My Too Beautiful Wife - FTDS


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She arrived, knocking at the entrance. She was as beautiful as ever, damn her. She stood hesitantly on the doorstep. "Come in, Jan," I said, holding the door open wide.

"You're not going to punch me in the face, are you Andy?" she said. Christ, I think she actually believed it.

"Of course not. Wanting to do it, and acting on it are two different things. I would never hit you, no matter how badly I wanted to. It doesn't mean we'll be kissing and making up, either."

She entered the house nervously, her head on a swivel, looking around. I invited her into the living area, and offered her a drink. She accepted the beer, and I had one as well, sitting opposite her. "Dinner's on, if you'd like to stay," I said.

She looked at me oddly. "You hate me. Why would you invite me for dinner?"

"I don't hate you, Jan. I hate what you did, and can't trust you anymore. I'm disgusted with your actions, but I loved you once, and want you to be happy, even if it can't be with me."

"But it can be with you, Andy!" she said eagerly. "I swear, I've learned my lesson. I made a big mistake, I understand that now, but I still love you, and want to stay married to you."

I shook my head slowly. "I guess it's my turn to ask 'why', Jan. Why would you want to stay married to me? You don't respect me, you can't love me, not and do what you did. Obviously I'm not enough for you, sexually. I'm not the kind of guy who's willing to share, and you want more than I can accept. I always knew you were out of my league. Jessica recognized it, and took advantage of it. Now we're done. Why can't we just move on, and make the best of our lives?"

"No, no, you've got it all wrong. Please, Andy? Try to understand, that I do love you, you're all I want. I just made a mistake, and I promise I won't do it again, if you'll give me a second chance."

"No, Jan. Having a lover while I'm on the road is not a mistake. It's cheating, breaking your vows. Having her in my bed, pleasuring you while you're on the phone with me is not a mistake. It's intentional disrespect. Standing me up for our Christmas party, and attending with your lover, then telling me you were going to go to bed with her and that there was nothing I could do about it, that's not a mistake. That's an act of betrayal, and a dagger through the heart of our marriage. What you did was intentional. You went out of your way to disrespect me, and humiliate me. It was hardly a mistake."

"But I did it for us, Andy! You have to understand. It was for us. Jessica said—"

"Don't say that backstabbing cunt's name in my house!" I snapped. "I don't give a FUCK what she said. You lied to me for weeks, you cheated on me, and you publicly humiliated me. We're done. You need to get that through your thick skull. There's nothing you can say or do that will change that. We. Are. Done."

She sat there stunned. Her beauty wasn't going to change things this time. Her little smiles, gentle touches, and sexual teasing weren't enough. Not anymore. I rarely stood up to her, never wanting to hurt her or jeopardize what we had, but I didn't care anymore. I think she was finally beginning to understand.

I saw the tears start, and she nodded her head slowly. "Alright. I really am sorry, Andy. I do love you, and I wish I could take it all back. I didn't think you'd take it like this. I thought it was something we could share. It was like all those fantasies we share over the phone when you're gone. I thought you'd like it, I really did. I wanted to make it a big surprise for you, before bringing her to our bed. That was all."

"I don't believe you, Jan. There were too many lies, too much public humiliation. That's not the act of a loving spouse," I said.

The tears were streaking her makeup, and for once she wasn't the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.

"I didn't think I was humiliating you, baby. I wouldn't do that. It was just a little tease, letting you see me with her, to get you excited."

"Yeah. Right. Get me excited, then abandon me publicly, leave me to lick my wounds, while you took her upstairs to lick her never-healing one."

She wiped her face with her arm, smearing her mascara. "That was her price. One night with just me, and then you'd get both of us. I thought you'd love that. You know, like our fantasies."

"Bullshit! You'd already had plenty of nights with just you and her, while I was out earning a living for us, like an idiot. You know, that cunt had a talk with me. She asked me what I thought of the idea. I told her I hated it, and that it was cheating. She also made it clear, hypothetically, that in a three-way she'd only be with the woman. Her boyfriend in Saudi doesn't mind that. So I'm calling bullshit."

