Mom the Superheroine 01


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"If Mom can just snatch the chance to break me free of these chains, the two of us together would be so much more than a match for the two of them!" she thought. "Oh, I can't wait to punch Elena's lights out!"

Elena's hand was snaking in between her thighs again. She tried to keep them clenched together, but her inner thighs were damp and slippery. While Valerie watched, hands on hips and eyes gleaming, Elena began to intrude into Cindy's pussy with a finger. Cindy's eyes widened -- she'd find out!

Then came the sound she had been waiting for. At long last! The warehouse door at the far end banged once, twice -- and flew inwards off its hinges! There stood Battler Babe, in all her muscular glory!

"You're in for it now! Mom's here!" Cindy shouted triumphantly.


Barbara's legs felt slightly wobbly. She'd just leapt dozens of rooftops -- she'd lost count after the twentieth. She felt as if she had just run a marathon sprinting all the way. Even her enhanced stamina was somewhat drained by this exertion. Her marvellous constitution was already hard at work eliminating the fatigue poisons from her muscle cells, but it would take a while yet. Her skin gleamed with perspiration and she breathed evenly, but deeply.

"Gee, I haven't done this in too long!" she thought ruefully. "I wish I'd found the time and discipline to keep up an exercise regimen."

She saw her daughter, chained up, and being fondled by the wicked little Elena. She saw her nemesis, Valerie, from behind. Her muscular, tapered back rippled as she moved. Valerie, the Vicious Vixen, turned slowly around, and locked gazes with Battler Babe for the first time in more than 10 years. It was truly a moment long in the coming...


"Mmm... oh yes... yes that feels... uhhhh..." Dr. Sheldon's voice trailed off into a throaty sigh.

He was lying on the sofa in the staff lounge, and the young, darkly pretty assistant looked up attentively, his cock almost completely in her mouth. She was deep throating him, and very carefully too. It felt heavenly. He couldn't remember the last time his wife had had the time to do this. Thinking about Barbara, he felt guilty for a moment -- but then Valerie grabbed his buttocks and squeezed, at the same time creating suction with her lips and throat, drawing out his seed irresistibly...

Afterwards, they lay side by side, Valerie snuggling close to him in the crook of his arm. He turned to look at her. The moonlight coming in from the windows gave her dark hair an unearthly sheen. Where another woman might have looked dark and mysterious, Valerie looked like something more. She looked excitingly, alluringly sinister. Of course, this wasn't a bad thing -- Dr. Sheldon felt his pulse start to race again as he gazed at his lover.

The truth about her was very different, of course. There was not a more caring or sympathetic soul. At such a lonely time, to have someone as attuned to his emotions as this come into his life... how had he been so lucky? She always seemed to be there for him. She was his right-hand assistant, helping him refine the super-soldier mutagen formula, so that it resulted in more compact muscle mass and enhanced agility as well as strength. There was still research needed to find out exactly why it seemed to work only on females and not males, but with Valerie's help it could be done. And with her at his side, after hours...

He felt a brief pang of guilt, thinking about his wife -- but what was there to pity about her? She was Battler Babe, going out there, in that sexy costume... displaying her body for the benefit of everyone except her own husband... adored by all, but without the time to fulfil her own adoring husband's needs. Part of him still felt proud that he had had a hand in creating yet another brave and noble superheroine to join the ranks of Paragon's finest, but it was getting more buried within him by the day. The fame and publicity didn't hurt, either, especially when it led to easier appeals for funding... but it wasn't his own fame and publicity. It was hers, all hers -- her fame and glory that he could only enjoy a wan reflection of. He had needs, damn it! He had needs, as a man... and Valerie was willing to help him with them. They were in love, outside the strictures of marriage it was true, but love nonetheless. What was wrong with that?

"I'd better get going, Dr. Sheldon," Valerie breathed into his ear. "We have a lot of work to do tomorrow, and you need to be alert to be at your best."

"Yes, my dear," he sighed. "I'd better be getting home."

"To your beloved wife," Valerie said, and he could detect only the faintest trace of bitterness there -- but it was there, he knew. He knew her so well by now.

"You are my beloved too, darling," he said, and meant it. "You've... Valerie, this is so monstrously unfair to you. You've helped me, so much, without thought for yourself. We have the new improved formula, and we know it will work! It's still untested, but it will! Now we simply have to find a willing candidate, before S.E.R.A.P.H. approves the formula in its completed form..." (Dr. Sheldon was the beneficiary of a generous grant by the Scientific Experimentation Research and Application to Paranormal Humans division of government.)

