Navy Nurse Ch. 06

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Unprotected sex while ovulating equals pregnancy.
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Part 6 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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When Makayla asked whether she had experienced a period in the past few days, Diana suddenly realized that she had made a serious miscalculation. A better explanation was that she had figuratively buried her head in the sand. On the night when she had her unexpected date and chance for sexual intercourse with Otis Rainey, she had no trepidation of a possible pregnancy outcome as a result. Aside from being aroused to engage in sexual activity, she was pretty sure that she was due to start her next menstrual cycle within a few days. In fact, the same did start the following morning.

That particular period, like most of her periods, was uneventful, free of any distress or discomfort. Consequently, it did not register in her mind that she was experiencing the beginning of a new menstrual cycle, save and except for remembering to wear tampons and or pads for the following few days. Her blood flow ended shortly after her first meeting with Makayla, where the latter intimated the possibility of a forthcoming exciting sexual adventure. Then Makayla proposed the gangbang orgy, and in accepting, Diana forgot that she had recently started her period.

She naturally had no inclination to keep track and maintain a calendar of her menstrual cycles. She simply knew the obvious facts, that she would have a period roughly every four weeks, and when those four weeks went by, it was a no never mind event. She had acquired a prescription for birth control pills before she started college, but because of her Navy commitments, for convenience, she ceased taking them with the idea of resuming later when she would acquire a serious boyfriend. In that mindset, Diana did not envision the possibility of any spur of the moment one night stands. She believed she was much more disciplined than to succumb to such temptations. Considering her Otis Rainey encounter and her gangbang participation, she was mortified to discover that her character was not as steely solid as she was wont to believe.

When Makayla had proposed participation in the gangbang orgy, and she had accepted, Diana had forgotten the actuality of the onset of her latest period. In her mind, as she had reiterated to Makayla, it had been some time since her last period. Thus, she believed her next period would start either before the orgy, or doing the orgy or just afterward. So eager was she in acquiescing to participate in the orgy, that the possibility of having sex during her period was not an anathema to her. She rarely had a heavy discharge of blood, so if there were bloodstains on the penises of her partners as a result, surely it would be no big deal to wipe it off. In any case, considering the scope of the orgy, she knew that none of the men would want to perform cunnilingus on her or for that matter, anilingus either. Even on that point, she made a miscalculation, as evidenced by the antics of Brad Winters and Johnny Cooper.

Since she didn't experience the onset of a new menstrual cycle before or during the orgy, she believed she was on solid grounds to expect its commencement within a few days after the orgy. It wasn't until Makayla asked if she had experienced her period by this time, that Diana suddenly remembered exactly when her last menstrual cycle had actually begun. So she realized that the orgy had occurred during the fourteenth day of her cycle, which meant it happened right smack dab in the middle of her ovulation, hence her initial reaction to Makayla's question.

The latter was determined to ascertain Diana's apparent concern, so she asked, "Oops? What do you mean by oops?"

Having gotten a grip on her nerves, Diana replied, "I realize now that I've miscalculated my cycle. I'm not due for my next period until the end of next week or within a couple of days after that."

Of course, as a nursing student, Makayla was quite aware of the significance of that last fact. She stated the obvious, "Why, that would mean you must have been ovulating when you were fucking at the orgy!"

"Yes, it would appear so."

"And you said you did not take any birth control precautions."

"That is so, but as you know, there are many factors that are in play so that there is still a good chance that I might not have gotten pregnant. In any case, I've learned my lesson, and will get birth control protection before I fuck again. In particular I'm going to be fitted with an IUD so I won't have to worry about taking a pill everyday. "

Makayla replied in a metaphor, "Here's hoping then that, that horse had not escaped before you close that barn door."


The next day was the Thanksgiving holiday. The extended Van Buren family, except for the oldest daughter Abigail, were present for the holiday dinner. The latter had notified the family she would be present for the Christmas holiday. Barbara was present, accompanied by her newly acquired boyfriend who subsequently became her husband. Everyone had a wonderful time except Diana. The apprehension that she may be pregnant weighed heavily on her mind, preventing her from normal enjoyment. She wanted to confide her dilemma to Barbara, but as her sister had become besotted with her date, Diana had no success in gaining her attention.

