My Sister Made Me Ch. 05


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Laughing again, she stood and grabbed the conditioner. "My wash-boy must have quit," she said.

"Taking a break," he said, smirking at her as she glanced at him. "God, you are so fucking sexy."

She smiled at him for the compliment and went back to washing. Quiet surrounded the two for a few minutes while they enjoyed the shower in silence.

Hearing his breathing grow faster, she turned back and watched as he stroked. "Are you going to cum?" she asked.

He nodded, his eyes still locked on her body.

"Do you like jerking off to your little sister?" she asked wickedly. Arching her back, she stuck her chest out, turning her nipples upwards and tightening her stomach.

"God," he moaned, his cock bursting a stream of warm cum from the tip and into the water stream. She thought she felt some hit her leg, but the water quickly washed it away. A few more cries of pleasure coupled with bursts from the head of his cock filled the small shower.

"You should have let me get set for it," she said, turning back away from him. "You could have let me swallow it."

He groaned in pleasure at her wicked words. Glancing back again, she saw that he was still erect, still stroking.

"Goddamn," she said. "That big sucker is still ready to go?"

He nodded. "It happens sometimes with me. Only when I'm really fuckin' turned on though," he admitted.

She smiled. "So I really do turn you on," she said with a grin. "Good."

He stopped stroking then and stepped forwards as she moved aside to let him wash.

"I guess the least I can do is return the favor and give you a good scrubbing," she said.

He smiled. "As long as you're comfortable."

She smiled genuinely at him for thinking of her comfort. "As long as this isn't weirding you out, I'm more than okay."

He chuckled and handed her the soap. She took the bottle and poured some into her hand, worked them together to get a lather and then began to rub at his back muscles.

"It's a little odd for me to be so turned on and sexually attracted to my sister," he admitted.

"Well," she said. "Would it help to know that I'm also sexually attracted to my big brother?" she asked.

He chuckled and shook his head. "No, Alex, not really."

She giggled and rubbed her hands across his back, to his shoulders and then lower. Moving from his waist to his buttocks, he glanced back as she ran a soapy hand down his butt and moved a single finger up across his anus.

"Whoa," he said, startled at her boldness.

She smiled as she removed her hand. "You did the same to me, if you remember," she told him. "But in all honesty," she said, "all of this teasing between us is a little odd. Part of my brain keep screaming, "What the fuck are you doing?" and the other part is just telling me to say fuck it and keep going."

He chuckled and began to wash his hair. "Well, I'm glad you're listening to the naughty part."

She smiled and moved close to whisper into his ear. "Me too." Running her arms around his body, she began to rub his chest, her breasts pushing against his back, his buttocks against her hips.

"Can you keep a secret?" she whispered. Her voice could barely be heard above the noise of the shower.

He nodded.

"Do you pinkie-swear?" she asked.

He nodded again, holding up his pinkie to lock with hers. Her hands roamed downwards across his taut stomach and continued to rub.

She leaned in very close, her lips brushing his ear. Gently she nibbled the tip for a moment before speaking again. "You're not the only one in my family that I'm being naughty with," she said.

He turned a surprised look back to her. She smirked and winked at him.

"Who? Danny?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Not unless you count him fucking Hannah in my bed and kicking me out."

"It's certainly not Sam," he said. He looked at her, his eyes going wide.

"Let's just say that Toni's pussy tastes just as good as mine," she said.

He stood stunned for a minute until she slid her arms away and maneuvered past him. Turning, she thwapped the tip of his cock with her finger, causing it to bounce up and down again. "As much as I'd love for you to fuck me up against the wall of this shower with that beautiful thing, I think I'd make too much noise and wake up the rest of the house."

He continued to look at her, amazed.

"Remember," she said, holding a finger up to her lips. "Don't tell on us."

A wide smile found its way to his face then and he shook his head. "Don't be surprised if I want to see that."

She snickered and shrugged. "Maybe." Grabbing a towel, she wrapped it around herself and headed back to her room. She heard moaning coming from within and sighed. Quietly, she stepped in and saw Hannah on top of her brother, her large breasts bouncing and swaying in time with her movements on top of him. Hannah giggled and held up her hand to her lips as Alex tiptoed over to grab some clothes.

