Mood Ring Ch. 01


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Mike placed a glass of water in front of her and I whimpered a little.

"Please tell me that you are having more than that."

Crap! I hadn't seen her drink anything yet other than the shot. Maybe she had a problem with alcohol!

I quickly blurted out "I don't mean to push alcohol on you. Water is fine!"

I swear I thought I was going to wear out my skin capillaries if I blushed anymore tonight.

"Oh Lynne, you are sweet but I am not an alcoholic. However I do not drink much and I have to drive home. I did inquire about his selection of Mexican wines. He said he would choose a nice one for me. Do not worry. You don't have to drink alone."

"Here we go Señora, I have chosen a 92 Viñas de Garza 2007 Amado IV which I think a lady of your refined taste will find acceptable." With that he looked over nodded in my direction and winked at me.

I began to think my skin was simply going to break into flame.

Dr. Beauchamp again came to my rescue. "Thank you Miguel, she is exquisite, but we played up the girlfriend thing to try to discourage those boys."

I think it was Mike's turn to be embarrassed. "Very good Señora, well played. Those guys have been coming here for the past few weeks and I have been watching them target nice young ladies. They have been doing nothing criminal, but I run a family establishment and I do not appreciate "hook-ups" when it is clearly a cruel game of serial scoring. Some of my nice lady customers have been run off and I have wanted an excuse to be rid of them. Your tab is on me with my gratitude."

He wandered down the bar to take care of some other customers that had come in since the confrontation and we were left alone together.

"Dr. Beesham, I haff to confess. I do not usually drink this much; or at'all lately to tell the trufe. But I really haf halved way too much to drink tonight to drive home safe!"

Yeah, the tequila was kicking in. My words were slurring just a bit and my grammar was slipping.

It happens.

"First of all," she said placing that hand on my arm again. "It is Anya, we are not at work and we have already shared a kiss! We are so past first-name basis don't you think?"

Again with her chuckle and again with my face turning pink.

"I really like that I can tease you, but don't worry dear, I can run you home or call you a cab or whatever you are comfortable with at this point. Let us just finish our drinks and then we can go from there." She punctuated her sentence with a wink. She left her hand on my arm and raised the glass to her mouth. I noticed oddly how the ruby of her lips matched the red wine in the crystal.

"I think this had had enough time now to breath." And she sniffed it.

"Hmmm Nice bouquet... of course it is not French, but not everything can be; correct?" She looked at me side-long as she said that and took a sip.

So maybe I was reading into it, but I could swear that I detected sexual innuendo in her comments. Her hand on my arm, comments on our kissing and then this comment about everything couldn't be French with that look. Did she know I almost...?

What did she think I might be comfortable with at "this" point?

OK, I know that she had put to rest any doubt about our status as lovers to the bartender, but I have a confession to make.

Some Irish people are fighters when they are inebriated. I am a lover, not a fighter. What I mean is; I get really horny when I get drunk. A buzz doesn't do anything but make me a little flirty, but the drunker I get, the hornier I am. (Like, I've only been super-drunk maybe 3 or 5 times total in my entire life. In fact the first time I got drunk, I lost my virginity. Another, I had my one and only one-night stand with some admittedly earth-shaking sex. Maybe it is just operant conditioning?) Well, the fact is, when I get truly drunk, I might hump a couch if the texture of the fabric is sensual enough.

I am too afraid to try ecstasy; I would prolly hurt myself against some inanimate object!

I had never slept with a woman though. In fact, I have never really fooled around with one. I really like guys! Well maybe I should clarify that.

If I am making tonight my confession night, I will admit that in college, it was nothing out of the ordinary for me to make out with another girl. Truthfully, it has always been in a bar and sadly it was mostly for attention from the boys, which is one of the reasons I stopped doing it when I understood the difference between positive attention and exploitive attention.

However, I wasn't going into virgin territory when Anya kissed me earlier. It was my body's reaction to it that surprised me. I mean, I'll admit, I was a little turned on when I was kissing those other girls. Kissing is pleasurable, but I had attributed the sexual arousal to just being some kind of drunk and the center of the hooting and hollering and knowing that I had the power to turn guys on: well, that is what I told myself.

