My Sister's Keeper Pt. 02

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Katherine decides to accept slavery in lieu of prison.
13.2k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/05/2024
Created 01/07/2024
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This series follows "Slave Management 101". Katherine is finally brought in as a primary character. Much of the rest of the story will focus on Katherine and her transformation from bitch into her brother's slave. She will be an integral part throughout the rest of the story.

I've also changed my writing style to first person, I hope you enjoy it.

As always I enjoy and appreciate your polite feedback, good, bad, or indifferent. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story.

I watched the resident MILF approach and kneel directly over my cock. At almost 50 years old, Jane was still one hot head-turner. Her small breasts exhibited no sag. Her ass and legs were still perfectly smooth and firm. Childless, her skin showed no stretch marks. Jane was a lovely sight to behold.

Jane reached out and put her hand on my cheek just like she had done when I was a child, "My Lord, will you please have me? I've known you since you were born and yet you've never once used me. Do you find me unattractive? Am I too old for you? I know these others are much younger and prettier than I am, but I have...skills to compensate for my lack of youth."

Despite the fact that Jane had spent the majority of her life nude in my presence, I somehow didn't see her as someone to be desired sexually. Now here she was, her inner lips wrapping the shaft of my cock, as wet as any teenagers, and suddenly I saw what I never noticed until now. My nanny was stunningly sexy when she decided to play the vamp. As I looked her up and down, taking in her sensuality, I found myself unable to reply.

"I know I can please you My Lord. You loved my breasts as a baby. You suckled and suckled until you coaxed them into producing milk for you. OOOHHHH you drank so much milk from my nipples. You were such a hungry baby. I would get so excited when My Lady let me nurse you. It's been so long since you were at my breasts, may I give them to you again?"

Hypnotized by her sultry voice and drawn to her breasts by her words, I reached up and rolled one of her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. She moaned like she'd never felt anything more arousing. I feel sure she was hamming it up for my sake, but at the time, with most of the alcohol still flooding my brain, I bought it hook, line, and sinker.

The room was completely still and silent. All eyes were on us. I saw only Jane rising above me with her wet slit slowly sliding along the underside of my cock as it lay against my belly.

"AHHHHH, You haven't forgotten me completely. You know I watched you grow into such a sexy young man. I kept waiting for you to notice me, take me, and claim me! Who could please you better than I? I've been pleasing you since you were born in one way or another. May I please you now My Lord? Will you take the only part of me you've yet to claim?"

My brain spinning with the taboo nature of desire for my nanny, all I could do was nod my head.

"Thank you My Lord. I promise to make you just as happy as I always have"

With that she rolled her hips in the same magical way Emily used on the beach in Miami, and I was in Jane! She began to slowly rise and fall on my cock. Jane oozed sexuality as I put my hands on her hips. She covered my hands with hers, pushing my fingers deeper into her skin.

Jane's hands moved to my chest, "OOOHHHHHH My Lord, what a powerful man you've grown into. You fill me so completely. Do you think it was my breast milk that gave you such a lovely cock? To think I helped grow it into the wondrous thing it is makes me so hot and so wet."

Jane's speed increased as did her breathing. For the first time today I felt my orgasm starting to build past the halfway point. Jane was bouncing on my cock at a breakneck pace. I wondered what she looked like in the throes of orgasm. I wanted to see that so I reached out, put my palm against her groin and held my thumb against her clit, letting her own motions cause my thumb to stroke it.

Jane stopped the in and out ride she was taking on my cock and began to grind into me in a forwards and backwards motion that kept my thumb against her clit better than I was able to during her earlier pounding. Her mouth was open and she was panting. Finally I was getting very close to my own release. My coupling with my former nanny felt as forbidden as if she were my mother, driving my desire to greater heights.

"Cum with me My Lord." Jane took my wrist in her fist, pushing it against her belly in a silent request to keep my hand right there. She grabbed my forearm with her other hand, bent forward and shook all over. Feeling her sheath convulsively squeeze and release my cock buried so deep in her was all I needed. I gripped her hip with the hand I didn't have on her clit so hard that she was bruised by the next morning. I lifted Jane off the floor in an instinctive effort to pump my seed into her as deeply as possible.

