No Ordinary Love Ch. 05

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She's been thinking.
4.6k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 08/18/2002
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Tell me

I woke up, around noon on this day. It seems, that we all ways wake up at noon. Tera lay on my chest with her eyes open. I start to run my fingers through her hair, and caress her naked skin. She took a deep breath in, and then out.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Just thinking."



"Could you be a little more vague?"

She shook her head, no.

"Look at me Tera."

She lifted he head, and looked at me in the eyes.

"What are you thinking? Tell me. We have been together for almost six months now, I would think our relationship is at a point were we can talk about anything, so what is it?"

"Well… Um, since we'll be in Philly this weekend for you friends wedding, and since you'll be introducing me to your friends and family, I guess…, I guess it would be good for you to introduce the woman you love, by her right name. Tera Patrick is my screen name, my birth name is Linda Hopkins."

"I know."

She leaned up and looked at me, with a puzzled look.

"How did you know?"

"I've been living with you for six months, don't you think I see your in-coming mail?"

"Oh yeah!" she said while laughing." Well why haven't you been calling by my real name?"

"I figured, when it was time, you would tell me. But the real reason is,… I like Tera."

"Call me Linda. I want to live in reality."

She laid her head back down on my chest.

"What time do you want to leave?"

"I guess around, five. His bachelor party is at nine."

"Do you want me to strip for you guys, I could use some extra cash." ~ laughing.

"Hell no, I already have about ten million horny guys already wanting you, I don't need another thirty."

"I don't think it's that many, who actually know who I am…. Alright, your turn."

"For what?"

"To tell me something I don't know about you."

"I have lived a pretty non eventful life, well up until I meet you."

"There is something, that I don't know about you. Come on, tell me. like, were you a chronic masturbator before you met me?

"That's a given."

"Jason! Open up to me!"

"Why are you so, bent on knowing?"

"Because I LOVE you, and people who love each other KNOW, stuff about each other."

"You love me?"

"Of course, you wouldn't be here if I didn't."

"That is the first time, I heard you actually say out right, I love you."

She leaned up and looked at me very angrily.

"Did I need to say it?"

"It would help."

"You should have know, by how I treat you. You did know, didn't you?"

"I did."

"So, why would you say something like that?"

"Just hearing it, from time to time is needed."

"That, kind of hurt me."

"I didn't mean it to."

"Are you, that insecure, that I have to say, I love you every five minutes?… Love is an action word, it is shown by works. People say they love each other, but don't mean it. I rather for you to show me, you love me, than to say you love me. I knew how you felt about me from the start."


"They way you talk, the way you looked at me." She slid down to the end of the bed.

"You, don't even know the gift you have."

"What are you talking about?"

"See! You don't know. … You have a gift to speak. Not just, empty non emotional words, but words that reaches the heart, words that, make a person feel good. That's why I feel for you, it's not the way you look, they way you dress, or how much money you have. It's how you make me feel. That's why I love you. You make me feel good." She started to cry, which got me all emotional, and I started to cry. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at me. I knew what question was coming next. I had to think quick. I had to be honest, and the answer had to come from my heart.

"Jason. Why do you love me?"

I knew it. I had five seconds, before she would get pissed. In a situation like this, if a guy doesn’t answer within five seconds, HELL HATH NO FURY!

I took a deep breath in.

"Definitely, the way you make me feel. Our personalities are, different enough where, we are not the same, so we have some variety. We are similar enough where we can enjoy things together. You have a very beautiful, caring, genuine personality. You carry yourself with dignity. You respect others, and are open minded on new things. I can't lie, and say that your beauty is not a part of it, because it is. But all in all, it is what you are inside and how you make me feel that makes me love you."

She smiled, and started rocking back and forth.

"Your good! Your good!"

"Why do you say that?"

"You knew what I wanted to hear."

"You doubt what I say and how I feel?"

"NO! No! It's just, I never heard a guy, say those things with out long pauses, and stutters. Where did you learn how to talk and express yourself so well?"

