My Sister Made Me Ch. 07


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Her dad, adopted uncle in reality, but the man she called father in actuality, wrapped the two of them in a hug.

"Samantha, I hope you know that your mom and dad would have been so proud of the beautiful woman you've become," he said.

She smiled, wiping away a tear. "I know," she said, kissing his cheek. "But you guys are my parents," she said. "I love my real mom and dad, but you're who raised me and loved me when I wasn't even yours. As long as you two are proud of me, I'll be okay."

Claire started crying harder and turned, hugging her tightly.

"It's okay Mom," she whispered.

"You know we're proud of you, sweetie," her dad said.

Sam forced a smile and leaned upwards to kiss him on the cheek.

"I love you guys," she said.

"We love you too," her mom whispered through her tears.

She got another squeeze in before the seven of them headed back home. As she relaxed in the back seat of her dad's car next to Toni, she looked out and watched the world going by, thinking about all that her parents had to be proud of her for. Lust. Stupidity. Rage.

The red-hot ball of anger that had filled her for the past few months hadn't gotten very much cooler. She was still furious, and at so many things. As her father drove them home, she stared out the window, calm on the exterior, but a boiling ocean of anger just beneath.

Anger coursed through her like it was part of her body now. Clenching and unclenching her fist, she dug her nails into her skin. God, she was so mad! She was mad at Dan for betraying her trust, of course, but it was bigger than just him. She was mad at Amanda for not being strong enough to stand up to the man and for being unable to get out of a bad marriage sooner. Yes, Sam had been supremely naive about the whole thing in the beginning and Dan was incredibly charismatic and

manipulative, but Amanda knew what was going on. She could have stopped it at any time!

Sam supposed that she hadn't wanted to be alone, or maybe she'd been truly afraid of her husband.

Whatever the reason was, it wasn't good enough. As an abused woman, Amanda had a duty to herself and those that depended on her to get out of the situation she was in. If she couldn't, she needed to ask for help. Amanda might not have liked the choices she had, but they were valid choices. There was no excuse for staying with the abusive prick. They might not have been choices that the young wife liked, but they were valid choices. They didn't have kids. That made it much easier. Call the police on him and leave him. How hard would that have been? Only when the chips were down and all the cards were on the table, did she get out of the marriage. Before that... nothing. Instead she had assisted her piece of shit husband in manipulating and seducing an eighteen year old girl.

She was mad at the church for allowing something like that to happen on more than one occasion. Of course given the rumors that she'd always heard, that was just the status quo from those assholes. She hadn't been back since it had all gone down.

Finally, she was mad at Keith for being oblivious. Sure that hadn't really been his fault. Sam herself had lied to him and that was on her. Still, he should have seen the signs and helped her.

She sighed. She knew she had no right to be mad at Keith. He couldn't help that he was oblivious to a lot of things. She knew that she was mostly just mad at herself. She hated that she'd been so naive and stupid. She hated that she'd been so easily duped and manipulated. She hated that it had taken one of her siblings to help her get out of it, though she was thankful that Alex had told someone. Most of all, she hated that she had enjoyed so much of it. That part was really messing her up inside.

Yeah, she was still furious; on the inside. Outwardly, she was as calm as could be, almost too calm.

As they got home, she kissed her mom and dad and went to her room, sitting on the bed and idly picking at her skin. She thought back to what her dad had said about her parents being proud. Were they proud of their daughter for being duped by a lowlife into sucking his cock? For wanting to suck him off; for almost needing to?

She rolled her eyes. "What a crock of shit," she said to the empty room.

In the weeks that followed, Pastor Dan had disappeared from the church and the town that they lived in. The congregation had heard rumors that were only confirmed by his conspicuous absence. The church sent him to a sort of half-way house for priests in Dallas. He'd started drinking heavily, spending all of his savings at a tiny dive bar on the bad side of town. If the rumors were true, he'd gotten drunk and tried to stumble home, but had fallen off a bridge on the way. He'd struck one of the concrete pilings and had broken his neck, then fallen in the water and drowned.

She felt sad for him, but only briefly.

Amanda had left him before that though, but the public opinion of her wasn't much higher than it was for her husband. She might have been an abused wife, but she still colluded in the predation of a young woman if rumors were to be believed. She was shunned by her friends when the story got out, and had to move back home to Houston to live with her parents. Sam hoped that she was okay.

She couldn't say for sure how much of all that was true and how much was embellished. All she really knew was that the asshole had died, and Amanda wasn't living in town anymore.

Sam's identity was thankfully not exposed. Her parents were never made aware that it was their daughter that had been taken advantage of. Her father had a fiery temper, and Sam was genuinely concerned about what he might have done.

Still, the shame of how much she'd been duped and what she'd agreed to had put her in a furious state for several months. She'd been able to calm herself down outwardly, and it seemed like she had a serene, almost bored expression on her face when others were around. Keith was still kicking around now and then, but she didn't really have the desire to see him.