Funny; until now I had repressed the last time; when I decided that I was done with kissing the girls in bars for attention. I met Haley in nursing class and found a kindred soul. She had wicked sense of humor, a killer-rack, dirty blonde hair and smoky hazel eyes. We were barsexuals together. We liked the attention and she kissed like a devil.

That night, we spent the evening together in a country bar of all places. Those cowboys were really into the faux-lesbian thing especially if the girls dressed the cowgirl-part and paid attention to the boys and only kissed when begged. I don't think that true lesbians would have had much to do with the place with all of the raw testosterone and swaggering the boys were doing. It was a retro bull-riding scene and we were dared to ride the bull together. I climbed up and motioned Haley to join me. I was in the traditional saddle-seat thinking she was going to climb up behind me when she climbed up facing me and announced to the bar, "I guess I am going to ride reverse-cowgirl!" The place went wild. I was just a little tipsy and laughed. She whispered in my ear, "throw your leg over mine and let me slide under you just a bit. First one to lose their hat without cheating has to take the other home."

I didn't have time to process all of that, but thought that the positioning had a certain amount of logic to it; we wouldn't be thrown off if we locked together right?

What I didn't know was that it would lock our crotches together, which wasn't a big deal to me. As far as I was concerned, women's bodies are incompatible and lack the equipment to make a sexual union. I guess I thought since we had no "wedding tackle" and without anything to insert, there was no way to excite sex. I mean sure, when I was a virgin before I dared to try any kind of penetration, I would masturbate by humping a pillow. (Incidentally, that was how I had had my first orgasm). However, I didn't equate that with sex between two people.

Oh how naïve I was.

The mechanical bull started to move and it started to simulate a grinding of our "nether regions." It was slow and gentle and Haley moved in for a slow kiss. Sure, nothing I hadn't done 100 times before and we locked our lips to the obvious appreciation of our audience.

We had been drinking some that night, because, well...why wouldn't cowboys buy drinks for hot girls who would do anything for attention? So, I was flirty-buzzed and a little bit aroused from the kissing and the attention.

She started to get more and more into our kissing as the bull simulated a slow grind and we started to move in tandem. She was sitting a little above me holding onto my right ass cheek with her left hand and the back of my neck with her right. Every time the bull would make a revolution and change elevation, Haley would lightly rotate her hips and rock just a bit. The pressure from her groin on mine began to feel like someone was taking their hand and rhythmically press through my jeans in just the right way to slightly spread my labia apart and gently massage my clit. The bull's movements were gentle rotations so we wouldn't have to worry about knocking our teeth. Her breathing got a little ragged and our kisses were damn sexy. I was just barely keeping up with her; I swear, when she placed one of her hands on my breast and started to knead, to massage .... to stimulate! I think that is what snapped me out of it. Kissing in public is one thing but touching ventures into private foreplay and I immediately grabbed her hand to stop her. She slipped down in the seat, latched onto me and started to grind away with me in the dominant position. Our change in position must have cued the operator to change the bull's rhythmic behavior (or he just got bored) because the bull started to buck and roll making me let go of her and attempt to hold onto the saddle for dear life! Finally we were thrown from the bull and landed in a heap together.

She was in top of me and quickly found my lips. She locked on, deeply frenched me, and breathlessly whispered in my ear "I want more." The crowd cheered as she climbed off with her arms raised making a "V-for--Victory" sign with one hand and holding my hat with the other. I then noticed that she was still wearing hers.

I stayed where I was for a second trying to catch my breath and process what had just happened. Her body and touch had actually felt really good to me.

I heard a deep voice ask "Are you OK?"

I looked up and saw a ruggedly handsome blond cowboy looking down at me.

"Sure, I'm fine, just had the wind knocked out of me for a sec."

He extended his hand and helped me out of the padded arena.

"My name is Jess. Can I buy you a drink?

"Thanks Jess, I'm Lynne but I think I've had enough for one night but I'll let you buy me water." I said as I smiled at him and tried to pat everything back into place.

