Mine...Yours Pt. 08


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"Why? What does this have to do with anything?" I asked. She finally looked back up at me and I saw she was crying.

"I care about you! I am a succubus. I hunt, I use magic, I kill what I want and take what I want, I don't know fully what you have done to me but I don't want it to stop and I am afraid that if you die I will go back to being what I was and I don't want that!" She was starting to get louder and her tail was lashing behind her.

"I saw that...movie? Yes...movie. And more and more I started to feel something inside of me, I got angry. These two humans, well not human. One of them was and the other wasn't. One was food for the other and they came to care for each other. But one needs to eat, and the other is food...don't you understand?" Lucretia's voice was getting louder and sounded almost desperate.

She had risen up onto an elbow and was looking down into my face now. I think I kinda sorta got what she was saying...but it didn't make much sense. I knew I should have watched that whole first twilight movie!

"You're worried because I am food?" I asked. She shook her head and gritted her teeth.

"Not just food! You don't understand...you taste...You taste....RAAAH!" Her hands captured my head and she gave me several quick kisses and I felt a tiny shiver of cold slide past my lips. Lucretia moaned and dropped my head and her back arced while she seemed to roll the flavor of whatever was in her mouth before swallowing.

"You are a man, full of fear, hate, anger...but also full of compassion, caring, and honor. You are conflicted but try to do what is right. You are fiercely loyal, and also even when scared you showed kindness and trust to a monster that wanted to kill you!" She blinked and looked down at me.

"That is why you taste so good! It's not because you are a mage, it's not because of good breeding. We draw on the energy that you create in how you live your life! Someone like you, hurt and still trying to do what you believe is right is a delicacy of much worth where I come from. I know of succubae that would FIGHT to get you into their clutches!"

She almost sobbed then and fell forward onto me, clutching me tight...given what she had just said about clutching I was feeling a little nervous, but still I smoothed my hands over her back trying to give her comfort. That did make her sob.

"It proves it...right there! You just did it again. I felt your fear then you pushed it aside because you wanted to make sure I am okay! That is why I am not going to kill you, which is why I am so torn! I have one of the best sources of energy, and you gave me freedom to take it if I want to and I can't because I CARE about you!"

I felt her punch the floor of my room and I heard a cracking sound and something falling. Judging by what I heard I think my succubus just punched a hole in my floor.

I tried to look at this from her perspective...because I was still a little lost. My brain is pretty slow most times, and it's hard for me to wrap my head around some concepts. Then the last thing she said, and the rest of what she said filtered through and one thing above all else slammed into me so hard that it shook me to my very core!

I grabbed her biceps and I felt my power give me a little extra juice to raise her face to meet my eyes.

"Did you just...Lucretia...did you...?" I stammered. I could feel my body shaking under her. Her eyes went wide at, I guess what she was feeling from me, or my expression.

"Did I what Greg?"

"Did you just say that you care about me?" I asked quickly, all in a rush so I hopefully wouldn't stammer.

"I care about you...more than...mph!" I cut her off so she couldn't finish that sentence with my hand over her mouth

"Don't bite me! Just...stop a second alright?" I asked. She nodded, but looked a little peeved.

I fell back on my mattress and felt my grey skinned roomie get more comfortable on me. I tipped my head down to look at her. Her hands were flat on my chest and her chin was on them watching me intently. I sighed and let my head fall back on my pillow.

"I can see up your nose." She said out of nowhere. She sounded curious and I think she would have moved for a better look if I had not lifted my head to give her a dark look.

"What? I have never seen up a human's nose before. There is a lot of hair in there!" She remarked.

"Lucretia, focus for a second. Actually I need to focus...ummm...okay, short answers. Three words or less." I stated, holding up three fingers. My head lying back on the pillow I couldn't see her, but I felt her nod.

"You care about me?" I asked.

"Yes I do." She responded.

"I am not a good choice of someone to care about." I groaned.

"I'll decide that." She quietly growled.

I decided maybe I was looking at this wrong. The surge of emotions I felt from her, this is just a new experience right? It's that she care's, she couldn't possibly l...like me! I am...in the eyes of the world I am a monster. Sure she is a monster too but she comes by it naturally. I am a "self-made" monster so it would seem! I can't believe I am thinking like this!