"Yes... and that will be hard, sweetie," Valerie laughed ruefully. "We have to screen them all so carefully... we can't risk the mutagen falling into the hands of any villains, or potential villains, at all."

"I have half a mind to recommend you as a suitable candidate, you know," Dr. Sheldon said, only half-joking. She'd become super-strong, like Barbie... but she'd be different. For one thing, she wouldn't get quite as big -- so she won't get bigger than him. For another, she was so accommodating, so attentive... she'd be devoted to him, he knew it.

"Oh, pshh. Don't be silly. You know we're all automatically barred from it. Unless you go all rogue scientist on us, like that what's-his-name again, Dr. Aeon, in the Rogue Isles," Valerie chuckled. Gods, this woman's voice was so sexy, especially when she laughed that low laugh of hers. He could feel himself getting hard again.

"Well... how about that... you're a helpless captive at the hands of the omnipotent Dr. Sheldon, mad scientist extraordinaire," he growled, grabbing her wrists.

She struggled, laughing, and they sank into the sofa.

In the moonlight, no one was there to see the way her eyes glinted.


For several long moments, no one spoke. Elena stepped away from Cindy, and both daughters watched, awed by the spectacle of their mothers' silent confrontation. Battler Babe, versus Vicious Vixen, yet again -- but this time, there was something different in the air. This time, the stakes had turned personal.

And this time, Vicious Vixen looked very different from her old self.

She spoke first. "Well, well... you made it, Barbie."

"That's Battler Babe to you, Val," Barbara snapped back, still slightly out of breath. As retorts went, it wasn't the snappiest comeback in the world, but she was shaking with anger at seeing her daughter naked and trussed up like that. Evidently Cindy had been molested too -- had she been traumatized?

"If you've done anything at all to her..." she began, stepping forward, her eyes blazing furiously.

"Not as much as we could have, but yes, we've done... plenty, you could say," Valerie grinned evilly, and her daughter mirrored that grin. Like mother, like daughter indeed...

"I'm... I'm fine, Mom! They've only... only tried to humiliate me, but they failed!" Cindy said defiantly, trying to smile at her mother to allay her worries. "And now that you're here, they'll get the butt kicking they deserve!"

Barbara tried to smile back at her daughter encouragingly. "Atta-girl, Cindy! Just watch... this won't take a minute," she said, advancing on Valerie threateningly.

But the Vixen was holding up a hand to stop her, and Barbara could not help but notice Valerie's much-improved physique. Evidently she'd been working out plenty in the prison gym rooms.

"Your daughter's faith in you has been nothing short of touching, Barbie dear," she cooed. "And that makes me very, very pleased indeed." As Valerie spoke, Elena moved over to Cindy and placed her hands at Cindy's throat. Cindy's eyes widened, and so did Barbara's.

"No..." she gasped.

Valerie laughed. "Make one move out of turn, Barbara, and your daughter will suffer for it! You may be super strong, but darling little Cindy is just a normal human being, isn't she?"

Cindy kept silent, feeling Elena's surprisingly strong grip on her chin and neck. She wasn't quite sure how much of her mom's super resilience she had gotten, so she couldn't risk it. The chains still caused her pain when they chafed against her, she knew, so she was probably not proof against having her neck snapped. Still, it irked her so much, to have to play the part of a hostage! This was not how she had envisioned Battlerette's role to be!

"What... what do you want from us exactly, Valerie?" Barbara demanded, her voice cracking with anxiety. "Tell your daughter to take her hands off mine! Why have you brought us here?"

"It's really very simple, Barbara," Valerie replied, her eyes growing cold. "I have brought you here, to give you your ultimate dose of humiliation! Revenge is not only a dish best served cold -- it is best served as a twelve-course dinner!" she said, licking her lips.

"Your incarceration was lawful and fair, Vixen!" Barbara declared, affronted that the issue of justice was to be made a matter of personal revenge. "In fact, more than fair -- you're out early on parole, which, by the way, you've violated! Release Cindy immediately, and I'll... I'll refrain from reporting you to the PPD, to have your parole revoked," she said.

Valerie threw back her head and laughed, long and loud. Elena's eyes narrowed, and she tightened her grip on Cindy's neck, causing Cindy to wince.

"You think I give a fuck about the law?" Valerie screamed, in sudden rage. "You took my daughter from me for all these years... you stood up there, looking down on us... and all the while you put on such a noble front for the world, such a fucking façade! When all the time, you were being a total, complete cold fish at home to Steve!"