I was in full-on flirty mode and admittedly more than a little worked up from my mech. bull ride with Haley. She was quickly forgotten because I had a new target for my arousal; one that didn't imply any threat to my heterosexuality.

I am not a one-night stand type of girl. But there was a real spark with Jess. He was taller than me and polite; manly but not overly aggressive. I was contemplating doing more than giving him my number when Haley showed back up and joined our conversation.

Cock-blocking bitch!

We talked some more, but the extra person kinda threw off the vibe I was developing for Jess.

When the conversation had lulled, she handed me my hat and said "Here you go Lynne; you look freshly fucked without it. I'm going to claim my bet now, ready to go Hon?

I had forgotten about taking her home and it was late so I thought "What the hell, it's late anyway and it's not like I'm the kind of girl to go home with someone I just met."

I made nice with Jess who said in parting. "Here's my card, I'm only in town for another night, but I'd like to see you again. Call me if you are free tomorrow night. I'd like to take you to dinner."

I was flattered and what nice manners.

"Thanks Jess, I'll think about it." I was so definitely going to call, but I didn't want to give anything away. A girl can't seem too eager. Speaking of too eager, I felt a tug on my hand.

"C'mon lover. Time to go!"

This chick really couldn't be serious. The act was quite frankly starting to get old, but whatever; I am not a debt-welcher.

We climbed in my car and I told her to buckle up.

"OK, I'll drop you off at your apartment, but I've only been there in the daytime. You are going to have to give me directions again."

She replied "Uh-uhn! The terms were that the loser has to take the other girl home with them."


She just looked over at me, leaned over and placed a hand on my leg and said "C'mon Lynne, I could tell you are just as eager as me to take this to the next level. You got all hot and bothered and so did I and I really like you."

I was speechless.

"Haley. I am straight."

She still had her hand on my leg and started to walk her fingers up my thigh.

"I bet I can turn you. You haven't been doing so well with our bets and your jeans are soggy." She said in a sing-songy voice as she cupped my crotch.

NO they weren't!

This bitch was crazy!

"Well I'm not taking you to my house, so you better tell me quickly where to drop you off. And take your hands off me!" I slapped her hands away because the pressure of her hand on my pussy was a little uncomfortable. I had been in a constant state of arousal since our bull-ride what with the grinding and then the Marlboro man being so into me. But there was no way I was wet enough to make my jeans wet too, that was just stupid.

She got kinda pissed at that and said "Fine, just turn around and take me back to my car."

"No way, girl you are way drunk. You aren't driving anywhere." Her attitude changed and she was all sweetness again, but without innuendos.

She directed me to her apartment complex and as we pulled to a stop, she said, "Sorry for coming on too strong earlier. You are hot as hell though so don't hold it against me!" with that she gave and exaggerated little girl pout and I had to laugh.

"Hales, you are crazy but I love you. Now go home before we do something we both will regret later."

I swear I meant to say "before you". I swear! Or maybe I did and she wanted to hear "before we", but her eyes lit up and she grabbed my head with her hand and dove in for a kiss.

I was shocked by her suddenness even though I shouldn't have been, so I froze until instinct kicked in: we had been tongue kissing all night anyway and my hormones were still revved up. It wasn't long until I was returning the kiss.

I actually let her get to second base.

Here, there was no crowd and our bull-ride had broken the ice as far as "crossing the line" was concerned. She had already touched my breast on the bull and remembering her touch made me subconsciously crave it again. She started to tweak my nipple through my shirt and bra and this time my breathing got more labored and showed how much I liked it and that my body was responding.

She broke it off after a few minutes and gave a wicked laugh; her sing-song voice mocked me. "See I told you; you are into women! Now that you know how to get to my place, don't be a stranger." She winked at me as I stared at her in confusion and she got out. I watched her until she entered her building without turning around.

Shit! Shit! Shit! I hit the steering wheel ring with the heels of my fists.

I was so messed up. I couldn't deny that I was turned on by her. And now I was very aroused and very confused. No way was I going to get out of my car, follow her inside and admit defeat though!

