North of the River


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"What's the matter?" Maddie asked him, seeing his hesitation.

"I... uh... haven't had a shower in a few weeks," he said slowly. "Maybe I should just sleep over there after all."

"You can't possibly smell any worse than I do," she said. "I haven't had a shower since our house blew up." She patted the bed again. "Come on, Conner. Come lay with me. I promise not to be offended."

"Okay," he said slowly. He walked over and let himself down, putting his body next to hers. He felt his leg touching the side of her jeans, his hip touching hers. He tried to scoot away but she wouldn't let him.

"It's okay, Conner," she said softly, putting her hand on his hip and forcibly pulling him against her. "It'll be warmer if we, like, kinda cuddle up, you know?"

"I... uh... I guess," he stammered. He remained on his back, relishing the sensation of her next to him. Even through all of the clothing, she felt soft against him. And even though he could smell the sour odor of girlish sweat clinging to her, it was not exactly unpleasant. He felt his penis hardening in his pants as it realized this was the closest he'd ever been to such an attractive girl.

She rolled up onto her side, facing away from him and then looked over her shoulder at him. "Well?" she asked.

"Uh... well what?"

"Are you going to cuddle me?"

He swallowed nervously. He had never cuddled a girl before and wasn't exactly sure how one went about it. He had never had a girlfriend before, had never even had a date. His entire history with the opposite sex consisted of two visits to a whorehouse outside Dallas, Texas during basic training. And, while he had gotten himself laid, the whores had treated the entire relationship like what it was, a business. Their goal had been to get him in and out -- so to speak -- as quickly as possible. They had most definitely not been into cuddling. "I... uh..." He swallowed again. "I mean..."

Maddie seemed to pick up what he couldn't say. "Just roll up against me," she told him. "Put your arm around me and pull the blankets over us. That way, we'll, like, share body heat."

Slowly, hesitantly, he did as she said, rolling up onto his right side, so his front was pushed against her back. He kept his hips back a little, fearful that she would feel his erection pushing against her if he made contact. He then took his left arm and draped it over her stomach. Her body felt extremely nice against him, soft and curvy and very feminine.

"Mmmm," Maddie sighed. "That's nice, Conner. Very nice. It feels good to have a man hold me. It makes me feel... you know... safe."

"I'm uh... glad I can... uh... help," he said, memorizing the feel of her soft stomach against his forearm.

They lay there silently, not moving as the last of the light disappeared and complete darkness conquered the room. Outside, the artillery barrage went on and on but Conner barely heard it, so enraptured was he to be actually in a bed with a pretty girl and holding her body next to his. His penis remained hard within his pants, begging to be ground up against Maddie. He resisted the urge, keeping it well away from her. What would she think if she felt it? Probably disgust. She would probably kick him out of her bed, possibly even out of her room.

Despite his efforts to keep it away from her, he soon found out what she would think. She squirmed a little in her bed, pushing her rear end backwards until it contacted him. The bulge of his crotch was now pushed firmly against her ass, exactly where she couldn't help but feel it. He tried to pull back away from her, horrified, embarrassed, but she moved with him, keeping the junction firmly together.

"It feels like you like me," she said softly, her tone indecipherable.

"I'm sorry," he blurted. "It's been a while... since... you know... and... and..."

"It's okay," she whispered. "I kind of like it."

"You... you... do?"

"Yes," she said with a naughty giggle. "It makes me feel... like... pretty, attractive. You know what I'm saying? I mean, I must look and smell like absolute shit, but I can still give an older guy a... you know... a stiffy."

"Uh... yeah," he said, licking his lips. "It's a... a stiffy all right."

She giggled again. "Do you want to... touch me?" she asked him.

"Tuh... touch you?"

"Uh huh," she said. "You know? Like... under my shirt? Under my pants?"

"Uhh..." he started, unsure how to respond. Nothing even remotely like this had ever happened to him. Was she really inviting him to... to... touch her?

"You can," she said, squirming a little against him, putting more pressure on his erection. "I kind of want you to. It reminds me of... like... the past, you know? Before the war. Of being in a car with my boyfriend. Will you touch me, Conner? Just for a little while?"

