Mother's Helping Hand Ch. 13


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He paced around restlessly waiting till she was home, refraining from cumming but building the anticipation till she arrived. Finally he heard her come home and waited as she padded up the stairs, he greeted her on the landing with a smile and a hard on.

"Oh Bobby, I've had such a busy day I'm bushed! I see you've recovered though."

"Sorry to hear that mom, still you're home and you can relax now." And take care of this for me.

"Actually I've still got some more work to do, I just had to get home so I brought the laptop with me."


Shit! All work for Alison meant no play for Bobby, he thought, then he saw how tired she looked and felt a twinge of guilt for being so selfish.

"Hey, how about I pour you a glass of wine and cook you dinner while you finish your work?"

"Oh Bobby, that sounds really good. Are you sure you can manage?"

"Yeah my hands are almost back to normal now." Damn he didn't mean to tell her that.

"Thank you Bobby, I'll just hop in the shower. I have missed you today." She walked towards him and reaching out, tenderly stroked his cheek.

"I see you've missed me too!" she smiled, letting her hand drop to his cock and stroking it. Bobby groaned, and she continued to gently tease his dick for a few minutes before releasing him.

"Why don't you start dinner and I'll be down in a few minutes."

Bobby reluctantly trudged off but couldn't blame her, after all she couldn't have had much rest the last few days and was working so hard waiting a little longer for his fun was not much of a price. Bobby's culinary skills usually extended to remembering the Pizza company's number but he decided tonight he would make an effort. He gingerly popped a saucepan of water on the stove, careful not to strain his wrists and added some pasta before taking some meat out of the chiller and putting it in another pan. He took a bottle of wine out and with a little effort managed to uncork it before pouring two glasses and placing one on the dining room table ready for his mom when she came down. He didn't have to wait long as he soon heard the shower click off upstairs and shortly after his mom padded downstairs, wearing only her lacy red panties. His cock had deflated slightly while he was in the kitchen but it returned to full hard on with a vengeance as he admired her beautiful body. Fuck, it didn't matter how many times he saw her she took his breath away every time.

"Oh Bobby how sweet, thank you." She said seeing the glass of wine and food on the stove.

"I aim to please!"

"You'll make some girl very happy one day."

"You're the only girl I care about making happy tonight."

"Well aren't you the gallant knight!" she picked her wine up and sipped it, "Although you might scare off some damsel in distress with that lance!" she smiled.

"Well you are quite an eyeful mom. It's not every guy who has a glamour model to cook for."

"Bobby!" she said blushing, "Well, this 'glamour model' has to finish doing some work."

With that she sat at the table unpacked her lap top and sipped her wine while it booted up. He couldn't help thinking how sexy she looked, sitting naked while looking serious and sifting through her papers while tapping on the keyboard on her computer, she was like some playboy bunny secretary. He checked the food on the stove and then approached her while she worked, her big tits looked beautiful in the cold light of the laptop screen and he thought about cupping them but he guessed she wouldn't appreciate it right now so he contented himself with admiring her. As she worked an email notification popped up in the corner of the screen and, seeing who it was from, Alison opened it.

"I've just had an email from the studio about your casting."

"Oh yeah, what did they say?"

"Dear Alison and Bobby, hope you had a safe journey home. Just to let you know the cast came out great, it looks amazing! It's looks so good I've called it"

"The what?"

"The erm, 'Penis de Milo'"

Bobby cracked up. "That's fucking awesome!"

"Bobby watch your language!"

"Sorry mom, but all the same, 'Penis de Milo!' It's got a ring about it don't you think. Bet you never thought you had a son with a work of art between his legs!" he waved his hard on at her.

"Bobby stop it!"

"What else does she say?"

"Oh um, 'I hope you don't mind but my girlfriend and I decided to make some.... um dildo's out of the cast. They came out great and we... um ' perhaps I should read the rest of this later."

"Why, I want to know what they say. After all it's me they're talking about right?"