She looked at me stunned. "She . . . she never mentioned talking to you about it. She said you'd be happy, that you'd be turned on. She said—"

"Damn it, Jan! How many times do I have to tell you I don't give a flying fuck what she said? She lied to you. You lied to me, and cheated on me. End of story."

She sat quietly, and took a trembling sip of her beer. "I'm so sorry. I guess I am stupid. I believed her. I believed you would like it. Especially after our little fantasy calls. Can't you understand that I didn't do it to hurt you? I love you, Andy. You're the only man I've ever loved."

I sighed. "Fantasies are just that. Fantasies. If you wanted to act on one of them, you had a duty and obligation to discuss it with me before starting. You vowed to be faithful to me. Not to cheat in our marital bed, and to lie about it."

"I didn't plan it. She came over to visit, and things just happened. I was missing you. I was lonely and horny. I would never knowingly hurt you," she said.

"Alright. I can almost accept it might have happened. Once. You should have called me and told me. Or at the least, been honest with me when I asked you about it. Not lied to me over and over again. I knew you were cheating. I could tell. Idiot me, I thought Jessica was a friend and I asked her to check on you. I didn't know I was inviting the fox to guard the hen house."

"I was going to tell you, but she said . . ." I saw her realize where she was going. "God, I am stupid."

"Only when it comes to love and relationships. You're a smart woman, just an idiot to believe that I'd be okay with your cheating, lies and the humiliation."

"Can't you give me a second chance? I'll do better. I'll never cheat on you again, not with a man or a woman. I swear I'll be the most loving, faithful wife I possibly can be. I don't want to lose you, Andy. Can we chalk this one up to me being a spoiled idiot, and doing something stupid?"

I sighed and took her hand in mine. "The problem is, I don't believe you. You've always gotten your way, and part of that is my fault. This wasn't a mistake. You knew exactly what you were doing. You just thought that, like always, you could do whatever you wanted, and if there were any repercussions, you'd bat your eyes, pout, throw me a little loving, and you'd be forgiven. I can't live like that, waiting to see how you'll hurt me next, how you'll humiliate me. All those little digs, when I was on travel, that if I didn't perform to your satisfaction, you'd replace me—"

"But that was just a joke!"

"I don't think so. I always knew I wasn't in your league, and that was your way of reminding me that I could be replaced in a heartbeat. Just like you did."

"She could never replace you," Jan argued.

"Yet somehow she managed to do just that at the Christmas party. You spent all your time with her, went as her date, danced with her, threw your hidden relationship in my face, and went to her bed, instead of mine. You didn't ask, you told me what you were doing. You didn't invite me along, even though you say it was for us. Hell, I didn't even know what was going on between you and her until everyone else pointed it out. I was clueless, while you destroyed me publicly. No, you replaced me, plain and simple. I've accepted that. It's time to move on."

"I screwed up, Andy. You're right. I took bad advice, and made some horrible decisions. I hurt you, even though that was honestly never my intention. You've hurt me, and humiliated me. I'm not blaming that on you, I made a stupid decision and you called me on it. You destroyed Jessica. You ended her career, and she knows it. She's already looking for another job. Obviously, you killed anything between me and her. I've made that clear to her.

"I'm still begging for another chance. Not because I deserve it, or because you owe me. Because you can, and I hope you love me enough to give me another opportunity to make things right. I fucked up, Andy. I understand that now. Don't destroy me over an idiotic decision. Please. It won't cost you anything to give me a chance to try to make it up to you. If I fuck up again, you'll have every right to toss me on the trash heap. I won't even fight it. Please, baby, is there anything I can do to convince you? Let me come home, Andy. Please?"

I let her sit there nervous, pleading silently, while I considered her impassioned plea. I slowly finished my drink, letting her suffer. Honestly, I was proud of the way she didn't start nagging me for an answer, waiting patiently for my decision.

"I don't believe you'd be willing to do what it would take," I finally said.

"We won't know until you tell me," she said eagerly. "I'm feeling pretty shitty about what I've done to us. Let's talk about it."

~ * ~ * ~

The divorce took another 60 days to go through unopposed. No need for court or any of that nonsense. The forms were easy enough to download off the state website, and we did it ourselves. No alimony, and a simple division of our assets, mutually agreed upon.

