My Little Cherokee Mother

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An Eternal Bond Forms Between Son and Mother.
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An Eternal Bond Forms Between Son and Mother.

It Was Just Another Day

The day started out just like any other day, even though it was my eighteenth birthday. I crawled out of bed.

(Not Wanting To)

After I had hit the snooze a half a dozen times, and jumped into the shower as usual every morning. The first blast of cold water doing its duty of relaxing my morning wood before the hot water kicked in. This was my morning habit since I found out long ago if I didn't, he just would not go down. Showering and brushing my teeth, being eighteen now I looked into the mirror wondering when would I mature enough to begin shaving. My father was full blooded Caucasian American from English descent and my mother was full blooded Cherokee American Indian, I guess that is why I had such a baby looking face and no facial hair. Hell, I didn't have much under my arms and my crotch hair looked like something a fourteen-year-old boy would have. Anyway, it never bothered me being half Cherokee was par for the course I guess you would say.

I stand as of now five feet ten inches, I hoped to grow more, since I was about four inches shorter than my father. Also just like my dad my hair was thick dark brown and just as wavy as dads was. It hung down to my shoulders due to of a little bit of rebellious teenage guy thing most of us young'uns have today. Mom always complained all the time, but dad would just giggle saying;

"He'll grow out of it one day, just you wait and see."

Dad was six feet two inches tall; I say was because he was in an auto accident from a drunk driver about a year and a half ago. It was so horrific we had to have a closed casket at the funeral, neither mom or I got to look at him and say goodbye. My dad was a great father and was highly respected in our community as well as in his business life. He left us not only a very substantial 401k investment but also a 5-million-dollar life insurance policy. Which to our complete surprise was doubled due to an accidental death clause.

Mom stands about five feet two inches and is the epitome of a Cherokee Indian Princess. Her long thick straight black hair flows down to her hips, almost always being pulled back in a pony tail. Her somewhat darker skin tone is just gorgeous, almost like a light pecan tan. Those high Indian cheek bones and very dark eyes that are almost black they are so much of a dark brown. Her eyes are like lasers and seem to be able to look deep into my soul and know at any giving time what I'm thinking about. Her little Cherokee squaw pixie like nose and high cheek bones made her look so noble it was astounding. Lips, her lips are not thin, nor huge, they are just as perfect as the rest of her is. To put it in a nut shell her beauty and presence makes most men tremble at her beauty. Her slender figure and small looking breasts are to die for.

We live in a very small town called Sky Valley, Ga. A little north of town almost at the Georgia/North Carolina line, at the very end of Breckenridge Ln. The population of Sky Valley is only about five hundred people, so suffice to say everyone knows everyone. Very small, very conservative group of people. Needless to say, if you messed with anyone, then you had the whole town against you.

All that I know is my parents loved each other very much with me catching them embracing and kissing almost every day of my life. My dad was truly a loving husband and father.

Being today is my eighteenth birthday, my mom is thirty-six and still looks so much prettier than any eighteen-year-old girl I have ever seen. Mom is an incredible woman and I think she is the best mother anyone could ever have. Although yes, she still grieves since dad died and I catch her almost every day constantly crying from her loss. I do anything and everything I can to boost her spirits, sometimes it works and others it just makes it worse. Now more than a full year and a half later things seem to be getting a little better.

The strange thing about my parents was that my dad married her when she was eighteen years old. This is the weird part of it all, at the time my dad was thirty. How an thirty-year-old white man hooked up with a eighteen-year-old Cherokee princess I never knew until about two months ago. Mom sat me down one day and explained everything.