"You care for me as a friend right?" I asked finally.

"Yes." Was her instant response.

Whew! That I can handle! That makes sense...but...gotta know.

"Any other way you care about me I should know about?" I asked tentatively. She was quiet, but I let her think.

"Use more words?" she asked hesitantly.

I nearly slapped myself in the face!

"Yes! Of course...sorry Lucretia."

"I naturally care for you very much, as you are my Master!" She paused, and took a breath. Her fingers moved slowly over the skin of my chest. "I also care for you because you are very brave, and very kind."

She almost said more, then stopped and rubbed her right palm with that small scar over the area on my chest where my heart was located.

"That's enough for now." Lucretia said quietly.

I pulled her to my side and covered her with our blankets. As I looked over at my friend I smiled and rubbed the base of her horns making her give an avian type of purr.

"I care about you an awful lot too my friend. Thank you for saying those nice words to me."

"Your welcome Master..." Lucretia mumbled as she quickly fell asleep.

Just like I have for several nights before, sleep was a longer time coming for me. Not that I was upset, but I felt a little bit of warmth and a strange hope in my chest. It had been a very, very long time since I had felt that way. It was comforting and a little nerve wracking at the same time, and it was nice to stay up for a while and watch my roommate sleep next to me. The last thing I remember before sleep took me, was thinking how natural it felt to have this grey skinned woman be at my side.

Chapter 24: Papa.

So I guess you could say my life has been getting very interesting indeed! For some reason having verbalized the fact that we actually care about each other seems to have dropped a lot of nervousness that Lucretia feels and a lot of that is also inside of me. Of course that coupled with our workouts together and then the distraction of the workers coming over and fixing up my house is also a help...sort of.

Never would have thought that Lucretia would take such a shine to working!

She would pester the workers asking questions as they were laying carpet, or using that funny looking wire to run more wire of different colors through the holes they were making in the drywall. William came by sometimes, which also made me realize I had never invited him over! I had gone to his place several times, but never had him over to my house...some friend I was!

"There is a certain...uhmmm...elegance you might say...to living in such...humble quarters." He said haltingly as I showed him what and how I lived. Nancy was perched in his shoulder, she looked different, her eyes were more...I don't know, aware maybe? She was just as she was before though...sensible and sweet.

"William..." she said mildly. "I don't think that Greg would mind you telling him how your really feel."

William raised a hand to stroke her back gently for a moment then said, "I never knew you lived in such a state! No water heater, bare floor and walls, no furniture to speak of! I do not call that dilapidated old couch with coffee stains and gods know what else permeating it...furniture!"

He gave the living area of the house another quick glance and then said, "Really Greg! You could have moved in with me! A camp shower...a bloody camp shower! Why did you choose to stay here, or not try to fix it up more?"

I shrugged and watched Nancy tickle Will's ear with her whiskers and give a little chittering laugh.

"It's mine, and I don't really need much to keep me satisfied. It works, but..." My voice trailed off as I watched Lucretia in the backyard walking slowly in the grass. She was staring down at the ground as if searching for something.

"How are things with our little Outsider?" William asked as he stood next to me. Together we watched as Lucretia bent to pick up a rock, tapped it with her finger nails while examining it closely.

"Pretty good. We have made a lot of headway in my abilities with my magic, and she has become, much more comfortable with me. This past month she has been running me ragged, between that and getting into all the supplies and tools used by the workers to fix up the house I sometimes...heh...it's hard to keep up with her!" I grinned at my friend. I watched his eyes widen and he gasped in shock.

I turned my head back to the yard and saw the tail end of Lucretia swallowing the rock!

"Did she just...? My word I...!" William stuttered.

"I thought you knew everything there was to know about Outsiders? That is for her crop...she uses it to grind up her food." I paused for a moment, thinking.

"When you were with Mother..." I shuddered again, bad mental image! "Didn't you spend time talking with her? Getting to know her?"

William shook his head, "At the time we both were only after one thing. She wanted my energy and I wanted to..." He grinned at me with a little waggle of his eyebrows. "I wanted to "Get Busy" I think is how you put it!"

