Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 05


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Colin was still a bit taken aback by what she'd just said. To say such a thing and say it so shamelessly in the middle of this store, to someone she had just met, truly shocked him. Maybe this was her sense of humor, saying stuff that was shocking and unexpected. It would almost make sense if they were friends or something, and there was some familiarity there, but they'd never met before. Plus, it just seemed odd for a person to say that to a customer, but whatever. She didn't seem to think twice about her odd comment, and Colin wasn't prudish enough to be offended, so he kept following her.

Rachel led him off the main aisle, walking between racks of women's clothes. He thought maybe she might work in this area, but she wasn't slowing down.

"Uh... what section do you work in?" Colin asked.

"We're close..." she said, looking back at him and smiling. As she continued walking in front of him, his eyes looked at her dark crimson hair, shimmering slightly as it swayed, stealing his focus for just a moment. He only looked away when something else caught his eye.

Looking past her, towards the corner of the store, he noticed a feature there that must have just been added recently. Along the back wall against the corner, where there was once just a flat wall, now there looked to be something else. Some sort of decorative display, maybe an entrance to some sort of new, cordoned-off area. Surrounded by faux stone pillars, with a faux stone archway above, connecting them, seemed to be a separate room, hidden behind a pair of thin pink drapes. Colin didn't have a lot of time to wonder about it, because it became clear that that was right where Rachel was leading him.

Sauntering forward, Rachel led him past the clothes towards it, and he kept following, despite his uncertainty. She pushed the thin sheet open and stepped in, and he followed behind her. And when he entered this closed-off area and saw what was beyond the drapes, his eyes went wide.

It was lingerie.

There was lingerie everywhere. It was like this little mini-boutique was attached to this regular, boring department store. Lit with warm light and decorated with a golden flair, it was quite welcoming. The carpet beneath his feet was a soft cream color. The decorations were primarily gold, mixed with some white and light pink. There were shawls and thin sheets of sheer material adorning the area to give it a bit a more boutique-y vibe.

This hidden lingerie department was comprised of racks of various items comprising the center of this little boutique, with a pathway down the middle towards the back where the register was. Along the sides were six displays, three on each side, separate displays to highlight specific lines of product. Some of these displays had mannequins wearing the product, while some were comprised of hanging racks of garments. Each of these displays were set in on a low shelf, allowing them to set other items on the display along the shelf. At the back of the boutique was the register, and there were some more displays behind it. Compared to the rest of this big department store, this section stood out, looking far fancier than the rest of the store.

But it was still adjoined to a department store, so there was a limit to how good it looked. Though for what it was, it looked pretty darn good. Now that they had partnered up with 'North Pole' and allowed them to help spiffy up their stores, they'd added a lot to clean up and modernize them. But this... this was unexpected.

Colin's were wide as he looked at the lingerie he was suddenly confronted with. Tiny, lacy, fancy looking numbers in all styles, sizes, and colors. Bras, panties. Booty-shorts and camisoles. Stockings. Nighties. G-strings. Thongs. And then there was stuff that Colin couldn't comprehend. Bundles of strings and patches that he supposed could be lingerie but he couldn't figure out how it worked.

"This isn't what I expected," he said, glancing around at this little oasis of lace and naughtiness tucked in the back of this regular department store. He found himself staring, despite his best efforts. He had to remind himself... they were just clothes displayed on racks, uh... metal racks, the ones you hang clothes on. Just seeing these little lacy underthings conjured plenty of lustful imagery, as evidenced by the twitch he felt from his groin.

"Yeah, when 'North Pole' joined up with us, they went all out to showcase their wares and brands," Rachel said, pointing at one of the many displays showing off the brand of these garments.

'Mrs. Claus'

The brand logo was all over the place back here, the Christmas-styled lettering on just about every sign and tag. On some of the larger signs were pictures of a model wearing the product. The main picture was of this model was her in a sexy Santa outfit, a stylish red coat with furry white lining. Down below, she had a matching red skirt, down to her knees, leaving a good section of smooth, tanned leg exposed. The picture was cut off on top to keep the model anonymous, letting the viewer see her sexy, inviting grin and the lower part of her long brunette hair. It was sexy, but decent, with nothing excessively risqué shown off.