She took it as a good sign that she had not thrown up after the huge holiday meal, but she knew enough that it was too early to expect morning sickness. So the next week, she was on pins and needles as she was hoping against hope that her new menstrual cycle would commence the following Saturday right on schedule. Luckily she had loads of school work to attend to and exams to study for, to defuse her worries. When the fateful Saturday, marking the twenty-eight-day since the start of her latest menstrual period arrived, she had not spotted. She had stuck in a tampon during the night, but there was no presence of blood when she removed it.

There were no discharges of blood the following days, either. Then she threw up for the first time at her weekly school lunch with Makayla. No words were exchanged between them, but having ruled out the possibility of food poisoning, each had a good idea of the reason for Diana's sudden nausea. Removing any doubt from Diana's mind was her awareness of unusual soreness developing in her breasts. So she scheduled an on-campus clinic appointment on the last day before the Christmas break to officially confirm her suspicion. Sure enough, Diana was pregnant, and her due date was calculated to be the eight day of August next.

As Diana was driving home, she framed in her mind how she was going to reveal her status to her parents. She was a little disheartened when contemplating that for her very first pregnancy, it was her parents who were the closest significant people she could disclose her pregnancy to, as opposed to contacting the father of her child. Of course, in her case, there was no possibility of determining the sire, aka the sperm donor for her expected child. That is unless she was willing to contact the producers of the Maury Povich television show. That syndicated show has an ongoing segment whereby a mother would appear on camera, to prove, via a paternity test, the paternity of her child amongst the most likely candidates. It was a fleeting thought which she quickly dismissed, as she would not relish demeaning herself on national television in this way. Still, Diana realized that it was the only realistic way to determine who had impregnated her. Then again, she was not the least bit curious.

As Diana reached home, she had formulated a plan as to how to inform and reveal the circumstances of her pregnancy, especially to her mother Ethel Van Buren. However, her mother's normal greeting salutation, which included the innocuous question 'so what's new in your life?' discombobulated Diana sufficiently that she blurted out, "Since neither Abbie nor Barbara have yet popped out a baby, I can now say that you will finally become a grandmother within a certain determined time frame."

Ethel could not be more shocked than if she had been advised that she herself was pregnant. She replied, "My god Diana! Are you saying you're pregnant? Why you haven't even got a boyfriend. Or at least you haven't told me of having one. Are you saying you do have a boyfriend who has now gotten you pregnant?"

"No, Mom, I don't have a boyfriend who has impregnated me."

"Oh my god, Diana! Are you saying you just got pregnant as a result of a casual fling or a one night stand? Have you told the responsible man yet? Is he willing to acknowledge his paternity and is he willing to help support your child despite the lack of familiarity with you?"

"Well, I haven't told the man responsible for my pregnancy, since I don't know his identity."

"You don't know who the man was that impregnated you?"

"Actually, Mom, I don't even know whether my child will be white or biracial."

Now Ethel Van Buren was shocked as she replied, "You don't know the identity of the man responsible for your pregnancy? You don't even know the racial makeup of the child you might bear? How's that even possible? What kind of gobbledygook talk is that? Why don't you switch to plain mumbo jumbo lingo so I can understand you better?"

Diana couldn't help smile at her mother's ability to throw in a quick-witted, albeit acerbic line into a conversation that was fraught with disagreeable tension. She answered her mother's query. "The reason I can't identify the father of my child is the fact that I got pregnant as a result of what is described as a gangbang. In other words, an orgy wherein I had sex with lots of men. Some of them were black so that's why I can't be certain of the race of the child I'm now carrying."

"Lots of men? And just how many men are we talking about?"

"According to the tally taken at the orgy, I did have sex with 101 different men within a little over nine and a half consecutive hours."

"You had sex with 101 men in less than ten hours? I may be ancient in your eyes, not perceptive to today's youth and the sexual mores of the day. Still, it is incomprehensible to me how you could have had sex with so many men in such a relatively short period."

