Mine...Yours Pt. 11


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"You never told me what happened when you met with Alpha Roberts...?" Gwen ventured tentatively. I could hear the smile in Mr. Brook's voice as he replied.

"No, I don't think I did..." There was silence and I heard the shift of Gwen's skirts. Then I heard her cough delicately. I slit one eye open and saw Mr. Brooks with a thick book in his hands with gold lettering on it. I couldn't make out the words on the cover, they seemed to shift in front of my eyes and not stay still.

"Well...?" Gwen asked.

"Brook's family stuff...sorry but I can't tell you!" Mr. Brooks chuckled, then opened his book and continued reading.

Gwen huffed softly and blew air out of the corner of her mouth. She fidgeted with her cell phone and said softly, "I don't know what to do!"

Mr. Brooks marked his page with a finger and closed the book. "Tell me what you can, maybe I can help...or at least offer another viewpoint."

Gwen glanced at the book he was holding, I guess she could read the title since she seemed Surprised, at what I have no idea.

"We need the three of us to do...our jobs. Right now Hildy isn't here, and there is a problem that needs three of us to...I..." Gwen's voice trailed off. I saw Mr. Brooks lean back and clasp his hands on his chest.

He began to think out loud while staring up at the ceiling. "Traditionally the Gatewatch is made up of the three main branches of the supernatural. A vampire to represent the relationship between life and death. A werewolf to represent the essence of the physical of this Plane. A witch that is the representation of what is unseen." He looked down into the startled eyes of Gwen.

"These three forces coming together is a way to show those from other Planes we do not tolerate them meddling in our world...am I correct?" Gwen nodded her mouth agape.

"The thing is, that the tradition has gone by the wayside. Now you are the Binder, who holds the outsider in place. Jemima is the Sniffer, who senses where the gates or portals are going to appear. Hilda is your Heavy, who is your brute strength and your shield to defend you."

Gwen looked Stunned now and my head up as I was listening to this. This was very similar to the information that the wizard had given me those months ago when I first came here to kill the Gatewatch. I know William had been looking into who the wizard was, but hadn't been making any headway. He had asked me as well, but I didn't know his name, and his features had been disguised from me during the summoning. I had his scent, but during a ritual to call someone like me up, with all of the magic charging the air? It would have been difficult to get a good read on his scent.

Mr. Brooks continued speaking, ignoring the look on Gwen's face. "You all can do some of your fellow Watcher's jobs...your cards can attack as well as immobilize. Jemima is still a young vampire but her strength and especially her speed would be an asset in any fight. Hilda is the strongest of you and can take the most damage, but she is intelligent." He rubbed his chin in thought.

"Take Lucretia with you..." Mrs. Brooks said as she stepped into the doorway. "...if she wants to go." Greg's mom added with a nod in my direction. "I think you should ask her to go with you. She is very strong, and she is fast. I don't know how she would feel fighting against others who are like her, but you can always ask."

Gwen shook her head, "She is not from here, she is not of this Plane...the Gatewatch is made up of representatives of here. She is..."

"...Awake!" I growled. I was getting tired of people talking about me as if I wasn't there. Also, I was kind of liking this idea of getting into a fight! I had already killed several werewolves, but this whole mercy thing of Mr. Brooks and Greg...? I could see the use of it, but this seemed like a situation where I would not have to hold back.

Gwen shook her head at me. "No, as much as I like you Lucretia, you are not of this world...this is not your home..."

My head came up at that! Not my home? Not MY home? I rolled over the railing and landed in a crouch by the bed. I changed and allowed my battle form to come out. I stood tall and unfurled my wings. The left one shading the bed from the lights and the right extending and pressing against the window.

"My home? My home is HIM! My Master is my home!" I rasped out. I was pointing a claw tip at Greg as I said this.

Of course at that point one of those people who look at the papers on the end of the hospital beds came in, took one look at me and turned pale. I snarled at them and saw their eyes roll up and they fainted, crumpling on the floor. I sighed, and then changed back to human form. Mr. Brooks picked up the...nurse? A nice looking woman, I assume she was nice. Then he set her in a chair and carefully patted her cheeks until she woke up.