My girlfriend and I went to dinner. I didn't have to worry about being seen with the prettiest woman in the place, way out of my league. Not anymore. Her hair was nothing like the gorgeous mane Jan used to sport. It was a mousy mess, barely shoulder length, dull, and looked like it had been combed with a brick. Her face was washed out bereft of makeup, her eyes almost invisible behind her God-awful glasses. She might as well have been wearing a burlap bag, the way her outfit covered her up, making her look like an amorphous blob. Worst of all was the hideous scar down the side of her face. It was sad how people avoided looking at her for long.

As for her, she looked at me like I was the most important person in the world, and I liked that.

We toasted my new status as a single bachelor.

"You know, you don't stand a chance, mister," she said, her foot rubbing the inside of my thigh.

"We'll see."

"Wanna bet?" she insisted.

"What's the wager?"

"You'll propose to me within the year."

I almost laughed out loud, but I could tell she was completely serious. "What if I don't?"

"If you don't, you win the bet, and I'll be your complete sex slave for a week. Anything you want. Anything."

"And if you win?" I asked.

"I'll be your loving sex slave one day a week for the rest of your life. And I'm allowed to get rid of the scar."

"You really hate that, don't you?" I teased.

"It's not why you think. It's such a damn pain to put on. It takes forever to make it look right."

Back home I got to witness the transformation, as my homely date once again morphed into the most beautiful woman I'd ever known. Off came the wig, the ugly glasses, the artificial scar. The outfit was removed displaying that incredible body, her panties and bra Victoria's finest. Admittedly, her body wasn't quite the same. She'd put on about ten pounds, but they looked good on her. She brushed out her hair, and applied a hint of makeup before climbing into the bed and starting my nightly blowjob.

What can I say? Jan's gorgeous, a sexual dynamo, and bound and determined to win me back. Even to the point of never leaving the house without looking her worst. No longer married, she knew she was on thin ice. The house is in my name. I could throw her out on a whim. She was doing a hell of a job convincing me not to.

The way I figured it, I was getting the best sex of my life, on demand, from the sexiest, most beautiful woman around. She was getting an attitude adjustment. I'd give her a fair shot, but if she screwed up for any reason, any at all, we were done. And so far, it seemed like I'd made the right choice.

I knew it was hard on her. Watching her enter a store, where everyone used to faun on her the moment she stepped foot in the premises, now she had to wait to get help. Patiently standing aside, while the beautiful people were tended to first. More than once I saw it bring tears to her eyes.

Sometimes we'd be walking hand in hand, and I could hear the snickers, the rude comments as some asshole would pass us by. Her hand would clench around mine, and she'd sigh quietly. The third time it happened I released her, turning and confronting the idiots.

"You got something to say, asswipe?" I snapped.

The guy smirked, "No accounting for taste, that's all."

I was about to punch the smirk down his throat, when Jan grabbed my arm. "Don't baby. He's not worth it. Don't lower yourself to his level."

The guy grinned. "Listen to her, man. You don't want to get hurt. The cow's not worth it."

I didn't even think. My foot snapped forward, coming up between his legs, dropping him like a rock, while his friend stood there, frozen in place. I flipped the guy onto his back with my foot and stared down at him. "She's worth a dozen of you."

We walked away, and I felt her standing a little straighter, walking a little prouder. I put my arm around her shoulders, "Fuck him. You're more beautiful now than you've ever been."

She looked up at me, and I was reminded of how David's wife had looked at him. It was a heady thing and made me feel proud. That was a very good night, and she spoiled me in bed in ways I'd never dreamed of before.

But things weren't always great, and at times, I saw the flashes of the old Jan. The gorgeous, entitled Jan.

In the meantime, even though she was living with me, I was dating again. Nobody beautiful this time. Funny how much harder the ugly one's try. So loving, so attentive, so willing to be whatever I need. I didn't have to spend much money on them, didn't have to wine and dine them, I didn't even bring them home. They were eager to prove their value. Always in their home territory, cooking for me, pampering me, and making sure I understood that sexually, nothing was off the table.

