Mom has Me Turned Out

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Mom tired of homophobic son has his him bound and fucked.
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Editor's note: this fictional work contains scenes of fictional rough, reluctant, dubiously consensual, consensually non-consensual (CNC), or non-consensual sex or scenarios.


This story deals with a homophobe being forced into gay sex, I don't hold back on the language so if you need a trigger warning I have kindly provided this sentence to you.

"God damn it mom, he's a fucking fairy! You're gonna get AIDS from him!" I yelled.

My mother gasped, "Tim! There's no need for you to speak that way about him, I don't know what's gotten into you the last few years."

"Well, I know what's gotten into you and it's a fucking faggot's dick, Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed, frustrated.

I don't know why my dumb mother thinks that it's a good idea to fuck a dude who has told her that he's bisexual. We've seen his boyfriends come around lately trying to kiss up on him. Sure, Frank acts like he's not doing it with them and that they're just a bunch of overly affectionate gays, but everybody knows that fags are a bunch of sluts who go on grinder and fuck everybody they meet nonstop. It's ridiculous!

I'm lucky I turned eighteen already or the fucker would probably be trying to molest me. I sighed in disgust and went back to my bedroom to chill and play Call of Duty. Hopefully I could get my mind off my mom and her fag boyfriend. I only had to make it through this shithole for four more months and then I'd be off to college. Sure, there'd be queers there but at least they wouldn't be coming into my home. My mom worked second shift and would leave me alone all evening with Frank several nights a week, which was super awkward.

It doesn't help that this wannabe He-Man is 6 feet tall making him a full foot taller than me, so that I must physically look up at him. He is broad chested and hairy, a bear, that's what his fellow gays would call him. His cock is fucking huge too, that's all my mom wants, fucking whore. I saw him in the shower the other day. He slept over without me realizing it and when I got up in the morning to go to the bathroom I just opened the door and walked in. I was confused for a moment by the steaminess because my mother does not shower in the morning. Then out of the shower he stepped, big and naked, his huge cock just swinging there. I kind of stood, mouth agape, while he apologized for not locking the door, but did nothing to cover himself.

He tried to blow it off, "We're both guys," he said, "It's no big deal."

"Both guys?" I exclaimed, "That doesn't apply if it's guys that you have sex with bro!"

I just kind of stood there for a second even though I was conscious that I was staring at his cock and I realized he had to be as well. It was just such a bizarre situation for me to be in though. Eventually I turned away very slowly and went back to my room, locking the door. I hid until he left.

The last few weeks have kind of gone by like that. He spends more and more time at the house, and I've had these uncomfortable interactions with him. Apparently, he's one of those guys who likes to walk around naked. He realizes I'm in the house and he tries to stay to my mom's room or the bathroom when he's doing it but obviously we bump into each other. Sometimes I see him when he doesn't notice me and I'll watch just to see what he's about. I can't help but notice that he has a big ass. Not girly mind you, the guy squats and works out so he's got these huge fucking muscles down there.

What does a man need muscles like that in his ass for? Fucking fag shit.

Recently I snooped through some of his stuff and I found a small suitcase full of girls clothes, wigs and makeup. I wondered what they were from because while at first I thought maybe he was dressing as a girl they were clearly too small for him, maybe they were stuff he was buying for my mom. I didn't understand the wigs though, my mom already has great, long, feminine hair.

I decided to bring it up to my mother, maybe it could be evidence that he was cheating on her. She just laughed about it and said he had already told her that his ex was a cross dresser, those were some clothes that had been left with him. She joked that maybe I could try them on and it could be fun and maybe make me less "judgmental." What kind of stupid fairy shit is that?

I googled some crossdresser porn, awful. Things tagged tranny porn were not as bad, some of those trannies do an okay job, especially the Thai ones. Ultimately though it's all basically just putting lipstick on a pig.

The big kicker came today, I woke up and I came into the kitchen to find them both fucking sitting there looking at me like they had something to talk about. Then this dumb bitch says she's marrying him and I was like are you fucking serious this is some dumb shit. I told Frank he needs to get the fuck out of my house and stop trying to give my mother herpes. I stormed back to my room to hide, sitting there with my headphones on playing Call of Duty and ignoring my mother at the door. She seemed pretty pissed.

