Mom the Superheroine 05


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From behind her back, she produced two sets of sleek-looking handcuffs that looked space-age and had parts inside that glowed blue.

"Suppressor cuffs," she explained off-handedly. "From the arsenals of Malta. I cribbed a few, because I'm resourceful like that. Tonight, let's have the rematch you've been craving. One on one, my daughter against yours, and me against you. No outside interference. Losers of each match get cuffed. If we lose... you get to send us to the Zig. If you lose... well... we'll give certain offshore friends of ours a call, and you'll take a little trip."

Clearly she meant the Rogue Isles – a place no heroine wanted to find herself.

"You really down for this, Cindy?" Elena's voice dropped to a low whisper. "Wanna see just who's better, right here, right now? Let's see whose muscles are really better, Battlebitch."

For some long moments the four of them stood, facing off.

"If you make this a fair fight, then you're on!" Cindy finally said, though privately she doubted it would be so. She dropped her pose and put her arms up, to defend against any sudden attack. She and her mom would not be caught flat-footed again!

"If we accept, how do we know you won't find some way to cheat again?" Barbara said accusingly.

At this, both Vixen and Vixenette laughed derisively.

"You stupid cows!" Elena stopped laughing long enough to speak. "We didn't cheat the last time – you lost fair and square, you lumpy milksop!"

"I could've done any number of things to you with Cindy at my mercy, Barbie," Valerie snapped. "Could've told you to just stand and take whatever I wanted to dish out. But no, I gave you a fair chance to fight. Because I don't need to cheat to beat you, Barbara! I don't need to cheat to prove I'm better than you!" she said, her face contorted with anger and contempt.

"But if you really need assurance," she growled, her eyes narrowing, "here's how we'll do it. First, your daughter... against mine! One on one, woman on woman, just like we did. No interference from you or me. And after that, it's you and me, same terms. Can't say fairer than that, right?"

Was there some trick, perhaps, to the cuffs? Could it be that only one set was functional, or they knew some secret way to make the cuffs work only for Barbara and Cindy, or...

There was no way of knowing, and no way of backing out of this challenge. If they said no, this meeting would devolve into an all-out brawl, and deep down Cindy knew they would probably come off worse in such a fight. She had only practiced some wrestling and infighting with her mother – their teamwork was still unrefined. The Vixens had not given them enough time to prepare!

As much as it galled her to admit it, their enemies were giving them the best possible terms for a fight, the most even field they were likely to get.

She turned to look at her mother, who met her gaze in wordless communion. Their minds were in accord, as always – Barbara gave a firm nod, and Cindy responded likewise. They were stronger together – but for now each would have to test her strength alone.

"Alright, Valerie," Barbara said. "We accept."

"Oh yes... it's on now, bitch!" Elena snarled, making a rude gesture at Cindy, who simply folded her arms and did not dignify that with a response.

Two mothers, two daughters. One pair on the side of law and justice, the other on greed and criminality. Barbara and Cindy were almost in the nude, but still exuded a wholesome aura; Valerie and Elena's skimpy leathers were lewd and suggestive despite covering more skin. Cindy had gotten her body naturally from her mother, received the best nourishment Barbara could provide, and trained herself hard to keep setting new limits; Elena had lived a debauched and profligate lifestyle starting with underage drinking and smoking, and her body was the product of the stolen mutagen modified by Arachnos scientists.

It was time for the final clash to determine which pair would stand, strong and victorious, and which pair would fall, crushed and defeated.

Barbara and Valerie stepped back, to give their daughters room. Barbara's gaze kept darting over to Valerie. Despite the stinging words of the challenge, she just could not bring herself to trust the conniving villainess. Possibilities ran through her mind. Was there some concealed weapon, maybe some tiny darts tipped with a paralytic or debilitating substance? Was there some magic accouterment Elena was wearing to sap or steal Cindy's strength? Whatever it was, she had only her mother's strength and instincts with which to protect her brave, innocent daughter.

"It's all up to you now, honey," Valerie said to her daughter, winking slyly. "Make me proud."

"You bet, Momma!" Elena exclaimed, slapping her flexed biceps for emphasis.

"I'll make you proud too, Mom," Cindy said quickly, pumping her arms in a quick flex for Barbara's benefit.

"You always do, my love," Barbara told her, and gently blew her a kiss. Cindy blushed a little, and blew one back.

