Newly Maid

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A spoiled rich girl takes on her first job - and loves it!
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/03/2015
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Melissa "Missy" van Zandt was thrilled beyond words at the happy new life she was living. Now, her entire life revolved around sex and sexual pleasures. She was fucking and sucking around the clock and she loved it. Right now, the pretty girl was on her knees sucking a huge, fat cock while another pretty young thing was eagerly licking her pussy. This was the life she wanted, the life she needed, although she never would have discovered that had certain events not happened in her life.

Missy was thrilled that she had finally been accepted and was now a part of this loving, kinky family. Had things not gone the way that they did, none of this would have happened. To a happy slut like Missy, the thought of going without sex this wonderful was a horror she never wanted to experience. She loved sucking big cocks and taking them in her horny pussy. She devoured cocks and she knew she was getting better at loving them. She also loved the sweet, syrup taste of pussy and how it made her tongue tingle. Her new favorite number was certainlysixty-nine. It was almost difficult for her to remember a time when she had not felt like this. She loved being a servant and a sex toy for everyone's amusement. She never wanted to go back to being the girl she had been just a short time ago.

The girl she had been, that Missy, was used to a life of privilege. She came from a home where she had a large swimming pool and oodles of clothes and shoes and a maid of her own. She loved being waited on hand and foot and she knew that she could be a demanding little bitch. Now she channeled that demanding attitude in an entirely new direction.

When her parents' money vanished due to some unscrupulous brokers and several bad investments, Missy didn't know just what to do. Her servants were to become the least of her worries. Missy had been in university studying fashion and design and was doing quite well in her academic life. She had a heavy course load, but was handling it well. Fashion was an expensive field to pursue, but Missy's family could afford to help her. In addition to her tuition being paid, Missy lived well. She had a nice apartment and the maid hired by her indulgent parents came to clean it once a week.

The axe fell swiftly and the changes were equally fast and relentless. Now she was on her own without a clue as to what to do next. Some of her childhood friends had also been swindled out of their monies. Missy soon discovered how her friends had coped with the loss of their privileges. More than a few of her friends who had gone the route of marrying a rich husband. Some of her prettier girlfriends had found themselves a Sugar Daddy. That wasn't the way Missy wanted things for herself. Any guy who shared her bed would have to be young and hung. She still believed that she could fend for herself. She might have been a rich and spoiled young lady, but Missy also possessed a strong sense of self. She believed if left to her own devices, she would learn to fend for herself.

As Missy licked and sucked cock and felt her pussy tremors, she laughed inwardly. Even then before her life had changed so drastically, she had been a wanton little slut deep down. She hadn't found her way here yet, but the foundation for the perverted little Missy had been there all the same.

Missy could have found her path, but she couldnot have handled "doing without". She was a very pretty girl and wanted to dress and present herself the way that a pretty girl needed to. Missy wanted to continue to enjoy herself and be surrounded by the luxuries she had grown up with. Fortunately for Missy, her maid had become a friend and a confidante. It only took about half a day for the girl to clean up after Missy because the pampered rich princess just happened to be a neat freak. The rest of the maid's day was spent hanging out with Missy, drinking a bit too much and enjoying life. It was her maid / friend Bella that eventually came to Missy's rescue.

"I only worked for your family to earn some extra mad money," the attractive ebony beauty said to the slender redhead she considered a good friend. "I work full time for a really rich family, the Pelletiers."

"Aren't those the people who own the brewery?"

"Yes, that's them and they also own about 10 other local and nationwide businesses," Bella said as she finished her drink. "They pay really well and they're very nice, a lot of fun to work for. They're always looking for new servants, I happen to know that they need a new maid."

"A maid? Me? Bella, you know that I've never even had a part-time job," the 19-year old Missy exclaimed. "I have zero experience. Why would they hire me?"

"On my recommendation," Bella told her as she stretched out languidly. "You know how to clean, most of the time, this apartment is spotless. They're fun to work for, they pay well and get this - you'd be able to live there for FREE and continue your education at night."

"I'd have to give up my apartment?"

