My Sister's Keeper Pt. 01

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Katherine's actions seal her fate, the route to enslavement.
14.4k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/05/2024
Created 01/07/2024
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This series follows "Slave Management 101". Katherine is finally brought in as a primary character. Much of the rest of the story will focus on Katherine and her transformation from bitch into her brother's slave. She will be an integral part throughout the rest of the story.

I've also changed my writing style to first person, I hope you enjoy it.

As always I enjoy and appreciate your polite feedback, good, bad, or indifferent. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story.

It was Thursday afternoon and I was ready to go home. I'd had about all the idiots I could stand for one week. But I was waiting for an email that usually came out earlier in the afternoon every Thursday. It was 4:30 already and it had yet to arrive.

The email in question was a morale boosting tactic used by the senior partners of the private equity firm where I was a probationary employee. The newsletter, as it was called, would tell everyone how great the company was doing, that it was making lots of money due the diligent efforts of the staff, and would call out a few analysts by name as worthy of praise. It was all bullshit.

Most of the sheep here ate it up. They'd probably take the named staff out for drinks and get drunk while telling each other how great they were, then come in tomorrow hungover and be even more useless than they already were.

So why was I waiting for the email? Because it also listed promotions and in today's message it was expected to list probationary staff who's probation period was ending early due to exemplary performance. I would be listed there. I wanted to see my name in it so I could watch the sheep faces as I left. I knew they'd be watching me to see the newest full time employee. Especially the men, they were always watching me with hungry eyes anyway.

You see, I am beautiful, with my emerald eyes, jet black hair, full pouting lips, and the hardest hardbody you've ever seen. Only gymnast were more toned than I was. But I didn't want to lose so much body fat that my firm perky c-cups would shrink, or my perfectly heart shaped ass started to resemble a man's.

Some guys liked that look, teenage girls built like pre-teen boys. That look wasn't for me. I made damn sure nobody forgot I was all woman, and a damn fine one at that. I loved the desire and lust on their faces as I sauntered by, knowing that none of them would ever touch this goddess.

I was standing in front of my office window, staring at, but not seeing the other nearby high rise buildings filling the Atlanta skyline when my computer alerted me to the arrival of a new email. It was about time. I turned away from the window and went to sit at my desk. The four inch heels I wore with my pencil skirt were sexy as hell, but after 8 hours they were hard on my feet.

I opened the email and skimmed past all the rainbows and unicorn crap to get to the only part I had any interest in. I found the paragraph I wanted and read it. I read it again. I read it a third time. Somebody had fucked up royally and hadn't included my name as being released from probationary employment early. They listed that fucking idiot, Carlos. The "yes" man who just agreed blindly with anything management said during staff meetings. He didn't have an original thought in his head, or any leadership capacity at all!

I was always making recommendations on how to improve efficiency, lure clients, grow the business, and how to make these fuckers more money than they could count! I was the one displaying leadership in those meetings, showing the senile old men who ran this place the correct way forward. How could I be left off the list? This had to be an error, I was going to confront Ron, my manager and get some answers right now.

I stormed out of my office feeling all those sheep eyes on me as I marched to Ron's office. His door was open so I walked right in like I owned the place, closing the door behind me. This might get ugly and I didn't want to embarrass my boss in front of the sheep.

Ron was sitting behind his desk, leaned back in his chair like he was waiting for something. I marched up to his desk and pressed my thighs hard against it so I could be as close to him as the desk would allow before I spoke.

"What the fuck, Ron?"

"Katherine, I've been expecting you. I actually thought you would be here a couple of minutes ago."

Ron appeared calm and relaxed, he obviously didn't know how serious this was. I guess I have to explain it to him, "Tell me leaving my name off the early release list was a clerical error."

"I'm not going to lie to you. There was no error. The partners decided you weren't ready to be released yet. They'll look at it again on your sixth month anniversary. Just so you know, I was going to recommend that you be kept on probation, but they didn't ask me. The decision was already made."

