My Life is Different Ch. 07

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Buffy and Willow are going after Faith.
7.8k words

Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/20/2015
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Buffy and I were both naked and sprawled across the bed. I was smiling and basking in the post-orgasmic afterglow and regaining my strength.

Buffy was lying on her stomach and I couldn't help but admire the perfect shape of her firm, tiny butt. It was the perfect shape and size. I reached over and grabbed one of her buttocks and squeezed. Buffy squirmed slightly and made a happy, girlish gasp in response.

"You sure like those buns, don't you, Will?" Buffy asked smiling.

"It doesn't seem to matter how many times I see you naked," I replied smiling, "You still look yummy and extraordinary. I could never get tired of your body, it's so athletic and perfect."

"You're not exactly a wrinkled old lady yourself," Buffy replied, "Willow Rosenberg naked is a pretty special treat. You're real eye-candy."


"Yeah," Buffy replied with conviction.

"God, I am so glad we ended up together," I said, and without putting much thought into it, I rolled on top of her and began to place adoring kisses on her lower back, buttocks and the backs of her thighs.

"Oh God, Will," Buffy moaned, "That's teasing."

My kisses got closer and closer to Buffy's slick, swollen pubic lips, but I ignored them and kissed her inner thighs instead. Buffy opened her legs wider and wider, giving me easier access to her needy sex, but I kept ignoring her obvious hints.

The sexual tension must have been really high, as Buffy spread her legs apart so far it was almost a dancer's split and then she lifted her hips slightly off the bed. I admired my girlfriend's athleticism and flexibility. I admired the view of her perfect adductor muscles in her inner thighs as she stretched her perfect legs so far apart. She looked almost like a gymnast performing some sort of difficult stretching exercise...if gymnasts ever performed stretching exercises in the nude.

After I took time to adore the perfection of my girlfriend's sculpted, athletic body, I playfully continued to neglect her poor, needy pussy. Instead I kissed and licked at her inner thighs less than an inch away from her sex and blew softly across her anus and swollen pubic lips, making Buffy shudder.

"Will, this is pure torture," Buffy complained, "You are so going to get punished for this."

"Just think about this as payback for making me get naked on the campus lawn," I replied firmly yet playfully.

"That was two months ago," Buffy protested, "You can't still be holding a grudge abouuuaaaaahhh!!"

I slid my tongue mischievously across Buffy's slit and Buffy let out a loud gasp. She raised her hips up even higher off the bed and began to writhe. I took that as a signal that she approved of my actions and I did it again, this time slower and much more forcefully, tasting her pussy from the back to the front, my tongue just narrowly missing her anus and pushing along her swollen clit on the way to the top of her slit.

"Will, oh God," Buffy exclaimed.

"You like?" I asked, pulling back slightly away from her moist sex.

"Oh God, yes," Buffy replied, "So much yes. Please, do more of that."

I pulled forward and got into a better position between Buffy's legs and licked her again. Buffy shuddered and I heard a sharp intake of breath. That helped me confirm that I was doing the right thing and encouraged me to do it some more.

Buffy was very, very wet and I ended up licking away a lot of her juices as I licked across the surface of Buffy's swollen pubic lips. I liked the way she tasted. And something about having her juices in my mouth, in my body seemed ritualistic, almost like a joining ceremony.

Buffy lifted her pelvis up even higher and made it easier for me to lick her pussy. I rewarded her efforts by leaning in and sticking my tongue into the narrow gap between her pubic lips and thrusting my tongue inside her.

Buffy made some very encouraging vowel sounds and I probed as deep inside her sex as I could. Buffy squirmed and panted and I got the impression she was really enjoying herself.

I slid my tongue into her pleasingly wet, warm orifice and wiggled my tongue around inside of her. Buffy made eager, happy sounds in response, so I continued doing that vigorously until my tongue began to wear out.

"Oh God, Will," Buffy pleaded when I pulled my tongue out from her beautiful pink pussy, "Don't stop! I was almost there!"

Buffy looked flushed and her breathing was really heavy. I felt a little guilty about pulling my tongue out of her just as she was about to reach orgasm, so I gave her my best apologetic-face and said, "Sorry."