But here, in the lingerie section, away from prying eyes, the model was more than willing to show some skin. There were big posters and banners proving this fact. In one picture, the skirt was gone and her coat was parted, exposing a white lace bra struggling to contain her massive breasts, and matching tiny panties that barely covered anything at all. This picture was showing a lot of cleavage and her entire flat belly, and with that body, you couldn't really blame her. Again, the photo didn't show her entire face, but she was still grinning, and this one definitely seemed to be tinged with wickedness.

Another picture had the same model getting photographed from behind, in order to showcase her thong-clad butt in one of the 'Mrs. Claus' brand lingerie, all the while giving a cheeky smile over her shoulder.

There were all sorts of photos like this all over this section of the store, but Colin did his best not to gawk. He tried to do the patented male technique of not looking at any of the bras and panties or anything else, not wanting to be caught ogling the delightfully tiny garments. Even though there was no one else to call him a creeper except for Rachel, the woman who brought him here, he had reverted to instinct.

"Yeah, 'North Pole' is really excited about all the 'Mrs. Claus' lingerie. They put one of these boutiques in all of our stores," Rachel said, still walking ahead of him. "Certainly beats the shit we used to carry." Rachel stopped and looked at the man behind her. "I heard a rumor that they want to replace the big guy as the focus of all their branding... with her," she said, nodding at one of the signs with the smiling, scantily clad model. "Not just the lingerie, but everything they put their stamp on. Some say she's the actual Mrs. Claus..." she hinted, but Colin didn't really care about the invented lore they'd come up with for the busty model they'd hired. "And I must say, Santa Claus is pretty classic, but... Mrs. Claus certainly is eye-catching..."

For a long moment, a pause fell between them as she gave the befuddled married man a friendly smile. Finally, he spoke up.

"Um... this isn't exactly what I had in mind," Colin replied. He had never once purchased underwear for his wife. It was just never a thing for him and her. Juliet was never one for fancy underthings, as she was a more practical, unflashy woman in that way.

"Why not?" Rachel asked. "It'll be perfect! Women love having their men buy them sexy underwear!"

"I came here looking for a blender," Colin stated with a confused smile.

"Well, the fact that you came here on Christmas Eve looking for the most in-demand item of the season tells me you don't have a backup plan," Rachel replied, looking at him through her stylish specs. "So, why not hear me out? You clearly don't have any better options."

Colin wanted to deny her, but she had all but eliminated any argument he might make. It was true, he didn't have any other ideas, and he had to find something to get for his wife. Saying nothing, he simply sighed and shrugged his shoulders. Seeing his tacit agreement, she grinned.

"Perfect!" Rachel said, smiling. "Besides, it'll give me something to do. Not a lot of people go shopping for lingerie on Christmas Eve," she said, holding out her hands, indicating the otherwise empty lingerie section. It was just her and Colin. "So... what kind of lingerie does your wife prefer?"

"Um..." Colin said, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the prospect of sharing such personal details with this woman he barely knew. But, in terms of purchasing underwear, he supposed such things needed to be shared. "She has pretty simple tastes. Basic, cotton underwear, nothing too fancy," Colin admitted. It was true. She had her brilliant mind focused on much more important things than what kind of bras and panties to get for herself. She typically bought stuff in bulk, a six-pack of plain cotton panties, with simple, practical bras. Sure, she had some different colors of underwear, but most were of the same style, full coverage, plain and practical. She did have a few nicer things, stuff comprised of black lace, cut a little fancier, for some special occasions, like their honeymoon and their anniversary, or on date nights. But mostly, she kept it simple.

"Okay, okay," Rachel said genially. "Well, do you know your wife's sizes, or..." she began, but even she could see the obvious lack of knowledge on his face. "Or are you a typical husband who has no clue about such things?" she asked with a jovial smile as she exposed this blind spot.

"Yeah... no clue," Colin admitted.

"Wow. I know clothes shopping can be boring, but you need to be a good hubby and know such things! Trust me, women melt when their man knows every inch of their body and can pick out just the right thing for them," Rachel stated. Seeing the baffled husband, she came up with a new tact. "Okay, well, just so we can get in the ballpark, and I'm the only one around... how does she compare to me?" She asked, standing up straight.