"Through my religion. In order for us to give discourses and go out and teach, we had to learn how to speak and learn how to use words that reach the heart."

"So what happened? That's what you can tell me. What happened? Why did you turn your back on religion?"

"I didn't turn my back on religion, I walked away from God."


I took a deep breath in, and closed my eyes.

"Talk, to me. I need to know."

"When I was eighteen, I swore to God, that I would remain single, for ten years. As a result of that, I was able to travel, and do things that most my age were not able to, because they got married at such a young age. As I got closer to the end of the goal, I became lonely and wanted to settle down. I met a young girl who like me, had did what she wanted and she said she was ready to settle down. We took it slow, got to know each other, and our relationship progressed to an engagement. Six month before the wedding, she called it off. She told me, that she never really loved me. That she wanted a life, that I could not give her. She didn't want to live, in want. She wanted someone who could give her the things that she never had…. Three month later, she married a guy who had some big car, and a nice apartment in the city.

The whole situation, made me very angry. At every one, my parents, my friends, religion and God."


"If I couldn't rely on God to provide me with someone, to make me happy for the rest of my life, how could I rely on him for other important things in life. My faith, was destroyed, and if you don't have faith, you can't be religious, you can't serve God, you stop believing. When you don't have faith,…your dead."

"You don't want go back? It seems as though you were a good servant."

"It's not that easy now."


"For the last few months, I have lived a life, that is in total contrast to how I was raised and taught. I would be definitely be disciplined."


"Depending on my attitude. If I had a , I don't give a Damn attitude, I would probably be excommunicated."

"If you go back, why would you have that attitude?"

"I don't know."

"And if you didn't have that attitude?"

"Then I would helped to get back, to the standing that I once was."

"Is that what you want?"

"I don't know anymore. If I do, then that would mean, I would have to give up things that I truly love now."



"Why? Why would you have to give up the person you love, to go back to serve God?"

"Tera, Linda, you, and now me… live a life of…Sin. I don't know any other way to put it. Sin, willful, deliberate sin dose not mix with religion and God."

"If you would have married that girl, you would have never met ME. So, could it be that I am your gift from God, to make you happy? Could it be that God has made a compromise, because of the promise you kept to him. Maybe, just maybe he sent you to me, to change me. Maybe, we were destined to be with each other. Do I make any sense? I can change."

"But what if I don't."


"I'm happy. While serving God, I was never happy. I always Wanted. I was always in want. I was never satisfied, never. I was taught that if I wanted the things of this world, I was wrong, and that these things would not last. That thinking, made me lose the woman I loved, I don’t want to lose another love."

"You won't."

"YOU, are who my heart, soul and body loves now. My heart and soul are dedicated to you. You are MY GOD. You make me happy. You make me content. You satisfy, my needs want's and desires. I never, had those things. I will NOT, leave you to go back to a life of want. I am you servant. My temple, is this bedroom. The alter is this bed. My body is my sacrifice to you. What you want, I will do. As long as I remain faithful to you. As long as you have my heart, promise me, that you will never take you love from me. Promise me that you will never, NEVER, leave me."

"I…I can. I can try to."

"Don't try to. Commit."

"Jason, that is a lot to ask."

"To remain FAITHFULL? That is a lot to ask? You just told me that you love me. That love, is an action word, that it must be displayed. I am asking that you just LOVE ME, REMAIN FAITHFULL TO ME… FORERVER! Why is that a lot to ask from a person who loves you?"

"If you remain true to me FOREVER! I will remain true to you, FOREVER! I promise."

"Come here!"

She moved over to me, spread her legs and sat on top of me. I leaned up and held her tight in my arms.

"Look at me in my eyes and say it."

She looked me in the eyes.

"I promise. Now give me, my sacrifice."

"As you wish."

