Navy Nurse Ch. 10

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Disaster strikes Diana receives letter of explanation.
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Part 10 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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Diana woke up just before noon, with a sunny smile, influenced by her fond memories of what had transpired before her slumber. Alas! Her smile quickly turned to a frown of disappointment. Brad Winters was gone! Also gone were the paraphernalia, he had brought with him to provide the props for the wonderful night of their sensual, sexy fun and games. Her immediate concern was, "Oh shit! No good morning fuck after all!"

Recalling that noon was the check out time for the hotel, she eschewed taking a shower. Instead, she gathered up her scattered clothes strewn on the floor minus her panties, of course. She quickly dressed and went to her SUV to drive home. Without having taken a shower, she reeked of sexual odor. That condition suited her mood as she drove, since it evoked happy reminiscences of all that had occurred the night before.

Diana was in a very cheerful mood as she had lunch with Makayla, during their regular mid-week luncheon dates. After Makayla asked how the date with Brad went, Diana was all smiles as she related all the erotic details of their romantic evening. For Diana, it was a welcome change to their previous conversations whereby Makayla was waxing poetic of her sexual adventures. This time it was Diana who had sexual anecdotes to relate, while it was Makayla who had sat at home the previous Saturday without a date.

After providing all the graphic details of her time with Brad, Diana summarized her thoughts by opining, "You remember all that silly talk of last week, where I thought I was a slut and a whore, and not a one-man woman? Well now that I've met Brad Winters, I sure as hell know that I definitely can be a one-man woman, especially if the one man is Brad Winters."

Makayla snorted, "Get real, Diana! You don't really know anything about him except that he is a good fuck. You need to know more than that about him before you can legitimately consider entering into an exclusive relationship."

"Hey! Don't knock his good fuck quality. After all, I was sexually intimate with 101 different men at the Frat party and enjoyed every one of them save and except for only a couple of instances. It stands to reason with that experience, I had the impression I would always want variety in sexual partners. But the way Brad fucked me, I sure as hell can say he satisfied me thoroughly. So much so I'm not tempted to try another guy, and I'm no longer on pins and needles waiting for any of the other guys with my phone number to call me. Brad Winters is my man now."

Makayla was understandably shocked by Diana's sudden enthusiasm for an exclusive relationship upon such little acquaintanceship, so she had to ask, "Wait a minute Diana! Hold your horses! How can you say you have a relationship with this Brad Winters? You did say, didn't you, that he left you asleep at the hotel without saying even a goodbye? Do you even have his phone number?"

Diana answered somewhat sheepishly, "Well, no, I don't have his phone number. We didn't get around to that matter, as other things were occupying our minds. As for him leaving so abruptly, there could be a myriad of reasons why he had to leave. I think it was a gentlemanly kindness on his part to allow me to keep on sleeping, considering it must have been at least 04:00 AM before we finally went to sleep."

"Well, he could have at least left you a note."

"It's possible he could have had a deadline that made it impossible for him to do so. I'm sure he'll have a reasonable explanation when he calls."

"If he calls."

"Of course he'll call. I refuse to believe this was a one night stand. I mean, we had a great time. We got along tremendously besides the sex. And I need not point out that he must have spent quite a bit of money on our date. The restaurant and the hotel certainly were not cheap."

"Well, obviously, he could afford it."

"True! But even if he's as rich as Croesus, he would not make a habit of spending so lavishly on a girl that he would have no regard for. Besides, when he does call, I plan to tell him my pregnant state and ask him if he would consent to a paternity test."

"Oh my God, Diana! Are you then intending to trap him into marriage if he is the biological father?"

"Oh no, not at all. As I'll explain to him, I will not have an abortion. I am inclined to give my baby up for adoption because I would have no clue as to the identity of the father. However, if I were to know that he was the father, I certainly would want to keep the baby. I'll explain I'm not interested in marriage, although admittedly, I wouldn't object."

Makayla was absolutely flabbergasted by Diana's impetuousness. She had to decry, "You can't be serious. I repeat you virtually know nothing about him."