It all started when he was having lunch at the drugstore in Dillard, which is seven miles away. And yes, we still had a drugstore that had a fully functional lunch counter. Mom came in with a couple of her girlfriends and ordered chocolate malts setting a few stools away from my dad. I guess they didn't think about the total price and were rummaging around in purses and pockets trying to scrounge up enough money for the malts. My dad motioned to the soda jerk and told him to put it on his tab. After the soda jerk told them the bill was paid for, they all squealed with joy saying thank you. Her friends wanted to walk around the nearby stores, and since mom had only touched her malt, talking so much, she wanted to finish it. The girls left and mom moved over next to my dad shaking his hand saying thank you again and telling him her name was Inola-Koko. She said;

"Yea I know two first names is weird but my father insisted on it, my full name is Inola-Koko AniWahYa, most everyone calls me either Nola or Koko."

My father shook her hand saying;

"My name is Major Robert Roper; most everyone calls me Rob for short."

She smiled up at him saying;

"I like Major better than Rob, if you don't mind."

He asked if there was any meaning to her name since he knew most Indian names did have meaning. She explained that Inola was (black fox) and Koko was (the night) saying;

"I guess I'm the little black fox of the night."

Also explaining that AniWahYa was the (Wolf Clan)

My father was not in any way a pervert asked her how old she was. She told him she had turned 18 yesterday. Dad looked at her saying;

"Happy Birthday Nola!"

She blushed a little saying thank you. After she finished her malt, he asked if he could give her a ride home, and that he wanted to talk to her father. That really spooked her and she asked why he wanted to speak with her father, she also worried about him scolding her about talking to strangers. Dad told her that he thought she was a very beautiful young lady and seemed to have a kind heart and wanted to ask her father if he could see her again.

With that her beautiful pecan tan cheeks turned a bright crimson red, and she agreed to the ride home. Mom called her friends on her Nokia phone that by today's standards we call a brick since they were unbreakable. Hell, those things you could throw across the street and the only thing that would happen was maybe a small scratch on the cover somewhere. I remember once dad telling me he had dropped it while running in from the pouring rain and having to go back out finding it in about a three-inch-deep puddle of water. Bringing it back inside and taking it apart, drying it off with a hair dryer and it never failed to work.

Anyway, he drove her home and waiting outside her father came out with a frown on his face. Dad introduced himself and her father shook his hand saying his name was Unega-Waya, which meant (White Wolf). Dad then explained in detail how they met and that since she was 18 years old, he would like his permission to see her again. They sat down on the front porch and talked for over an hour about Dad's life and why he would be interested in a young woman as Nola. Dad basically told him his life history being in the USMC and the divorce of his cheating wife, childhood, everything. After about the first 30 minutes her dad turned and yelled into the house, "Nola, 2 coffees please."

A couple minutes later she brought them out handing one to her father and one to my dad, never saying anything and never looking either of them in the eye. Then not saying anything she went back into the house.

They continued talking about anything and everything, after about another 30 minutes her father stuck out his hand and said;

"Rob, I know there is quite a difference in your ages, although I am a damn good judge of people. IF, and only if, Nola would like to see you again you have my blessings. I must warn you, if you ever make her cry for any reason, IT WILL BE MY PLEASURE TO KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND."

My father responded;

"Sir, if that ever happens you won't get the chance, I'll take my own life first."

Her father smiled widely shaking his hand saying;

"Only a true man would respond like that."

From that moment on those two men were best friends for life. A few days later dad called their house speaking with her father asking;

"Waya, as a first get together I would like to take your family out for a picnic near Tallulah Falls if that would be OK. What I need to know is how many people will be there so I know how much food to bring?"

Waya said he would have to ask Nola first if she wanted to go and then you know the boss has to agree also, meaning his wife and there would be four of them. Dad chuckled telling him he knew full well how things always seemed to be on the same wave length for all men. Waya called back in about thirty minutes saying everyone agreed and added that Nola's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree with her smiling when he asked her about it. Also saying they would be bringing the dessert.

The day of the picnic dad arrived early setting up everything, dad had brought chairs for everyone and was firing up the charcoal for the grill, when Waya and the family arrived. Waya introduced the family, Uwoduhi his wife, their older son Gatlin, and shyly Nola was standing beside almost behind her mother blushing trying not to make eye contact.