Two of Frank's friends came over in the evening I had calmed down enough to come out, or so I thought, and we all sat around watching movies and eating. None of them were flamers so I could kind of pretend that these dudes weren't a bunch of queers even though I suspected that they all were. My mom serving them drinks and making food for them, snuggling up next to Frank so close, really bugged me.

Then one of them, who introduced himself as Peter, commented, "You know who he reminds me of? Ralph." Peter was another bear, not as fit as Frank but a bigger dude, with a short, well-trimmed beard. Probably an idiot.

"Do wha?" I said, "Me?"

I saw that this comment made Frank a little uncomfortable, so I pursued it. "So who was Ralph?"

"He means Rachel." Frank's other friend said, as if I might now know who they were talking about. Friend two was Frank's token black friend, Byron. He was a tall, lanky fellow and had this dumb, flat-topped haircut. I thought that shit was an 80's thing.

"Yeah yeah," Peter said, "Ralph was what, 5 feet flat and really small. Had a cute face."

"Nah." I said, catching his drift, knowing that I was in fact 5'1. "Ain't nobody says I'm cute but my mom!"

Both of Frank's friends were then like, "Ohh, come on, you're cute!" as if I needed some assurance that I was cute.

I almost blew up right then, but instead I shoved popcorn in my mouth and stewed. I understood that they were comparing me to some damn fairy, which irked me. I'm just short! I could be the bigger man, figuratively. I had stormed off too much lately, needed to stand my ground. This was my house!

I had an idea... I started to just throw random insults at them, and Frank in particular. Not a tirade, but frequent comments over the next hour. I figured if I was intolerable enough, Frank would call it off with my mom. I thought embarrassing him in front of his buds would be a good start. I saw him get progressively more annoyed, but what could he do? I was his fiancé's son. My mom was getting more pissed, while Byron kind of laughed, maybe he thought these were good natured jabs.

Peter, for his part, looked shocked, I guess he lives in a bubble. His face told me he couldn't believe anyone would say things like, "Must be rough knowing you'll burn in hell." Definitely an idiot.

My mom broke first and sent me to my room. Shortly thereafter I was treated to the sound of Frank and her arguing. She burst in my room just before ten, in tears.

"Frank said he needs some time to think about things!" She shouted at me, tears in her eyes.

Even though this was great news, you can't really be snide when somebody is crying in front of you, so I got quiet, just letting her lecture me. She yelled about how I was running her life, how hard it was to be a single mom, etc, etc.

She could probably tell she wasn't getting through to me so she concluded with, "I hope you're happy!" and retreated back to her room. The house was quiet the rest of the night.

It was quiet the next day too, as we were both on eggshells. Frank wasn't around though, so I was silently patting myself on the back. On the third day my mom started to perk up, and said she'd make her lasagna, my favorite dish, and some kool-aid.

Fuck yeah kool-aid is lit.

I was sitting at my desk in my room playing CoD, and after downing a few glasses of cherry limeade I started feeling woozy. "Fuck." I said to myself, "Too early for bed..."

I woke up laying on my bed, someone was leaning over me, touching my face.

"The fuck..." I said groggily.

"He's awake." A voice said, a male... Byron's?

I opened my eyes and saw that he was brushing my face with something. "Hold still." He told me. I complied because, why not? I had no clue what was happening, I thought maybe I was injured or something. Someone was pulling my arm, messing with my wrist. I couldn't see them at first but when they stopped I saw my mother standing next to my bed.

"Mom?" I asked, before she walked down to my right foot and grabbed my ankle. I saw then what she was doing, tying me to the bed with a silky black rope.

"HEY!" I shouted. "What gives?"

Byron put his weight on my chest as I thrashed about but, he needn't have. Three of my limbs were already bound, and I failed to stop my mother from tying my left foot down. There was enough give to the ropes that I could move my limbs a good amount, but crucially I couldn't bring my hands together.

"You're gonna mess up your make-up." Byron warned me.

"What?" I asked, taken aback.

"It's about done." He said and kept working on my face while I blinked at him in horror.

"There." He announced after a moment, stepping back off the bed. I was able to look down and see that these freaks had dressed me in a fucking Japanese schoolgirl outfit. Fucking weebs.

"Isn't that a pretty young lady." My mother said, smiling at me. She then raised her phone and started taking photos.

"He could pass." Declared Byron.

"Looks like a twink." Peter said.

"He IS a twink." Byron said. "But he could pass, given some more time and effort. For now we can make do with a sissy boy."