"Let's get serious here, girl. You can't really afford it for much longer and the Pelletier family like all of their staff to be close by most of the time," Bella said to Missy. "They can be very demanding, but that's why they pay so well. Believe me Missy, you'd be moving up in the world. Their place has everything and you would get to meet a lot of interesting people. I think that you and Mrs. Pelletier would hit it off - she's really nice."

"I'll think about it."

"Come on Missy, what's to think about? You can't afford to stay in school full-time and you can't afford the rent on this place. All the money you would earn would pay for your bills and a LOT more than that. Just take me up on my offer, 'kay? I'm calling Alex - that's Mrs. Pelletier - and telling her that I've found a new maid," Bella told her friend.

"Slow down Bella, whoa, just hold it, hold it, I'm still not sure I can do this," Missy had argued. "Besides, won't they want to interview me first or something?"

Bella shook her head and smiled her usual dazzling smile. Missy had often found herself wondering why her best girl buddy didn't date more because the ebony beauty was so incredibly sexy in her way. With a 5'7" figure, mocha skin and eyes that were dark and soulful, she could have had her pick of anyone. When the two women hit the town, they never had to pay for a single drink or cover charge. If they danced and shook their gorgeous little booties, many drinks were usually waiting for them. A producer of adult films had even left his card on the table with an offer. The note said he'd triple the offer if her "cute redheaded friend" decided to join her.

Bella was prepared for Missy's reluctance with a perfect response. "Alex trusts me, she knows I wouldn't recommend anyone I didn't think could handle working for them," Bella said just before she started talking on the phone. In a few more minutes, everything was settled. Missy was to start her new job in two weeks, giving her just enough time to pack up her clothes and any other essentials. She would give her notice on her apartment and move the rest of her things over a bit at a time. What she didn't need could either go in storage or be thrown away. "Alex likes to spoil her staff with sexy little gifts," Bella told her now-former employer and friend. "You won't want for a thing, believe it! As for what to do, stay close to me and I promise I'll give you some pointers."

Missy thanked God when she heard that. She was once again without a clue on how to handle things. She likened it to being thrown in the deep end of a swimming pool and being told to learn how to swim - fast. A more apt analogy would have been being thrown into a pool infested with piranha.

Once she was standing in her new room, Missy's reaction was stunned silence at the outset. "This bedroom is bigger than my entire fucking apartment!" She breathed as Bella laughed. "I get to live in all of this?" She found herself wondering if she might be participating in one of those reality shows without her knowledge.

"Well,we do," Bella corrected her. "We're going to be sharing a room."

"But there's only one bed!" Missy protested.

"Chill out, Missy, I'm cool with that. I'm not bothered by it, so why does that trouble you?" Bella asked. She walked to the bed and sat down, crossing her shapely legs. Missy had already noted that the Pelletier maid's uniforms were scandalously short. "We'll have plenty of room, see? Just look at this thing, you could fit 6 people in here - maybe 8, if a few of them were petite enough."

"Yeah, I guess," Missy sighed as she put one of her suitcases in the spacious closets. "I'm just not used to sharing. If anyone should know that about me, you should," she said with a tiny smile.

"I do know, but, you had betterget used to it," Bella told her.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Okay, I didn't want to tell you before I got you the job, but I think you can handle the full truth - now," Bella explained further. "The Pelletier family are fairly eccentric - by that, I mean that they are also quitesexually eccentric. Most of the staff here are young and gorgeous and the family hires them for that reason. The entire Pelletier family loves to fuck! They have lots of lavish and sexy parties with friends and other family members. We - the members of the staff are who I mean by that - a big part of the fun. No one will force you to participate, but the more fun you have, the larger your pay check will be. I've had the best sex of my life and I keep coming back for more!"

Missy couldn't believe what she was hearing. To her, it sounded like a form of prostitution, albeit with some fun perks. "Is that why you aren't dating anyone?" She questioned.

The sexy black girl nodded. "Sure thing! Who needs the hassle? Why do I need to be tied down to someone for a long time when I can live here, rent free, get paid, have lots of sex, wear sexy clothes and do almostzero actual work in the process?" She grinned. "Most of the work I do around here involves something sexy and if any of us falls behind in our work due to our being `too busy', they just call in a cleaning crew and have them fix it," Bella grinned. "Go look in the other closet, that one's mine, and see all of the clothes and shoes I own. I could practically open my own store!"