"Well, the odds are at least more than forty to one against, for him to be specifically the father, so I don't think I'll need to cross that bridge. My point is that by laying my cards on the table, he can see I'm seriously attracted to him without my directly begging him to be my boyfriend. It just might induce him to commit to an exclusive relationship with me, which would be my main purpose."

Makayla rolled her eyes upon hearing Diana's scheme. She just said, "I think you are too devious for your own good. Certainly, you have to tell him you are pregnant, but you shouldn't ask him to consider a paternity test. He should volunteer to take it, and no doubt that he will do so, once and if your hoped-for relationship does happen and becomes serious."

Diana replied, "I'll give it some thought. Anyway, I think I'll head for the library for some quick study before our next class."

Although Makayla and Diana, as a matter of course, as classmates and solid friends, were constantly in touch with each other, they did not engage in any meaningful conversation throughout the ensuing week. It wasn't until the next luncheon date that they had the opportunity to catch up with information on their personal lives. As they met at their favorite table in the cafeteria, Makayla could see that Diana had a crestfallen demeanor.

Surmising the nature of her misery, Makayla asked. "He hasn't called?"

Diana, in visible low spirits, replied, "Nope! I don't understand it, and I don't even have his number. So I can't even get a hold of him."

Makayla gave some hope, "I'm going to text Keshaun. He should be able to get Brad's number from the Frat office."

A day later, Keshaun got back to Makayla, who then was able to advise Diana when they next talked to each other. "Keshaun got back to me and has discovered that Brad Winters has dropped out of all of his classes. His phone is dead. Those at the Frat who know him believe he's gone back to his home in Chicago."

Dianna was devastated by the news. She was sobbing as she said, "I can't believe it, Makayla. We had such a wonderful time. I was certain that I just had got myself a terrific boyfriend. And I was serious about getting a paternity test. I was so hoping that against the long odds that he would turn out to be the father of my baby. I would certainly keep the baby if that were to be the case. Why would he go to the extreme of dropping out of school? He was in his third year and seemed to know where he was going with his life. Now it seems as if it is all up in smoke, and I'm not going to see him again! Oh fuck, I can't stand it."

Makayla tried to calm Diana, "Don't despair, Diana. You don't need to think the worst. After all, you did say you had a wonderful time, and so did he. So much so that you were certain it would not be a one night stand. There might be a rational explanation for his disappearance. Perhaps a family crisis made him drop out of school, and go to Chicago. In any case, I think you will hear from him, and all will be explained."

A few days later, Diana did indeed receive a lengthy letter in the mail from Brad. The contents read:

"Dearest Diana:

"I'm sorry to have disappeared on you, and I know I owe you an explanation. That night when you fell asleep after our final lovemaking, I was restless and could not fall asleep like you. My mind was overloaded by contemplating what had happened between you and me, and what I should do about it.

"When we first met and had sex at the Frat party gangbang orgy, I had, a month earlier, broken up with my girlfriend after a two years relationship. So when I had bought tickets for the orgy, I only thought about having a good time, and having sex with willing noncommittal women, whom I prejudged, would probably be sluts and bimbos. I certainly did not think that any future liaisons could develop afterwards as a result. However, when I met you, I immediately knew that there was something more about you than just a girl willing to have indiscriminate sex. I knew I would want to know you better.

"I was cautious, though, as I was burned badly by Sylvia, my ex-girlfriend. I met her at the beginning of my freshman year, and we hit it off right away. At the start of my sophomore year, we lived together in an apartment near the campus, throughout that academic year. When May arrived, I was prepared to stay on in Ann Arbor instead of going back to Chicago to work at my uncle's store. However, Sylvia convinced me to go to Chicago for the summer break, since she had promised to help her family's hardware store in her hometown, a small town in northern Michigan. She explained that if I went with her, there would be nothing for me to do, and she would not want to live with me considering the awkwardly insidious small town gossip

"So I agreed with the promise that in the next summer, she would come to Chicago as my uncle could also employ her. We got together again a week before the start of this school year and found another apartment to live in together. On the Friday afternoon of the second week in September, I came to the apartment after my last class of the day and heard what sure as hell sounded like sexual noises coming from the bedroom. I yelled at Sylvia through the closed door, 'What's going on, Sylvia? Who's there with you?' She yelled back, 'Just a minute, Brad, I'll be out in a minute.'