My cum rushed up through my cock and out the head of my dick over and over and over again. I thought I would never stop cumming. Meanwhile Jane still rode out her orgasmic contractions, hips jerkily sliding back and forth across my pelvis. As Jane's orgasm subsided, she opened her eyes and watched me through the final stages of mine.

Eventually I gently lowered us both back to the floor. Jane released my arm, I flung them both out to my sides and gulped air. Jane lay down on my chest, unwilling to break our sexual union yet. Finally relieved of my load, my cock began to soften and popped out of her.

I started to hear murmurs interspersed with a few giggles around us. I'd forgotten we had an audience. Looking around at a circle of hot slaves wearing nothing but a collar, watching me use my nanny brought me back to the present. I just laid my head back and enjoyed the sensation of Jane's warm body covering mine like a heavy quilt.

After a while I recharged, Jane rolled off me, grinning, "Thank you My Lord. I truly hope you'll make use of me again soon."

"I think that can be arranged."

The rest of the afternoon is a blur of arms, legs, breasts, mouths and pussies. My whiskey dick only let me cum one more time that afternoon. When it did I was done. I came in a very tall long legged brunette that last time. We were in missionary and I rolled off her onto my back. Three other slaves were enjoying the festivities with us. When they saw me roll off, my cock slowly deflating and my eyes fighting a losing battle to remain open, they just snuggled up against me and waited for me to fall asleep. The wait was a short one.


After a couple of weeks laying in that hospital bed, an attorney came to visit me. My dad, Sam, hired her to represent me. She was in her early fifties, if I had to guess. The black jacket and matching slacks she wore gave her a very professional appearance. Her hair was mostly gray, but her eyes were bright with intelligence and confidence. Despite her healthy but plump build, I was a bit jealous of this woman. She was already where I hoped to be in my own field in a few years.

"Good morning Katherine, I'm Kristen. Your father hired me as your defense attorney in the four intoxicated manslaughter cases you're facing."

"It's about time somebody showed up to help me. When are you going to get me released from custody?"

"If you accept me as your defense attorney, I'll try to get your no bond changed so we can bail you out. But let me warn you in advance, it's not going to be easy, and it may not happen with your circumstances. The court considers you a major flight risk."

"I'm a major flight risk? How do you figure."

"Well, several factors are involved. First you come from a very wealthy family with access to money and resources that would make it easy for you to leave the country. You have a valid passport, Sam's company owns a couple of private jets. You have a history of vacationing in foreign countries. Your father has close ties to both the state and federal governments. In all honesty, it would be easy for you to flee prosecution."

"I thought you were supposed to be on my side?", I snapped at her. She didn't even flinch.

"I am on your side Katherine. I'm just explaining what I'm up against and what the judge knows about you. It's going to be difficult, if not impossible to get you out of jail before the trial. You're facing four felony charges that could easily get you sentenced to life in prison. One of the people you killed was only two years old, another was five. You might even be looking at the death penalty. That gives you a lot of motive to use the resources at your disposal to disappear in another country."

"Look, I know who you are. You're supposed to be some legal guru, this shouldn't be a problem for you. Just get it done, I'm sick to death of that God damned deputy hanging around outside my door. When the hospital releases me, I refuse to go to jail. So you'd better get me a bond. Understood?"

Still unperturbed, Kristen replied, "Katherine, I'm going to use everything I have available to me to get you bonded. But I can't guarantee you anything. If you want guarantees, you may want to consider a different attorney. But I'll never lie to you about what can or can't be done. I'll always be honest with you whether I have good or bad news. That's just how I operate, I want you to know exactly what to expect."

"Whatever, just get it done."

"Very well. I'll come back to see you when I know more." With that, Kristen turned around and left my room.

One week later, Kristen returned. She entered my room dressed exactly the same as the last time I saw her, only with the addition of pin stripes on her slacks and jacket. The white, silk shirt Kristen wore beneath her jacket could have been the same shirt she wore at our last meeting.

