she slides the bottom phone across the table. I take the phone out of the box and turn it on. Although I didn't know the code, I instinctively tapped on the screen to bring up the password entering. As I did so, I felt an ache in the back of my mind and a feeling of sadness wash over me. As soon as I clicked the off button, the feelings faded making me almost think I had imagined it.

Either unaware or uninterested in my reaction, Petra's attention was back on the bag and was soon pulling out another piece of paper. Once again reading it, she pulled out parcels wrapped in tissue paper handing them to Acacia and Amira. The pair looked back to Petra and with a nod of approval they carefully unwrapped their parcels.

"I think you ladies might be in need of a trip to the toilets, though I'd suggest you share a cubical as you might need to help each other." Petra smiled. As they accepted their parcels and got up from the table, I noticed that Petra's friend had become quiet. Looking at her, I saw she not just quiet but almost completely frozen. Her eyes were focused on me, her face showing that she was in a state of horny happiness, a smile one her glossy and plump lips.

"Finally noticed, I see." Petra chuckled, clearly noticing my surprise. "She's been like that for a couple of minutes, but I guess you've been too focused on checking us all out to notice."

"Just trying to take everything in, though I'll admit whatever you have done to me is making me act differently to normal." I say, trying to defend my inappropriate behaviour so far this evening. I am well aware that I am out of my depth but also proud that I was actually able to open my mouth finally.

"Don't worry we don't mind, in fact, keep looking at her until I say otherwise." She smiled with an evil glint in her eye as she returns her focus to her new phone. As I look at her friend, I can see that although she is barely moving, her mouth has dropped open slightly and her eyes are wide open as though she is trying to stifle a moan. Her eyes had dropped to my chest suddenly shifted back up and her eyes lock onto mine. Unnerved by the staring contest we've started I try to drag my eyes away but find myself unable to look away from her.

As I sit there, unable to drag my eyes off of this woman, I can tell that she is getting close to orgasm. The focus on her face, clearly struggling to keep still and quiet until eventually she lets out a long groan and her eyes roll back. Embarrassed, and once again close to my own orgasm, I wrench my eyes away. The painful ache returns inside my head, sharper than before, pressuring me to return my gaze to the orgasming stranger. As soon as I yield and return my eyes to her body, the ache is replaced once more by the horny bliss. All I can do is watch her quivering body and feel my erection get uncomfortably tight in my boxers and I unconsciously use my hands under the table to rearrange its position in my trousers.