"Oh! I am so sorry I thought I saw...something..." She said in alarm. Her voice trailed off as she looked around the room looking for me. Gwen said nothing, but gave the nurse a smile. She apologized again, which I didn't understand why she was doing so. I was scary to humans in my battle form, unless you were used to it. No reason to apologize for that.

After she left Gwen turned to me and said, "See...you are not off this world, that woman was scared to death! As much as I like you Lucretia, you can't join us." She frowned and then looked down at her hands. "Besides, what if we were fighting someone you know? I couldn't ask you to do that."

I could hear the conflict in her voice. It made me wonder if she felt the same things I felt inside of my chest and stomach when I had a decision to make. Most humans I ran into seemed so sure about the path they should take.

Hmmm...I would have to think on this later.

"Do you know where the portal comes from? Which Plane it is connected to?" I asked slowly.

"Jemima said it was opening up from the 5th Plane, and it felt like a minor noble was...Lucretia? Are you alright?"

The Fifth! Where my old master lived! A lesser noble? Could only have been a handful of them! Oh this was wonderful! This was...oh YES! I suddenly realized I was breathing hard and clutching myself with a hand on my shoulder and another on my hip in the old gesture and I moved my hands away with a force of will.

"Oh I am coming with you!" I declared and couldn't stop a little crow of triumph and need from my voice. Gwen took a step back from me.

"Do you know what is coming?" She asked.

I nodded. "Most likely a servant from my old master! I am just about sure of it. The 5th Plane? The realm of hunters and their prey? Oh yes...I know it VERY well!" I chuckled and rubbed my hands together. I looked out to where the sun was just beginning to dip down behind the buildings in the city.

"I guess we could use you. Do you..." Gwen started to ask, but I cut her off.

"No more questions Gwendolyn Malfour of the Gatewatch! We do not have time. When the sun sets the portal will most likely open. Sunset, Midnight, Noon, and at Sunrise are the best times for summoning. I want to be ready for this Chjorzit!"

Gwen nodded her head and picked up her big cloth bag putting the straps over her shoulders. "I will see you near Bagley Park. I will call Jemima to let her know you are coming." Then she took off running out of the room. I turned towards the window in the room, preparing to leave when Mr. Brooks hugged me, and I almost pushed him away my nerves were still twitching. A chance for revenge! A small piece of it, but still a piece! I was going to stain the ground with blood this night...

"Be strong Lucretia..." Mrs. Brooks whispered as she hugged me from behind as well. I was now trapped between two people and I felt that old Fear begin to build, then Mr. Brooks spoke.

"Come back to us, we almost lost Gregory...we don't want to lose you too. We are only just now getting to know you, and so far I like what I see." Mrs. Brooks hug tightened on me as I heard her quietly agree with her husband.

I felt the warmth from their bodies, such a change from my own people who can range from being very cold or very hot. Humans are warm, comforting...is that why my kind first sought them out as prey? Because we lack...what? Hmmm...another thing to think about.

They let go of me and I walked back to Greg's side. His face looked a little twisted, uncomfortable. I readjusted his blankets, uncovering his feet. He always likes to have his feet uncovered while he sleeps. Otherwise he gets too warm he told me. He still looked uncomfortable, but it was the best that I could do under the circumstances.

"You will stay with Master?" I asked quietly while looking at his parents. They both nodded yes. I changed and opened the window to fly out to the park. I remembered going there once with Greg, it was a warm day and he had bought a cone of ice that was colored dark purple for me to eat. I hadn't liked the flavor all that much so he had traded his red one for my purple one. I had been surprised that he had eaten it after I had already taken a few bites and licks. Most humans seemed able to kiss one another with open mouths but would refuse to share food that one another had taken a bite of.

I don't know why that memory came to me just now...but it was a good one and I liked it.

I carefully looked out the window and then crouched on the edge. I counted six windows below me, and nobody was looking up. I pushed off and spread my wings. I saw startled faces from some of the windows of people looking out. They may have caught a glimpse at my passing...but I was fast! Soon I was winging my way above the buildings and moving at full speed, my wings pushing the air as I gained altitude. A few minutes later, mainly because I didn't have to stop for street lights...no not streetlights. The lights that change into three different colors that tell you when you may drive or not to drive...what are those called? Stop lights? But they tell you to "Go" as well so they should be...?