"It's perfect." My mom said, and I saw she was typing on her phone, "Look at me... so hot and ready for a man to pop my cherry."

"Put 'boipussy' instead of cherry." Suggested Byron.

"Yeah." My mom agreed, fixing whatever she was working on. "That's good." She walked to the right side of the bed, showing me the phone. I shook my head in disbelief, there on her phone was a profile for Onlyfans, featuring me. She had posted some normal pictures of me, just doing random stuff. But now she was preparing a post of a bunch of pics of my ass in panties, and a one with me tied up that she just took. I saw a wig was on my head, I hadn't even noticed it. She had managed to catch a pic of my face in a fairly neutral position, like I was just laying there looking at the cameraman.

"Hey! My friends could see that!" I shouted. "That stuff gets out and follows you!" I knew people were fucking stupid about girls with Onlyfans, like it was some big deal.

"Well, I think it needs more content, for it to really stick to you." She said.

"Yeah." Byron agreed, "Like a blowjob video."

"Wh-wh-what?" I stammered, pulling harder on the ropes, panicking. "Come on mom enough!"

"Hmmm, no we've gone this far Tim, or should I say 'Kim.'"

"Kimberly sounds more sophisticated." Said Peter, which made Byron chuckle.

"I'm gonna let you choose," My mother explained. "Is this going to be a sucking or a fucking video?"

I shook my head, "Neither you dumb bitch let me out or I'll scream my head off."

"Oh yeah," Byron said, "I forgot." He knelt over me and I wondered what was up. He took something laying behind my head.

"Wait, what is that, what are you" I was cut off as he shoved the ball of the gag into my mouth rudely, and clipped the thing behind my head.

"I guess it's a fucking then." He said.

I screamed into the gag, but we could all tell it wasn't very loud. The damn ball felt huge and was dominating the interior of my mouth.

"Get him really horny first." My mom said. "I want him to cum for the camera, the edit needs to look like he loves it."

"Yeah." Peter agreed. "I've got this, it won't be the first twink I've turned."

"You ain't turned nobody gay Peter, jeez." Byron replied.

"Sure I have." He said, removing his clothes. "Ralph was straight when I met him."

Byron laughed, "It's Rachel now, man you ain't even using her pronouns. Can't believe I gotta hear this 'I turn 'um gay' crap and you won't even call her Rachel."

"Listen," Peter explained, smiling in such a way that you couldn't tell how serious he was, "They are guys when I meet um, I can't help what happens after they take this dick."

I looked at the dick in question, terrified. He appeared pretty normal I suppose. I couldn't help but compare us. He was bigger but not silly porn video titled 'huge guy meets small girl' big. He was hairy like Frank and perhaps 5'10,'' enough to loom over me even if I wasn't strapped down. I tried to ward him as best I could as he crawled on top of me, but my options were limited, and he pushed my arms aside easily.

He pushed his face into my neck and started sucking. I was surprised by the feeling. I had never had anyone suck on my neck like that, and the physical sensation, while disturbing, was wonderful. I willed myself to make no noise that could be interpreted as pleasure. My mother was right there, kneeling on the side of the bed, filming the whole thing.

"My little girl's first time." She muttered. "Enjoy it baby, they're gonna dick you down so hard."

I tried to convey, "What the fuck?" with my eyes, but as my painted eyelids blinked, I knew there'd be moments she could edit, since I couldn't really express anything with the ball gag. What noises I did make were soon grunts and stifled gasp, pathetic little ouch's and whimpers as Peter moved his mouth around my body. The fucking queer even sucked on my armpits, is that a thing? People do that?

It felt good, shockingly good. Of course, I understood, even if you are like, not a fag, somebody sucking on your nipples is gonna feel good, and Peter attacked my nipples like they leaked malibu rum, pushing my top up to get to them. I closed my eyes as he bit them, unable to help it, and not really wanting to see.

He was forced to push a bra out of the way, which they had packed with some bag thing of gel. I figured they jacked this stuff from Rachel's cache of tranny shit and wasn't pleased to be dressed in the clothes that Rachel probably used to get fucked in, exactly like this. I figured these panties had probably had tons of sissy cum on them. It was fucking humiliating. I almost wanted to vomit but the ball gag would have made that a terrible idea.