"I... uh... guess I could do that," he said through a dry mouth. "If you really want me to."

"I really want you to," she said.

He felt her hand atop of his, the one he had on her stomach. She grasped it, pushing it downwards, under the bottom of her flannel shirt. She then pulled it up, setting it on the soft skin of her bare stomach.

"Go ahead," she whispered. "Touch me. Feel me. Anywhere you want. Anywhere."

Trembling, excited beyond belief and nervous as hell, he began to rub his fingers around on her stomach. He passed over her bellybutton, over her flanks, felt the bottom of her ribcage. Her skin was silky smooth, so soft and pliable. She cooed a little as she felt his touch, her hips grinding just a bit against his hard-on. He moved his hand further upward, onto the bra cup of her right breast. He squeezed softly, getting the feel of it, in awe that he was actually gripping her tit. It was about the size of a grapefruit, soft, yet firm, as if it had been made to be squeezed.

"You can put your hand under the bra," Maddie told him gently.

Conner knew an order when he heard one. He brought his hand downward again and then squirmed his fingers under the bra cup. Soon he had her bare tit in his hand. The nipple was hard, pushing insistently against his fingers. He felt it, pinching it lightly. Maddie took in a sharp intake of breath as he did so, obviously enjoying his ministrations.

He decided to take a little initiative. He ground himself a little more firmly against her body, sending pleasurable tingles throughout his groin. Maddie seemed to like this, so he did it a little harder. As he moved his hand to her other breast, he moved his head forward. With his free hand he pushed her hair out of the way and began to kiss the back of her neck. He had read in the many Internet porn sites he'd perused over the years that girls liked it when you did that.

The Internet porn sites were apparently right. The effect on Maddie was nothing short of dramatic. She arched herself more firmly against him and her breathing speeded up to a near pant. "That's nice," she said, desire clearly in her voice. "Very nice, Conner."

"Yes," he panted back, still unable to believe this wasn't a wet dream he was going to awaken from at any moment.

Suddenly she was squirming into a new position. She twisted herself until she was on her back. "Suck them," she told him. "Suck my nipples, Conner. I want to feel your mouth on me."

He made a growl in reply, his mouth incapable of forming speech at the moment. He extricated his hand from her shirt and then began to tug on it, rucking it up to her neck. She reached down herself and pulled up her bra, releasing her breasts from their confinement. He lowered his face down, operating by feel only since there was no light. He felt the jiggly flesh against his cheek, the nipple pushing into his chin. He adjusted himself and slurped the hard protrusion into his mouth.

"Oh yessss," Maddie sighed, her hand going to the back of his head.

As he suckled first one nipple and then the other, he put his hand back on her stomach and began to move it downward, towards her crotch. She had told him he could feel her anywhere and he figured that standing order still applied. He grasped the button of her jeans and, when she didn't protest, pulled on it until it opened.

"Mmmm, yessss," Maddie moaned in his ear. "Do it, Conner. Touch me. Feel me up."

He found the zipper and pushed it down, opening the pants enough to allow his hand admittance. He pushed his fingers in the opening and felt the silkiness of her panties. He allowed this sensation to register for a few moments and then moved onward, forcing his fingertips under the waistband of them, onto the skin of her lower stomach. He found the going a little rougher than he'd anticipated here but, with persistence, he was soon touching the crinkly hair of her pubis. He pushed lower until he encountered wetness and her slippery lips. Though he was inexperienced, he could tell she was incredibly turned on by what he was doing to her. This gave him confidence unlike anything else that had happened. He had actually turned a woman on! He had! The boy who had once thought that even the Dallas whores would refuse to sleep with him.

He pushed even lower, until his middle finger was firmly entrenched between the lips of her vagina. He rubbed up and down for a bit, smearing her juices around, drenching his finger, and then curled the finger inward, forcing it inside of her. She was tight, he realized excitedly. Incredibly tight. Her muscles gripped at his digit, trying to pull it in further. Her entire pelvis rose off the ground, assisting in this effort. She was now panting like an engine, her breath rushing in and out, occasional moans punctuating his efforts when he touched her in a particular way. His engineering-oriented mind quickly learned to duplicate these sensations and expand upon them, bringing further pleasure to her.