Well...those things.

I didn't have to bother with them so I chose a straight course and hid in one of the trees. I watched children playing on a structure of tubes and bars and wood. They would sit on these seats on chains and then push themselves back and forth on them and laugh. My favorite was the tire swing. Greg would put me in the center and I would hold on to the chains and rubber wheel. Then he would spin me in a circle faster and faster! I could hold on easily enough but it was fun to try to walk around afterwards.

I saw a bimotorcycle rider...no...a motorcycle rider drive up to the park and then step off of the machine as the sun fully set behind the buildings. It was a woman but I couldn't get her scent. Then I saw Gwen slowly pedaling her bicycle over the sidewalk through the park to the rider. Then the rider took off her full helmet and I could see it was Jemima. I always wondered how she could get around during the day. I guess that stuff she was wearing covered all of her skin. She and Gwen spoke softly to each other and then Gwen went up on tiptoe and softly kissed Jemima's lips.

I wondered if Mr. Brooks knew that about Gwen when he thought she would be good for his son? As I understood it if a woman kisses a woman she does not like men...but some women like both women and men. And some men like only women and some men like both. Then when I started being introduced to the internet I found that men and women like plastic and glass things that are round and make noises. They do the most strange things with shoes as well!

I looked down at my own feet as they gripped the branch under me. I wondered if I could find shoes that would fit me in this form? I saw a small sparrow land on the branch next to me and give me an inquiring look. I never really talk with birds, I have but they are not very good at conversations. They talk too fast anyway.

"Leave, danger tonight." I said softly. That should be short enough for him to understand and remember. Immedietely he flew away.

I saw the park was emptying, so I changed back into my human form and dropped down from branch to branch to land on the ground. I walked over to Jemima and Gwen who were talking quietly, Jemima looked up as I approached. She gave me a half smile and rubbed her chin.

"You know, this is the start of a really bad joke or a saucy erotic story. A witch and a vampire and a succubus walk into a park..." She chuckled throatily, I could see her teeth starting to show as she smiled.

"So what's the plan Gwen? If you surprise it you can trap and banish it without us, if you can't...then Lucky and I get to hold it in place..." Jemima began but I interrupted.

"Him, we are going to hold him in place." I told them. Gwen gave me a puzzled look.

"How do you know it's a him?"

"All nobles in the 5th Plane are male. Women are used for breeding and domestic chores. Also they are used as...trophies." My voice shook and I gritted my teeth, but the words came out.

Gwen looked puzzled as she pulled a small book out of her back pack. "There is no mention of that in our readings, are you sure..."

"YES! Sorry...yes Gwen, I am sure." I moderated my tone. Gwen was my buddy, there was no reason to get angry with her. Even if she was questioning something which I had over 45 human years of experience with! She didn't know that, she didn't need to know that.

Jemima's head came up. "It's coming. Should be here soon. Ready to do some damage Lucky?" She grinned at me, her teeth showing full in the streetlights. I matched her with my own grin and changed back into my battle form. I flapped once, indicating the top of one of the picnic shelters and got a nod from Gwen. She picked up her bag and set her equipment out on the picnic table. The only thing she took was her large deck of cards.

We waited, quietly. Almost...my claw was beginning to click on the fake stone at our feet. The city was strangely quiet, normally you can hear car horns or people shouting, or at least the sounds of tires turning on the roads. There was none of that.

It was like the world felt something was going to happen and was waiting for it...

Then it did!

A line of bright fire appeared thirty feet off to our left and seemed to turn in on itself. It flexed and bowed, then after another moment had passed it tore open to make a rough circle. I had to snicker at that. Seneca could make a better portal than that and she was the least magically inclined out of all of us! Jemima stood to the side, and I could see she had pushed herself to fully show her vampiric nature. Her eyes were all the different colors of a rainbow, which I have now seen and sat in the rain for a long time to watch it. Her claws while not big as mine, looked deadly. She didn't snarl, just waited patiently for who ever it was to step through.

I was calm, cool headed, ready to do my part. Then I saw the cloven hoof step through and recognized the band around his leg...

