Murder in High Heels

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She cheated, he lost, they all paid the price.
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Author's note: Originally this was super short, around 4k words. After reading some reader emails and comments on my other stories, I decided to add more meat to the pot. It's still on the short side, but it's not the hit and run piece it was.

As always, thanks for reading and please rate and comment.


Murder In High Heels

Steve Johnson was sitting outside his wife's office at 7 o'clock at night because that was the day he was going to end the farce he and his wife had been calling a marriage.

Some husbands miss the signs. Overtime hours, when she never worked them before. Dressing better. Girls nights out. Decrease in sex at home.

Not Steve. He noticed and he was done with it.

Steve estimated that it had been going on for two months. It was then that he noticed the first time his wife, Angela, wore a pair of red high heels to work.

She hated wearing heels. The only times she would tolerate them was for the rare wedding or other special occasion and when she dressed up in the bedroom.

She would wear the red heels and white stockings with a sexy lace bra and thong panty set, on certain occasions. Steve loved the white thigh high stockings and loved seeing her in heels. He thought that they had a great love life.

But she never wore high heels to work and he asked her about it.

"What's with the heels, honey? Something going on today?" He asked.

She stopped walking for a moment, then continued without turning around and said, "I have a review meeting with my boss today. I just want to look professional."

He didn't respond but thought, "A professional streetwalker maybe," but let it go.

Then the overtime started. At first it was an hour here or there, but later became 2-3 hours several days a week.

Once the girls night out's started he knew what was really happening. She hated clubs, lounges, and bars. Her idea of going out was for dinner or coffee. She didn't drink a drop and looked down on people who did.

He followed her on the 3rd girls night out and she went to a house in Glen Ellyn. He knew the house, he'd been there several times for parties. It was her boss Martin Schindler's house.

Steve waited an hour and when he was confident that that was her plan and not just a stop on the way, he let the air out of all four of her tires and drove home. She didn't mention the tires when she got home that night or over the weekend, but he heard her tell Jenny.

"Would you believe someone let the air out of my tires last night?"

"No way, really?" Jenny said.

"Yep. Thank God they didn't slash them. They just let the air out. I was able to use that air pump thingy your dad makes me keep in the trunk."

"Wow. Where'd you go?"

"Just a dancing club with my friends."

"You should probably avoid it in the future."

Angela smirked and said, "Sure baby."


Steve met with an attorney and started the divorce ball rolling. That was why he was sitting outside of her office. She was going to be served that night.

He lamented about the 21 years of marriage but overall they were good. They produced his 17-year-old daughter Jenny, who was the apple of his eye and a daddy's girl.

He met Angela when he needed a lawyer for a contract dispute with his employer. Back then she was a receptionist who wanted to be a paralegal. He thought she was gorgeous and asked her out.

They dated happily for 2 years before he proposed; and he thought they were happy for the entirety of their marriage. Right up until she started working for Martin Schindler.

He drove a truck and at times had long hours, but they spent as much time together as possible. As a family they went on weekend trips as Jenny's schedule allowed. She always had one sport going on or some other activity taking up time.

Occasionally, Steve and Angela would go to Galena Illinois to visit wineries or Lake Geneva Wisconsin to shop and relax, without Jenny when she was old enough.

The shock of Angela's betrayal cut him deeply. She had an attitude with him more and more, but he had never suspected she was cheating until he noticed the heels. It was downhill from there.

Her attitude had been bad and progressively worse. He recalled the conversation on that night he followed her.

"Honey why don't we go out to dinner and a movie tonight. I've got a rare Friday off and I want to spend some time with you." He said.

"You know I go out with the girls now on Fridays. They rely on me to be their designated driver,"

"Let them Uber for one night. With the extra hours you've been working and these nights out you're doing now, I hardly see you anymore."

"Well if you had a real job, one that didn't cause you to drive at all hours of the evening and overnight, you might be able to see me more. You don't though, and I've had to suffer through it for two decades. Suck it up, I'll see you later."

She didn't even say goodbye when she walked out the door. He was speechless. He followed her into the garage and watched her pull out. He grabbed his keys and hurried out after her.

