Mommy Daycare Ch. 05


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"Same thing, really."


Kaden pulled Jaina in for a kiss. "I love that you have such a mind for this stuff."

"I bet that's not the only thing you love."

"No. No it sure isn't."

Jaina started bouncing on Kaden's cock. "So, we doin' this?"

"I mean... can we afford it though?"

"Ah, yeah, well probably. I mean we'll need more clientele to actually make the numbers work, but I think that won't be a problem. The moms all keep spreading the word as it is, and we could do more to actively recruit if need be."

"Sure. So like, that would cover the rent on this place?"

Jaina bit her lip. "I might have been thinking of buying outright. Alicia introduced her friend Tanya to us the other day-"

"I think I remember."

"Sure. Tanya loves it here, but has actual work so can't be here full time. But turns out she does banking stuff, and can get us a really good loan for this place. And she even knows how to, like, get us some small business startup money that's... I don't know how it works exactly, but it's essentially kinda free money as long as we're providing valuable services to the community."

"Oh," Kaden said. "Is that what we're doing?"

"Well... see, Tanya's friend Carla has also been coming for a couple days a week, and she's on the town council, and-"

"I think I see where this is going."

"Right. Well the short version is that yes we'd be on the hook for this loan, but it's really not gonna be as big a loan as it should be, considering the cost of the building and furnishing and maybe renovating a little. And it'd be perfect for us. And all our moms and helpers would have-"



"I'm in."

Jaina beamed. "Good."

"You tell Ri or our moms yet?"

"Nope. You had to be first."

"Ok. We'll tell them tonight, yeah?"

"For sure. Right now I think I just wanna fuck my brother."

"Works for me."

Kaden made out with Jaina while she rocked around on his cock, enjoying a nice sibling fuck. They took their time, in no hurry, even though they knew they had other responsibilities to get to.

And in fact, that was just what they did next, wandering around and teaming up on various horny mommies and making sure they were all satisfied.

Tanya and Carla happened to both be there, which was convenient for the purposes of giving them some special brother and sister 'thank you' massages. Thanking them for their financial assistance and all. The massages were long, relaxing, and thorough, complete with the kind of internal massaging that you just couldn't get most places. Mommy daycare could indeed provide valuable community services.


Jaina was super excited about expanding the business, just generally, and it occupied most of her thoughts when she wasn't currently busy messing around with someone.

On the other hand, she was rather disappointed at Luna and Mary's decision to go back to work. Intellectually she knew their time off had been a temporary thing, but emotionally she had become so attached to their time together that she was sad to lose it.

"Are you really sure you need to go in today?" Jaina asked as she helped Luna adjust her outfit.

Luna wasn't at all used to wearing clothes anymore, and it was a bit tricky for her to feel settled in full business attire again.

Jaina just thought it was hot seeing her mom dressed all professional, and mostly wanted to rip the clothes back off her again.

"I can't just skip my first day back," Luna chastised gently. "You know that."

"But... you could just stay home. Be a full time mommy."

"You don't need me for that. You have all the mommies you could ever want."

"Well... yeah. But they aren't you. It's not exactly the same."

Luna kissed Jaina. "I'm glad you feel that way. But I do have to go. I can't just descend into this life of luxury forever."

"Why not?"

Luna sighed. "Babygirl, it's only four days a week, you know. I'm keeping my hours down some. You'll still have me three days a week, and mornings and evenings and everything."

"I guess."

"You gonna be ok?"


"... you want to eat Mommy's pussy before I go?"

Jaina cracked a smile. "Yes please."

It felt extra naughty to push Luna's skirt up and her panties down. Having to expose her mommy's cunny instead of it just being bared for her already. Even better that Luna was wearing full and proper business clothes, and Jaina got to roughly move them out of the way of her tongue.

Jaina ate hungrily, lapping at her mommy's pussy like a good daughter. She licked and sucked voraciously, eager to make Luna cum as hard as possible in the limited time they had.

Luna was right that they'd still have lots of mother and daughter time together. It wasn't like that was going away. But Jaina still felt like these moments they shared before Luna had to go to work were special and should be enjoyed fully.

With that in mind, Jaina licked Luna to a nice, intense orgasm, then reluctantly helped her straighten out her panties and skirt.

"You got your plug on under there?" Jaina asked as she stood up.

