Navy Nurse Ch. 09

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Romantic ambience for sex in a hotel room.
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Part 9 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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Once Diana had reached home after the hot foursome sex at the Sheraton Hotel in Ann Arbor, she took stock of her situation. During the subsequent weekly luncheon date with her friend, and nursing class mate, Makayla Brown, she unpacked her thoughts.

She started with the observation, "You know Makayla I have only engaged in sex on just two occasions in my life, and yet I have had intimate relations with 103 men during those two times, not to mention plus three lesbian encounters. I think I would not be exaggerating in suggesting that this must be a truly unique beginning of one's sex life experience. Maybe I should contact the folks at the Guinness Book of World Records for a possible submission."

Makayla snorted in laughter, as she replied, "Oh lordie girl! You sure do have visions of grandeur! The famous Guinness Book of Records indeed, as if they had such sex categories entries!"

"Of course I was joking, but then again I wouldn't be surprised if there was a black market Guinness Book of Records dealing with records of sexual exploits and such. For example, an actor named Jonah Falcon claims to have the world's largest penis: some 13.5 inches or 34 cm long. If you look him up on the internet, you'll discover he has not authorized or permitted verification of his claim. Which makes me wonder who in the hell could authoritatively verify his claim if not the Guinness people?"

"You got to be kidding me! Where the hell do you come up with such shit?"

"You might say that I'm a woman with eclectic tastes. Anyway we are straying far from the issues that I wish to discuss."

"Which is...?"

"I think we both can agree that the start to my sex life has been bizarre; certainly not orthodox. This leads me to ponder what kind of woman am I going to be when I grow up."

"Grow up? So you're still a child?"

"Of course that was a figure of speech. I do mean, that I'm wondering how I will end up. When I was little, I envisioned I would become a superwoman. You know, the kind with a powerful career, but also a mother with a passel of kids. Of course the latter entails having a husband to whom I would be faithful in sex. Of course as a little girl I did not envisage becoming a slut and whore. Now with only two different occasions of sex under my belt, it does seem as if I'm destined to become a slut and a whore. Needless to say, such designation would prove to be problematic in achieving my secondary goal."

Here Makayla was determined to defuse the gloomy tenor of the direction of Diana's thought process.

She said, "Slut and whore you say? What happened to being a woman with a healthy appetite for sex?"

"That's my own designation; I apply to bolster my own self esteem. But I'm not blind to the fact, that if it becomes known I fuck men indiscriminately, I will surely acquire that nasty reputation. So, as I see it, it will be easy for me to acquire fuck buddies, but it would be a different matter to acquire a husband. You will note that despite the wonderful time we all had last Saturday night, Dexter was not inclined to exchange phone numbers."

"Right, not with me either, but then he knew Keshaun and I are an item."

Diana scoffed as she said, "An item? Yeah right! Just one of many in your repertoire!"

"Now be nice."

"I am being nice! Remember I consider being a slut and a whore is a plus. In any case, I think I must rethink my life goals. I know I would like to have sex, lots of it. But I'm not sure I would like to enter into an exclusive relationship."

Makayla protested, "How could you be so sure of that, given you've only fucked twice."

"Well look at it this way. The vast majority of women would not have contemplated, never mind participated, in the orgy as I did. In fact the only reservation I actually had was to worry that I was not good looking enough for such an erotic situation."

Makayla interrupted, "Would you stop maligning your beauty, already. I obviously have no idea how beautiful your sisters are, and I'll take your word for it that they're gorgeous. But that does not alter the fact that you're bitching hot! No man will reject you because they think you're ugly."

Diana figuratively waved the white flag on the issue, as she responded, "Oh yes, I've reconciled to the fact that I'm not as drop dead gorgeous as my sisters, but I do realize I have my own allure to attract gentlemen friends. In hindsight, I wish my mother had put me on birth control pills as soon as I got my first period. I'm sure that would have given me more confidence, so that I would have lost my virginity before I was finished with high school. And I sure as hell wouldn't be pregnant as I'm now."