Diana replied, "Well, the orgy was divided into five twelve-minute segments per hour. In each segment, I might have sex with only one man or with two men simultaneously or even with three men simultaneously. Doing the math, if I had opted to entertain three men simultaneously in each segment, I would have been able to have had sex with 144 men in total."

In undisguised sarcasm, Ethel observed, "So now you are telling me that you were a slacker having had sex with 'only'* (*air quotes) 101 men rather than with the total possibility of engaging 144 men."

Ignoring the deliberate malicious barb issued by her mother, Diana calmly replied, "No, I only mentioned what the maximum possibility was. There were four of us at the orgy, and our goal was actually to do seventy-five men each for a total of 300. Once the 300 was reached, the orgy ended. Since I was able to do 101 men, the most of any of them, the others each had less than seventy-five to do."

Now Ethel was very irritated, and she lashed out, "And so Diana, you're informing me, that I'm the mother of the premier slut and whore on the University of Michigan campus."

Stunned by such a nasty rebuff, Diana paused to maintain her dignity in her mind, before she replied, "Those are pernicious, very disparaging adjectives, Mom, which no doubt those who do not know me, would apply when apprised of my sexual conduct. I, on the other hand, make no apology as I would consider myself as a girl who merely has a hearty appetite for sex."

Ethel was now mortified in realizing that her last comment was so hurtful. She loved Diana, just as well as her other daughters unconditionally, which meant that even when she disapproved of their actions, she should employ tact in her criticism.

Thus, she replied, "I sincerely apologize for my intemperate language Diana in criticizing you. Since I'm a liberal Democrat, I do subscribe to the proposition that any sexual activity between consenting adults, so long as it does no injury, is permissible, subject to no societal censure. So I would be a hypocrite to condemn you for your participation in a gangbang orgy. I take it you took part in the orgy willingly, subject to no coercion."

"That's right, Mom. I actually volunteered and enjoyed it immensely. It was a blast."

Having returned to a more amicable strain in their conversation, Ethel decided to tackle a more pragmatic resolution. Accordingly, she said, "I know it would be a waste of my breath, never mind germane to the situation, to scold you or to even inquire why you didn't utilize birth control measures. The point is that what is done is done. Now you are aware both your father, and I are registered Democrats, but we buck the Party line on the question of abortion. We are instead pro-life Democrats, a rarity in today's Democrat Party. Still in this case, considering the peculiar circumstances of how you got pregnant, I know I, and I believe your father as well, would countenance an abortion for you. I mean, there is no practical way to find out who the father of your child is. And what would you tell your child of the circumstances of its conception? I imagine you would lie to him/her in an effort not to lose their esteem. Raising a child on a lie is not a recipe for a successful life upbringing."

"I think, Mom, you are exaggerating a picayune concern. My child will love me simply because I'm his/her mother. My child might be embarrassed by the circumstances of birth, but without my indiscretion and my slutty behavior, he/she would not be alive. And that fact would not be lost on my child."

Ethel replied, "Yes, but honey, think seriously about your situation. You are not settled into your adult future. You still have two and a half years to go before you start your full-time career in the Navy. Being a mother of a newborn is stressful enough even under normal circumstances. However, you are studying to become a nurse in the Navy. Taking care of a baby will necessitate less devotion to your studies which may, in turn, jeopardize your future. And, if you have to drop out of college and become an uneducated single mother, your expected bright future will have evaporated."

To that, Diana replied, "So you're intimating that for my convenience I should have an abortion? You know I'm pro-life like you, and apparently more so. And it's not just because I believe abortion is akin to murder of another human being. I believe that whenever man interferes with what's in the province of God, man will always come to grief as a result. I was obviously foolish in not taking birth control measures when I indulged in the sex orgy. But as it happens, I did get pregnant as a result.