Quickly grabbing underwear, she pulled them on and tiptoed through the closet to Toni's room. Her twin was amazingly still asleep when she entered, and Alex decided not to wake her. Sighing, she quietly exited and headed for Dane's room again.

Knocking, she peered in just as he was slipping on a pair of underwear. His cock had diminished a bit.

"Danny's fucking Hannah, and Toni's still asleep," Alex said. "Mind if I snuggle up to you? I promise I'll be good."

He smiled and waved her in, crawling in bed and holding the covers open for her. She smiled and quickly climbed in.

''You know you're not wearing a shirt right," he said.

She giggled but didn't say anything, crawling up and laying her head on his chest, her shoulder in his armpit. Sighing, she closed her eyes and fell asleep in minutes as he draped his arm across her naked back.



Sunday, three days later...

The past two months had been much of the same for Sam. She continued going to church and helping Pastor Dan achieve a release on Sundays. It had gotten to where she was really enjoying doing it for him. She no longer denied that it turned her on when he released into her mouth, and it was second nature for her to swallow what he gave her. Sometimes, it was just a single go, and others there were two and three loads that he was able to give.

She often found herself thinking about it in church. He'd be at the pulpit talking to the congregation and she'd be thinking about being in his office on her knees, his penis in her mouth. Sometimes, she'd glance over and see his wife looking oddly at her.

He didn't ever seem to want to elaborate on what was happening with his wife, but she always seemed to be quietly hostile towards Sam, at least that's the way she interpreted it. She didn't really understand why, as Pastor Dan always assured her that his wife didn't know about how Sam was helping him.

Her relationship with Keith was relatively the same. She hadn't let him get any further than groping and kissing her breasts, and he seemed content to stick with that. He hadn't had any more accidents than the first time, but she supposed that was just bad luck or that he's just gotten too excited.

Giving Pastor Dan oral release was still the best part of her week though, not that she'd admit that out loud. All she could stand to think about sometimes was being on her knees in front of him, taking his cum into her mouth so she could swallow it. Eventually she found herself wishing that she could help him more than once a week.

Work had also started going a lot better now that Toni had offered to start throwing Sam's uniforms in with her clothes, since Toni's choice of wardrobe differed so vastly from her own. Not feeling like she was lying to her parents was also a big help in improving her mood. She knew that she was technically still lying to them, but had accepted that there were some things that parents were just better off not knowing about their children. She grew to realize that she could handle it.

The uniforms were still a little revealing for her tastes, but she'd gotten where she wasn't so embarrassed anymore. All the other girls at work were wearing them, and they seemed comfortable. The waitress that had taken her shopping, Kara, had also helped her a great deal. She'd shown Sam how to flirt innocently with the customers, teaching her that it was okay to be that way, even if you were in a relationship with someone else.

Now when she worked, Sam would laugh more when the customers said something flattering or humorous to her, and would smile and say thank you when they flirted or outright hit on her. Kara had taught her some witty comebacks too! She liked, "Sorry, I'm not on the menu," the most.

She'd also just moved from being a hostess to being a waitress as well. At first, she didn't like it. Customers were much more brazen about looking at her breasts as a waitress. Kara had told her that the money was much better and once you got it in your head that the stares were harmless and that the people liked what they saw, it got easier. She'd also made sure that Sam knew that touching was not okay!

"If you get groped, call the manager on duty and the person that did it will be asked to leave!" she'd told her.

Sam had yet to have to do that, though, thank the Lord. Sure, some of the men had touched her, but she supposed it was all innocent. She hadn't done anything to entice them, after all, so a stray hand on the small of her back or one that had accidentally been a little too low and resting on her butt were no big deal.

"If it doesn't bother you, then it's fine!" Kara had told her. "Personally, it's all a turn on for me."

Sam had thought that was positively scandalous, but who was she to judge. During her waitress shadowing sessions, she'd watched Kara twice. Both times, men had given her money for her top, and she'd taken it off!