Makayla protested that point, "I wouldn't be too sure about that. You told me you were on the Pill as soon as you finished high school but didn't continue because of your Navy commitments, and forgot to resume the regimen. Wouldn't that still have occurred even had you been on the Pill consistently since you were twelve years old?"

Diana countermanded, "What I'm suggesting is that, had I gotten into the habit of taking birth control pills, I wouldn't have neglected them, notwithstanding my Navy training stint. In any case, what's done is done. Besides, I've digressed again from what I wanted to talk to you about."

Makayla was a little nonplussed as she asked, "You have an agenda in today's meeting. We've been shooting the shit like we always do in these lunches. Is there then something special you wish to ask me?"

"Why yes! You've made no secret about your promiscuity, not only to me, but as far as I can tell with all your friends and acquaintances as well. So my question is, given your whorish ways, do you still expect to get married one day? And if you become married do you expect to be exclusive?"

Makayla feigned some outrage, as she responded, "Why do you ask? You do realize it's none of your business."

"I don't mean to offend you or in any way be critical of your current sexual lifestyle. After all I do want to mimic you if not surpass you in acquiring fuck buddies. So I'm asking for my benefit, as I feel I'm at a crossroads as to determine what kind of a woman I'm going to be. At Christmas time, I informed both my sisters of my pregnancy, and the circumstances. Barbara barely paid any attention to my plight, as she was wrapped up with her new boyfriend, Troy. I've never before seen her so spellbound with a guy like she was with him. I suspect this is the real thing for her, and it possibly may end up in matrimony. Now I'm well aware that Barbara had been very sexually active before Troy. She had described to me previously in graphic detail, her adventures with at least five other flings. Yet she seems to be eager to become monogynous sexually.

"In contrast, my oldest sister, Abbie, reacted quite cryptically, even seemingly enviously. Her only criticism was that I was foolish not to have taken birth control precaution, which of course goes without saying. I got the impression that she is quite content to continue her indiscriminate sexual lifestyle without any thought of possible consequences. I'd like to figure out where I fit in compared to those two possibilities. That's why I'm asking for your viewpoint as to where you expect to find yourself eventually."

Makayla paused for a moment to formulate a true response. Finally she replied, "Yes Diana, I do expect to get married, perhaps to a doctor even. And when I do get married, I'll have no problem in being faithful and demand my husband to be as well. You see, Diana, I understand that the thrill of fucking a variety of men can get old. I only do it now as it is the only time in my life to cat around, before I settle down to becoming a responsible woman.

"As for now, yes Keshaun is my main boyfriend, but I know nothing will come of it. This is his last year at the University, and he feels he has proven himself to be a good enough player, that he will be drafted by an NFL team come April. If he does make it, and plays for an NFL team, he will no doubt be inundated by all kinds of female camp followers, so that he will soon forget about me while I continue in my studies to become a registered nurse. I think once I do become a nurse I won't be so casual in my dating, and I'll not bother with any guys that are worthless outside of the bedroom."

Diana paused as well, as she digested Makayla's thoughts. Then she said, "At first blush, I would have thought that to be the path that I would want to follow as well. However, considering the orgy at the Frat party, and last Saturday's fun night at the Sheraton, I'm not so sure I'm cut out to be a one man woman for most of my life. I truly enjoyed that variety of sex so much so that I can't envision that I would want to restrict myself to fucking just one man exclusively.

"You see Makayla, Brad Winters, one of the guys I fucked at the orgy, called me last night for a date this Saturday night, and of course I accepted. Now I remember Brad very vividly as one of the greatest hunks I fucked that night. If I closed my eyes and conjured up in my mind the most virile and perfect man that I would desire, he would resemble Brad. But, nevertheless, the reason I was so happy to agree to a date with him was not so much that I wanted to get to know him better. Instead I knew that the outcome will be a guaranteed fuck at the end of the date. I realize that my happy reaction for this date would be of the same intensity had any other of the thirty men or so, who have my phone number, called. That being the case I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever meet a man that I would be so captivated with, that I would want to forsake all others."

Makayla scoffed at Diana's embellishment of her apparent dilemma. So she assured, "Believe me Diana, there is a man out there who will float your boat, and who will make you forget all others. You just have to find him."

