Mom Sent Back to School Ch. 07


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Paul handed her a stick, and it was suddenly realised she was included. Hell! How was she to bend over in this skirt? She was a woman, not some silly young slut! The panties were hardly suitable for bending over in front of a bunch of adolescents, or anyone else.

The look of devilment in her boyfriend's eyes stirred her up. Was she up for the challenge? It was plain he was daring her, and a fun side took over. This wasn't something she had been able do when eighteen.

'You break, or I'll mess it up,' Rose said, as though she had played before.

Rose hesitated bending over the table. The feeling of all eyes on her was real. It was embarrassing, exciting, and thrilling. As a teenager the first time around she hadn't received a boy's attention. It was as though she had been an ugly duckling, and this was a second chance. Knowing that she was going too far this time, didn't stop her from acting like a silly slut of a girl.

The maturity of her age didn't protect her, rather it drove her on. As a mature experienced woman, she was no longer scared of sex. The maturity combined with adventurousness of youth, left her with a heady arousal. A thrilling daring overcame mature common sense.

The silence was broken with heavy sighs and groans, when she bent over the table. Too late, she realised her legs were parted. The guys had congregated behind her for the view. It wasn't just her bare bottom they could see. With her legs parted they could see her blossoming sex, filling the crotch of the thong.

Rose could feel her engorged lips filling the crotch, pushing outward, threatening to escape the little purse clutching her sex. Bending over for a quick flash of her bottom was one thing. This was very different, it was lewd. It marked her with the guys as a lusty slut. Rose realised it was true, she was a bitch on heat!

The right ball had been hit, but went in the wrong direction. The guys didn't care about that, they cheered the shot anyway. Rose quickly looked around for her boyfriend, needing his protection. Her breathing rate was up, and her sex was open, and ready. What it was ready for frightened her.

Fuck! She was a dirty slut! The thrill of displaying her sex to the guys was exciting her, winding her up, stoking her boiler to a dangerous explosive level. Would she let them do it? Surely not! With Paul to protect her she was safe from finding out the awful truth.

Bending over the next time produced ribald comments. They sensed Paul didn't mind, and the slut loved it.

'Nice legs,' one of them commented.

'What's between them looks good too,' another casually remarked.

Rose licked her lips, taking her time, rocking her hips from side to side. The little skirt looked like the fringe of a curtain hanging down over her hips. Had she hiked it up, or had it risen up. It was no longer hiding even the top half of her bottom. The thong had tightened while bending over, to disappear between her cheeks.

The crotch was pulling tight over her labia, and looked as though they were ready to escape. A wet patch was clearly visible, marking where the opening to nirvana was. The guys could hardly be expected to show much restraint when there was so much provocation. They were just eighteen year olds, and were adolescent in their attitudes, behaviour, and speech.

'Okay, shows over. We have things to do!' Paul announced.

He took hold of Rose's arm, and directed her out of the pool hall. Her head was a mess from the urgent tugging of sexual arousal. The first time around she could cope with adolescent hormones. But then she had been wall flower, not put into such dangerous situations. The teenage onslaught of new feelings and experiences was expected, and dealt with by sharing them with friends.

This time around she was on her own, except for Feebie, and she was starting to open up to her new friend. She had to be careful not to reveal who she really was, so it was difficult. Maybe the adolescent hormones had been triggered again, by being in class with the girls all day. If so they were so much stronger now. Or was she just letting go, to behave like a naughty slut.

Hell! So what! At last she was having fun on her own terms, no longer controlled by grandparents, or a husband. Friends had said back then, that she was marrying too early, to an older man, and it should be thought about. Ignoring them she married anyway. It had been nice being looked after and she didn't mind being controlled by him. That is, until he took a lover.

'Sorry!' Rose apologised to Paul.

'Why? Oh! Showing off your ass to my friends? A bit of fun, that's all. I made you do it I guess,' he shrugged.

Rose snuggled up to him, but they were too quickly home. They sat in his car for awhile, kissing, hugging, and talking.

'I promise to be a good girl for you, Paul. I'll do whatever you want. I'm yours, and love you so much, Paul,' she sincerely spoke.

He looked at her wondering where all that came from. Her voice had changed to a younger sounding tone. She was eighteen but sounded much younger.

He hugged her close, and said, 'You're mine, and I love you lots and lots. Your my little girl, my special girlfriend, okay?' he said.

He had no idea why he called her his little girl.