"Sure enough, after about a couple of minutes, whereby I heard some shuffling and rustling noises consistent with people dressing, she brazenly emerged out of the bedroom with a guy in tow. She had the chutzpah to introduce him as a hometown friend happening to visit her. The guy, after sheepishly saying hello, very quickly departed the scene. I was very angry and asked, 'What the fuck Sylvia? How could you do this to me?'

"She replied, 'It's not what you think, Brad, nothing happened. It was just a visit. Mike (that was his name) is an old friend from my hometown. We did date a few times in high school, but it was not serious, and never progressed into a relationship. He came to Ann Arbor because he had tickets for the Notre Dame game scheduled for the next day, and he texted me beforehand, so I invited him here to show him our apartment.'

"So I asked, 'If this was such an innocent visit, why were you in the bedroom, and why was the door closed?'

She replied that she had just closed the door before I had arrived so that she could show Mike the autographed huge poster of Pamela Rose, naked, that we had attached to the door.

"That was a somewhat plausible explanation for me. You may be aware that about a couple of years ago, there was a controversial concert in Holland where Pamela Rose performed her songs in the nude. This poster was a picture of her singing at that concert. Now it so happens, that Pamela Rose is friendly with Jed Baxter, the wealthiest man in Chicago and one of the richest in the entire world. Mr. Baxter is a customer of my uncle's store, as it is acknowledged the finest of its kind in Chicago. Last August, I sold a fur coat to Mr. Baxter, and we struck up a very friendly conversation as a result. When I mentioned I was an undergraduate student at the University of Michigan, he offered a pair of tickets to Pamela's concert on the last Saturday in August at the Meadow Brook Amphitheatre. Business commitments forced him to forgo going to the concert, and he was also able to give me a pass so that I could meet Pamela Rose in her dressing room after the concert.

"I contacted Sylvia so that she could get to Ann Arbor earlier before the start of classes. Thus, we were able to secure our apartment, and she was able to go with me to Pamela's concert at Meadow Brook in Rochester Hills. The concert was terrific, as, in my opinion, she is the best singer and entertainer of our time bar none. So naturally, it was a huge thrill for me to meet her in person. I explained to Ms. Rose that I had a pass to meet her after the concert at the behest of Jed Baxter. She smiled and winked at me in acknowledging that she and Jed were very close friends. I got the impression that she was hinting that she and Jed had been intimate even though each of them has been married and with their spouses for some two decades, and by all public accounts very happily married. But of course, it's none of my business to speculate.

"Pamela Rose was a very gracious hostess to Sylvia and me and seemed to have taken a shine to us. She told us that doing a concert completely naked was a personal, compelling career ambition since she felt it would establish her as an avant-garde entertainer of all time, pushing the envelope beyond what her presumptive rivals Madonna or Lady Gaga would dare to go. She said DVD sales of the concert went through the roof despite the pricey retail sales charge of $45. Her agent and accountant, Vera Starikovich, advised her to milk, (pardon the pun) the occasion for all it was worth. Thus, she had for sale at $100 a pop, the 3'x5' poster photographed from the concert, not only showing her performing in the buff but as she had been breast-feeding her recently born child, there were visible traces of breast milk dripping from the nipples of her naked breasts. Despite the exorbitant price tag, demand for the poster overwhelmingly surpassed the production of the same.

"I have gone into great detail outlining the circumstances of having acquired this personally autographed poster of Pamela Rose so that you can understand what a significant piece of memorabilia both Sylvia and I were fortunate to possess. We had framed the poster for permanent safekeeping and mounted it on the bedroom door as an incidental visible sexual enticement. Given that, I was inclined to believe Sylvia's assertion that she was showing off the poster without impugning any sinister sexual motive.

"She ultimately convinced me when she declared, 'Look, Brad, I'm not that stupid. If I were indeed interested in fucking Mike, I wouldn't do it here while you can burst upon the scene at any time.'