She'd spent the rest of the summer working at Double D's and being lazy around the house. Alex and Toni would come and talk to her, but she really seemed to have lost the spark. Even Toni, who was always such a bitch to her, had softened and was genuinely concerned.

She was still trying to get a handle on everything, and find out what she was as a person now. It wasn't always just anger coursing through her. She was sad of course. Sighing, she brushed her long hair as she stared in the mirror. Studying herself, she let her eyes drift down her body.

So much pain and anguish had been caused. She sighed again, looking at the body that she figured was the culprit of all the problems she'd had lately. She took off her shirt in one swift motion, followed by her bra. Standing half-naked, she turned side-profile and looked at her breasts.

They were two sacks of fat and grown men would almost kill each other to be able to see them. Grown men would lie and cheat and steal for them.

She shook her head and pulled her shirt back on. Class was starting tomorrow. Maybe that would keep her distracted enough so that she had something to take her mind off of what had happened.

She turned to lay back on her bed and closed her eyes. After a few minutes, she fell asleep. A flash of something fired through her brain. She saw herself on her knees, sucking a faceless demon's cock. It had giant red horns and a smooth half-sphere where the face should have been. Its cock was enormous but she was taking it with ease. She saw its face morph into that of Pastor Dan. She tried to stop sucking him off, but he was holding her down, cumming in her mouth. She opened her eyes then, still safe in her room. It had been just a dream, but it had been so very vivid.

She sighed deeply, opening her eyes and staring up at the ceiling. She felt a tingling sensation and realized that the thought had turned her on. Her nipples were hard and rubbing against the fabric of her shirt. Her pussy throbbed, aching to be touched.

She swore quietly and stood, heading to the bathroom. Almost as if she were on automatic, she entered and stripped down. Only then did she look up and seem to focus. Dane was standing there, looking very surprised like a deer in the headlights.

"Sorry," she said quietly, shaking her head and turning to leave.

"It's all yours," he said, putting down the comb and leaving.

She smiled weakly at him and stepped into the shower, turning the water on as hot as she could stand.

The past three months had been a little weird for Samantha. On one hand, she'd been furious at so many things. On another, she'd been changed, and she was trying to come to terms with what that new woman looked like. She kept asking herself what parts of her interactions with Pastor Dan did she regret? All of them... right? Wasn't that the correct answer?

Her family tried to help her, but she would only really speak to Alex. She felt she could really be honest with her over all of her family. Alex seemed to see right through her when she was trying to be dishonest, or trying to spare someone's feelings.

She'd finally been able to realize and come to terms with the fact that she hadn't regretted absolutely all of what Pastor Dan had done to her, and that had hit her hard.

Keith, her adorably oblivious, idiot boyfriend, had been infinitely patient with her. The few times he'd tried to take things to a more intimate level, she'd quietly shut him down. He'd heard the rumors too, but thought too highly of Samantha to make the glaringly obvious connection. She hadn't told him either. He was too good of a person, and too patient of a boyfriend to hurt like that.

Alex had been wonderful to talk to. Sam figured she should probably have a professional to talk to, but wasn't quite sold on that yet. Alex would come in to her room at night most nights and ask if she wanted to talk. Sam rarely did, though.

Last night had been one of the exceptions, Alex had pointed something out that made a lot of sense. They'd been talking about what happened, and Sam had told her pretty much everything that had gone on, what she'd been feeling and the like.

"I was upset at first, I think, from just the shock of what had been revealed, you know?" she said. They were laying down looking up at Samantha's ceiling and the glow in the dark stars that she'd glued up there when she was younger. "Then after I was done being a cry-baby," she said venomously.

"Sam," Alex started to say.

"I was pissed. I'm pissed off most days. I just don't think that... It doesn't feel like..." she said. She couldn't seem to put the words just right. "It feels like I should be angrier at Dan than I am lately."

Alex had raised an eyebrow at that.

"I mean, I'm pissed off. I'm mad at him and at his wife. I'm mad at myself. God... I'm mad at myself above all."

Alex had just nodded, letting her vent and rant.

"I mean, I look back and think, "What the fuck was I really thinking?" I had to know what was going on. A blind person could see that. Did I really and truly believe the shit he was telling me?" she asked quietly.

Alex sighed and turned over to look at her, though Sam continued to stare at the ceiling. "He was a very skilled talker Sam. He was a Pastor, after all. Talking to people and convincing them of fantastic things is his entire job."

She nodded. "I get that. I just... it's like if I think back to an individual session we had and just think about myself, and what I was doing... it's a turn on. It's not anger-inducing, you know? I mean, obviously Dan's entire endgame was to have sex with me, but he seemed really content with just oral sex and foreplay. Thinking about doing those things, if I just think about them and not who I was doing them to... total turn on."

Alex nodded. "I think it might have been more of the entire act of corrupting you, or if you want to call it something nicer, seducing you."

Sam snapped her fingers at that point. "You're right," she said, staring off in thought. "That puts this whole thing into a different light."

Alex nodded again.

"I mean, he's a predator, for sure. He's dangerous, manipulative," Sam said.