Just like last time, her face betrayed nothing. To this day, I've never met another person with a better poker face than Kristen's.

I was sitting up in the bed, Kristen stepped to the bedside and began to speak, "Hello Katherine. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. The judge absolutely refuses to set bail for you. Unfortunately, you'll be a guest of the county jail until your trial. I have managed to get your trial scheduled sooner rather than later."

As Kristen spoke the anger boiled up inside me. My rage was always barely contained just under the surface anyway, so it took very little for me to twist off like a Saturn 5 rocket, "What the fuck do you mean the Judge refused to grant bail? He can't do that, he has to set bail. That's his fucking job!"

"The ignorant fuck just wants to use me to make a name for himself! Just to show everybody how tough he is. He wants to make sure everybody knows he's not afraid of the rich people."

"But you know what, he's really a petty, jealous, insecure little man. He'll never have my life, or my status so he's punishing me for his own failures!"

I ranted on for a long while. Kristen stood there, with that impassive poker face and let me vent until I got it out of my system and I began to cry. I think at that moment I finally realized just how bleak my future was. I had no future, I was going to spend the rest of my life in jail. The whole damn world hated me and would show me no mercy.

Yes, four people died, and yes two of them were children. But none of this was my fault! It was my boss who drove me to drink that night. If the stupid fuckers had just taken me off probation like I deserved, none of this would have ever happened. If someone was going to be punished for this, it should be the senior partners, not me.

I think, as I sobbed into my hands, I knew the truth in the dark recesses of my mind, that this was all on me. I killed that family and there was no way to justify it. But I steadfastly refused to accept any responsibility for my actions.

When I finally got myself under control, I wiped the tears from my face and looked expectantly to Kristen.

Kristen saw I was looking at her and she continued talking, "Katherine, you're in a tough spot. There is no doubt that you were the driver that night, or that you ran the stop sign. You were obviously drunk. Your BAC was checked when you first came into the hospital, it was more than twice the legal limit."

"I told you I'd shoot straight with you Katherine. The truth is, you are going to prison. The only real question is for how long."

Kristen and I spent the rest of the day together discussing legal strategies. She had some idea's about how we could reduce my sentence. Even I knew they were pathetic excuses with little or no chance of producing any results. So, seeing how hopeless my situation was, I authorized Kristen to discuss a plea bargain with the district attorney's office.

Over the next couple of weeks I continued to heal quickly. I would have three scars marring my face for the rest of my life. I also had a large scar on my right side where a broken rib punctured my skin. Seemed to me that was more than enough punishment. My beauty was marred and I would remember that morning every time I looked in a mirror for the rest of my life.

I never let it show, but knowing I killed four people was eating away at my soul. I spent a lot of time laying in that hospital bed reflecting on what happened and the kind of person I had become over the years.

As I thought about it, I started to see that it was James coming home that changed the trajectory of my life so dramatically. I was so jealous. I felt that James stole my parents from me, that I no longer counted. Oh how I despised that little bastard. And I was so angry at my parents. I wanted my life to go back to what it'd been before James, but I was smart enough, even at that age, to realize that my life had irrevocably changed forever.

I didn't hate my parents, but I resented them for having the unmitigated gall to bring an ugly, loud, demanding, baby home and expecting me to be okay with sharing my idyllic life. I never could forgive them for James. So I made sure Mom and Dad knew exactly how I felt at every opportunity. Mom and Dad did everything they could think of to bring me back into the fold, but I rebuffed every effort. I think they finally gave up, decided to cover the cost of my education and then be done with me.

James invaded my life when I was seven, and now he was invading my fantasies. That night on my balcony was the first time James became my imaginary lover, but it wasn't the last. Not by a long shot.

Sitting around in a hospital bed for weeks is unbelievably boring. I was always pretty active so it was doubly difficult for me. Being the horny little bitch I was, I found the best way to combat loneliness and boredom was with an orgasm. So as soon as I healed up enough to rub one out without excruciating pain, I did so. I'll bet you can guess who popped in my mind as the man taking care of my needs... James.