"You both have always been so unbearably corny," Elena said, wrinkling her nose as if smelling something distasteful. "You make me sick!"

"Speak for yourself – you're the sickening one! With your... your loose morals, and your lawbreaking, and your... evil ways!" Cindy spluttered, outraged.

"It would be such a joy to make you scream your submission to me, you self-righteous prude," Elena hissed, interlacing her fingers and stretching them, displaying her sculpted triceps. She leaned out to the side, making her ripped torso writhe.

"I will never submit to you, evildoer. Especially not to you," Cindy stated quietly, shrugging her impressive rock-hard shoulders and limbering up her neck.

"Oh you will, and especially to me." Elena walked over to the concrete block, and knelt on one side, putting her gloved arm up in clear invitation. "Come on, my pony cumslut. Let's start the same way our moms did. I bet I beat you quicker than my mom beat yours!"

Cindy felt her heart thudding in her chest. An arm wrestling match, with her most hated rival, with their moms watching... she recalled that only a few nights ago, she and her mother had fantasized about it together as they made love. "I'll take her skinny stick arm and slam it down in front of you," she'd panted, as Barbara's fingers slid deliciously in and out of her. "I'll make her cry and repent, with the broken bones in her fingers... she'll be so sorry for what she and her mom did to you and me... and I'll do it all for you... I'll beat them, for you..."

Now here was her chance – but this Elena's arms were definitely not the skinny sticks they had been. Still, she felt the anger rise in her. She would do it – with the muscles her beloved mom had given her, she would do it!

She knelt down across from Elena, and reached for the proffered hand. They hooked thumbs and slowly, almost sensually, wrapped their fingers tightly around each other's hands. Elena braced her left hand on the side of the block, so Cindy followed suit – this would not be just pure arm strength alone, then, but also upper body strength. That was just fine by her.

They glared at each other over the tops of their clasped hands. Their mothers inched closer, to get a better look.

Wordlessly they began, with a tightening of pressure from Elena quickly matched by Cindy. No movement yet – they were both increasing the strength of their grips. Soon, their knuckles whitened, and their forearms started to tremble finely. Their biceps swelled, and the lines of striation on their chests deepened.

They kept up their battle of wills with their locked eyes, and Cindy strove not to let her feelings show. "She... she's strong!" Cindy thought. Already the grip felt almost as hard as her mother's, when they practiced arm wrestling with each other. Of course, she and her mom had never actually tried to crush each other's hands, but still... with the amount of grip strength Elena was exhibiting...

"Feel that, Cindy?" Elena said, her voice sounding slightly shaky. "I'm the stronger girl. You're going to be weeping and begging me to let go of your hand."

"You'll have to do a lot better than this if you want to beat Battler Babe's daughter," Cindy replied grimly. She took a deep breath, and the cords of muscle on her forearm hardened even more.

She was rewarded with a satisfying gasp of pain wrung from Elena's lips – the first in the match. First point to her! But Elena furrowed her brow and responded by squeezing back. Cindy's lips trembled, then parted as she, too, gasped in pain.

Sweat began to break out on both their foreheads, despite the coolness of the evening air. Every muscle on their bodies stood out in sharp relief. Their breaths began to come in shorter, sharper intakes of air.

"C'mon, take her down!" Valerie blurted. "Smash her down!"

"You can do it, honey!" Barbara quickly cried out. "Slam her down! You can do it!"

Galvanized by both their mothers' exhortation, the two dueling daughters stepped up their efforts, leaning forward and putting all the strength they could into their arms to pull each other down. Each bared her teeth in a grimace. For almost half a minute the intensity built, and built, until suddenly, with a yell, Elena gained the advantage with a huge jerk of her arm, bringing Cindy almost halfway down.

"No!" Barbara could not help crying out.

"Yes!" Valerie hissed.

Now the cheering began in earnest, as they strove to pour all the verbal encouragement they could into their daughters' minds and bodies. Barbara wished for all the world that she could somehow channel her own strength into her daughter's body right that moment. "Hold her, Cindy! Don't give up! You can do it!"

Cindy clenched her jaw tightly, her teeth bared, as she flexed with all her might to hold Elena off. Meanwhile, spittle flecked Elena's lips as she sucked in greedy breaths through her teeth and tried to muster enough strength for a second surge of power.