"I suppose so..." she took a big draught from her wine and continued, " 'They came out great and we... came great from using them. Alison you are so lucky to...' Bobby I'm not reading the rest of this."

"C'mon mom, I want to know. I went to New York for the casting, I want to know how it turned out."

"Well this part really isn't relevant."

"What does it say?" He moved closer so he could see the screen, his cock harder than ever and now inches from her face.

"Bobby, be careful with that!"

"Sorry mom." He scanned the screen picking up where she left off. "Alison you are so lucky to have that big cock to satisfy you every night, it must feel amazing in your pussy." His dick lurched as he read the phrase. "I came twice from the dildo so I can only imagine how good the real thing feels. Anyway I'm showing it to a couple of companies I know and they might be interested in manufacturing it which could pay some pretty big dollars to you and Bobby.'"

"Yes well, you've read it now."

He could see his mom's cheeks were flushed.

"Wait there's more. 'I'll let you know in a couple of days, in the mean time enjoy that big dick filling you up! Love Cynthia XXX'"

"Alright, well that's all." Alison closed the email and went back to her work.

"Wow so we could make some money from this as well? It just get's better."

"Yes, well, we'll see. Now let me finish my work and you'd better check the food."

He decided against mentioning the references to him fucking her, it was obvious she was very uncomfortable but it was equally obvious from her behaviour at the hotel that she was tempted as well. He checked on the food and poured her another glass of wine while she continued catching up. Eventually she finished her work and they ate before settling down on the couch. She was obviously exhausted but still took his cock and gently stroked it as only she could while they watched TV. After his day of self denial he knew he wouldn't be able to take too much but her stroking was gentle and tender and she guided him slowly to orgasm, eventually he felt his balls tighten and knew his cum was rising. She slowed her pace to keep him on the brink and paused to drain the last of her wine. At first he was confused, why the hell was she stopping to drink wine, but then she held the glass next to his cock and began stroking again, pulling his cock at an angle towards her so he was aimed at her glass. It didn't take more than a few moments before his cock swelled and pulsed, spewing cum into the glass, his thick sperm splattered the sides of the glass before running down and pooling in the bottom. He spurted and spurted, a huge seemingly endless stream of cum blasting into the glass until he finally reduced to a trickle. She wiped the last few dribbles up with the rim of the glass and before examining the pool of cum in the bottom.

"I'm amazed you don't get de-hydrated after producing all of this."

"What can I say, I'm a healthy young man."

"Hmmm... well I'm a tired old lady who's going to turn in. Good night Bobby."

Old lady my ass he thought as he watched her sashay off up the stairs in her panties, her big tits jogging and her ass wobbling. Most teenagers would give their eye teeth for a figure like his mom's. She was still carrying the glass of cum as she left, he guessed to wash it out in the basin.

Alison walked to her room and examined the glass more closely, the spurts of thick cum that had splattered the inside of the glass were trickling down into the bottom where there was a big puddle of thick creamy cum. She inhaled the aroma, feeling herself becoming aroused at the masculine smell of his cum. She ran her finger round the inside and scooped up some before licking it off her finger and savouring the tangy flavour. At school some of her friends had swallowed but it was usually to please the guy or avoid getting cum on their clothes, Alison had done it because it turned her on having a guy pump her mouth full of his cum. It was like the reward for doing a good job of sucking, the ultimate proof of her skill and control. Something about the fact that Bobby's cum made it seem so wrong but as she rolled the thick tangy substance over her tongue she could feel herself becoming more moist and aroused. Finally she raised the glass and allowed the contents to slide into her mouth. As she felt the thick liquid slide across her tongue she slid her hand down the front of her panties and rubbed her clit, within a few moments her orgasm flooded through her and she allowed the heavy mouthful to slide down her throat. As she came down from her climax with the taste of Bobby's cum still strong in her mouth she felt guilt, guilt that she had allowed things to progress so far, that she was using him for her own gratification and that she hadn't put a stop to it. Still, in a few weeks she knew he would be back at college and meeting lots of girls, by the time she saw him again all of this would seem like a dream, a crazy summer of something they must never repeat.