I got onto my back and slid underneath Buffy's pelvis, like a mechanic sliding underneath a car. And when I located Buffy's clit, it was raw, swollen and had emerged from its hood. I smiled at the sight of my girlfriend's sensitive, needy clit, inched up towards it, took it carefully into my mouth and began to suck on it like a sweet candy.

Apparently Buffy wasn't ready for me to take her clit into my mouth. She gasped louder than I'd ever heard any woman gasp and her legs wobbled and just gave out on her. Her pelvis collapsed and fell on top of my face.

"Uhhfff," I protested as Buffy's pelvis hit me in the face and knocked my skull back down flat against the mattress below.

"Sorry, Will," Buffy apologized, "That was just...intense."

Buffy and I both had to reposition ourselves before I could begin to suck on her clit again, only this time I placed my hands on her inner thighs to help support her lower body and make sure it didn't come crashing down on my face again.

I liked the taste of Buffy's swollen, pink clit in my mouth and I sighed softly before I began to suck on it again. Perhaps it's a good thing I sighed at the beginning, because my girlfriend was so close to orgasm, it only took a few seconds before she was shuddering, gyrating and spasming in orgasmic shockwaves.

"Ooooohh, Aaaghhhh, Oh God, Aaaaaaagghhh, Will," Buffy exclaimed loudly, perhaps too loudly. Belatedly, enough of my blood circulation made it to my brain and I remembered that Buffy and I didn't live alone and some of this loud, orgasmic screaming might be heard by our roommate.

Buffy continued to scream and shudder wantonly until the orgasm was done. And then; even after the orgasm was over; there was some post-orgasmic twitching. I held onto Buffy's thighs and let her pant and twitch as long as she felt like it. I loved having my hands on her beautiful, firm thighs and I loved having my face so close to her pussy. Lying here with my face and hands touching my girlfriend's naked body was just about the best place to be in the universe.

Buffy finally let out a deep sigh and then said, "Oh God that was good." And about two minutes later, she added, "I don't ever want to get out of this bed."

"Getting out of bed is highly overrated," I told her and then kissed her on the thigh. "I think we should stay here for a while."

"Oh yeah," Buffy agreed, "For a long, long while."

* * * * * * * * * *

We didn't get up out of bed until the next day. When I woke up the next morning, my face was still near Buffy's clean-shaven vulva and it was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes.

"Wow, that's a good way to start your morning," I thought and I slowly began the process of crawling out of bed.

"Ughhhhm," Buffy exclaimed inarticulately as I shifted my weight on the mattress.

"I don't have any classes today," I said to my girlfriend as she lay naked and in an odd position with her head strangely underneath a pillow, "How about you?"

"Ugmmmm," Buffy replied crankily, and then she added, "No classes until Thursday. I should be allowed to sleep in. Let me sleep in, you wicked witch!"

I got dressed and smiled at my grumpy girlfriend's prone form. Her naked body was uncovered and available for me to admire. She had never gotten underneath the blankets and only her face was obscured from my view.

Once I was dressed in a t-shirt and blue jeans I padded barefoot out into the kitchen and grabbed a coffee mug. Terri was already in the kitchen and had brewed up a fresh pot of coffee.

"Wow," Terri said when she saw me. Her eyes were round and wide and she stared at me as if I was Superman, Albert Einstein and Wonder Woman all rolled into one.

"Hi, Terri," I said as I grabbed the coffee decanter by the handle, poured a generous amount of hot, dark liquid into my mug and set the decanter back onto the burner.

When I had a full mug of coffee, I turned back towards my roommate and she was still looking at me like I was Wonder Woman, descended freshly from the sky.

"Um, what's up?" I asked, obviously referring to Terri's look of wide-eyed admiration.

Terri answered, "I'm kind of in awe of the sounds I heard coming from your bedroom last night. The two of you sounded really...enthusiastic."

I felt my face grow hot and I'm sure I was blushing. Buffy and I usually try to keep our sex life private and I was kind of outside of my comfort zone knowing that Terri had heard my lovemaking with Buffy the night before.

"You two sounded extraordinary," Terri elaborated.

"I've tried and tried with Tara, but I've never been able to make her sound like that," Terri said, sounding somewhat disappointed.

Terri looked at me like I was supposed to have some answers and make things spectacular for her and Tara in bed.

I held my mug of coffee defensively in front of me and said. "Wait, you're not expecting me to give you a tutorial on lovemaking, are you?"