At first it was occasionally. He would come in at the end replacing whoever I'd imagined just in time to make me cum. Gradually James' appeared more often and stayed longer. Sometimes I like to get myself off several times, and once James popped into my head, I found it impossible to evict him. So he became my lover for all my subsequent orgasms.

After a while, I became accustomed to James being in my fantasies. It didn't matter if I was fantasizing to cum or just daydreaming. James was always there. It was my brother who became my only imaginary lover, and I was having some of the best orgasms of my life.

I can see it now. I'm standing in the kitchen, leisurely snacking on some fruit, or maybe berries. It doesn't really matter what. It's just a reason for me to be in the kitchen when my mind brings James in from the pool through the back door. All he wears are his swim trunks. I'm in a pair of white short shorts, the cheeks of my taut ass showing out the back. My shirt is a pale yellow silk so thin it should probably be considered lingerie, the intent of the maker was to reveal an under shirt, or maybe a bra. But the only thing under my shirt was my glorious breasts.

I face the door when I hear James open it. After he closes the door and faces me, my lover to be stops dead still, mesmerized by my barely concealed breasts and rock hard nipples. James seems incapable of speech, he just stares, his gaze locked on my near nudity.

I enjoy his obvious infatuation with my breasts, but he's going to have to do more than that if I'm going to get off, so I taunt him, just to piss him off. It works, but not enough to make him act so I continue to tease him in a way I know he hates. I'm really making him mad now, I can tell he's about to blow. So to make sure he punishes me the way I want to be punished, I start making fun of his cock.

"Oh bro, that's a cute little cock you got there. The miniature version of a beautiful dick."

"You have no idea what my cock looks like. So just keep your comments to your self."

I tell him, "Oh yes I do, I came home early one Saturday afternoon a while back and watched you skinny dipping in the pool. I was at the window in the upstairs TV room overlooking the pool, and I saw everything. You, my dear brother, have the cutest little cock I've ever seen. Like a kitten!"

I see him starting to lose it, James is just barely in control of his body. My barely covered tits have given him a raging boner, and it's not cute, it's a monster! He takes a step towards me. He just needs a little more taunting to push him over the edge, so I tell my brother, "Oh, don't get mad bro, I'm sure it'll get bigger and be useful someday...maybe.

I can't imagine my brother acting like this in real life, but my fantasy brother has a violent streak that's bold and domineering, and takes what it wants, not waiting for permission. James rapidly closes the distance between us, grabbing a handful of my beautiful, thick, black hair. Then he grabs my shirt, yanking it to the side popping off every button. Exposing my breasts to his eyes and hands, my brother pushes my shirt down my arms behind my back, but he doesn't remove it. Instead James twists the fabric up, making the sleeves tighten around my forearms, creating a makeshift restraint that locks my hands and arms in place with no escape.

James pulls me closer, so close I feel his breath on my face. Is he going to kiss me? God, I hope so, claim my mouth little brother. I'm helpless before you, do with me as you will. I'm so intent watching the overwhelming anger in his eyes, I don't realize he's on buttoned my shorts until I feel them slide down my legs to the floor. Since panties have no place in my fantasies, I'm now completely nude and vulnerable to this beast of a man that emerged from the same womb I did.

When he spins my body around and slams me down on the counter top, I realize he has no intention of exploring my mouth with his tongue. My pussy is on fire, my juice streams down the inside of my thigh, I'm panting like a dog in August knowing what my brother has in store for me. James is going to prove to me that his cock is man sized in the best possible way.

James has my head pressed down so hard I can't move it, so I don't know what he's doing back there. I expected to be getting hammered into the cabinets by now. I decide to give him a little push, "What's the matter little brother, have you never seen one before? Don't you know where to put your cute little cock?"

"If you don't shut up I'm gonna put it all the way down you throat and see if you can still breath."

"That's certainly an option. You have me at your mercy, you can take any hole you want and there's nothing I can do to sto..."OH.! JESUS! FUCK!" He gives me the whole thing all at once. He enters me so fast that the head of his cock drives into my cervix so hard it hurts. What felt like a mini orgasm rippled across my body.