Barbara drew up, stunned. So... that was what this was truly all about! Valerie had composed herself, but now the smouldering resentment in her eyes had taken on a different light.

"You... you really did love him, didn't you?" she said wonderingly.

"Took you long enough to figure out," Valerie replied with heavy scorn. "And he, of course, felt the same way about me. Which is more than what he felt towards you."

"You... you man-stealing..." Barbara said, gritting her teeth. She dared not push Valerie too far -- Elena looked to have a vicious streak in her, just like her mother. The apple did not fall far from the tree, it seemed.

"He made his choice, Barbie... and his choice was clearly the smarter choice. He chose the better woman, plain and simple!" Valerie's lips curled in twisted satisfaction.

"That's... that's nonsense!" It was Cindy who cried out in objection. "Mom's the best woman there is, and you're just a cheating bitch villainess whom he had an affair with! Mom's the mighty Battler Babe," she ploughed on, despite Elena's snarl and tightening grip, "and you're just a small-time crook! You could never hold a candle to Mom!"

"Elena! Release!" Valerie's voice cracked out like a whip. Immediately, Elena obeyed, and Cindy gasped for air -- in the last few seconds, Elena had been choking her, causing Barbara to edge forward with hands upraised, on the verge of attacking.

"This bitch is going to pay for her words, Mom," Elena snarled.

"Indeed she is, but let's not ruin the show we've so carefully staged, daughter dearest!" Valerie smiled.

"Show?" Barbara said. "What do you mean? Explain yourself, Vixen!"

Valerie grinned unpleasantly again. "Right now, there are video cameras positioned all over this room, recording all of this. We're making a little home movie of our own, you might say. As for what this movie will consist of..."

She stepped forward, as Barbara glanced around wildly, not seeing anything, but knowing it was probably true -- Valerie would not make an idle boast like that for no reason.

"It will consist of your utter shame and humiliation at my hands," Valerie hissed. "It will show everyone who watches it how weak and cowardly you really are. It will show, once and for all, that between us two, I am the stronger and the better woman by far. As dear Steve recognized long ago, of course, but now the world will see it, in glorious high-definition. We, my dear Barbie, are going to have ourselves a little duel, woman to woman."

"So you want to fight me," Barbara said, her mind reeling. "You want... you want me to fight, with Cindy as a hostage... so that you can stage an easy win? Holding her over me?"

"I don't need to fake the fight, Barbara," Valerie replied. "I'm more than woman enough to handle you and hand you your ass on a plate, right in front of your own daughter, in front of both our daughters. I'll make you a bargain you can't refuse, Barbara... Battler Babe.

"Battle me, Battler Bitch! You against me, Vicious Vixen, one on one, in a contest of strength, skill and stamina. No interference. No harm to come to your daughter, until you lose. After I've beaten you, that's a different story -- you and your daughter will be our slaves and will have to do what we tell you!"

"How can I trust the word of a villainess?" Barbara retorted. "Especially you, of all people!"

"I've just made the declaration to the cameras. I have... associates, who are making sure of our privacy even as we speak, and who will collect the footage and edit the video. Those associates have to know, too, that I am capable of doing what I say I can," Valerie asserted grimly.

Barbara knew this was most likely true. Whom was she getting help from? Arachnos? Surely not, they were too big for this small-time revenge. The Family? She'd never known Valerie to have any significant Mafia ties. No matter -- it was of no consequence. She was being challenged to a duel -- her, Battler Babe! For the freedom of her daughter!

"You do realize I am far stronger than you are?" she asked, incredulously. "I know you look as though you've been seriously working out in prison, but you have to know, there is no way you can match me."

To this, Valerie only smiled grimly. "Oh, I think you'll be surprised, Barbara. And I want you to be. In fact, I want the both of you to understand who the stronger, better woman really is. That's why we'll start the duel with a bit of arm wrestling, right here in front of our girls. And then we'll maybe do a bit of boxing, fisticuffs, unarmed combat. And then... I'll wrestle you into submission. If you make me submit or give up at any point, you win and you take your daughter with you, and my daughter and I will take whatever punishment you have for us. If I win, you and Cindy are at our mercy, and believe me, we've definitely got plans for you.

"Do you accept these terms, Battler Babe?"

The last question was delivered in a clear, resounding voice. It had the ring of a ritualistic challenge... a challenge that had to be accepted.