'Yes, Paul, I'm all yours. I'm your little girl, so look after me, my big brave man,' she purred contentedly.

He hugged her tight, responding to her wishes. Her sincerity made him feel big and strong, and protective. Rose felt small and vulnerable, and in need of protecting. This evening told her that she could be a naughty slut, and needed controlling. If not looked after she might get out of hand, and so looked to Paul to control her.

At that moment Rose didn't think of the wrongness of having an eighteen-year-old boy controlling her. As a mature woman, she should be looking after him, not letting him do whatever he wanted with her. In her head it was alright, as she was just a schoolgirl, and was his girlfriend.

They got out of his car to walk hand in hand to her home. In dreamy silence they made a drink and took it to her bedroom. He looked around at the posters of a boy band, and other signs of her being a young teenager.

'How old are you?' he asked.

'Eighteen,' she nervously answered. 'Why?'

'Oh! Nothing, I was just wondering. Sometimes you look younger, and sometimes you look older, that's all,' he shrugged.

There was a calm between them. It was difficult to break as they both sat on her bed, side by side, close, but not touching.

'Kiss me, Paul,' she suddenly whispered.

They fell back on her bed, kissing hard, with hands frantically pulling at their clothes. He held her down on the bed, while he kissed between her legs. She tried to tell him it wasn't needed, but he held on to her legs. An nice light orgasm rippled over her body, and she sighed with satisfaction.

Eventually he let go of her legs, and crawled up her body, almost where she wanted him. He sucked on her breasts, and mauled them. She knew he liked them, so let him enjoy himself.

Without ceremony she pulled on his stiff member, guiding it into place. He was going to tease her again, but this time she thrust up, pushing herself around his hard cock, and gripped it tight. These days she had so much more enthusiasm. Was it from need, or from having such an inspiring partner?

Rose needed a good hard fucking and was determined to get it. With her heels she pulled at his ass, then thrust up with her hips. He laughed then joined in, making it all so much easier. Still working hard, she matched his rhythm, pounding away at him, pumping hard with furious strokes.

This time it took awhile for Paul to orgasm. Eventually he held still, pushed his cock deep into her with strong leg muscles. His cock pulsed, and she realised he was spurting another load into her. Her legs tightened around his back, as though squeezing out the last drop of seed.

Rose let her legs drop from around him, and felt her whole body flop into the bedding. He was heavy on her, but rolled off. He stared at her with dreamy eyes.

In class Feebie called them, come to bed eyes. Rose said she had, and they had giggled, until Miss had warned them.

Rose looked away, feeling embarrassed.

'That was so good! I've never, err, felt like this before,' she said.

Rose only just refrained from saying, she never felt like this with her husband. That would have put a downer on their mood. It was true. This boy was making her feel on top of the world. The sex was astounding. Twice this evening, and he would soon be ready for more, if she let him.

They better not as she would feel sore. Going into the kitchen walking like a cowboy, would be a giveaway to her daughter. Rose started giggling.

'Hey, what?' Paul asked. 'What now?'

'Just happy that's all,' she giggled.

'Sometimes I wonder if you really are eighteen. I'll ask your mom if you're eighteen yet,' he warned her.

'No! It's alright, I'm over eighteen, promise,' she seriously spoke.

He started tickling her, and said, 'I know, just kidding you,' he laughed.

They lay quietly together, occasionally starting a conversation, and letting it dwindle to nothing. Maybe they had dozed, but all too soon it was late.

'You'd better go, mom will be home soon,' Rose reluctantly said.

Before opening the door he grabbed her and they kissed. Her eyes were closed to savour his tender touches all the more. His hands were all over her naked body. It would be difficult to resist him if he wanted her yet again, though, there was no way she could chance her daughter catching them in bed together.

A cold breeze touched her thighs. Opening her eyes she saw the street lights, and gulped.

'Hey! Paul!' she cried out, and struggled in his grip. 'Let me go, someone will see.'

He laughed, let her go, and slapped her bare ass. She was curled up protecting her naked body, on the front step. He kissed her, and fondled a breast, then walked away.

While looking over his shoulder, he walked into the gate post. She stood naked in the doorway, grinning at him. Quickly closing the door, she ran back to her bedroom, giggling like a naughty schoolgirl.

Rose got dressed and tidied up the kitchen, and looked around to make sure there were no signs of what they had been up to. Though it seemed her daughter had relaxed about her having a boyfriend. It was a good thing too. Especially as they were having sex.