Luna grinned slyly at her. "What do you think?"

"... yes?" Jaina asked hopefully.

"It's such a pretty little reminder of my children while I'm gone. How could I not wear it?"

"How indeed."

Jaina slipped her hand into Luna's, intertwining their fingers. They walked side by side down to the kitchen, Jaina naked, Luna elegantly dressed but still flushed from cumming on her daughter's face.

The sounds of sex greeted them before they actually arrived. Jaina wasn't at all surprised to see Mary bent over the counter getting pounded by Kaden. Riley perched on the counter next to Mary and stroked her hair lovingly while also playing with her own pussy.

Mary was dressed nearly identically to Luna, complete with her skirt pulled up and her panties pulled down just as Luna had appeared moments ago. She wore her butt plug, shining between her ass cheeks as Kaden fucked her hard. Even as Jaina and Luna stopped and watched, still holding hands, Kaden grunted and filled Mary's pussy all full of cum.

"You're just in time," Riley said happily, looking straight at Luna. "You can get your pussy filled too."

Luna shook her head. "Don't have time. I haven't even had breakfast."

"Don't worry. We made you some breakfast sandwiches to take. And packed you both lunches."

Jaina moved to help Mary straighten herself out as she stood on somewhat shaky legs. She snugged Mary's panties up to her cummy pussy, then tugged her skirt back into place.

Luna sighed theatrically as she hiked her skirt up and bent over in Mary's place. "Great. So my messy pussy will be leaking all day, and all my food is going to be doused in my son's cum. My coworkers are all gonna think I'm such a mommy-slut."

"How'd you know your food's all cummed on?" Riley asked.

"Is that a serious question?"

Riley giggled and stroked Luna's hair once she was bent over. "I guess not."

Kaden pulled Luna's panties down, fingered her plug, lightly smacked her booty, then sank his cock into her wet, waiting snatch.

Despite her protests, Luna's moans as she was fucked by her son made it hard to take her concerns about being late all that seriously.

"There's no reason anyone should see your pussies today," Jaina pointed out. "So there's no way they'll know how badly you're leaking your son's cum."

"Yeah," Riley said. "And we were careful about making your food, so the cum's not obvious, really."

"I'm so very comforted," Luna murmured.

Mary grinned and leaned in close to Jaina to whisper. "She's whining, but last night while we were cuddling she was getting all wistful about missing you guys during the day."

"I knew it," Jaina hissed back triumphantly.

"I'll miss you too. Reminders we can keep with us will definitely help."

"And here most parents would just take some framed pictures or something."

"Oh we got those too. Was hard to get something with all three of you with your clothes on though, let me tell you."

"Hehe, yeah. We coulda posed for something probably, had we known."

"Mmm, we may still try that at some point. We should have a few non-sexual family photos around, for when it's more appropriate."

"I mean probably we should."

Jaina and Mary stood grabbing each other's butts in a loving mother and daughter kind of way while they waited for Luna to be ready. Luna kept moaning and quivering until Kaden shot a load of cum in her pussy to match the one in Mary's.

For the second time that morning, Jaina helped snug Luna's panties to her pussy, now all the messier than before. She straightened out Luna's clothes, then stood up and looked into her eyes. She felt like she was about to lose something, even though she knew it was only temporary and that both Luna and Mary would be back.

"Don't forget your lunches," Jaina said seriously, holding both her moms' hands and looking back and forth between them. "And make sure you have your phones on you. If you get too horny during the day you can call me and I'll talk dirty to you. Try and make friends, but if you don't-"

"Oh for goodness' sake," Luna said, interrupting her daughter with a firm kiss and lots of tongue. "We're going back to work, not starting school."

"Well I'm going to worry about you all day anyway," Jaina grumbled. "You know that."

Mary kissed Jaina just as deeply and inappropriately. "We'll be fine. Promise."

"Remember, keep your clothes on at work," Jaina added. "And if you-"

"Jay," Kaden said, wrapping his arms around her from behind, "they'll be fine. They've got their lunches and phones, and I know for a fact they've got plenty of 'family' pictures on said phones."

"Dirty ones?"

"Almost exclusively."

"That... does help, actually."


"It'd be just our luck to get caught masturbating to our children our first day back," Luna said.