There was only one way out of their subdivision and it was quite a maze of streets to get to the exit from their house.

He was able to catch up to her as she turned onto Main Street and followed her to Martin's house.

He avoided her the rest of that weekend and resolved to find a lawyer on Monday. He wasn't going to go scorched earth, he just wanted an even split and amicable end to the marriage. He felt that through her words and actions, she didn't want him anymore, so why hold on to a slippery rope? She could have her boss without a fight from him, is how he felt.

He told his daughter about it that Monday.

"She's cheating on me, pumpkin. You may not see the difference over the last couple of months, but I can. She's checked out of the marriage and is screwing her boss."

"No way daddy, I don't believe it."

"I followed her to his house. She said she was going out with friends, she did not. She went to her boss' house."

"But her tires were messed with at the club?"

"No sweetie. I did it, and I did it at the guy's house when I saw that she wasn't going to a club."

"I just can't believe it, Daddy."

"Me either, but it's true."


His daughter was sitting next to him waiting for the inevitable fireworks to start.

"Are you really sure Daddy? There's no chance?" Jenny asked.

"No, pumpkin. It's over. She broke my trust and my heart. I can't condone that kind of betrayal."

"What if she felt like she had a reason to do it?"

"Pumpkin, there is no reason to justify a long term affair. If she got drunk and it was a one-time thing? Maybe. If she were raped? Of course that would be different.

No, she chose this path. She betrayed my trust. Trust is the most important thing you can have with someone. You can't ever love someone, that you can't trust. I could never love someone who betrayed me like that. Our marriage is over."

Jenny looked out the window and saw 2 men approaching the car.


"What a fucking idiot," Angela Johnson said looking out the window of their law office as Martin pounded her from behind, glad for the one way, gold-tinted windows.

"Ugh, Ugh, I can't believe...Ugh... he thought he was going to get me first. Harder baby, I want to cum at the same time it's going down."

Martin rammed his cock in her as hard as he could. Pounding her on the way to his own orgasm. There was no making love there. It was animalistic in every way

It took him six months to reel Angela in and he was grooming her to replace his wife who just got the final divorce decree, ending their 19-year marriage.

He got tired of his ex-wife's bitching and moaning about everything. He was tired of her weight gain. He was tired of her lack of sex drive. He was embarrassed to be seen with her, and when his twins left for college, he broke free.

Angela was the same age as his wife, but she was more elegant. She had the fit body of a 30-year-old and was remarkably beautiful. Martin was already improving her wardrobe and she was going to make a great partner's wife.


The knock on the window startled Steve.

"Are you Steven Johnson?"

Rolling down the window, he said, "Yes."

"You've been served. Please read the documents thoroughly. There is a restraining order you requiring to stay 100 yards from Angela Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, and your marital residence."

"What! A restraining order? From Jenny?"

Jenny grabbed the envelope from his hand and read the header for the dissolution of marriage. She found the restraining order and handed it to him.

"What the fuck?" He shouted.

"Oh my god no!" Jenny said. "Daddy I swear, I didn't know."

"What are you talking about?"

She handed him the other papers. In the documentation, it outlined several accusations.

"Spousal Abuse? Child abuse? Sexual assault of a minor? Jenny why?"

"Daddy I swear, I had nothing to do with that. It's a lie or a mistake."

"Wait. How did she know I would be here right now?"

"It's because I told her," his daughter said. The words broke his heart. "When you told me she was cheating on you, I confronted her. She told me that she only did it because she had an investigator's report saying you were cheating on her."

"You can't be serious? Did you see the report?"


"You believed her and not me? You let her set me up? Baby, why? I love you so much. Why did you do this to me? I asked you not to say anything."

"I swear daddy I didn't know about the restraining order. That abuse thing is bullshit, I swear. I didn't say anything like that to anyone."

He silently cried, ignoring her pleas.

Moments later he said, "You have to leave now, Jenny. I can't be within 100 yards of you anymore." He said softly.

"Daddy, no!" She shouted.

"Go, or I could be arrested on top of all of this. The sheriff is still here watching me."

Reading more, he said, "Oh Jesus! They froze all of my accounts too. Fuck! What am I going to do now?