"It's something the managers don't mind that we do, if we're comfortable with it," she explained later. "We have a topless section after all," she pointed out.

Sam figured that that was true enough. Still, when Kara's had been bought, they'd looked expectantly at her as well. Kara had come to her rescue though saying, "Not yet, she's still in training!"

She'd felt bad after that, seeing how disappointed the men at the table that had paid Kara for her top were. Now, she was one week into being a waitress and she was finally feeling comfortable with the whole thing. She been offered money twice to take her top off, and had grown confident in telling them that she wasn't comfortable with that. The men had been very sweet about it as well, acting as if they were hurt by not getting to see her topless. She wouldn't be swayed by their acting though, and they eventually gave up. Her tips were still great however, and she always got really sweet compliments from men and women alike.

After work, she found that more often than not, she was a little turned on. She'd have to ask Pastor Dan about that the next time she saw him. When she'd mentioned that she had something to talk to him about, he told her that he had something special planned for her. She'd been texting him the whole week, prodding him for details. He wouldn't budge though, saying she'd have to wait for Sunday.

She'd found that her sessions on Sunday were very educational for her to learn about pleasuring a man. She'd gotten very adept at giving head, she knew, and could make Pastor Dan cum pretty much when she wanted to. He loved to grope and fondle her breasts when she was working though, and since she was still relieving his stress, she allowed him to. Still, sometimes he got a little too forward with her and tried to rub between her legs. She would sweetly admonish him and he'd apologize. She supposed that there was no harm in him trying to get into her pants though. That's what the people in the restaurant were trying to do, after all.

He'd continued using the blindfold and restraining her arms behind her back on occasion. Sometimes, he'd let her see what she was doing and she'd be able to use her arms. She enjoyed those occasions the most. He would sit on the couch in the outer office or at his desk while Keith waited outside for her. Then, she'd be able to take her time and play with his penis, stroking it and kissing it. She liked to explore what he liked, trying different techniques.

He always wanted her to swallow his cum, though, and she supposed that she was just filling in for what his wife was supposed to do. She felt proud that she'd gotten used to doing it before she was married and was expected to do it for her own husband. She'd be forever thankful to Pastor Dan for opening her eyes to what a proper wife was expected to do.

Still, she was very pent up with sexual energy. She found that she had to control herself more and more from letting Pastor Dan or Keith go farther than she knew was proper. Even at work one time, she'd secretly thought about letting a customer purchase her top for a few minutes but had chickened out.

Strange things were making her think about sex now. She'd see one of the boys at school flexing his arms and have to close her eyes and concentrate on calming herself down. She'd see a couple kissing and have to turn away. Once, when one of her teachers was out of the room for a few minutes, she saw one of the popular girls in school reach into her boyfriend's shorts and stroke him for a few seconds.

Sam had to excuse herself from the room after that, her mind filled with thoughts of swallowing the boy's load of cum. She'd taken a few minutes to calm down and wash her face, but found that illicit thoughts were always near the forefront of her mind.

She knew that she might have to start masturbating like Pastor Dan had said, to start relieving the sexual energy. She certainly didn't want to cross the line with either of them and that was what he had suggested to relieve the tension. As long as it didn't hurt her relationship with God, she was willing to try.

When school ended, she was going to have more time to work and see Pastor Dan and Keith, and she knew that her sexual tension was just going to increase until classes started for college in the fall.

Thursday and Friday had been the last real days of school, but like her sisters, she hadn't had any classes. They spent all day being lazy and staying in bed or in their rooms all day, but she had gone for a run a few times, spent time helping her mother, and of course had gone to see Keith a few times.

Saturday was graduation for the three girls, and then they all went to dinner with their grandparents. After that, Alex, Toni, Dane, Danny and their girlfriends were all going out to party. They asked Sam if she wanted to go with them, but she'd declined. She didn't need to go celebrate like that.

That night, there were lots of odd noises coming from the bedrooms of her siblings, but she didn't go to investigate. Not really caring what her brothers and sisters were doing at any rate, she didn't suspect them of any behavior that would be considered inappropriate.