I could feel Peter's cock against my thigh, and I know I just said he was normal, but once I was in contact with it, it felt much too large to be getting fucked by. Not that any size would be desirable! My stomach churned, this dude was really gonna fuck me, and I couldn't do anything about it. Even worse I was gonna be sloppy seconds for Byron, and then... Peter couldn't turn me gay, I reminded myself. You can't turn somebody gay by fucking them, right? You'd have to already be a fag, like some latent homosexual, to get 'turned gay.' That's not me, I'm not some closeted sissy.

Thinking about this I started making all kinds of noises, just whatever I could get out, trying to get their attention.

"I think he wants to say something." Byron said and leaned over me. "Are you gonna yell?" He asked.

I shook my head, no. Off came the gag.

"Please, please, please stop, I'll be good mommy. I won't bother Frank anymore I swear, I'll send him an apology and everything, just don't make me fuck these guys!"

The bitch actually laughed! She smiled at me and said, "I've put up with you long enough to know you are a stubborn little shit. You need this, Kimberly, to help you grow as a person."

Peter's face was on my stomach now, his beard tickling me as he licked around. Fuck he's gonna suck my dick! I thought. I could already feel his hands pawing at my ass and I knew the panties would be coming off shortly.

"I'll suck your dicks!" I shouted, desperately.

"Fuck yes." Byron said, "You just made my day sissy, I hate sloppy seconds."

Byron removed his pants, clearly excited. "I love a white bitch's mouth." He whispered to me as he climbed on my chest, pushing my hands above my head. His cock, skinny but quite long, slapped my face.

"You know on second thought..." I muttered, but he ignored me, rubbing it around my lips.

"The better you do the quicker it will be over." He said.

"I can't reach it." I complained, showing him the limited mobility of my hands.

"So? This is a blowjob, not a handjob, up your game girl." I glared hatefully at him as I hesitantly started kissing his cock, making the most 'This is disgusting' face that I could. I gave little pecks around the shaft, psyching myself up to lick him in a manner that would finish him off. I thought about some porn videos I'd seen of girls making guys come just by licking the bottom of their dick, maybe I could manage that.

As I was tentatively touching my tongue to his shaft I felt my panties pulled down.

"Oh no... you don't need to, ah! AH! Come on do you gotta?" I wheezed into Bryon's nuts as he settled them onto my face, but the source of my distress was Peter's lips, which had clamped firmly onto the tip of my dick. I heard my mom chuckle, and I realized my legs were quivering, I willed them into stillness.

I couldn't help but moan though as Peter's lips lowered over my glans, his tongue circling the crown of my head. Byron's right nuts fell into my mouth as I did, and my tongue instinctively explored it, drawing a sigh from the horny black man T-bagging me.

Fuck it. I thought, and sucked on the soft testicle. I swirled my tongue around it, working towards getting this over with. His nuts wanted to shrivel up in response, cowards, and made my job harder. I persisted in licking and sucking his sack, which was utterly gross. He didn't shave or trim his pubes, and his nut hairs filled my mouth. I almost gagged but held it back, if I bit I figured I'd be back on the ass fuck train or maybe even a beatdown.

I know my mom got some great footage, she was leaning on the bed filming up close, and Peter's tongue was introducing me to the feeling of having my cock and balls licked, so I probably looked like I was loving sucking Byron's balls. I pretty much kept the moaning to a minimum, but I couldn't not breathe heavily, and since I wanted Byron to finish, I had to lick up and down his shaft aggressively. Unfortunately, without my hands, I couldn't apply the force that was probably needed to press my tongue into his frenulum the way it would probably require to bust, and I strained helplessly against my bonds to raise myself up, trying to press his cock back enough to flatten my tongue on it.

The sadistic bastard seemed to back off as I did this, as though teasing a girl that wanted his cock in her mouth. So I dejectedly gave up on it and formed an 'O' with my lips, catching his head in my mouth and sucking it in.

"Fuck yeah, that is hot bitch." He encouraged me, lowering himself back down to feed more of it into my mouth. I started bobbing steadily, trying to set a pace that would work him to an orgasm. I heard the damn 'click click' of my mom's phone camera, telling me she was getting some HD pics for my Onlyfans. I would see later that I looked ridiculous, makeup smeared all over my face and Byron's cock, spit dripping off my chin as I took about half his long cock in my mouth.

I felt an orgasm building in my balls and clinched my fist, shaking my head 'no' and trying to picture Peter's hairy, gross ass body. It's a guy! I told myself. Don't cum, don't cum!