"Excuse me?" he asked, a bit confused.

"Well... is your wife skinny... or am I skinner than your wife?" she asked, pulling her silky top tight around her, allowing Colin to see her trim waistline. She was in good shape, her waist slim and fit. And while Juliet was no slouch, she didn't hit the gym regularly, which Rachel probably did, meaning the saleswoman had the slimmer, skinnier waist.

"Uh... you're skinnier, I think," he replied, looking away at this admission. "But not by a lot, you know?" He said. She nodded and grinned inwardly as he tried to save face for his wife's honor. But she wasn't done asking questions.

"How about her booty?" she asked, spinning so the man in front of her could look at her shapely rear end. "I know I've got some booty. How about your wife?" She asked, looking over her shoulder, inviting the married man to look at her first-rate ass. For comparison's sake, of course.

Even though he had gotten more of a look than he intended earlier, now that she was inviting him to look, he couldn't help but stare again. Each of the round, perfectly formed cheeks of her shapely rear jutted out from her slim frame, pressing against her thin black skirt. The cheeks looked perky and firm and smooth, perfectly formed. It was fantastic. He looked away from her rear before he burned a hole in it with his heated gaze. He refocused on the job at hand. Juliet, by her own admission, didn't have much of a butt to speak of. Small, and relatively flat, it was often a thing she made fun of about herself.

"No," Colin said simply. "Not much booty."

"Oh... okay. That's okay," Rachel said, trying to keep things in professional tone, turning around to face him again. Straightening her top over her front, pulling it down tight over her large breasts, she asked her next question. "So, she's gotta match up pretty close to me up top, then, I'm guessing?" She asked, sliding one arm under her breasts to let him appreciate their size and shape. "I mean, I'm a double-E cup, so is she about that size, then?"

No man could resist the urge to look when a woman invites you to look at her chest, and that fact applied to Colin here as he let his eyes fall to Rachel's breasts at her urging. He was reminded of his partying days, when the girls would do everything they could to get his eyes on their tits. Being a boob-guy, he always struggled not to fall into that trap, and he fell into it again here. They truly were massive, pressing out against her silky top. Damn, it looked like she had stuffed two watermelons under her top. Jesus... and they were perky too. Bouncy and round and firm and so delightfully big. His cock twitched in his pants again, getting semi-hard. In his single days, he would have given just about anything to drown between those massive jugs, but he was not that guy anymore. Finally, he looked up into her waiting eyes.

"Um... she's a B-cup," Colin answered, the one specific size he was able to give about Juliet.

"Oh..." she replied, a bit confused. Her reaction was peculiar, as was her earlier assumption that his wife was busty. It was as if she assumed that a man like him, so handsome and well-dressed and clearly successful, deserved the best in his choice of woman. And if she wasn't super trim, and if she didn't have a shapely ass, then that meant she must have massive breasts. It was as if she took one look at him and thought, 'Man, that guy's wife must have huge tits!' He didn't know why she made this assumption, and part of him wanted to ask, but he opted to not pursue this line of questioning too deeply.

"Ok, so I admit, the 'Mrs. Claus' brand does cater more towards larger bust sizes, because it's the fastest growing market by, like, an exponential rate," she explained. "And plus, it's been a market that's been criminally underserved for years. Trust me, I know. Girls with boobs my size would have to search out specialty boutiques and pay hand over fist for something even the slightest bit sexy. Now... well, they still cost a pretty penny, but they're so much easier to find now! Once the Christmas season is over and the sales pick up, I am gonna buy some myself!"

Colin could only smile and nod as she talked up both the product she was selling and her large cup size. He was definitely starting to feel like something was off about this whole thing, like she was being very forward about certain things about herself. But he was desperate, so he ignored any alarms being raised in the back of his mind.

"Oh!" she said, shaking her head, reminded that, while talking up her own breast size, she hadn't really responded to his situation. "The point is, even though this brand does focus on large cup sizes, we carry each product in every shape and size. From larger sizes, like mine, down to average and below average sizes, so we should be able to find something for your wife, no sweat!" she announced. She held out her arms to indicate he should follow her, and not knowing what else to do, he complied. Rachel led him over to the first display at a corner near the entrance.