"That last argument was very persuasive enough that, not only did I give her the benefit of the doubt, but I also actually apologized to Sylvia for even entertaining the notion that she might have been cheating on me. So our relationship seemed to continue in bliss. Then on a weekday at the beginning of October, I happened to return to the apartment to retrieve a notebook I had overlooked to take to my last afternoon class. It was an obvious unexpected appearance as far as Sylvia was concerned.

"When I entered the apartment, the bedroom door was closed, and I could hear unmistakably sexual sounds. This time I barged in to see Sylvia naked on top of a dude, not the hometown friend Mike either, also totally naked in a sixty-nine position. As she sensed my presence, Sylvia let go of her oral hold on the dude's cock to utter, 'Wait a minute Brad. I can explain. It's not what you think.'

"I was in no humor to contemplate a supercilious justification for the scene I had just witnessed. So I interrupted whatever Sylvia was about to exclaim as exculpatory, and declared. 'You've fooled me once Sylvia, and that's a shame on you. But now you've fooled me twice, and that's on me. And I'm damned if I'm going to be fooled thrice. I'm leaving now, but I'll be back in two days' time. If you're not gone along with your possessions, I'll approach the landlord to advise him of the surrender of my interests in the apartment. No doubt, if you do not meet the rental obligations for November, you will be evicted, and be on the hook for the ensuing rent.'

"Before I left, I did take the poster of Pamela Rose with me, as that was the only possession of mine that could not be replaced. Luckily for me, Sylvia was reasonable as she left with her possessions, without destroying any of my property.

"I trust then, that you can understand considering my experience with Sylvia, I was most reluctant to explore the possibility of entering into another committed relationship. I intended just to play it by ear for the time being, before getting seriously involved again. Thus, the charity gangbang was exactly the kind of no strings attached sex I was looking for before eventually seeking a steady girlfriend. That night at the party, I had sex with another woman before you and another woman after you. In both of those cases, there was no chemistry. I surmised that my enjoyment of the sex was similar to what a man engaging the services of a professional prostitute would experience. That is not to say that those women were indifferent to enjoying sex, as I imagine prostitutes actually are.

"In any case, to my mind, you proved to be 180 degrees opposite from what I had expected in a sex partner going into that night. You were unbelievably most solicitous and gracious to me. Considering all the nonstop sex, you must have experienced that night, I was most appreciative of your demonstrated determination to satisfying me sexually. I suppose you don't remember, but as your initial blow job had enticed me to cum in your mouth almost immediately after the commencement of our session, you volunteered to do anything necessary so as not to shortchange my time with you. When I suggested that a muff dive would be all that I needed to ready myself for a vaginal sex act, you, bless you, cautioned against it, citing the presumed odiferous and truly liquidly messy state of your genitalia. Of course, that was no obstacle for me, but I was most impressed by your tender apprehension.

"I gather that night you were expected to have had sex with at least seventy-five different guys. Despite such profligacy, you painted a picture that gave me the impression that fucking me was your ultimate desire for enjoyment in sex. This impression took hold of my mind despite there being another guy, whose name I can no longer remember, with me fucking you at the same time. I was alone with the other two women that night, and neither of them expressed even remotely the same degree of exuberant pleasure that you demonstrated with me.

"As a result, my mind was consumed by you and solely you after that night. I knew I had to see you again, and not just for sex. There was something about you that I had to discover. There was something about you that I yearned to know about and savor the presumably ensuing companionship. Not knowing anything about you, I was still absolutely certain you are the most exciting, exotic, and interesting woman I was ever to likely encounter in my life. Yes, I was smitten, as I had never before experienced!

"However, my pragmatic mind was pouring water on my all-consuming passionate fire. I was naturally cognizant that I probably did not stand out considering all the men you had sex with that night. I was very mindful that I just had undergone a two year supposedly deeply committed relationship with Sylvia. Despite such intimacy, she turned out to be a slut and a skank of which I had no warning until I caught her in flagrante delicto on two occasions. On the other hand, in your case, I believe that an indifferent universal consensus would adjudge you from the get-go as a slut, considering your consensual participation of a marathon gangbang. So I was in a quandary. My heart said I want to get to know you, but my brain said I should avoid you at all costs.