Missy did as she was told and the sexy redhead was quite surprised to see her friend was telling the truth. Missy had a good eye for fashion and could tell the high quality of every item within. There wasn't one thing in Bella's closet was a cheap knock off. All of the clothes and shoes were designer labels and also, they were very sexy.

"I see our new maid has arrived," a voice came from the doorway. A statuesque, truly stunning blonde walked into the room on expensive Jimmy Choo heels and wearing skintight leather pants. Missy knew from the newspapers and some of her parents' friends that the woman was Alex Pelletier, her new employer. "Did you fill her in on all of the details or do I have to give her the big picture?" She asked, giving Bella an affectionate kiss on the cheek. Bella smiled and turned to give Alex Pelletier her long, snaky tongue. She was putting on a little show for Missy and also letting her see what she could expect from now on. Alex turned and walked towards Missy, touching the girl's cheek and running slender fingers through Missy's flame-red hair. "I hope you're up for it baby, I really do. You're gorgeous and you look like you'd be a lot of fun to play with. I do so like to play with pretty girls!"

"Th-thank you for the compliment," Missy stammered. She had heard of people with a "presence" and Alex was just such a woman. She exuded sensuality and style. "I'm really not sure, this is a lot to take in," Missy said as she sat down on the bed beside Bella. Her friend was grinning like the cat who ate the canary. "I don't have any experience with things - well, things like this!"

The stunning blonde smiled warmly at Missy and her face showed no traces of guile. "Neither did I when I first married into the family, but then -baser instincts took over. You're not a virgin, are you?"

Missy shook her head and wished that she had taken the time to get her hair styled for her first day. She felt a bit inadequate alongside both Alex and Bella. "No, I am - I was - very popular back in high school."

"That was then, pretty baby," Alex said as she ran her fingers through Missy's flaming red curls. "You're in the advanced classes now."

"She was very popular. I can personally confirm that," Bella teased.

"I have no trouble believing that," Alex smiled and the more she smiled, the more comfortable Missy became. There was just something about the alluring blonde that made Missy feel at ease. "So pretty girl, do youlike sex?"

"Yes!" Missy chimed in and then blushed a bit. She tried to control her emotions. "Um, okay, sometimes a little too much!" Missy confessed. "I missed a few of my morning classes because I had been out the night before getting fuh ... I mean, making love with someone!"

"You can sayfucked here dear, we're all adults," Alex smiled as she joined the duo on the spacious bed. "You'll hear a lot worse than that if you work for us. We're all free spirits and we tend to be - vocal. Bella's heard me cuss like a sailor, haven't you, luv?"

"Yes Alex, you do have a bit of a potty mouth," Bella chuckled.

Missy was a bit unnerved by the casual attitude between employer and servant. Missy's parents had never let their employees address them in such a cavalier manner. "I've noticed something. You let the servants call you by your first name?"

"Yes, sometimes. Usually only in private or at times of passion," Alex told her. "My husband is a bit more formal than I am, but I'm not quite the old fart he is," Alex laughed. "So, my little morsel, do you think you want to be part of our little clique of sexy servants?"

Missy weighed her options, although as fast as her mind would allow her. She didn't really have a lot of choices and being around people like Bella and Alex Pelletier certainly would not be a fate worse than death. She nodded. "Yes, I think I'd like to give it a try. It sounds like an adventure and I could use one of those."

"Wonderful! Of course, there will be documents to sign later, confidentiality agreements, bonuses, things like that," Alex explained. "Other than that, I see no reason why you can't start after lunch. Have you ever ...?"

"Have I ever ... what?"

The brown-eyed blonde stood up and looked at Bella. "You didn't ask her? " Bella shook her head. "You were supposed to check," Alex said in a tone that indicated she was a bit annoyed. Alex then seemed to let it go as she turned to Missy and shrugged. "Bella was made responsible to discover whether or not you'd ever been with another woman. If not, would you be opposed to being with one?"

"Oh, is that all?" Missy said gently as she tried to downplay things. She then looked up with a smile. "Then the answer to that question is yes, I have, and no, I wouldn't be opposed to it - again."