She kissed Riley and Kaden as deeply as she had Jaina, while Mary did the same. Thus having said goodbyes, they took their lunches and shared a car to work.

Jaina stood on the front step and watched them go. Kaden and Riley snuggled up to her and helped comfort her emotions.

"I feel a little lost without them, is all," Jaina said.

"I know," Kaden said. "But you've got us. And quite an assortment of other moms."

"Not the same, I know," Riley said. "But it's only until this evening."

"Yeah, and then four times every week though."

"You're being such a mom right now," Kaden said, rubbing up on Jaina some and kissing her cheek. "Except you're missing our moms, so I don't know what that really makes you."

"M'not being a mom," Jaina protested.

"Yeah you are," Riley said. "This is classic mom behaviour. Getting all worked up over her babies being gone a few hours a day."

"I... fine, maybe."

"You want us to play with you some and help you de-stress?" Kaden asked.

"'Cause we definitely can," Riley agreed.

"... yes please."

Jaina felt her cares melting away pretty quickly as her sibs dragged her back inside and teamed up on her. She giggled and laughed as they initially attacked her, then fell to moaning and cooing at the way they used their mouths.

"I've been a little silly this morning, huh?" Jaina said.

Kaden nodded. "A little."

Riley, with her mouth latched on to Jaina's pussy, didn't answer, but her eyes sent tacit agreement.

The sibs only had limited play time to themselves before they had to be busy professionals, but it was long enough for Riley to eat Jaina out and make her cum, and for Kaden to fill her bum up with cum, subsequently plugging it up, of course.

"Ready for another day?" Kaden asked.

Jaina nodded and kissed her brother and sister deeply and lovingly. "I am now."


It took some time to get the new place ready to go, but by that time the weather had cooled enough they definitely needed it. It also wasn't nearly the pain getting it going that it could have been thanks to all the contacts they had through their client mommies.

There were still some adjustments to be done. Since their daycare was no longer just in their backyard, Jaina, Kaden, and Riley couldn't just roll out of bed straight to work. And even though the distance was pretty walkable, the mornings were too cold to put leashes on mommies and take them over all nakey and unprotected from the chill.

They got a couple mornings in doing that, picking up more moms along the way until they had a whole pack of naked and horny moms on leashes. More common was to make the walk fully dressed and only strip off once they'd arrived at their new daycare centre. Occasionally they just drove and made things easier still.

Not everything was finished yet, there was still work being done and orders being delivered, but it was open and running, and that was the main thing.

Upon arriving every morning, Jaina, Kaden, and Riley would typically split up and go their separate ways to get some things done, and usually meet up for lunch and maybe hang together for the afternoon. It was their business, they could do what the liked so long as it was running smoothly, which it very much was.

They'd had to hire staff, of course. Mostly eighteen to twenty year olds, in keeping with the roots of their operation. For the most part, the teens and moms kind of just kept themselves busy and left the sibs with more freedom to spend their time doing things other than seducing and fucking mommies. Though they did plenty of that too.


"Getting frosty in the mornings," Kaden commented.

"Tell me about it," Jaina said.

The pack of mommies they were walking to daycare were all huddled up in front of them and similarly complaining about the cold.

"Gonna have to start dressing warmer," Riley said a little smugly from within her winter jacket.

"I just got used to wearing clothes again period," Kaden said. "Nevermind, like, jackets and stuff."

They made it to daycare, and unleashed all the moms. A trail of clothes formed quickly behind the mommies all scampering off to somewhere warm. Either the fireplace or hot tub, most likely, both of which had been installed on motherly recommendations.

"No fighting over the hot tub, or there'll be time outs!" Jaina called in warning.

"They aren't listening," Riley said. "You know they aren't."

"Worth a try."

Some of the staff who were just arriving started picking up discarded clothes, as had become a daily routine. No one bothered trying to keep every mom's things separated, it mostly just got tossed in a pile together and reappropriated as needed.

"Well, see you guys later," Jaina said, giving her brother and sister quick kisses.

"Off to be responsible, huh?" Kaden teased.

"Someone has to."

Jaina had some actual administrative responsibilities these days. She often spent a few hours in her office in the mornings. Sometimes longer than that if there were complications.