I was getting really angry now, Ron wasn't taking this seriously enough. He looked just as relaxed as he had when I came in, and that fact alone fueled my wrath. "After everything I've done for this company? I've lead the way forward! Showed all of you what you're doing wrong! Then I showed you how to fix it! Had any of you had the sense to listen, profits would be up at least 30%, and they could be tripled by this time next year! But all of you seem to turn a deaf ear to my proposals!" I was breathing hard, but I managed to keep my volume and tone under control despite my fury.

"Katherine sit down and listen closely to what I'm about to tell you. This little display just now is the primary reason you are still on probation. And quite frankly, you are lucky to be on probation. The partners had decided to let you go."

Ron stopped speaking for a moment and just looked into my eyes. I was stunned! Let go? Me? Were they crazy? I was so shocked I couldn't speak. I just sat there with my mouth open to try to respond, but nothing would come out.

"You do have some great ideas Katherine. You are probably the smartest person I've hired in many years. You have a lot of potential, and the capacity to accomplish great things. But you have absolutely no people skills, and if you can't learn to work with your peers, and more importantly, management, all that skill and potential is completely useless."

Nobody had spoken to me like this in years. Not my co-workers, or my professors, or my friends, or my boyfriends. Not even my parents spoke to me like this. And James? He wasn't capable of giving this kind of talk to anybody, especially not me. Despite everything in my head that I wanted to say, my mouth was still frozen. Ron continued.

"I was able to convince them to let you stay until your six month review. I had to personally vouch for you. If we can't get you integrated into this company in the next two months, you'll be gone and I'm going to have lost a lot of the trust I've built up with the partners. Both our asses are on the line."

Then it happened. I told my self I wasn't going to let it happen, but it did anyway. I felt my eyes go glassy and tears started to form in the corners. Ron must have seen them, for the first time since I entered his office his poker face slipped. It was only briefly, but I saw it. Fuck I hated to cry. People thought it was because I was scared, or sad, or overwhelmed. They attributed it to the fact that I'm a girl and just can't handle the rough and tumble world of men.

They were so wrong. I wasn't any of those things. I was furious! Violently furious! I wanted to scream out my rage, break a lamp, kick a chair, throw a bottle, punch somebody in the face, anything to relieve the unbearable tightness in my chest. But I would never do any of those things, at least not where anybody could see me. It didn't matter how angry I was, I absolutely refused to lose control. Ron might see it as a victory and I wasn't going to let that happen either.

The tears were running down my cheeks now, but I held my facial expressions under control. I kept the sobs in my chest from showing themselves. The only outward sign of my distress were the tears. I hated them. I needed to wipe my face, and my eyes, but that would just draw more attention to my shame so I let them drip off my face onto my shirt.

Ron fished a box of tissues out of one of his desk drawers and set them on the desk in front of me. I acted like I didn't see them. I would show no weakness. Unable to speak coherently, I straightened up and turned to leave his office as gracefully as I was able. Ron spoke again and I stopped walking but did not turn around to face him.

"Go home Katherine. Take tomorrow off...with pay. Get drunk, stand on your balcony and scream, get out of town for the weekend, go home and see your family. Just please don't sit at home and let this little set back eat you up inside. It really is just a small set back. I have no doubt you'll bounce back from this stronger than ever."

Ron sounded sincere, I wanted to believe him, but everybody always had an ulterior motive. I couldn't let myself fall for a few caring words that really meant nothing in the long run.

"I saw your potential when I hired you before you graduated. I still see that. I still believe in you. So starting Monday morning you and I are going to be joined at the hip. You refused a mentor when you started. I thought that was a mistake at the time, but I wanted to give the room you wanted to show what you're capable of. You showed it. I saw it. But your approach needs work. So starting Monday you and I are going to turn you into the executive I know you can be."

"Now you go on home and relax for a couple of days." I heard the smile in his voice as he tried to lighten the mood. I was still seething, I knew I had regained the ability to get words out while I stood there listening to Ron. Problem was, if I started talking now, I had no idea what would come out of my mouth, but it probably wouldn't be good. So I nodded my head in agreement and left his office, leaving the door open, as it was when I entered.