"Sweetie, he's a sociopath," Alex said.

Sam thought about that for a minute. "Possibly," she said. "But still, I feel like I'm not as angry at him as I should be."

Alex sighed, running a hand through Sam's hair. "I guess... it would be easier to hate him if he'd been less manipulative and more aggressive."

Sam nodded and had turned in for the night after that. After Alex's observant statement, she'd been able to more clearly see the issue.

Pastor Dan was a manipulative sociopath, who used coercion to get her to do things with him that she wouldn't normally do with her boyfriend, let alone her priest. Had he raped her? Not in the strictest sense of the word. In reality? Of course he had!

If she told that story to a hundred people, every one of them would say the same thing.

The thing that bothered her the most, was that he did it while trying to convince her that he was her friend. He was forcing a sexual act on her, or out of her, and he was doing it while he was smiling and trying to be nice to her. She had done it out of kindness to him, and it turned out that she was being lied to. That was the cruelest cut of them all. He'd betrayed her trust and coerced her into sexual acts while using her own good heart against her.

As she realized all of this, all of the anger seemed to coalesce into one little sphere. Now, she could finally start to forget him. Now, she realized, she could finally start to heal and form some semblance of normalcy in her life. Sure, she would never be the same after what had happened; ever. At least she'd be able to move on. She still believed in God. She believed in forgiveness and in sin. She just didn't know if she could ever forgive Pastor Dan. The white-hot ball of anger seemed to cool within her when she thought about him and what he'd done.

"Fuck him," she said. She looked up into the stream of water and said it louder. "FUCK HIM!"

She refused to let what he'd done affect her any more than it already had. No more tears. She'd made her mistakes. She'd admitted them, and she was ready to move on. Stepping out of the shower, she toweled off and looked at herself in the mirror. Turning side-profile again, she looked at herself and smiled. She was attractive. She thought about how much Keith liked to play with her breasts and the thought made her smile.

Standing nude in front of the mirror, she spun around again, looking at how good she looked.

She was alive. She was healthy. She was sexy, smart, funny, and her boyfriend loved her. Pastor Dickhead couldn't take that away anymore, no matter how hard he tried.

"Fuck him," she said. "May he burn in hell."

He couldn't hurt her any more.

Author's addendum.

Thank you for trusting me during Samantha's catharsis. Opinions on various things were stated in her section. Please don't take them to mean that I know anything about the subject of being raped. I would never deign to speak for rape victims. I would never approve of or condone any such behavior.

Evil characters can be tough to write about, and Pastor Dan was definitely not any different. It wasn't easy putting myself into the shoes of a sociopath. I hope his comeuppance was satisfying enough. I would have done something more, but the logistics of one of the siblings killing him, or him being arrested, would have shifted more of the focus on him and the effects of his death or incarceration on Sam. Her story is continuing on, telling how she's changed and how she adapts even further from what he did to her.

Police procedure would probably have gone differently during a real confrontation. For ease of writing and for practicality of the story, I decided to go an easier route. In reality, it probably would have gone down much differently.

Alex's story is not finished and Sam's isn't either, so please continue to read my offerings. There's more to come with this particular story.

Writing these is therapy for me, and you guys will never know how much you've helped me.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

So....a kind of weird plothole.

Dan admitted that after tying Sam up and blindfolding her, he had her give blowjobs to other guys. She did not consent to that. That's sexual assault, and those other guys are still out there.

Further, Dan said he had it all on tape, which would prove that he did exactly that.

You didn't need to go into a police procedural, you could have had him arrested for that crime he committed, then in the recap after 3 months later, had him instead of just strangely going away and then maybe accidentally dying, be thrown in jail for his crimes, along with the other guys who participated in raping Sam and she heard things didn't go to well for him in prison....

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is your first work I've read and I'm intrigued by your style and substance. I'm thankful you moved forward with Sam as gently as you did because we all know the reality is much different. There are far more 'Sociopaths' than we want to acknowledge because the truth of it is so fucking scary. Their victims are piled up dead or alive or too damaged at the bottom of the sea of humanity. Evil is also a great uncaring and its boredom dangerous. Sometimes the only thing that keeps my hope alive is that good people still outnumber the bad or we wouldn't be here. And as MY lost love used to say, every day is a "brand new puppydog day". She also said she believed the majority of heroin overdoses were deliberate and spur of the moment. Guess I'll keep reading because if nothing else I'm curious about your motives.

Bipluglover70Bipluglover70over 2 years ago

I'm glad of the way this situation turned out. Time and again you've shown yourself to be a skilled storyteller. And I'm very pleased that Pastor Dan was finally finished off like that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Good story but for me just a lil bit too long

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wow...can you have ended Sam/Pastor & wife story line more pathetically...not a chance in hell the pastor would not have ended up getting away with that especially if he was a repeat offender. It staggers me how many people commenting on here just don't get that. I struggle to understand how this ending could remotely feel realistic. I think you were really reaching on this one. Very disappointing 2 stars for this story.

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