I remembered Jess' card and looked at the time on my phone. I had a crazy idea.

Well, not that "it isn't done every night in America" crazy, but it was crazy for me. I was in a real need to reaffirm my sexual orientation, I was super-horny and I knew an available man.

I made the call hoping he wasn't asleep yet.

After a few rings, he answered his phone, "Hello, who is this? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Hi Jess, It's Lynne from the bar. I don't know how to say this, but I have to work tomorrow night and I really would like to see you again. Does your drink offer still stand?"

"Sure Darlin' I'm at ...."

He proceeded to tell me which motel he was at and that he would meet me in the bar.

Well, long story short, we met up, I got drunk enough to go through with my bad decision and had my one and only one-night stand.

The sex was amazing though! Maybe I should write another story about just that night.

What was important to me though was that I confirmed to myself that I loved men and gave no more thought to the awkwardness of that night. It was right before my accident. I don't remember that I ever saw Haley again. I kinda froze her out of my life. I didn't blame her for the unpleasant memories of that night, but I didn't want any drama either. And then my accident happened.

But I had decided that bar-kissing was over for me from that point on. I told myself that getting drunk and kissing girls in public was exploitive and I valued myself too much to make a spectacle of myself; especially since the last time it happened several bad things happened. One of which was a guilty-pleasure type memory, another was just plain guilty and the last is a secret that I do not think I have ever told anyone that I know.

It was very wrong and not a lifestyle pattern that I wanted to repeat. Besides, it was cute in college or whatever, but I wasn't in college anymore. I don't even think I have gotten drunk since that night.

So, shift back to the present and Anya placing her hand on my arm, sniffing her drink and telling me that not everything can be French. Oh yes, and back to me being at the budding level of horny-drunk.

I had remembered all of that in the space of a split second and flashed back into my focus of gaze being on her lip shade and the crystal as she sampled the wine.

Well, all of my memories were no longer repressed but rather were now foremost in my thoughts.

She looked over at me and then down towards my chest,

"I could have sworn that your jewelry was amber earlier, but now it looks like the stones are purple."

OH, it s'illy really. This is mood ring jewelry. It's s'posed to detect your mood and reflect it in the color of the stone. It's scheap stuff for kids but I always liked them. Maybe I'ma just a li'l childish!" Of course my stupid voice squeaked on that.

She smiled at me and said, "I like that about you Lynne. You have no pretense and it is easy to tell that you have an open forthright nature. Why should your jewelry be any different?"

She leaned over and asked "May I?" as she reached for my pendant which was hanging against my sternum just above where my cleavage began to define. I thrust my chest out slightly to give her better access. I noticed that she had a French-tip manicure and as her fingertips brushed my skin, her fingernails gently scraped my flesh as she delicately picked up the stone. I involuntarily shuddered very slightly.

"Sorry, are my fingers cold?" she glanced up to my face and smiled as I replied, "No, I'm just ticklish."

I am: but not there. Not now. I looked down at my breasts and noticed that my nipples had decided to make their appearance for the evening. Well considering what was going through my head should I have been surprised? Normally my nipples are plump and noticeable through even all but a thickly padded bra or the heaviest fabric, but in the last three years, I have gotten used to them. Cold weather sucks, but what can I do about it? I thought I would have been able to camouflage them with my choice in color and dress texture, but the black lace over the fabric was doing little to conceal them. Fully erect, my nipples are about the size of the tip of my index finger and comparatively protrude out the length of the nail bed from cuticle to fingertip. Right then, they were about halfway there already with just mental stimulation. I didn't need the help of any more fingertip brushes or I would be poking someone's eyes out so to speak.

What had I been thinking about going out without wearing any underwear? I guess I had pretty much not counted on anything suggestive happening as this was just supposed to be a group get-together and I was just pretending to be sexy for my cynical amusement. I honestly had not planned on getting drunk so I didn't really think there would be an issue.

Anyway, Anya examined the stone and asked, "Did you have this reset? The setting is really quite good quality." And let it drop back and watched it drop on its parabolic trajectory to come to rest almost nestled in my cleavage.