"Hah! For me to find such a man I believe would be akin to trying to find a needle in a haystack."

"You know, Diana, there is a factor that is overlooked by everyone, which underscores the intentional meaning of that cliché. It presupposes that there is actually a needle in the haystack, but most people are too impatient to persevere in locating it."

"Well then, at least I can say that in trying to find my ideal man would be less tedious than trying to find the needle and certainly more fun in the effort."

They both laughed at that last witticism by Diana, as they concluded their lunchtime engagement.

Since Diana had up to now, gone out on very few dates, she was naturally hyperactive in preparing for this date with Brad Winters. As she had intimated to Makayla, that considering the circumstances of how she had met him, it was axiomatic, he would expect to have sex with her, which outcome, of course, she was not be adverse to. It was a little surprising to her, though, that he had indicated that their date would consist of dinner at one of the finest restaurants in Ann Arbor. Diana surmised that if he had strictly sex on his mind he would probably have chosen a less pricey restaurant. She took that to mean that he intended to entertain her in style in addition to expecting sex. That being the case, it was to her mind imperative to make a positive impression.

She opted to wear the sexiest cocktail dress in her wardrobe, which she had not yet had the appropriate occasion to wear. It was cut mid-thigh, and had a deep V cut neckline that daringly exposed almost the entire length of her cleavage plus offered a generous glimpse of the flesh of her breasts. The neckline was beaded with rhinestone detail, and the purple color of the dress perfectly projected the image of a fearless sexy woman. For footwear she chose the pair of her open toe fishnet above the knee boots. These boots provided sufficient warmth for strolling out on a cold winter night, but were comfortable enough to wear indoors for a prolonged period of time. Finally her mink fur coat complimented her appearance suggesting a woman definitely worth noting.

When Saturday night arrived, Diana drove to the restaurant wherein Brad intended to wine and dine her. Considering their respective distance from where they each lived, Dianna offered to meet him there to spare Brad the tedious exercise of driving from his abode in Ann Arbor to pick her up at her home in Grosse Pointe Farms only to return to Ann Arbor for the dinner date. As Brad had pre reserved their table, Diana was directed to their table as Brad was already seated there. As soon as he saw her, his eyes noticeably lit up leaving no doubt as to his happiness in meeting her. Diana glowed as she knew she had correctly chosen her attire.

Their dinner proved to be a very joyous occasion. Since she was pregnant Diana knew that she ought to refrain from alcohol, and she felt she had been reckless consuming the two glasses of wine during the time with Makayla, Keshaun and Dexter. Since she did not want to take a chance of possibly injuring her baby, she made the decision not to imbibe in any alcohol for this date. As she did not want to inform Brad of her pregnant state at this point in time, she told Brad that she had made a New Year's resolution to refrain from alcohol for the first two months of the year. She explained that she came home drunk one evening during the Christmas holidays, and her mother was not amused and insisted on a significant moratorium. Since she lived with her parents, she felt she had to comply.

Brad Winters immediately put Diana at ease by declaring that he had no objection, and as he was not a particularly heavy drinker he would also refrain. He joked that his dinner tab would accordingly be significantly less than he had anticipated. However, he quietly removed any doubt in her mind whether he could afford the extravagance of their date. When they first peered at the menu, he suggested they start off with the seafood platter as an appetizer. That item alone was set at a pricey cost of one hundred and ten dollars, which would obviously be beyond the means of the majority of typical college students. Since Diana came from an affluent family, she was naturally used to such luxury. As Brad Winters seemed to be from an equivalent background, Diana was thereby so much more comfortable in his presence.

That comfort also relieved her of any anxiety she might have felt in satisfying her normally prodigious appetite. She was cognizant that her female compeers would be circumspect when dining in public, so as not to appear a glutton. Such caution was fueled by the universal desire to appear slim. Diana on the other hand had never felt any desire to be slim. By the same token she also did not want to appear obese. Luckily her metabolism was so efficient in that she had no problem in meeting the Navy's physical body fitness requirements despite her routine intake of food. In any case, if Brad Winters had any qualms when appraised of Diana's eating habits, he surely did not articulate the same.