The picnic was not too far away from Tallulah Falls and you could hear the water flowing the entire time. The rumble of the waterfall and the nice spring day was absolutely perfect. Dad grilled five very nice rib-eye steaks with baked potatoes, grilled corn on the cob, and coleslaw. He retrieved a coke for Gatlin and Nola, then poured sweetened iced tea for the three adults. The meal was almost as perfect as anyone had ever had. After the banana pudding dessert Gatlin and Nola wandered off to see the waterfall.

Waya mentioned he was surprised that dad had only brought tea to drink. Dad said he had something stronger although didn't want to ruin things by asking up front.

Waya asked what would that be. Dad reached over and brought out a bottle in a leather bag telling him this is a Venezuelan Rum he picked up while he was down there. Dad pulled out three glasses and poured each of them a drink. He then told them to sip it, it's almost so good you want to eat it with a spoon. Even Uwoduhi commented how wonderful it tasted.

After a while dad wandered off in search of Nola, Gatlin coming back with a grin on his face telling his father that he thought Rob was a true gentleman. Not too long after that the two of them showed back up with Nola smiling like she was the happiest young woman in the entire world.

After that day dad made it a point for the next several times to have a family member with them whenever they went anywhere. At one point Waya asked dad if he thought they should go out alone sometime. Dad told him that family means everything to him and some day if Nola agrees to marry him there would be plenty of time for them to be alone. This shocked Waya so much he reached over hugging my dad like a long-lost son telling him;

"I don't think God has ever created a more perfect man, if I may call you, son welcome to the family."

When he pulled back there was a tear rolling down his face.

Soon after that there was a rather large family gathering of about thirty or more family members and in front of everyone dad knelt down on one knee asking Nola to marry him;

"Nola, I am not a very rich man, I love you more today than ever; tomorrow I will love you even more. Would you do me the honor of being my wife."

Showing her the ring, she cried like a waterfall saying;

"Yes, Yes, a thousand times YES."

Putting the ring on her finger, standing up and kissing her in front of everyone for the first time ever. They married soon after that and I don't think God had ever made two people more perfect for each other.


Now on my eighteenth birthday I told mom I wanted to go hiking and needed to be alone and think about dad. I wanted to try and make some sense of why God had to take him from us. Mom was crying like it was the first day after him dying. I hugged her so tight telling her it would be OK and I just needed a little time to myself. I packed my backpack and headed off. I knew I wanted to go up to Highlands Aerial Park since there was a nice view up there next to the waterfall and hardly anyone ever went up there.

After I parked the car and took the very overgrown semi trail up to the waterfall I sat down on a big rock and took out a bottle of water and just sat there. Eighteen I thought, my life so far had been perfect, now with dad gone who could I look up to for advice and mentoring? The more I thought about it the more the tears rolled down my face. Yea mom was the best, although sometimes a guy needs a man to tell him what he should do with his life. I must have sat there for several hours just not knowing what to do.

All of a sudden someone behind me said;

"Life sucks don't it."

Shocked as hell I turned around and a very old long haired Indian man stood there leaning on a rather long walking staff. The staff looked like it was at least seven feet tall, the old man seemed to be using it to hold himself up. He came up beside me and sat down moaning with me hearing his old bones creak a lot as he sat down. He sighed loudly saying;

"It's very beautiful up here, so peaceful."

Then he looked over in my eyes and I swear he was looking directly into my soul and asked;

"Your heart is troubled, tell me your problems and let me help."

For some reason I opened up and told him everything about my life, my father's life, my mother's life, everything. We sat there talking for over an hour. Directly he groaned as he stood up reached his hand down saying for me to come with him. We walked about a half hour through the woods to a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. I noticed as we were walking every time his staff came down on rock it sounded like solid steel hitting the rock. The top of the staff had a large some kind of amber jewel in it that glistened when the sunlight hit it.

We went into the cabin and he gently set his walking staff against a wall. Making a pot of tea he brought us each a cup. Again, he sighed loudly as he sat down saying;

"I have walked this Earth for more years than I can remember. You and your mother have a problem that if not fixed will destroy both of your lives."