I moved forward and kissed her. My heart raced. It was amazing, every time we made love, it felt like it was the first time. I got nervous, and would start to shake. Questions would go through my mind like, am I pleasing her? Do I really satisfy her sexually? My pulse would race to the point it felt like I was running a marathon. Every time, no matter what felt like the first time. The rush, of exploding in her. Her warm breath on my neck, our lips meeting, and passionately, lustfully kissing. Even when we got down and really perverted, it was still special. For some reason, it seemed the more perverted, the longer we made love. And the longer we made love, the tighter our bond became. When you make love to someone you are truly bonded with emotionally, physically you are taken to another level. That high, is so intoxicating, and unlike a drug addict, who continues to do drugs looking for that next first high, but never finds it, this high was repetitious. Every night, every day, every second, I felt my first sexual high with her. There was nothing else like it. When we just were outright perverted to each other, my heart felt like it would beat out of my chest. Love, lust, and perversions where our theme to this sexual theatrical performance we put on every day.

Perversions of Love

True love makes you treat the one you love, with love. By the way Linda and I made love to each other, people would probable say we are in lust with each other not love. The way we loved, was not traditional. It was not boring. It was not even hot. To tell you the truth, I don't think there is a word in the English, or any other spoken language, to describe how we made love. And I can truly say, it is love, because I felt the love inside of me. I cared for her. No matter how hardcore, we never asked each other to do things that would cause pain, or do things that was totally sadistic. We just feed of each others desires. And the more we drew closer to each other, the deeper our sexual thirst became, the more perverse our thoughts became. It was like we read each others mind, and just did things to please each other, because we knew that is what the other wanted, even without asking. Our fantasies became broader and more lustful.

"You got everything?"


"Do you have your shoes?"


"Do you have your suit?"


"Do you have your shirts?"


"Do you have your brain?"


"You are so stupid."

I looked up at her as I sat on the couch. She looked so great. She had a pair of black leather pants, that were very tight. She wore as a top a thick black wool sweater. She looked so sexy when she wore black. I knew she didn't have on any under wear or a bra which just peaked my hormones. It is such a turn on for me to know that all I have to do is unbutton and unzip and I would have access to the best pussy in the world.



"Come here for a second."

She walked around to me and stood there. She looked at me like she knew what I wanted.

"We have to go."

I pulled her to me. She fell on top of me, and I kissed her.

"I just want to see, you pussy."

"Jay! We have to go."

"Just let me see, that's it."

"No! Come on let's go."

"Please! Just let me lick it. Just once before we go."

"NO! Now get up off your ass and lets go!"

I got up off the couch and help her up. She walked in front of me, and picked up her bag. The pants she had on, fit her body like a glove. My cock was so hard, I could have just fucked her right there. I walked behind her and pulled her to me.


"Can you feel how hard I am?"

I pulled her to me. I then moved her hair from the right side of her neck. I kissed it, then licked it.

"we gotta go." She said in a low voice. I knew I had her. I found that her neck was her erogenous zone. When I kissed her there she literally became week. I continued to kiss her. My left hand went under her sweater and I lightly grabbed her right breast. My right hand went into her pants. It was hard getting in and it was tight moving around. I pushed down until my hand was at the entrance of her pussy. I felt her labia and I pushed in with my middle finger. I moved around in her and I felt for her clitoris. When I felt it, I slowly rubbed the bottom of it. My kisses on her neck got harder. I moved up and bit her ear.

"you like that?" I said very low in her ear.


"you want me to stop?"

"fuck no."

She was at the front door, so I pushed her to and began to hump her from the back. I could feel my wet cock through my pants.