He sighed again, "You are the only person I have heard of who tried to get to know his charge. I assume you have not lain with her?" He asked with a sideways glance.

"Not in the biblical sense. We sleep together at night. We have kissed and made out several times, that's about it though." I answered.

William nodded absently, "You show great restraint. Succubae have pheromones and even their saliva contains a form of mood enhancing toxin that makes their victims succumb to their desires."

I blinked...Her...?...Eeew! Her saliva?...Blech! Roofie spit!

"Well she has bitten me several times and I have had plenty of time to...uhm...ingest her drugged...uh...saliva! I never really felt it then." I answered hesitantly.

Nancy quickly climbed over to William's other shoulder, "I told you so! Now...pay up."

William frowned, "Wait a moment you verminous hussy! Gregory...this is very important. This may be uncomfortable to answer, but much is riding on this...since you have been at my house, she has never tried to use magic or her other assets to make you want to have sex with her?" His voice sounded a little strained...almost desperate!

"Ummm...no, not to my knowledge?" I said questioningly.

I heard Nancy laugh and she shook herself, running her forepaws over her face and around her ears.

"HA! 720 years old and still a 30 year old rat knows something he doesn't!" She chattered. Lucretia looked up and saw us. She smiled and gave a little wave, then continued her search around the arborvitae.

"Pay up!" Nancy demanded now.

"Fine!" growled William. He reached up and handed me Nancy, then took a few steps back. Then he crooked his left elbow and raised up his right arm and began to sing!

"I am the very model of a modern major general...!" Will started and my mouth fell open!

Nancy began to giggle and clap her paws with glee! I saw Lucretia stalk back to the back porch and watch with wide eyes as William rapidly went through the whole song with dramatic flourishes and embellishments. I wanted to laugh, but decided against it.

When he was done Nancy scurried down my body and quickly scaled Williams's clothes to perch on his shoulder and rub against his cheek. He blew air out of the corner of his mouth and growled out, "Enough woman! I hope you're satisfied!"

"That was wonderful William!" Nancy squeaked, continuing to rub against him affectionately. He appeared somewhat mollified. He shot the sleeves of his jacket and inspected the cuffs for a moment.

"I almost don't want to ask..." I began but William cut me off with,

"Then don't, Gregory...just...let it be known, and realize that I never welch on a bet!"

His eyes twinkled for a moment. "Though if I had won the bet Nancy would have..." He stopped as Nancy's fur stood on end and she resembled a bottle brush!

"You wouldn't DARE!" Nancy hissed.

"Why madam! I wouldn't dream of it!" William replied guilelessly.

Lucretia came up on the porch then, she held some smooth river stones that came from...well, no idea how those got in my back yard. She had an excited look on her face as she gazed up at the overcast sky.

"There's going to be a storm tonight!" She almost crowed as she handed me the rocks. She then kissed me on the cheek and skipped into the house as William stared after her in surprise.

"You really have bound her completely! I saw how she acted before, holding your hand and looking for reassurance...but now...something happened?" He asked.

I nodded, not sure how much to tell him. "We had a conversation a few weeks back, and I told her that I cared about her, and she told me she cared for me. It...seemed to free us both up in some way. Not really sure how."

Will nodded, "The truth will set you free..." he began but I cut him off.

"No, the truth only sometimes set people free! The actual truth means nothing unless you can prove it." I told him sternly. He blinked at me for a moment.

"I keep forgetting how young you are, so you look at life with eyes so jaded." Will said softly. He glanced around my house again and gave a small smile. "For all of its broken promises and pain...life...the world...it's still a beautiful and wonderful thing. One day you will remember it."

Nancy rubbed against his ear. "William you are such a sweet man and you try to hide it behind your fangs!"

William shrugged, making Nancy wobble on her perch, "I try...though...Gregory..." He said my name thoughtfully, almost like a question.

"I have a question, but Nancy knows more of this, and more of the proper phrasing so I will let her ask you." William finished.

Nancy just shook her little head, her ears wiggling for a moment. "I don't know if this is the proper time for it..." she said quietly to Will.