He told me his name was Amoneeta Sequoyah and that he was a Cherokee chief and medicine man. He went on the explain that a true medicine man did not get his power from anything that man had to offer, he got his power passed down to him directly from God. Then he started talking as if he was my father telling me that God's plan was unfolding in front of my eyes. If I put my soul in his hands everything will work out for the best. We talked for over an hour about life, love, being a man, everything. For some strange reason the more we talked the better I felt. He stood up groaning and walked to a cupboard and retrieved a small bag. Coming over to me he said;

"This is a special blend of tea, I want you to use all of it to make a cup for you and your mother at the right time and both of you drink it together."

I asked him when should I do this, he smiled and told me don't hurry and I would know in my heart when the time was right. He then told me I should go since it would be almost dark when I reached my car. I told him I didn't know the way back; He just smiled again and told me to follow the setting sun and I would be fine. I stood up and asked if I would ever see him again. He just shrugged saying;

"if it is God's will yes, only he knows."

Then he grabbed me into a hug whispering in my ear;

"Always remember, me and the lord are with the both of you, always."

We said our goodbyes and I left, following the setting sun not knowing where anything was. It seemed less than an hour's walk and to my surprise there was the parking lot of the park. As I drove home it felt like a weight had been lifted from off my heart, even the nights breeze smelled different.

When I returned home my mom had a wonderful dinner waiting for me and a home-made cake. She was wearing a nice little conservative type of plain sun dress which to me always made her look like Cherokee Royalty. I hugged her telling her how lucky I was to have such a wonderful mother, and how much I loved her. The hug went on for quite a while, it seemed like she didn't want to let go. She pulled back and tears were streaming out of both of her eyes saying;

"Walker, your all I have left."

Oh, I forgot to mention my dad had insisted when I was born that my name would be,

(Walker Roper).

I looked down at mom and told her;

"Never worry mom, nothing and no one in this world could ever pull me away from your side."

She hugged me again with her head on my chest saying;

"A mother couldn't ask for a more perfect son."

We sat down and dinner was the best I had ever had, the cake had the word Walker on it and eighteen candles. I made a good closed eyes gesture of making a wish and blew out all the candles at once. We had a great time that night, I didn't tell her about the old Indian I met, although I did tell her I spent the day at the waterfall thinking about our lives and what we should do to make us both happy. Mom retrieved a bottle of champagne she was hiding in the bottom of the refrigerator and brought it and two glasses into the living room. She handed me the bottle saying;

"You'll have to open this for me, I've never done this before. I don't care what the law says, eighteen is old enough to have a drink if it's old enough to die for your country."

I twisted off the wire wrapping and pushed the cork out with my thumbs and POP it bounced off the ceiling and started foaming out so I grabbed a glass and filled hers and mine. She held up her glass and said;

"You're not a boy anymore, here's to the man of the house."

I blushed a little bit telling her thank you. Then I suggested that we needed to get away and relax a while so we both could think more about and look toward the future. Mom thought about it for a while and then asked what I had in mind. I told her;

"I don't know, how about a vacation somewhere away from this tiny little town?"

She downed her glass and refilled both of ours then mentioned;

"Your father did leave us pretty well off, how about a cruise, I've never been on ship before?"

I looked over at her with total amazement in my eyes;

"That would be great, maybe a Mediterranean cruise so we don't have to deal with big waves and getting sea sick."

A sparkle came into her dark eyes telling me that would be lovely and for me to make the arrangements. We sat there and polished off the bottle of champagne and she was pretty looped, even her words were starting to slur a bit. I told her we needed to call it a night and she agreed saying this was the most she had ever had to drink. I stood up and pulled her to stand up and she briefly fell back down into the couch laughing. I pulled her up again holding on a little stronger and guided her up to her bedroom. By the time we got there she was walking a bit steadier telling me she was all right. I started to turn and walk away and she grabbed me into another tight hug telling me;