Cindy cried out in frustration. How could this be – how could she be so strong? She had to turn the tables. She could not lose any more ground. She was Battler Babe's daughter, she was Battleborn! She knew she was not just wrestling for herself – she was representing her mother, and everything she stood for. She could not lose!

Her magnificently muscled arm shook with effort. A vein began to stand out along the top curve of her biceps.

Slowly, ever so slowly, their hands started moving upwards again. Elena yowled with frustration of her own. The anger flashed in her eyes as Cindy steadily muscled their hands back to the center.

"Yes, well done, my love!" Barbara cheered exultantly. "That's it, pull her over, you can do it! Go, Cindy, Go!"

"C'mon, Vixenette, put your back into it!" Valerie snarled. "You can do better than this! Crush her fucking hand!"

The moments ticked past. It felt to Cindy as if there were an invisible wall she was pushing against, propping up Elena's arm, which was not as big as her own but looked frankly just as strong. But she was Battleborn – she had the strength to push down walls. She settled down to the task.

By then both their bodies were bathed in rivulets of sweat. Cindy's training tights were once again soaked in the perspiration of her exertion. Elena's leather battle harness, sans torso piece, was soon soaked as well. Then, the concrete began to crack where they were holding onto it with their left hands, such was the force both superpowered girls were exerting.

"I must beat her... in front of her mother... and mine... I must beat her!" was the same thought running through both of their heads.

But in Cindy's mind, there was also the memory and awareness of what Elena had done to her before: the kidnapping, the molestation, the psychological beating down... and finally, Elena wringing the ultimate surrender from Cindy, her pelvis slapping against Cindy's buttocks at that steady, pounding pace...

She moaned as she began to lose ground again. She felt the fury rise in her, she felt the hatred she had nursed towards her opponent, but try as she might she could not draw enough strength from it, because mingled with the anger were feelings of humiliation, of submission... of weakness.

"Yes... yes..." Elena moaned breathlessly, her eyes fixed on their hands. Her mother crouched at her side, urging her to finish it, to crush, to dominate, as she had done once before and could do again. Every word seemed to make Elena stronger by the second.

Then Barbara, her strong beautiful mom, was at her side, whispering urgently to her, feeding her with love and encouragement and unwavering belief. Cindy's eyes glazed over slightly. She felt something suffusing her insides, swelling up within her breast, washing away the hurt and pain and fear. And her sore, straining arm muscles began to feel strong again.

"I love you, Mom," she whispered tremulously, and then she repeated it in a stronger voice.

She pulled Elena back to the center again, then tipped her over the edge, gaining advantage for the first time. Elena yelped and strained frantically, but now Cindy's arm was the wall, pushing down on her.

"This is for you... Mom!" Cindy cried out. Her arm, shoulder and chest muscles pulsed. She pulled Elena's arm down further and further, lower and lower...

With a snarl of rage, Elena suddenly rose upright and lurched to the side, still grabbing Cindy's hand. Caught completely off-guard, Cindy stumbled, almost losing her footing, knocking her mom off-balance as well. Before she could draw herself upright, Elena had trapped her in an arm bar, pulling Cindy's right arm straight out, and trapping it under Elena's left elbow.

"We knew you'd cheat!" Barbara cried out hotly, but Valerie was in her face, glaring.

"Touch either of them, and it's a free for all!" she hissed. "Go on, you break the rules first, Battler Bitch!"

"Your daughter just cheated, Valerie!" Barbara said angrily, as Cindy struggled to stand up, only to have Elena keep her down with leverage and the painful arm bar, which strained her shoulder joint and elbow. "She was losing, and she didn't finish the match! If she wants a fair fight she'll let Cindy go and start again, but properly!"

"She'll do no such thing!" Valerie sneered. "The fight already began when they agreed it would. She just used her cunning and wits, is all! Now, back off, and let them wrestle, or face me now with no holds barred!"

Barbara's fists clenched and unclenched with anger. Oh, how she wanted more than anything right now to punch that smirk off Valerie's evil face...

"Mom..." Cindy called out through gritted teeth. She was down on one knee, trying to stand up, but with Elena leaning heavily on her trapped right arm. "It's alright... Mom... I can do it, I can beat her... I'll do it for you, Mom... stay back."

Reluctantly, Barbara stepped back, and after a few tense moments Valerie smiled coldly and stepped back as well.

"Remember this, Valerie... Vixen," Barbara told her. "My daughter outmuscled yours. She'll win. You'll see."