"TARFAL!" I screamed as he stepped all the way through. He was a full head taller than me and wide and powerfully built. He had hair all over his body, and a thick beard around his face to match the dark curls all over his head. He had no wings, but didn't need them as he had powerful legs that he used to make huge leaps. He had thick curved horns on the side of his head and I had seen him smash the face of more than one servant back in my old master's home with them! Seeing him, I felt the chains again, and felt the spittle, I smelled the stench, I felt...I felt...


He had turned to look when I screamed his name, and he had turned into my charge as I attacked. I sank my talons deep into his shoulders. I went up and over him, diving straight behind him tucking my body into a ball. The momentum, added with my weight, yanked him off of his hoofs and launched him into the trees. I heard a sickening crack and a bray of pain that made me smile. I stood and furled my wings, making my spears.

"Oh Tarfal! What a happy night this is! You are JUST what I needed!" I crowed. I saw him stand, black blood dripping from the side of his head under his horns.

"Lucretia...Lord Balmont's Little Bird?" He spoke in a deep voice that brayed a little at the end. I could see his confusion mixing with his pain. My pussy grew moist seeing him standing there dazed. I licked my lips and bit the tip of my tongue with my teeth. My eyelids fluttered as I tasted my own blood!

This was going to be good!

I sped into him, running on foot, didn't even call up my armor, not for the likes of him! He braced himself and rammed his head hard into my chest making me blow out all of my air. It hurt, but that pain, in a very real way felt so good! I cried out in bliss at finally fighting after such a frustrating day.

Mercy? Phfft!

This one deserved no mercy! I was not going to let the Gatewatch banish him! I was going to send him home in pieces!

The best part about getting hit like this is that I was now close to him, and I used that. His hard and rough hands grabbed my waist and he slammed me onto the ground hard making me cry out in rapture again.

"Yes! Tarfal, is that really all you can do? It feels wonderful but really? Is that all you've got?" I slammed the tips of my wings into his chest and stomach, I didn't need them sharp, just needed to let him know I could have penetrated him. The way he wishes he could have penetrated me, the way Balmont wanted to penetrate me! I grabbed his ankles with my feet as he staggered back and yanked them out from under him. He landed hard and I could hear the clack of his horns hit a rock in the grass. One quick roll forward and I had him pinned, I was straddling his belly feeling his coarse hair along my thighs.

My wing spears slammed down hard, impaling his hands in the dirt. I reached in memory for the spell...that damned spell that got me into this mess with Balmont in the first place! With a sigh and a gesture black chains of stone erupted from around us and lashed Tarfal to the earth. I stood, and carefully plucked the tips of my wings from his hands as he brayed out his frustration. I cocked my head, staring at one of my tormentors. The chains grew cruel thorns which dipped into his skin, anchoring him down.

"Oh...my lord Tarfal...you are held down and can't move, you can't get away. Seems so familiar to me somehow..." I said as I walked slowly around my prey. I brought a wing tip to my lips and cleaned it with my tongue, savoring the flavor of my enemy, then rolled it around to mix with my saliva. Instead of swallowing, I spat and it hit Tarfal on his nose.

"Isn't this familiar to you as well...?" I crooned to him as I placed my foot on his chest. I could feel my insides quivering, and I let it build. I was enjoying this and I haven't had a chance to let my need for revenge out in a long time.

"Don't you remember me? Chained down on a pedestal...?" I asked sweetly. My right hand moving down my left shoulder and my left sliding over my right hip. "Unable to move, you threw food at me, and stones, and spit upon me...ME! The daughter of the queen of the 6th Plane!"

I stomped hard on the center of his chest and felt something break. It felt so incredibly good to do that!

I saw Gwen and Jemima fast approaching and I held a hand up for them to stay where they were. Tarfal chose that moment to speak, well, he didn't speak...he laughed!

"Oh! Little Bird! Lord Balmont was furious with you! To have you at his beck and call? Then to be tricked out of his contract on the hour when he was going to prove his mastery over his realm? Oh he loathes you...you cheated him out of his prize. He will be coming for you now Little Bird...He will...uhhhk!"

I slowly began closing my fingers and the chains twisted, and began to tighten.

"Go back to your master you piece of filth! You coward! You can strike and beat me when I am chained but here and now you are nothing! You are less than nothing...begone!"