'Oh! God!' Rose sighed.

Until they had petted heavily that first time, she didn't realise how much she missed having sex. Was that why she thought so much of Paul? How could she love a teenager at her age? He'd stirred up her feelings, more than she thought possible. Surely it wasn't just a schoolgirl crush, and she really did love him.

'Oh! Hell!' she sighed again. 'I've got a year of school to complete. I'll have to be a schoolgirl with a sexy boyfriend for a whole year!'

Plonking her bottom down at the kitchen table, she put her head in her hands.

'What's going to happen to me? It's already difficult not to think of myself as a schoolgirl. I'm enjoying myself too much with Paul, and with school friends. This wasn't meant to happen!'

A car pulled up and Rose heard loud voices trying to quieten each other down. Wanting to get out of the way, she stood up, and heard the front door opening. Her daughter and a guy fell in, trying to act sober.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I'm a little confused about the grades. She said she'd be in eleventh grade and then the next page it was tenth grade. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding it somehow. Love this story though. Now time to go back to the tenth grade page and resume reading. I'll probably understand before too long. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Agree with more spanking

Agree that it would be good for the twins mother to spank her. Also, another episode with the baby sitter who should give her a good spanking.

I disagree with all the negative comments. Ignore them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
More spanking

She should have been spanked by the twins mother. Maybe she still can be and by other neighbors as well.

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07about 7 years agoAuthor
Daughter at work

So far nothing much has happened at work. Maybe now she has a man friend, it might get more interesting. The boss offered her a job because he thinks she will jump into bed with him? At 18 she is less likely to handle work place experiences.

MunchDKMunchDKabout 7 years ago
Am I the only one

... who is curious about the daughter's experiences at work?

TomatobottomTomatobottomabout 7 years ago
Make it happen

Put Rose back in 10th grade, that would be too much fun. Surely, her first time around, she was timid and gentle. But this time, she can be adventurous, daring. She can join the cheerleaders, which she always dreamt of but never could summon the courage (Her breasts would make her a hit) and even get along with the rebelious girls. Eventually, she would enjoy this new life more than the original.

Also Janice would get more hold on her than she already had, which she would love. Like she undermined Rose to do a 2nd week in rehab class, instead of taking care of Rose's problems she would see that if Rose actually gets demoted. 10th grade would mean she could control her for 2 more years, which she finds overpowering.

For Janice, I'd say, make her a mature and responible woman, a mother figure to control a wild Rose.

This way, may be, it won't be a sex tale, but it would certainly make a cute role reversal story, very cute.

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07about 7 years agoAuthor

Rose got it wrong, but here is what she thought happened.

She's in a school rehab class, for students who would have been put out of school for being disruptive, non-attendance, etc. Instead this school has a rehab class.

Expecting to go into 12th grade for the rest of the school year (3 months), Rose miss-hears what class she is to go into next week.

Using her date of birth, with her daughters year of birth, meant she was a month too young for 12th grade. (Her daughter was in 12th grade, expecting to do just three months of high school) So Rose would have to go into 11th grade next week. This was a shock for her, so she miss-heard the rest of it.

For her, being put back a year meant going into 10th grade. You can imagine how she felt about that! Three months to the end of the school year, would mean 3 months in 10th grade, then starting 11th grade over, as well as 12th grade to come. The shock of this idea, 2 years of high school, meant she was very emotional over it. We'll see what happens in the next chapter.

Has anyone a favourite scene to be enacted, or an idea for Rose or Janice?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I don't get it. Which grade they are studying? I thought they r all seniors and over 18. So in case of grade demotion, shouldn't Rose be in 11th? Why 10th grade?

I think it was Janice's last school year, so it must be 12 grade and demotion would make it 11, not 10.

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07about 7 years agoAuthor

Well spotted! The two stories did kiss briefly. Hope it made them both a little better for a moment or two. A slight bump of ships in the night might occur again sometime. Maybe the bully sees something in mom, and wants to satisfy his curiosity, and ego. Two older women controlled by one bullying teenage would be too much. Some other fun may occur, Gary

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

May be people didn't care or just did't get it. But there is a little phase where the story merged with "Bully". An interesting turn of events.

Though both stories are well enough on their own and should continue as separate stories, I'd definitely want to see them merge together for a longer period. May be not now but when the time is right.

I understand that you clearly have plans of your own but hope you wouldn't dissapoint your fans.

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