"Go on, Mom! You can do it for sure! She wants it, you give it to her -- show her up at her own game! Go, Battler Babe!" Cindy cried out excitedly. She could not believe how foolish this Vixen was being. Didn't she know what Mom was capable of?

"C'mon, you big broad! Or are you afraid of Mom? Afraid she'll show you for the milksop weakling housewife you really are?" Elena crowed, leering at Barbara lewdly.

Barbara took only a moment longer to gather herself. Then, she drew herself up, and placed her fists on her hips, feet planted squarely apart, in a classic power pose.

"Alright, Vixen -- you have your duel! I accept your challenge!" she declared, her eyes glinting. She was no shrinking violet -- she was Battler Babe, scourge of evildoers! "I'll make you real sorry for what you've done to Cindy!"

"Excellent!" Valerie cried. "Then let's begin!"

Turning to the side, she reached for a large steel crate, grabbing a side-handle. Then, as Barbara and Cindy looked on in amazement, she lifted up the crate with one arm, grunting only a little bit with effort, and placed it down in front of Cindy, setting it down with a dull boom. The muscles on her arm rippled and bulged in an impressive show of both strength and control!

"She's enhanced her strength somehow!" Barbara and Cindy both realized. Little wonder that she had the guts to issue this challenge! But both of them looked at each other, and Barbara saw the adoring gaze of her daughter, and the confidence she had in her mother. For Cindy, so much was riding on this duel, and she had already suffered in this ignominious way as the hostage for the set-piece... after she beat Valerie, Barbara vowed, she would quickly hunt down whoever was doing the recording, and destroy all records! She could do it -- wasn't she the mighty Battler Babe?

"I can take whatever you throw at me, Valerie!" she thought to herself.

Valerie knelt down on one side of the crate, to Cindy's left. Then, she reached up, and undid the bindings for her spandex costume. It was revealing enough to begin with, but now she was stripping off the top, to be topless! She peeled the material down to let it settle around her waist, leaving her entire torso bare.

It was a breathtakingly muscular torso, ripped and defined, with her modest but proud breasts jutting out from lean-looking pectorals. Her abdomen and back were both ripped. Her deltoids were carved, and her upper-arm muscles looked long and lean. The long gloves she was wearing set them off even more.

"Come, Battler Babe... let's have a real woman to woman test! Maybe you're too much of a prude?" she laughed, stretching, making her muscles ripple and dance underneath her skin as she did so.

With a dry mouth, Barbara looked uncertain. Cindy saw her mother's hesitation, and felt worried -- Mom couldn't lose this psychological ground so early in the duel! She knew her staid mother was indeed a little bit prudish -- sure, she indulged in sexy costumes as Battler Babe, but in private life she was quite the opposite. Now, Cindy realized she really wanted her mother to show her womanly superiority to this slattern who had made their family suffer so much already, and now had plotted to make them suffer even more. Cindy knew her mother was reluctant to follow suit with Valerie right now.

But she knew Barbara was not really ashamed, as such, of nudity in front of Cindy. They were so close. They changed together, showered together, sometimes even shared the bathroom while one of them was using it. There was no bodily function they were too ashamed to perform in each other's presence -- their bond was far too intimate for that. So, the reason for Barbara's reluctance was simply that it didn't feel right, doing so at the Vixen's vile provocation.

So she had to provide the solution. "You think you're strong, but wait till you see what Mom can do!" she said, confidently. "Go on, Mom, show her your stuff! You're a hundred times the bombshell she could ever be!"

Her daughter was egging her on, cheering her on to match Valerie's brazen immodesty and go topless... somehow, that made it palatable to Barbara at some deep level. She put it aside for now -- no time to think about that. With a few quick movements, the upper straps were peeled off, and like Valerie's, her costume now covered only the bottom half of her body.

If Valerie's torso was muscled like a lean Amazon's, Barbara's torso was that of a Greek Goddess of War. Her matronly dugs hung a bit low, perhaps, but that was because of good healthy breast-feeding she'd given Cindy, and a healthy body-fat percentage. When she crunched her arms together, you could see her pectorals bulge at her clavicle. They were armour plates on which her breasts reposed. Her muscles were much larger, though she lacked the definition Valerie possessed. Instead, they were soft and rounded, giving her body a delightful feminine mien, the mien of an older, matured woman who had a healthy, superbly muscled physique. Her costume usually came with a pair of white fingerless gloves stopping at the wrist, which she retained. She knelt opposite her counterpart at the steel crate. Elena came to crouch beside her mother, throwing Barbara a narrow-eyed glare.