Bella's face wore a wide smile, evidently, Missy had shocked the other maid. "That's something I didn't know about. When did this happen?" Apparently, Missy's little confession had delighted her.

"Last year, my first year of university," Missy confessed, a faint red blush crossing her face. "I was invited to join a sorority and found out that the initiation rites including sexing it up with some of the other pledges. It was no big deal," she shrugged.

"Did you like it?" Alex questioned her.

Missy took her time answering. "Yes, I did, much to my surprise. I thought it would likely be a one-time thing, but I would not be opposed to it happening again. Is a part of my duties having sex with some of the other girls for your amusement?"

"No one will force you, but yes, we're all a bunch of horny fuckers in this household," Alex smiled as she stretched across the freshly-made bed. "For example, it would be such a shame to mess up this nice, clean bed - but I'm dripping wet and so fucking hot, I just can't help myself. Bella sweetie, be a love and come over here and clean my pussy!"

Without a second's hesitation, Bella did as her mistress commanded her to do. She wiggled out of her skimpy maid's uniform and went to the side of the bed. She tugged off the beautiful woman's tight leather pants to reveal long, slender tanned legs. With gentle, yet commanding hands, she spread Alex's legs apart. Missy was not surprised to see that her new employer wasn't wearing panties. Somehow, in this crazy household, that made perfect sense. Bella began to eat the beautiful shaved snatch with relish and she wasn't quiet about it either. Missy was already turned on, so she went with her gut. She removed her own clothing and watched as she played with her pussy. Missy knew that as soon as the invitation was extended to her, she would join in the fun and games and become one of them.

"What are you doing over there, you silly thing?" Alex chirped brightly. "Once you made your decision, all that you had to do was join in. We don't stand on ceremony around here, unless there's special circumstances involved. Bella, have you ever had the chance to eat your friend's hot little cunt?"

Lifting her head from her mistress' pussy, Bella's face was gleaming with her juices. She shook her head. "N-no Miss Alex, but I've wanted to for a long time."

That response and the gentle way in which Bella replied seemed to please Alex. "That's good darling, very good. Well, you go ahead and eat her out. I have something special in mind."

Whatever Alex had planned, Bella seemed to have a good idea of just what it was. She smiled and nodded as she neared her one-time employer and friend. "Oh God baby, if you knew just how difficult it was to be near you all the time and not make a move on you," she almost groaned. "You're such a hot little bitch, Missy."

Emboldened by what she sensed would be her new lot in life, Missy smiled up at the sexy black maid and adjusted her own position on the bed. "DO it, then," Missy said with a saucy lick of her lips. "Prove to me what you and Alex already seem to know, that I'm just a hot little slut made for sucking and fucking. Eat my pussy, you black whore and don't stop until you make me cum!"

Bella was thrilled that her friend was catching on so fast. She was now certain that Missy would fit in nicely and do whatever was demanded of her. The Pelletiers were certainly the kinkiest people she had ever encountered and yet, Bella was living a life that was equally wild and happy beyond compare. Her mouth fastened on her girlfriend's pussy and she slurped at it with as much delight as she had eaten Alex. She wasn't surprised to discover that Missy was as delicious as she had always imagined she would be. The redhead's head arched back as she let out a loud, plaintive wail and writhed on the bed. Missy was as much a slut as any of them and that would be a good omen for her future.

"Oh God, this is fucking amazing!" Missy cried out happily. "If I had known before how good you were at making a girl cum, I'd have had you in my bedevery day and to hell with all of the cleaning-fuck that!" She laughed.

"It's only going to get better!"

Missy turned her head to see that her new employer was now wielding a large, black strap-on dildo. She chilled as she realized what was about to happen, yet she welcomed it. "Yes," she nodded her head as Alex approached. "God yes, I want it. Please Miss Alex," she said, not forgetting her new place in the household. "Please fuck me with that, darling."

Alex nodded and got behind the pretty redhead. Missy prepared herself and smiled as Bella moved as well. She knew what was expected of her and wanted the opportunity. Bella had been very good to her, a true friend. As a friend, she wanted to experience Bella's pussy and reward her for her kindness while Alex fucked her like the slut she now realized she was. Her gorgeous young body was made for sex such as this and she only hoped that this was just the very sexy beginning of things yet to - cum.