Sunday morning came, and she rose and got ready for church before everyone else had even woken up. She went to the early service and then the second service, staring at Pastor Dan and thinking constantly about taking his cock out and letting him fill her mouth with his yummy warm cum. Several times, she was startled by Keith reaching over and holding her hand. She'd forgotten he was there in her daydreaming. After service, Keith had gone home. Sam told him that Pastor Dan was asking for a little more help than normal this particular Sunday and that she would call him afterwards.

As she entered, she saw Pastor Dan in his office. He smiled and waved as she sat down to finish the paperwork. The secretary left relatively quickly, and she finished up what she needed to.

Sam stood and knocked on the door jamb to Pastor Dan's office. "So what's the surprise?" she asked.

He smiled. "All in good time, my sweet. I'm going to need you to trust me though."

She smiled. "Of course I trust you, Pastor Dan."

"I know you say it easily, but it's another thing to actually mean it," he said.

She looked at him curiously, her heart beating a little faster. "Oh... okay," she said.

"Go in the other room and close your eyes, assume the position," he said, smiling at her. "I promise, nothing bad will happen."

"I know," she said, growing excited that she'd get to help him relieve his stress again. Smiling, she turned and headed to the middle of the room, pulling her shirt and bra off in advance. She grabbed the large pillow from the couch that she normally knelt on and tossed it on the ground. She sighed, closed her eyes, and waited.

Pastor Dan didn't wait long, coming into the room and blindfolding her quickly. She heard him move around behind her, so she lifted her arms to assist him getting the leather wrist cuffs on. A few seconds of pulling and strapping and she was sufficiently restrained. She heard him move around to the front and then felt his warm hands savaging her breasts for a moment, surprising her and causing her to breathe heavier.

She heard him moving around behind her again, and then heard something heavy being moved across the floor. A few seconds later, she felt him lift up on her arms and turn her sideways.

"We're just moving a little. Don't worry, you're perfectly safe," he said.

Taking comfort in his voice, she smiled and tried not to be nervous.

"Lean forwards," he said, pulling at her arm. She nodded and followed his commands obediently. As she leaned she felt a cushioned platform in front of her. Confused, she hesitated, but then continued. It felt like a chair or a couch, but she didn't feel a back to it. Soon she was perched over it comfortably, her legs bent at the knees, knees on the ground and palms still held at the small of her back.

She felt him moving around behind her again, and then felt something going over the back of her calf. A strap, she guessed, as it tightened.

"Can you move?" he asked.

She tried to moved back to kneeling position, but wasn't able to. "I can't," she confirmed.

"Good," he said, walking around her. She heard a zip and smiled, opening her mouth obediently. The tip of his cock pushed through her lips and she moaned audibly.

"Dirty dirty," he said, chuckling. She shook her head at his playfulness. He leaned over her body and pulled up her skirt from the rear. She sighed around his cock, wondering if she'd have to cut things short if he got too forward. He seemed to just want to see her rear though, and stopped after he'd bunched it up around her waist. She supposed that it was okay.

His cock was still sliding in and out of her warm lips, and she was more than a little excited. She kept thinking about the warm load of cum that he was going to let her swallow. Again and again he thrust into her mouth. Something curious happened then; she heard a different sound in the room. There were footsteps while Dan was thrusting in and out of her lips. She tried to back up, but he grabbed her face and began to thrust.

Behind her, she heard the new person moving around to her butt. Panicked, she shook her head and tried to spit his cock out, but he wouldn't relent, thrusting deeply in and out again and again. For some reason, she was excited and couldn't figure out why. Part off her was thinking, "Just go with it," over and over, while another really wanted to know who else was in the room.

She felt the odd sensation of some very soft fingers pulling her panties down, and suddenly she felt the cool air on her buttocks and her womanhood. Part of her wanted to panic and stop what was going on, but part of her didn't. The internal conflict she was having was very distracting, but then everything seemed to stop and she felt something warm and wet on her most private part. It moved slowly up the outside of her nether region and caused her to moan audibly.