Congratulations to you both. You've destroyed me. I can't even afford to fight her God Damn, high powered law firm with all of these fake claims. I'll be fighting in court forever."

"Oh god no! I'll fix this, Daddy. She said as she left the car and ran to the office building.


Martin erupted into Angela's pussy and sighed a breath of contentment. "That was great, lover," she said. "I just wish I had binoculars, so I could see his face."

Martin was just buckling his belt, and Angela was smoothing her dress when a screaming Jenny ran into the office.

"You bitch! Child abuse? Sexual abuse? What is wrong with you?" Jenny screamed.

"I had to have the advantage," Angela said. "I had to strike first. Now he can't get into the house or have access to my money for a while. Now I have the upper hand on him."

"He didn't abuse me!"

"I don't know that for sure. You guys are really close," Angela said with a smirk.

Jenny walked up to her and asked, "He didn't cheat; did he?"

"Of course not. Who would want him?" She said with a laugh.

"You're a monster," Jenny said as she clenched her fist to punch, but instead slapped her mother with all of her strength.

Angela went down to the ground in shock and pain. Martin laughed and said, "Nice hit kid."

Jenny froze, then looked around. She saw bookcases, shelves, and a messy desk. She smiled, looked at Martin, and swept everything off of his desk.

Jenny looked at him and calmly said, "You'd better never cross my path again asshole, I can and will do worse," and walked out.

"Jenny, wait damn it," Angela screamed.

Martin said, "That little bitch is going to pay for this."

As she walked out, she passed a man with an envelope in his hand who asked her, "Are you, Angela Johnson?"

"In there," she said and stormed off.

Both Angela and Martin laughed at her being served Steve's petition for divorce.


Jenny tried desperately to talk to her father. Out of fear, he knew he couldn't talk to her so he didn't answer and cried every time he saw her call. He was afraid Angela would find out and send the police after him for violating the restraining order.

Angela had already alienated him from all of their friends and only his parents and brother believed his innocence. His sister-in-law wouldn't let him near his niece and nephew, just in case it was true. That almost ended her marriage to his brother before George had Jenny tell her the truth.

He couldn't figure out what he did to earn that much hatred from Angela and his daughter's betrayal. Even if she didn't know about the abuse allegation, she still told her mother that he knew about her affair and when she would be served. She even lied and said she wanted to be with him to support him when he had Angela served. But she knew he was being served and said nothing.

Jenny tried to find someone to help her daddy. She found her mother's copy of the divorce papers and saw that the attorney worked at her mom's office so going to him was out.

She called Grandpa George. George was Steve's father and she hoped he could help.

"What do you want young lady?" He said.

"Grandpa we have to help daddy. I don't know who to go to to get him help. He isn't taking my calls."

"I can't believe what you did to your dad, Jenny. What were you thinking by helping your mother?"

"Grandpa, it's all lies. I didn't do anything. It's all my mom and her asshole lawyer boyfriend."

"Watch your mouth, girl."

"Sorry Grandpa, I swear I didn't accuse him of any of that and I had no idea that when I confronted her she would go nuclear like this."

"Alright. I'll see what I can do."

"Grandpa, is he there? Can I talk to him?"

"He can't have any contact with you until that order is killed. Every time you call him, he breaks down crying because of what's happened. He's afraid your mother will find out he spoke to you and turn him into the police.

His lawyer said that there's a court date set up to have a hearing on it coming up, but nothing can be done until then."

Jenny, crying herself said, "Grandpa, tell him I love him and miss him."

"If I see him, I will."

Jenny hung up and cried for several minutes. When she was finally composed she went into her mother's room and started taking her lingerie from the drawers and her newest clothes from the closet and threw them down the stairs

She picked up the big pile, carried it out the front door, and threw it into the middle of the lawn. She laughed when she saw that some of the outfits were so new they had their tags still on them.

"Fuck you, Mother," she said out loud and went to the shed to get the lighter fluid.

She doused the clothes with the entire can and used the aim and flame to light it.

She noticed that the time was close to when her mother would be home. Jenny smiled as she got an idea.