Their ensuing conversation was utterly captivating. For Diana the conversation was made especially thrilling simply upon hearing Brad Winters' voice. It was an especially appealing voice because of its low husky, supremely masculine timbre which made him sound authoritative in every word he uttered. Even his delivery of the simplest words including "and" or "the", delighted Diana no end. What made their conversation most agreeable was the mutual understanding and the absolute certainty in their minds, that sexual intercourse would be the ultimate conclusion of their date. As a result, their conversational exchanges were devoid of hesitant sexual tension. Instead, they had no qualms in trading bold double entendres laced with brazen undisguised suggestions.

First, naturally, they revealed pertinent personal information and history about themselves. However, to Diana, it seemed as if he was holding back somewhat. He volunteered that he was an only child from Chicago. He was a Poly Sci. major with a History minor, and was in his third year at U of M. He intimated that he was interested in getting into politics; not necessarily as a candidate for public office, but more likely being a campaign worker for various candidates, and being an advisor for a successful officeholder. He probably would also go to law school to achieve a better political background, but he couldn't see himself practicing law.

Beyond the personal bios, their discussion explored their individual outlooks on life in general and sexuality in particular without any apparent subterfuge or hidden agenda. By now, their easy conversation naturally encouraged a more playful and even more uninhibited dialogue.

In that vein, Diana said, "I wanted to clarify something you had intimated when we had previously met. In case you forgot, that was the occasion when I volunteered to help certain charities by entertaining gentlemen in exchange for their donating monetary support to those charities."

Brad chuckled at Diana's euphemism, which in turn compelled him to tease, "Yes and one of those charities was PETA. Despite that, here you are coming to this restaurant wearing what I'm aware of is a genuine mink fur coat. It belies your sincerity in advocating for that charity."

Diana harrumphed a retort, "First of all, you do get brownie points for recognizing that I'm wearing an authentic fur coat as opposed to a faux fur coat."

Brad informed, "Yes, I can spot a genuine fur coat from a fake imitation one. But that's not so surprising as every summer between semesters, I've worked as a salesman at my uncle's fashionable woman's clothing store in Chicago."

Diana then continued, "Well, that's interesting to know. As for my representing PETA, I certainly do support their cause. In my view, one is certainly, without a doubt, a despicable and heartless human being to tolerate unnecessary cruelty to animals. However, I admit that I don't support the extreme views that PETA espouses. We human beings are naturally carnivorous as are most animals. Therefore there is nothing wrong with eating meat, but I'm with PETA that killing animals for food should be done humanely.

"As for wearing fur, I also have no problem with it either, since we human beings have worn animal fur since time immemorial. Again I'm against inhumane killing of animals like the seal hunt in Canada. However, minks are raised in a farm setting like cattle, so I'm fine with wearing a mink coat. I sure as hell would be pissed off if a rabid PETA follower would ruin my coat during one of their ubiquitous public demonstrations."

At this point, Brad offered, "I have to agree with you there, Diana, as I certainly think PETA does go overboard in their championing of animal rights over even human rights. Still, I admire their zealousness which in part has lead to more institutional sensitivity towards the treatment of animals. For example, I'm bemused by the disclaimers at the end of movies or television shows, assuring viewers that no animal was tortured or injured during the filming of the action. Mind you whether those disclaimers are true or not, who's to say. But then again, at least there is some consideration accorded to the treatment of animals where previously there was none. So, all in all, I have no objection that part of my party participation fee went to fund PETA."

It was Diana's turn to tease, "So I take it then, Brad that you are saying that the opportunity to benefit PETA was the final incentive to agree to partake of the special entertainment available at that Frat party?"

Brad Winters chuckled at Diana's insincere remark, so he replied, "I wouldn't go that far in declaring my motives. If I had known beforehand that you were one of the volunteers, I would have tried to purchase more tickets."

Diana smiled wickedly as she now said, "Very gallant of you to say so, and this leads me to the question I wanted to ask before we got waylaid by discussions of the merits or otherwise of PETA."