Back in my office with the door closed, I took out the small mirror I kept in my desk. I finally managed to stop the tears so I cleaned my face with wet towelettes and began the task of restoring my make-up to some semblance of order. It didn't matter how well I fixed my face, my eyes were a dead give away that I'd been crying. All I could do about that was to get angrier, so I did.

As I usually did, I wore a light weight white blouse under my tailored jacket to work this morning. The tears I allowed to run down my face and drip on my shirt carried cosmetics along with them. I now had several dark stains on my shirt that I tried to remove. I only succeeded in smearing them. Now they were even more obvious. Well fuck! Just fuck! I wanted to think it couldn't get any worse, but I knew it could. Despite what people tell themselves, it can always get worse.

I stood, picked up my purse, squared my shoulders and walked out of the office with as much dignity as I could muster. Fortunately it was well after 5:00 so there were only a couple of people remaining to witness my walk of shame. I left the office and stepped onto the elevator. By some miracle the elevator came quickly and was empty. Thank God for small favors.


I made it home without further incident. My Chrysler 300 had dark tinted windows so no one in another car could see my red eyes. I made it up to my 12th floor condo relatively unnoticed. I saw none of the few people I was acquainted with from the building, thereby avoiding further embarrassment.

I entered my apartment, closed and locked the door, hung my purse from a hook I had installed in the coat closet for that purpose. I walked into the living room, kicked off my heels, sending them flying across the room to bounce off the glass doors leading to the balcony. I went into my bedroom and changed into a tight white tank top and a pair of silky black boyshort panties. I looked in the mirror. I loved the way my turned up nipples stood proudly showing through the thin material of the top.

I reached up and gently caressed one of my nipples briefly, managing to get both of them to full attention. My breasts were perfect. I knew it was true. I'd spent enough time in the gym locker room to see more tits than a plastic surgeon. I saw some girls with some pretty nice boobs. But none were as delightful as the firm handfuls I was admiring in the mirror. I was getting aroused. Nothing helped relieve the stress of the day better than an orgasm, or two.

There hadn't been a man in my life for a long time. I had no time for them, not even any one-nighters. Men were so obnoxious. Give one a blowjob and they wanted to own you. Nobody owned me, and never would. However, it would be nice to wake up next to a warm muscular body occasionally. It had been a long time, maybe I was lonely.

Fuck it! I had a small but eclectic collection of adult toys that always got me off, didn't make a mess in my pussy, and didn't get all clingy. That's all I needed. As a matter of fact, I had one in mind for later tonight. I liked to sit on the balcony to masturbate. I'd wait until late at night when there were few lights on in the surrounding buildings, get totally naked, go sit in my patio chair, hang my knees over the arms opening my pussy wide, and fuck myself silly. I was getting wet just thinking about it. Hold on tiger, the sun isn't even down yet.

After all the bullshit Ron fed me this afternoon, he did have one good idea. I kept a bottle of Southern Comfort in the freezer for special occasions. I didn't drink much, and I generally avoided Comfort. I had no self control when it came to that stuff. It was like drinking ice cold candy that burned on the way down. Once I started, I found it impossible to stop. So I saved it for when I really felt the need let loose and tie one on. The freezer was calling my name.

A shot seemed to be the order of the day. A short cocktail glass held it quite nicely. The first one I downed immediately while standing at the kitchen counter, it is sacrilege to pollute Comfort with anything else. I poured a second one for sipping and headed for the east facing balcony. My shoes were still on the floor from when I came in. That was unacceptable. A place for everything, and everything in its place. So I carried them to the bedroom closet then returned to the balcony.

The sun was starting to set when I sat down. Sipping my Comfort, I scanned downtown Atlanta enjoying the lights, wondering where my co-workers had landed tonight, and how drunk they would get. I hung my right leg over the chair arm, idly stroking my clit with my right hand, holding my drink in my left, taking the occasional sip. I started to relax allowing my rapidly growing arousal, the cool night air, and the warmth of the liqueur to envelope me.