A few days later Bobby was due for another hospital appointment, Dr Delvin was a jovial looking bald guy in his 50's with glasses. He entered the room carrying a folder a and a coffee.

"Well, hello Bobby. Good to see you.!" he boomed. "Alison." He smiled at her in a way that suggested he would have added something else if Bobby wasn't here.

He set his coffee down and put some x-rays up on the screen.

"Well, it's good news all the way. As you can see the breaks have almost completely healed, everything is just the way we would hope. Your mother has really been taking great care of you."

"Yes sir, she certainly has!" Bobby responded with a smile. Alison gave him a sharp look but didn't say anything and Dr Delvin carried on oblivious.

"Excellent! Well, there doesn't seem much point keeping the casts on any longer. In fact, I think they can come off today, and you should be able to start using your hands as normal. Avoid any rough activities, football and so on, for the next month just to prevent any damage, but apart from that you're good to go."

With his casts off Bobby felt strangely free once again and offered to drive home. His mom seemed a little quiet and thoughtful and Bobby wondered what was going on with her.

"Bobby I'm not in the mood to cook dinner tonight why don't we swing into Applebee's and I'll buy us dinner?"

"Sure mom."

It was happy hour when they arrived so Alison decided to order a cocktail, since Bobby was driving he stuck to Coke but was happy to see him mom loosen up a little and relax as she sipped her Old Fashioned. After they finished their meal and got home Alison made her way to the couch to and sat down. Darn it, he was hoping she was going straight to her room to strip off, Bobby felt deprived having to watch his mom with her charms covered up all day.

"Bobby come and sit here will you?"

Something about her tone didn't sound encouraging, he figured the fact that they were both clothed and she was looking serious meant some Mom TLC was not likely to be forthcoming, he sat next to her and waited for her to speak.

"Bobby, you know that what has been going on between us, these last few weeks..."

"Yes mom." Like he could forget?? Seeing her naked every day and having her give him the best hand jobs and blowjobs in his life was hardly something that was likely to slip his mind.

"Bobby, I... well, I don't regret it, and you've done nothing wrong, but, well.. you know that all this can't go on forever don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean your wrists are healed now, you can take care of yourself, drive the car, start leading a normal life again."

"I don't get it, what has that got to do with... well, you know?"

"It has everything to do with it Bobby. You start college in a few weeks, you'll be making new friends, meeting lots of girls, having a new life. The sort of life you should be having at 18."

It was true he was starting college although he hadn't really given it much thought, most of his thinking had been done by Bobby Junior lately and his dick was unlikely to pass a Master's Degree.

"But I'll be home in the holidays, and you could come and visit."

"Visit? Bobby, how could you explain me coming and staying in your dorm room?"

"Well, I hadn't really thought about it."

"I think there's a lot of things you're not considering. You should be having fun with friends your own age, dating girls.."

"Girls, why do I need to..."

"Bobby, one day you will want to settle down, have a family, have a future, things I can't ever give you. What has happened between us, sometimes I think it's been a summer of madness, but you must know it couldn't last forever. You have your life ahead of you and that can't be with me."

"But I thought you loved me, and we, I, I mean..."

Shit, this was not the way he saw this going down. He figured he was going to be the new man in his mom's life, and now she was what.. dumping him?

"I do love you bobby, more than anything, that's why this has to stop."

"But if you love me why are we breaking up?"

"Breaking up? Bobby, I'm your mother! I want a future for you, the best future you can have. I want happiness and a life that you can't have here with me. You must understand that surely?"

"All I know is I love you and there's no other girl out there who will ever compare to you."

"Bobby you are so sweet, and you will always be my little man, well my man, I suppose I can't call you little any more... I mean, oh dear..."