"Well, I did come to UC Sunnydale to get an education," Terri replied.

I was torn between feeling embarrassed and feeling like one of the cool kids. Terri was good-looking and athletic. These things would have made her popular in high school, but now she was coming to me for advice on sex.

I made a mighty attempt to repress my embarrassment and looked into Terri's wide, expectant eyes and started asking questions about her lovemaking technique. I kept my coffee mug up near my face and took a sip every now and then. Somehow having the mug between me and Terri made me feel slightly less nervous. I'm really not sure why.

It turned out that Terri was treating sex like the fifty-yard dash. From the starting line she ran like a bat out of hell at top speed and attempted to make it to the finish line at top speed. She used her tongue with great energy and enthusiasm on Tara's clit and attempted to bring Tara to orgasm as quickly as possible.

"Oh," I said softly, shifting my eyes from Terri's face to Tara's and then back to Terri again, "I think I may see your problem."

I took a sip of my coffee and began to dispense my advice.

"If you want a really powerful orgasm, you don't want to start with direct clitoral stimulation. I mean...clitoral stimulation is great, but save that for last. Good sex is less like a fifty-yard dash and more like a marathon. You don't touch the clit until you're near the finish line. During the first twenty-six miles you want to build up the sexual tension with lots and lots of foreplay."

"You do that much foreplay with Buffy?" Terri asked, seemingly amazed, "Seriously?"

Again I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment. I so did not want for this to turn into a discussion on my sex life with Buffy.

"Seriously," I replied, "Things like French-kissing, nipple stimulation, kissing her inner thighs and licking her outer labia will all do a slow buildup of sexual energy without actually bringing Tara to orgasm. The more foreplay you do, the more sexual energy you'll accumulate. The more sexual energy you accumulate, the bigger the orgasm will be when you reach the finish line. I recommend between twenty and sixty minutes of foreplay before you actually put your mouth on her clit."

"Sixty minutes?" Terri asked aghast, "An entire hour? Willow, an hour is an awfully long time for foreplay. I've got classes, homework and extracurricular activities. How am I supposed to find an entire hour just to do foreplay?"

I shrugged my shoulders and then said, "The more foreplay, the bigger the orgasm. Try to find a way to fit the foreplay into your schedule."

I thought it was odd that Terri was coming to me for advice on how to be a better lesbian lover. Terri had been having sex with girls for over two years now. I'd only been having sex with girls for about two months. Terri had been doing this for about twenty-two months longer than I had! She was the more experienced one, yet she was coming to me for advice!

I took a sip of my coffee and mulled that over.

My best guess was that I had the advantage due to being a science nerd. As a science nerd, I was very analytical. I liked to study things. I liked to know how things worked. When Buffy and I became lovers I experimented a lot with Buffy's Body and determined what parts of her body were the most responsive to my touch. I figured out what sort of stimulation got the best reactions. I studied Buffy's body, learned what worked and what didn't. I learned that Buffy responded better if I held off on direct clitoral stimulation and waited until after lots and lots of foreplay before I targeted her clit.

Terri wasn't a science nerd. Terri was a jock. She had more strength, speed and endurance than I did, but she probably didn't have my intellectual curiosity or my willingness to do a lot of analysis and study.

I smiled at the thought. Who would have thought that being a science nerd could make you a better lover?

Eventually the smell of the coffee lured Buffy out of bed. She poured herself a mug, added milk and sugar and drank deeply. It was amazing watching the process as she became more and more awake.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I asked.

"Coffee," Buffy replied.

Then she had a few seconds to think about it and added, "Then shower, then more coffee, then get dressed and then Giles."

"Round two?" I asked.

"I figure that by the time I'm ready to see him this morning, he'll be done talking about the Doctor and Xander will be done talking about lesbian sex. So we should finally be able to talk about Faith."

"Think she's in trouble?" I asked.

Buffy gave me a look. Her eyes weren't fully open and she quite obviously wasn't fully awake, but the look seemed to say, "Seriously? Do you really even need to ask?"

"She's Faith," Buffy finally replied, "When is Faith ever not in trouble?"

* * * * * * * * * *

When Buffy and I arrived at Giles's apartment, we were both surprised to see that Xander had brought his girlfriend with him. The main reason this was a surprise, was because we didn't even know he had a girlfriend. Ever since Anya broke up with him, he'd complained almost nonstop about the burden of being a dateless nerd. When did he start dating again?