It didn't take long for the Comfort to work its magic banishing any inhibitions I'd ever had, at least for the night. My place was completely dark, inside and out. There was no moon and the reflected lights of Atlanta provided only dim illumination. I felt concealed so I set my glass on the table and began to caress my clit with purpose.

I'd been playing with my self for close to an hour so my arousal level quickly escalated. My panties were soaked, I could smell my own arousal. I moaned, moving my hand faster. God it felt so good, I wished for a man to take over, but none were available so I imagined one. A faceless man, with dark hair and the lean muscular body of an athlete. He was so into me, he loved me, I could feel it deep in my heart. He touched me with a gentle strength only someone who knew me intimately could.

He knew just how to use his hands to play my body like a fine instrument. He brought me tantalizingly close to orgasm then backed off so many times. He knew exactly what I needed, and tonight I needed gentle and loving. I was begging him for relief, bucking my hips up into his hand, arching my back, unable to be still, I was panting like I had run a marathon, I wanted him to kiss me, but of course he was just my fantasy. Finally I could take no more and I crashed over the edge into the most intense orgasm I'd experienced in a very long time.

My imaginary lover didn't stop caressing me while I rolled through wave after wave of pleasure. Just as my orgasm peaked, James looked up from between my legs with that the same adoring smile he shared with me so often before I chased him away. My hips jerked up into my hand and I experienced a second, more intense orgasm before the first one had finished. My body rocked and quivered through the aftershocks. Already I wondered how my fantasy lover turned into my brother, and why in the hell it didn't disgust me. I needed another drink.

Back in the kitchen, I poured more Comfort into my glass. I was pretty buzzed so this one should go down real well. I sat down on my balcony placed my glass on the table next to me. It felt even darker now than it had earlier. My alcohol level was enough to make me feel well hidden in the dark so I opted to get out of my cool, wet panties. It a fit of whimsy, I tossed them off the balcony, wondering who might find them and what they would think. Then it occurred to me that they may have landed on somebody walking by. That thought started a fit of laughter that lasted until my sides hurt and I teared up for the second time today.

I needed it, I didn't find much funny these days and rarely laughed. With my laughter under control, and my buzz intensifying, my mind turned to the intruder in my fantasy. What the fuck was that all about? I'd had virtually no interaction with James in a couple of years. He avoided me, which is what I wanted, so even when we were in the same location we barely acknowledged each other.

I had to admit James was very attractive, and in a different reality I'd probably have fucked him. He could have been a decent boyfriend, he didn't have what it takes to resist me. It would take nothing to pussywhip him. He'd be completely under my control. I found that my hand had drifted back between my legs and I was teasing at my entrance with the tip of my middle finger. It was time to go find my battery operated boyfriend and top of my glass.

Not long after my legs were draped back over the chair arms and my little friend was buzzing away deep in my pussy. I'd had a good bit of Comfort at this point and had given up fighting off my brother's image. My mind had fully cast him as the man represented by the dildo I was pounding in and out of my pussy. I was on my back, James was over me staring into my eyes, hammering me hard, so hard it hurt, it hurt so good. My legs were wrapped around his waist, my arms around his neck. I was so wet, his rock hard cock sliding in and out of me made the most vulgar squishing sounds that drove me wild with lust. I tilted my hips so every time he drove into me, he hit my clit, hard.

My breath was coming in hoarse pants, I couldn't get enough oxygen. My whole body was on fire, my nipples felt like hot coals resting atop my breasts. James gripped my left wrist in his right fist. My right wrist was in his left fist. He pushed my arms down to either side of my head then lifted his upper body off mine putting all his weight on my arms. I was trapped and there was no escape. He picked up his pace and pounded my pussy even harder. My clit was huge and it was so erotically painful every time our hips met.

Another epic orgasm was building in my groin. My fantasy had taken on a life of its own, I was desperate to taste James' tongue on mine. I raised my head as far as I could pinned to the bed as I was, obviously wanting his kiss. He just smiled at me with that his impish smile. The one he could never hide when he engaged in mischief as a child. He was teasing me, the little bastard, he was withholding his mouth from mine, the one thing I so desperately needed.