"You think about that now? After making me perform in front of an audience? It could be nothing, so tell him since he is probably being kept in suspense right now." William said with a small smile, though his tone was serious.

Nancy harrumphed, which was very cute to hear from something so small! Then she fixed her button eyes on me and asked, "The first time you met Lucretia she had been brought over by a wizard that is what she told you?"

I nodded.

"Normally a sacrifice is given, and that creates energy to allow them to have a physical form over here on our Plane. Usually it involves blood or the trade of something powerful, like an artifact of magic. The lords and ladies of realms can pass through the veil if they contain enough energy, but to remain here for an extended stay they require an anchor. If not, then at some point they will do what William told me you saw."

I gaped for a second, "You mean Lucretia is going to turn into ash spontaneously on me?" I asked incredulously. I had the horrid thought of waking up one morning to a pile of black ash and soot next to me on my sheets and gagged a little.

Nancy chattered and shook her head.

"No! Silly...she is stuck with you and you with her. The sacrifice for her was the death of a wolf and a...elk?" She said the last part questioningly and I nodded.

"Yes, a meaningful sacrifice symbolizing both the predator and the prey..." she continued. "What you did was give her a sacrifice AND an anchor, a stable platform upon which to draw energy. In this manner she can stay here as long as you are alive."

I thought about that and I saw a look of concern on William's face. I raised my eyebrows at him and asked, "Something you want to add?"

He paused, thought for a moment, "It could be nothing...but how is she feeding herself...maintaining her body while she is here?" Will asked.

"You have already told me you are not laying with her, and you know what it feels like when she draws your strength through a kiss...so how is she...?"

"I haven't." Lucretia answered. She walked through the patio doors onto the back porch where we were all standing. "I haven't been feeding on Greg, and I won't."

Nancy gave Lucretia a look of concern, "Dearie, how will you be able to stay here and..." Lucretia interrupted her and spoke right over her.

"I only really need his energy to heal myself quickly, or to power my magic, other than that...it's been taken care of." She gave me a sidelong glance and I wish she was in her human form to see her blush. Like this with grey skin, I could only feel it through our connection.

William scratched his head, "Well, I trust that you know what you're on about. However..." He gave me a pointed look. "You two need to discuss what it means having an Outsider this closely attached to you."

Then he directed his gaze to Lucretia, "You also need to tell him what could happen to you...understand?"

She nodded and we walked William and Nancy to the door. I opened my gate and he backed up his Honda Odyssey Minivan onto the street and drove off. Really...a MINIVAN? I was surprised too until I saw the inside. All blacked out windows with a comfortable place for him to crash when the sun comes up if he's on a long trip. Also, it was one of those new anniversary type vehicles, had something like 1,000 horsepower with a rebuilt engine and a big ol' turbo something or other on it. Made no sense to me but hey...who am I to judge?

I thought about what Will had told me before he left and now I felt grumpy! How come I was the last to know about these things? That there was an additional problem or danger to Lucretia's and my relationship? Isn't there like a rule book somewhere like...I don't know..."Dating Outsiders for Dummies?" Not that we were really dating or anything, I mean I liked Lucretia a lot...I mean, I really cared for her a HUGE amount. It's not like I l...


The overcast sky lit up in the distance, but bright enough it still caught my attention and distracted my thoughts. Several seconds later I heard a rolling rumble of thunder. Ah! Lucretia was right...

A storms coming.

My succubus was starting to bounce on the balls of her feet.

"Lucretia, can we talk a bit?" I asked.

"Sure Greg...what about?" I blinked at her, was she really that clueless? Didn't she just hear the conversation that we all had on the back porch? She was staring at the sky, seeming to wait for the next lightning flash.

Oh...distracted by the storm.

"William told me something about ash and you then leaving and a lot about energy...care to fill in the missing pieces?" I asked a little sourly. She may be distracted, but this was important! To me it was important at any rate.

"Oh..that..." she said absently while watching the clouds darken. "It's nothing really. I won't turn to ash because I had more than a strong enough sacrifice...you."

Me? Wait...ME! I am the sacrifice? As if she could read my mind, and maybe she could...hope not.