"Oh, Sam, these are my friends, Buffy and Will," Xander said, attempting to introduce as after the three of us had spent several seconds staring at each other uncomfortably.

"Isn't Will a boy's name?" Sam said as she shook my hand.

"It's short for Willow," I explained.

"Isn't Sam a boy's name?" Buffy asked, giving a certain symmetry to the questions.

"It's short for Samantha," she explained.

Sam was extremely good looking and strongly resembled Lisa Kudrow. Her hair was almost as red as mine, whereas Lisa Kudrow's hair was a golden blonde color, but other than that, she looked a lot like Lisa Kudrow. She was tall, slender and had an oval-shaped face. She also smiled a lot, which seemed strange since she'd been discussing vampires and other Hell-mouthy topics with Xander and Giles before we arrived.

"Apparently Sam and Xander met after she had been bitten by a vampire. The vampire had been foolish enough to bite Sam just shortly before sunrise. And before Sam could perish from exsanguination, the vampire burst into flames."

"Newbie vamps," Buffy said dismissively, "They shouldn't be out hunting that close to dawn.

"Yes," Giles said, somewhat in agreement, "At any rate, Xander arrived shortly after the vampire had combusted and was able to drive her to the hospital to be treated for blood-loss and minor burns."

"I'd never been attacked by a vampire before," Sam offered, "I was all ready to freak out, but Xander just took it all in stride. He seemed to know what he was doing, so I trusted him. He told me to get into his car, he drove me straight to the hospital and took me right to the front desk and got the E.R. nurse to take a look at me."

"Julia or Elaine?" Buffy asked.

"Dasha," Xander replied.

Sam got a shocked look on her face and was really quiet for several seconds, and then said, "You guys are actually on a first name basis with the E.R. nurses?"

"We spend way too much time at the hospital," I explained.

"Vampire bites, stab wounds, perforation wounds, severe cases of the flu, cases of going into a coma," said Xander as he began, listing off a number of reasons that we Scoobies had ended up visiting the Emergency Room.

"And that's just a partial list," Giles said.

"We've all done time at the E.R. for one reason or another," I added.

"So, I'm not the first," Sam said.

We all shook our heads in negation. Giles somehow managed to make his head-shaking look more British than ours. I'm really not sure how he managed to do that.

"This is a disturbing sort of town," Giles added, "Those of us who wish to survive must know where the hospital is and how to get there quickly in the event of an emergency."

"Wow," Sam replied, and didn't seem to have any other comment to add to that.

The silence that followed lingered and started to get uncomfortable, so I killed the silence by asking the question I'd come there to ask.

"So, what are we going to do about Faith?"

"Who is Faith?" Sam asked, and I waited to see if anybody else wanted to answer that question.

Nobody did.

"She's a friend," I said, then I added, "Well, first she was a friend, then she was an enemy, then she was in a coma. I guess I'm not sure what she is right now."

"She's still a slayer," Buffy said, "That means she's our responsibility."

"Wait, I thought Buffy was the Slayer," Sam interjected, looking accusingly at Xander.

"She is," Xander insisted, "She totally is."

"But you said, there can only be one slayer," Sam said, now looking accusingly at Giles, "You said a new slayer can't show up until the old slayer dies!"

"We sort of encountered a loophole," I explained.

"Buffy died about three years ago," Xander elaborated.

"I drown in a shallow pool of water," Buffy explained, "I was only dead for about a minute, but it was long enough for a new slayer to be called up."

"I gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation," Xander said proudly, "Got her breathing again."

Sam nodded slowly at all of this and attempted to process the information. She looked like she was getting overwhelmed.

"So, where is this Faith now?" Sam asked, "And who decides if she's a friend or an enemy now?"

Xander shrugged his shoulders and he turned and made eye-contact with Giles. That seemed to make sense to me, so I turned and made eye-contact with Giles too. Giles was sort of the unofficial leader of our group, and we quite often turned to him for answers.

Giles looked like we caught him somewhat unprepared and for a few seconds he just stood there. He set his mug of tea down on the table and cleaned his glasses and said, "Well, we're really not certain where Faith is at the moment. After she recovered from her coma, she made a brief appearance at Buffy's home, and then she disappeared."