As she pulled into the driveway, Angela saw Jenny sitting on a lawn chair in the front yard, roasting a marshmallow over a pile of her burning clothes.

She screamed and ran out of the car yelling at Jenny. "What the hell are you doing? Have you lost your mind?"

"No, Mother. I'm perfectly sane. I've decided to make you pay for my daddy not being able to talk to me. Every day that goes by, until I speak to him, I'm going to destroy some more of your stuff.

You'd better drop that bullshit abuse claim as fast as possible, or more of you're stuff goes up in flames."

"Jenny, there's a court date on Monday. It will not be renewed. It was only for a short time."

"Don't care, Mother. Until I talk to him, your crap goes up in smoke."

"Fuck!" Angela screamed as she went into the house. She called Steve, but of course he didn't answer and he deleted the message without listening to it.

Moments later a fire truck and a police car pulled up. One of the neighbors reported the fire.

The policeman and one of the firemen walked up to Jenny. "What's all this about young lady?" The officer asked.

"My mom wanted to get rid of some clothes that she grew out of. She told me to do a bonfire with them," Jenny said.

"You can't have a bonfire in the front yard, is she home?" He asked.

"Yes sir, I'll put it out with the hose if you want."

The fireman spoke up and asked, "Did you use anything to light it or did you just light the clothes?"

"A whole can of charcoal lighter fluid," she said.

"No. No water. We've got some sand I'll throw on it." The fireman said.

While the fireman dealt with the fire, the police officer rang the doorbell.

Angela opened the door ready to lash out, but realized it was the police.

"Great! We'll put the fire out it's no big deal officer," Angela said before he could speak.

"Firemen are doing that now, Ma'am. You know it's against city ordinance to have an uncontrolled bonfire in your front yard?"

"No, I didn't know," She said through gritted teeth.

"Here's your ticket. It's just a fine. No court appearance required. Next time, Ma'am, just give 'em to Goodwill or St. Vincent DePaul. Less fortunate folks could use that stuff."

She screamed, "Grr..." as she closed the door.


Angela's lawyer appeared before the judge at the hearing for the restraining order the next Monday. He didn't fight the appeal of it, knowing it was falsely obtained. It served its purpose and bought time and ruined Steve's reputation.

Steve's lawyer made a motion to file a perjury charge against Angela.

The judge said, "Without definitive proof that the order was filed under false pretenses, there's been no perjury. You can open that can of worms in your counter-suit in the divorce case, but you know it's grasping at straws."

The fact that the restraining order was dropped provided little solace to Steve, who was in a horrible state of depression. His life was falling apart because he couldn't handle the false accusations, frozen assets, cheating wife, and what he felt was the worst part of it all: his daughter's betrayal.

He was barely getting by mentally. He took time off of work, he drank too much and he was miserable to be around.

He went to his house during the day when he knew Angela and his daughter wouldn't be there. He found that she changed the locks, but he tried his garage door opener and it worked.

Inside the garage, he found all of his belongings. There were several boxes and his clothes were in trash bags. He noticed that she left him the wedding album and all of the pictures of the happy family that used to be spread around the house.

He took those out, piled them in front of the door connected to the house, and pissed on them.

He kept in contact with his parents and his brother, but relationships were being strained due to his problems. His parents begged him to see a psychiatrist, but he refused. He felt he didn't need a shrink to tell him that his life sucked and there was nothing he could do about it.


Angela's law firm fought a campaign of war with no mercy. She even told his employer about the restraining order and the accusations of abuse and Steve was fired for cause. His contract had a morals clause. If he were in a better state of mind, he would have known that he could fight it and likely win, but he was just going through the motions at that point.

No one knew where Steve was living. His only contact with his family was by phone. The only time anyone saw him was when he had a mandatory court appearance related to the divorce and he refused to speak to anyone except his attorney and the judge.

Jenny tried to speak to him on those occasions and cried every time he walked past her without looking at her. She thought that he looked like a dead man walking.

Angela was happy with how everything was progressing. She had started resenting Steve months before as Martin had turned her against him and had built up over the course of his seduction an almost hatred in her of Steve.