Valerie made no reply, but her eyes glittered dangerously. "Break that marshmallow arm, Elena. Do it!"

For half a heartbeat Barbara was deathly frightened for her daughter – but try as Elena might, she could not break Cindy's arm so easily. She was putting plenty of pressure on it, though – Cindy was groaning and gasping with the pain, as she tried to free herself.

Elena then skillfully changed grip, while keeping the arm bar in place. Then she slowly levered Cindy's right arm into a hammerlock. Cindy could only flex her already tired arm in a futile effort to resist, but soon she was trapped in the painful hold.

Slight irony – the hammerlock was one of the most common ways a policewoman would subdue, say, a violent robber, and now Vixenette the villainess was on the verge of subduing Battleborn the superheroine with it! If she could get Cindy flat on the ground, with the hammerlock in place, then it was as good as over – an ignominious defeat for Battleborn in her very first battle!

But Cindy remained firmly on one knee, refusing to go down, even though she cried in pain with every jerk on her captive arm. Elena moved in and snaked her left arm around Cindy's neck, for a combination hammerlock and chokehold – deadly under any circumstances. Her intended victim, however, was no mere victim – Cindy reached over and behind, grabbed a hunk of Elena's hair, and with a heave, flexing her thick but supple trunk, she flipped Elena over her head.

Elena yelped as her world turned topsy-turvy, but she had just enough presence of mind to break her landing with her feet. She did lose her grip on Cindy's arm, and Cindy gasped with relief as the pain eased. Elena was skilled and agile, though, and was already twisting her body around to recover her stance. Cindy knew she had to move fast to catch this slippery snake – or rather, fox. A single step forward brought Elena's head snugly into the crook of her left arm, allowing Cindy to snap on a frontal headlock.

She grabbed onto her own wrists to secure the hold and tighten the grip. A headlock from her would put any human combatant to sleep within seconds, even an Olympic wrestler or a commando, before they could think of a counter move. But her opponent, of course, was a match for her. Elena gasped and choked, but was far from being knocked out cold by this move. She reached for Cindy's wrists, found them, grabbed them, and began pulling, trying to break out with brute strength.

Cindy flexed her arms as hard as she could, but dishearteningly she found that her right arm was still tired from exertion, and Elena was using her own fresher left arm to overcome it. Her muscle cells could recover faster than a normal human's, but she still needed time, especially since her right arm had just been targeted. She felt her grip loosening, despite all her efforts, until with a jerk Elena broke free of the headlock.

The two stood like that for some moments, with Elena grabbing onto Cindy's wrists at waist level, both of them leaning forward with foreheads almost touching. "You wrestle as badly as your mom," Elena said, panting slightly but grinning.

Cindy grunted angrily, and prepared to grapple anew with Elena. But before she could do that, Elena acted first. Her feet moved swiftly, and the next thing Cindy felt was Elena's knee crashing straight... into her crotch.

A starburst of pain exploded throughout her body. She heard her mom scream, but all she could do was clutch her groin and sink slowly to the ground, knock-kneed. Her eyes watered and her jaw went slack, though no sound came out of her mouth. This was the most painful thing she had ever experienced!

"Pow! Right in the pussy!" Valerie crowed, clapping delightedly. "Nice move, darling!"

Grinning from ear to ear, Elena grabbed hold of Cindy's hair. Glaring down at her hated rival, she spat right in Cindy's face.

Barbara was on the verge of jumping in again, this time disregarding the consequences, but Valerie was at the ready.

"You join in, and I join in," she reminded Barbara, maliciously. "This is between the two of them."

Barbara swallowed hard, but still could not bring herself to flout the rules of their challenge, even though her heart ached with sympathetic pain for her daughter.

Her hand flew to her mouth in shock when Elena held Cindy by the hair – and slammed her face-first into the concrete block!

The impact was hard enough to send yet more cracks through the block. Cindy looked dazed, and a trickle of blood came out of her nostril. An injury like that would stun her with no lasting harm, but it still put her at a distinct disadvantage.

Quickly, Elena grabbed Cindy's left arm, which was flailing about, and fell backwards while clutching it to her chest. Her legs snapped around it, and over Cindy's neck and upper torso. A perfectly executed cross-body armlock! Within moments, Elena was mercilessly pulling at her captive left arm, hyperextending the elbow.