"When you have sex even during ovulation, you don't necessarily become pregnant as a result. Less than achieving 100% results of conception via artificial insemination is evidence of the truth of that assertion. So I consider my pregnancy as a sign from God that He would want me to bring my baby to term. I believe I would suffer a natural miscarriage if birth is not in His will. I've read enough literature on the subject, and have encountered many women who've had abortions through my student nursing assignments to conclude, that generally, the fact of having undergone an abortion has had a deleterious effect on their emotional well being, despite the belief that their abortion was absolutely necessary. I attribute such dispiriting emotional health afflictions as a direct consequence of defying God's will.

"Finally, although I'm not dogmatically religious, and I attend church services infrequently, I do adhere to a major tenet of the Christian faith. That is, I believe God will not place obstacles in one's path that one is not capable of overcoming. Thus, being pregnant for the balance of this school year, and mother of a baby for my final two years of nursing school, certainly presents a serious impediment to smooth sailing to achieve my BSN degree. By the way that Navy pun was intended. However, I've enough confidence in myself to declare that I can walk and chew gum at the same time."

Ethel was impressed by her youngest daughter's self-assurance as enunciated by her speech. She could not help but admire her, to such an extent that she could not be any prouder of having begotten such a remarkable child. The notion that her daughter's sexual activity would be universally condemned as depravity no longer remained a concern in her mind. Instead, Ethel was more focused on making a difficult situation better.

In this vein, she answered, "Oh honey, I really can't disagree with your viewpoint. I'm very ashamed of having articulated my first instinctive reaction in the learning of your pregnancy, and the way it occurred. Still, there is no denying the fact that your pregnancy is a complication in your life, and dare I say it, but a real nettlesome problem? I'm now with you in the belief that abortion is against God's will, but I would suggest that adoption would not necessarily violate God's plan for your child. So what do you say about giving your child up for adoption, as the perfect solution to dealing with your current dilemma?"

Dianna promptly replied, "As I've naturally suspected my pregnant status for some time prior to actually having received medical confirmation, I've given careful thought in considering my options. As I've told you, the sexual activity causing conception involved both black and white men, although the latter was the majority of my partners. I knew for reasons already stated that I would want to go through my pregnancy to term. Fortunately, with the due date not until August, my pregnancy should not interfere with my studies for this year. By giving birth in early August, I should be fine for my junior and senior years as well. So with those facts, I've decided should my baby turn out to be biracial, I would give him/her up for adoption. But if my baby is white, then I intend to keep him/her and raise him/her to the best of my abilities."

Although Ethel was not necessarily appalled, there was still an ugly undercurrent of a racist factor involved in Diana's decision that unnerved her liberal sensitivities. So she responded, "Oh my God, Diana. Are you an out and out racist then? I thought we raised you better."

"No, Mom, I'm not prejudiced against black people. I don't think black people are innately inferior to white people or superior either for that matter. My best friend at school is my lab partner who is a black woman, and we get along splendidly, immaterial to the differences in our race. In fact, I make no distinction in preference of sexual partners according to race. However, I'm attuned to the inherent problems of raising a biracial child. In my view, President Obama is the quintessential example of the problem I envision."

Ethel Van Buren, being a lifelong Democrat, and having happily voted for Barrack Obama, was at a loss to understand her daughter's ostensible disdain of his character. So she asked while stating the obvious, "What the hell are you talking about, Diana? He is the first black President, and is proof positive of the American dream that any American can achieve whatever he, or she for that matter, desires."

Diana replied, "I have no quarrel with what you say, and I don't in any way impugn negatively on his personal character. However, the facts are that his mother and maternal grandmother were white, and they raised him mostly in an all-white environment. Two days before he was elected President in 2008, this grandmother, who had the care of his upbringing since he was ten years old, died. Now one would think, a normal person in such circumstances of having achieved such a momentous political victory, but at the same time suffering, a personal loss would have made some mention of that fact in his victory acceptance speech on that election night. Something to the effect, 'although this is my greatest personal triumph, my happiness is tempered by the sad news that my beloved grandmother has just passed away a couple of days ago and was not here to celebrate my success.' Not only was there no such equivalent sentiment uttered in his victory speech, but he did not even attend her funeral.