As he walked over, he tried to will himself out of the semi-erection his glance at her chest had caused. Sure, she was attractive, and she a good body... a great body, honestly... like, damn her tits were huge... But, uh, anyway, he was a married man. Sure, in some ways, she reminded him a lot of the women he used to spend his nights with, and while those nights were hollow in many ways, they had left enough of a lasting mark to cause said erection. But it wasn't just her. He was stressed-out and frazzled, and with the business of the holiday season, there had been few opportunities for private time between him and Juliet. So he was a bit, uh... backed up. But he'd developed a bit of discipline in these last few years, so he wasn't too concerned.

"Now, this is our most, uh... economical... line. It's simple, it's basic it gets the job done. It's... good," Rachel said. The display there was stuff far simpler than all the other stuff in the boutique. Cotton numbers, in various different colors and sizes. Nothing overly fancy, nothing overly skimpy. Stuff that was a little better than the average fare, better than the stuff Juliet typically wore, but not by much. It wasn't flashy, and for guys who cared about this kind of thing they would find such garments unimpressive. A bit of a boner killer. And while he wasn't too picky, his dick was finally softening. "But... this is Christmas, and I think we can aim a little higher, can't we?" she stated, and he couldn't help but agree as she led him on to the next display.

They were suddenly at the good stuff. Lace had entered the picture, as had some fancier designs. These designs, while not overly skimpy, were certainly nicer than the previous ones. These were made of fancier material, silkier and smoother, with lace trim, looking far more appealing than their predecessors.

There was a marked difference in quality between the first display and this one. Compared to this one, it felt like their, uh, 'economical line', was them not really trying. As if they were carrying something basic so people with less income could still come into their stores and get something 'fancy'.

"So, this is our basic line," Rachel said, standing next to Colin and looking up at him through her lenses. "It's simple, it's sexy, it shows some skin without going overboard, if that's not what you want. This is the type of stuff that's perfect for wives to wear for their husbands on special occasions." She said this with the positivity of a woman trying to make a sale, but he couldn't help but notice a bit of condescension in her words at the idea of wives only wearing fun stuff on special occasions. The bras and panties here reminded him of the nicer stuff Juliet had. Like Rachel said, the stuff she wore for him on special occasions. That being said, this stuff was still of better quality than what Juliet had. "But again, this is Christmas, and you're looking for something really special, so how about we move on to something a little more... fun?" Rachel didn't even let him consider any of these products before leading him to the next display along the wall, deeper into this part of the store.

The next section of garments were definitely a step above what he'd been shown so far. Adding to what he'd seen before were full sets of lingerie, lacy bodices and stockings and suspenders. The bras and panties were far skimpier, as they entered the territory where thongs and g-strings were getting peppered into the mix. It had been a long time since he'd been so close to such tiny garments, back during his single days. Juliet was not the type who would ever where such things, and he never pushed the subject. But looking at them now, and seeing them again after so long, he couldn't help but think... had they always been so tiny?

"So, this stuff is the next step up," Rachel began. "I know, some of the stuff here isn't as skimpy as you'd expect." Wait, it gets skimpier? This is the demure stuff? "But this is a good step up from your normal fare. Like... when your girl wants to take things from special occasions to lots of fun, sexy times on a daily basis. Now... I know this might be a personal question, but are you a fan of women in thongs, Colin?"

He was a bit taken aback by this sudden personal question. Scrambling to find the right words, he came up with an answer fast.

''Um, I mean, I guess so. Who doesn't enjoy seeing more skin?" Colin said. Colin probably liked girls in thongs more than he wanted to admit, always enjoying how skimpy they were and the confidence of girls who could wear such tiny garments and really rock them. That being said, most of the girls he had come across who wore such things were during his immature period in life before he'd reformed himself, so he always kind of associated those wilder girls with these skimpy garments. However, he certainly wouldn't complain if his wife started wearing them, and he couldn't deny that his blood began pumping at being in such close proximity to them again. But he didn't want to come across too strongly to this woman he barely knew in his preference of this skimpier ware.