Luckily, it turned out that some of their new moms were quite happy to kneel under her desk and lick her pussy for her while she worked. That discovery had made paperwork so much more enjoyable, albeit more distracting too.

Jocelyn, one of Jaina's favourites for sub-desk pussy licking, padded in shortly after Jaina, and the two settled in to their respective tasks.

Trish, Jaina's assistant, showed up just afterward, and even though she hadn't seen Jocelyn go under Jaina's desk, she definitely knew she was there. Trish was in her last year of an accounting degree, and was a horny enough girl to enjoy the environment she was working in, along with knowing quite a few things that Jaina didn't and making herself generally quite valuable.

"I should really get a mom to lick me out while I'm working too," Trish mused aloud.

Jaina grinned. "So do it. No reason you can't."

"You think?"

"I'm the boss, aren't I?"

"Very true."

Trish scooted out and came back with a mommy of her own to eat her out for a while. The girls giggled to each other and got back to work.

"A lot more part time clients these days, huh?" Jaina said.

"Definitely getting a lot of business in the two or three times a week range," Trish said. "Even once a week for the moms who just need a stress relief day to themselves."

"I suppose not everyone can live a life of horny leisure full time."

"No. Probably not. The very good news is that if things keep going like they are now, we'll be hitting capacity within a month or two, even taking part-time attendance into account."

"Still need more staff though, don't we?"

"I don't think that's gonna be a problem either. Lots of teens very happy to take jobs here for some reason."

Jaina bit her lip and rolled her eyes back as Jocelyn went after her clit from below. "Yeah. Some reason."


Kaden went straight to the kitchen. He liked having more space to practice cooking and baking, as well as having some assistants of his own. Granted, they dealt with generally feeding the moms and keeping them hydrated, and only to a lesser extent with producing fresh-baked goods, but they were a valuable resource all the same.

Plus it never hurt having more cute naked butts in aprons around.

Some of the moms liked to stop by too. In some cases to help or to do some kitchen work of their own, and in other cases to sneak some treats or perv on the cook(s).

Kaden had just put some pans in the oven when Alanna stopped by. She tended to be more in the latter group than the former, rather unsurprisingly, and definitely had that horny kind of look in her eye.

"Hey there," Kaden said with a wide smile.


"Haven't seen you in a couple days."

"I get busy," Alanna said airily.

"Uh huh. With your darling son?"

"Perhaps at times. I have other commitments, you know."

"I'll bet."

"I do!"

"Sure. Came to see me at last, though."

"I did." Alanna pouted rather cutely. "No one's done anything naughty to my bum in forever."

"You mean since last time you were around?"

"... maybe."

"I've got a free a minute. I could help you out, if you wanted."

"How very considerate."

"I try my best."

Clara and Jackson, two kitchen helpers of Kaden's, rolled their eyes at the flimsy excuse for anal sex. Kaden ignored them. He knew perfectly well the two of them were just as happy to fuck around with some mommies at the drop of a hat. They wouldn't have lasted long if they weren't.

They were soon forgotten anyway as Alanna bent over, all naked, motherly, and more than a little slutty. She stretched her long legs and arched her back to really present her ass just as perfectly as possible to Kaden. She'd had a lot of practice at it and knew exactly how to get his attention.

Kaden caught twin sighs of longing from his assistants at the vision of beauty and horniness that Alanna was showing off. He grinned to himself and knelt down behind her, savouring the ass that was all his. All his for the moment, at least, providing neither of his sisters popped round. As far as he knew, Alanna still didn't let anyone else do stuff to her butt.

While Kaden was eating Alanna's ass and getting her ready to be all filled up, Hailey sneaked up behind him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey," she said. "Mom and I wanted to try a few recipes out. That's ok, right?"

Kaden nodded. "Yeah, of course. That's what the kitchen's for."


"Just make sure you wear your aprons."

"What, for safety and stuff?"

"Kinda. Mostly 'cause it's hot, though."

"Pff. Perv."

"That's quite an accusation!"

"Not when you're tongue deep in a mom's ass."

"... oh yeah. That."

Hailey and Grace both put on aprons in spite of Hailey's teasing. Their mother and daughter cutely framed butts were quite lovely in Kaden's peripherals while he ate Alanna out, and eventually pounded her bum like she so desperately needed.

"I still sometimes can't believe you do this for a job," Alanna said.