I started to rub her clit hard and faster. I lifter her sweater up, exposing her tits. I leaned over her shoulder and sucked one of them . I then moved back to her neck. I could feel her, pulse racing as my lips kissed her neck. Her knees buckled, her breathing became heavy. She unbutton her pants. I got more room to finger fuck her. She kneeled to the floor. I was pulled down with her. My lips never left her neck, my finger never left her cunt. She laid on the floor and she pulled down her pants. She began humping on my middle finger. I rubbed her clit harder. I felt on my hand a warm liquid, she moaned load and pulled her sweater up. She then took one of her tits and began to suck it and bit on the nipple. When she stopped I knew she had finished climaxing. I felt so pleased knowing that I could, turn her on and make her orgasm. For a guy to cum is so easy, but for a guy o make his girl cum, was a great accomplishment. I've read in so many magazine how woman love the men their with, but are so displeased sexually. I knew I could please Linda, because I would feel her heart beat, I could feel and see her body in convulsions, I could feel and see her cum. No matter how good of and actress a woman is, she can not fake those things.

Linda laid on the floor, with her head to the side and looked at the wall in a daze. I pealed the tight pants she had on down to her ankles. I then leaned down and spread her ass cheeks. I buried my face in her ass, and began licking the hole. I lubricated it with my saliva, I then moved up to her and whispered I was going to fuck her ass. I put the head of my cock between her cheeks, and asked if she was ready. She closed her eyes. I then pushed forward. She let out a light "Fuck!" I then moved back and forth in her hole. I kissed her neck again, and began to suck on it. As I got closer to coming, I leaned back and pulled her hair. I felt myself about to cum. I pulled out of her ass, and held my cock tight. I slid on the floor to were I was in front of her, my pants were around my ankles so I kneeled in front of her. I lifted her head up, and I told her to open her mouth. When she did, I let my grip on my cock go. I quick stream of cum went in her mouth. She moved forward and started to suck. When she finished she moved her mouth slowly off my cock. She then got up very slowly, and stood in front of me. I was still on my knees.

"Untie my boots." She told me very forcefully. "Pull them off." I did. "Take my pants off." I did. She stood in front of me with her legs spread. I looked at her pussy. I loved the way it looked. The labia hung there, waiting for me to lick.

"You wanted to see my pussy, here it is."

She moved forward, grabbed my head and pulled me into her cunt.


I entered her pussy with my tongue. I entered her ass hole with my middle finger. I licked her wet cunt, hard.


I knew she was just about two minutes away from coming. I licked the bottom of her clit, with the tip of my tongue.

Her hard tone of voice changed when she came.

"Oh, jay! Yes, ah, ah, fuck. I'm, yes, yes!"

She came in my mouth. It was a quick gush, and her legs buckled. I pushed her against the door and drove my mouth deep into her vagina. I then sucked ever last drop of her cum, and held it in my mouth. I moved up to her face. I grabbed her jaws with my right hand and made her open up. When she did, I let the cum and saliva mixture that was in my mouth drain into hers. When it was all out, I told her to swallow. I then spread her legs, and lifted her up and entered her cunt. I forcefully began fucking her. Our bodies hitting the door, made a loud thumping noise. Linda looked at me as I pumped harder in her. She gave me this wicked, grin of satisfaction and approval.

"I'm about to cum, you want it in your pussy mouth or face?"

"You choice."

I let her legs drop to the floor, and pulled out of her. I held my cock, with my left hand. "Get on your knees!"

She got on her knees, and swallowed my cock. She moved her mouth over it a few times, and then I exploded in her mouth. She pulled away and let most of my cum drip over her face. She stood up, and looked at me. Her face was covered, with hot sperm, that dripped from her forehead to her lips.

"Kiss me!" she said

I leaned down and kissed her. As my tongue probed her mouth, I could taste the salty sperm on the roof of her mouth, on her tongue, and lips. She moved back and leaned her head on the door.

"You want to fuck all week end or you want to go to this wedding?"

"Let's go, it would be really hard trying to explain why we didn't go."

"I'm feeling kind of sick all of the sudden."

"Get cleaned up and lets go."

She went into the bath room and got freshened up. I walked into the bed room and she stood in front of the closet nude, with her legs spread. I walked over and stood behind her. I grabbed her waist, and then rubbed her stomach.