He could see her getting flushed and embarrassed at the double entendres she was making.

"So that's it? We just have to pretend nothing happened?"

"No of course not Bobby. Look I said things have to stop, but I didn't say right away. You still have a few weeks till you start college and I have some leave left to take so I thought, well, perhaps we could take a holiday together, if you'd like?"

"Together, as in mom and son?"

"Well, not exactly. Do you remember that resort that Cynthia mentioned?"

"Errr, Club Bacchus?"

"Yes that's it. Well I had a look at their website and I thought, perhaps we could go, that's if you want to?"

"So this place is for swingers?"

"It's um, clothing optional and guests are guaranteed discretion."

"So we could still, like, do stuff..."

"Yes Bobby we could, still well, 'do stuff' as you put it, within limits."


"Yes limits. Bobby we can have 2 more weeks to be with one another, as we have been, providing you don't ask me to... well as long as you understand that we can never... have intercourse."

"You mean we can do whatever but just no fuc... I mean, like we can't um screw?"

"That's what I mean."

Bobby considered his options and figured right now he didn't have many. The thought of never getting to see his mom naked again or have her give him another blowjob wasn't something he wanted to consider, but the chance of 2 weeks of naked fun certainly wasn't something he was going to turn down. He guessed he would deal with college and whatever else when he got to it, right now 2 weeks of his naked mom doing everything short of fucking was a good prospect.

"Sure, ok. I mean I'm still pretty bummed out about the first part, but yeah I'd still love to have a vacation with you."

"Good I'm glad. I'd already booked the time off work so we could have the time together and we can book our flights tonight."

She smiled at him and held up her wine glass to toast the trip, he chinked glasses with her and smiled back. Club Bacchus here we come!

More to cum in chapter 14 as things between Alison and Bobby progress at Club Bacchus!

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horny2doithorny2doitover 6 years ago

Great story -- I hope the other girls share Bobby .... very hot.

MullendersMullendersalmost 8 years ago

just so you know they did NOT join the mile high club

Dick_SpankerDick_Spankeralmost 9 years agoAuthor
Chapter 14

is now uploaded and pending approval! Hope you enjoy. :-)


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Looks like the ribbit hopped into the beagle pen. Nicely done D.S. I've cured tobacca in flu cured barns and the temp. is about 160 degrees and have stayed in the barn up to 30 mins. without any major problems. No matter what you say some people can only find fault.

I only hope you write another story when this one is complete this.

Dick_SpankerDick_Spankeralmost 9 years agoAuthor
14 on the way

As requested, I should have 14 online in the next week or so.

Rabbit thanks for your feedback. Since you took the time to make some detailed comments I thought I should take some time to respond...

Firstly, his level of virility.. he's 18 and horny with a sexy mom and.. it's fantasy. If it was reality I'd have written about her wiping his ass but I don't think anyone wanted to read about that.

Secondly I didn't know nurses used a flick of the finger to deflate hard on's, but I bow to your knowledge on that one. However, that presumes that the recipient doesn't like a little rough housing and wouldn't be turned on by it doesn't it? Perhaps not the case with Bobby.

Thirdly I don't think I ever described Alison's boobs as gravity defying, I'd hoped adjectives like, heavy and swaying would conjure the image that these are big, real and not the breasts of a teenager.

Fourthly I hold my hands up to having no expertise on the subject of moulds, my 'research' consisted of accounts from Cynthia Plaster Caster who moulded various rock star's cocks in the 60's & 70's including Jimi Hendrix (where I took 'Penis de Milo' from). I can't remember what she used to make the mould only that she had a friend who fluffed the rockstar while she mixed the liquid after which she and said friend put on a show to keep the subject hard. Anyway feel free to substitute dental gel if it makes for a better read.

Finally, not sure what you mean by leaching so can't really respond on that one. Again, this is fantasy not real life and should be viewed as such, although I do my best to make it as believable as possible.


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