Yeah, I'd learned my lesson. I'd never again make a beautiful woman my wife. Personal live in slut, that was a different matter. I figured that sooner or later, Jan would probably tire of the treatment. She really was that beautiful. She could find a replacement for me in a heartbeat. Probably trade up nicely. Good for her. Until she decided to, I was interviewing her replacement. I've found two that were willing to do what my then-wife had tried to force on me, but now I knew that our threesome partners were there for me.

I figured I'd get it out of my system now, before making any more commitments. Within a year, I'd get a week with Jan to do whatever I wanted, if she didn't back out before then. I had plans for that week. One last hurrah, and a changing of the guard.

Then again, who knows? Maybe she'd have an accident in which she was horribly disfigured. It could happen. And if it did, she could even be in the running for her own replacement. There's no arguing that she's a wild woman in bed, even if Tracy, Sally, and Brenda try harder.

Until then, life was pretty damn good. My career was taking off, my love life was the best it had ever been, I was being treated better than ever. Jan even helped me get ready for my date with Brenda. We were doing dinner and a movie, at her house. I even got to watch an action film. Funny thing, none of them are that homely with my dick in their mouth. It's like a miracle, how much better that makes them look. Alright, I don't do a lot of missionary outside of the house, but doggie and reverse cowgirl are a lot of fun.

~ * ~ * ~

It's been a year. Well not quite, but close.

We'd been invited to dinner with David, Richard, and their wives, celebrating the success of my project, and an opportunity to take on an even bigger one.

After dinner, the men had retreated to Richard's study to talk business, while the women did whatever women did in situations like that. David had been the first one to comment on my still being with my wife, even after the divorce.

"She's a changed woman," I said. And it was true. Changed in a lot of ways. Forty pounds changed, her hair hadn't been dyed in a year and had returned to its natural plain color. She no longer wore a wig, and hadn't been in a beauty salon in nine months. She'd abandoned her contact lenses and wore coke bottle glasses all the time. She still had the fake scar on, but it had shrunk to little more than an inch long. You hardly noticed it.

Richard handed me a refill of his good scotch. "Margie says that Jan's nervous. You've got some kind of time-line set up, and it's about done."

I nodded after a sip. "One year. Less than a week from now."

David leaned forward, his voice firm. "I expect you know by now that we have big hopes for you Andrew. You've got a great future with this company. You're being considered for VP. You'd be the youngest in the company."

I was shocked. I had heard rumors of a possible shakeup and even a promotion, but nothing like that. "I . . . I'm honored, I had no idea."

Richard grinned. "We know. That's part of why it works. You need to understand something, as an executive things change, there are different expectations. Both professionally and personally."

David chimed in, "What Richard's trying to say is that the position requires an element of respectability. We can't have another episode like the public display your ex put on a year and a half ago. You need to settle down, stop these games of living with one woman while sleeping around. It doesn't become you."

Richard nodded. "We're not saying that you have to take her back. What you do is your business. But you have to make some kind of decision. Move on, or settle down. Not this. Our company's old fashioned. We expect our executives to be moral men, family men. We understand that officially you're single now, but what you're doing, it doesn't reflect well on you. The annual board meeting is in less than three months. If it was tomorrow, you wouldn't get the position. It's your image, not your work, which is nothing but commendable."

"I like you, Andrew," David said. "My wife adores you, and she's a much better judge of character than I'll ever be. Hell, Richard and I think you'd be a great addition to the ninth floor. You've got some time to clean up your act, but not a lot."

Richard nodded, then sat back and grinned. "Enough of this serious crap. Did you see the ass on that new receptionist?"

"The redhead?" I asked. "Wears the CFM pumps every day?"

David grinned. "No shit. Damn near as hot as your wife was, Andy. She's gonna be breakin' hearts and destroying some poor slob's life."

Richard laughed. "Yeah, but she'll look damn good doing it. I think we should consider giving the receptionists a clothing allowance. To someplace slutty."

"A bonus gift certificate would work," I said. "Jan knows the kind of places that cater to her kind."

"Speaking of her kind," Richard said. "You know the VP position entitles you to a personal assistant-slash-secretary. You might want to keep you eye open for someone with the, uh, required attributes."

Someone like his Donna, a walking wet dream, or David's Melinda, sex on heels. Like we'd discussed once before, even though we're eating from only one menu, it doesn't mean we can't enjoy browsing others.