She suddenly gripped his forearm in hers, almost hard enough to cause pain. "I want you to fuck me," she told him.

"Huh?" he stammered, his awkwardness coming back in an instant. Did she just say what he'd thought she'd just said?

"Yes!" she said, pulling his hand out of her pants. "I want you inside of me. Oh God, fuck me, Conner! I'm, like, so fucking horny right now!"

He heard her squirming around on the bed beneath him. Though he couldn't see her, it didn't take a genius to figure out what she was doing. She was taking her pants off. She was not kidding around, not teasing, not participating in some elaborate practical joke. She really did want him to fuck her. He heard the pants slide down her legs, heard her kick them off. The smell of her crotch hit his nose at the same time. It was a thick, musky, sweaty smell, obviously made much stronger than it was meant to by the lack of recent bathing. It should've been overpowering, even gross, but it wasn't. It was the most erotic thing he had ever smelled in his entire life.

"Come on, Conner," she pleaded, her bare leg raising up and rubbing against his flank. "Do me, baby! Get your pants off!"

That kicked him into gear. He rose up and began fumbling with his belt. His hands were trembling so badly it took him three tries before he was finally able to open it. She wanted to fuck him! And he hadn't even paid her! At last, he was able to get the buttons undone and the zipper pushed down. He rolled over onto his back and pushed the pants down and off, his filthy GI underwear going with them. His cock was as hard as it had ever been before, wet and dripping pre-cum. He had a momentary fear as he realized he wouldn't last very long, but Maddie stifled it by reaching out and wrapping her fingers around him.

"Oh yes," she said, jacking it up and down a few times. "It's a nice one. Nice and big and hard."

Nice and big? Had she really said that? In all of the porno stories he'd read over the years, the guys all had cocks of at least nine inches. His was only seven and a half. Was she just trying to stroke his ego?

"Come on," she said again, pulling at him. "Get on top of me. Please?"

He rolled atop her, getting into position exactly as he'd done in the whorehouses. At least those experiences had done something for him. He slid between her spread legs and felt her hand tugging his cock forward. He felt the head touching her wetness, felt her smearing the tip up and down. He had another momentary fear about pregnancy -- after all, they had no condoms -- but that too disappeared once she seated him between her lips and began to pull on his with her hands on his ass.

"Fuck me," she said. "I want to feel it!"

He pushed forward, finding the going extremely difficult at first. She was very tight, almost too tight, certainly nothing like the whores he'd fucked before. He felt the head penetrate her and then stop, refusing to go further. He pulled out a little and then pushed in again, going deeper this time, about a half an inch past the head.

"Yesssss," Maddie moaned. "That feels so good. Put it all the way in. Allllllll the way!"

He pulled out and then pushed in further, sinking deeper this time. He did it again and then again, going deeper into her body with each thrust. Soon he was balls deep in her, his pubis mashed against hers. Both of them sighed at the penetration, Conner in particular as he felt her tightness gripping him like a sheath, putting pressure on his entire length. He began to rut in and out of her, moving smoothly and precisely for about twenty seconds, enjoying the caress of her passage, enjoying the feel of her smooth body moving beneath him, of her contented pants in his ear.

"Yes, yes, yes," she moaned as his butt rose up and down, as he slid in and out of her tightness. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeeeee!"

His thrusts quickly became erratic as he heard her pleasurable moans, her obscene words. Though the whores had whispered such sentiments as well, they had not even made the attempt to pretend they were sincere, nor would he have believed them if they had. But with Maddie, she really was sincere. She really was enjoying what he was doing to her, the feel of his cock in her pussy, the feel of him fucking her. Fucking her!

The orgasm hit him so quickly and so powerfully he didn't even have time to try to prevent it, to try to think of war bonds or Allied strategies or computer code. One second he was in control, the next, pleasure was exploding through his body and he was spurting blast after blast of hot semen into her body, his hips rising and falling spastically, his mouth biting at her neck to keep from screaming.

"Ohhhhh, Godddddd," he groaned as he poured himself out into her.

"Ohhhhh, yesssss," she moaned as she felt it.

It was only after the last spurt had shot, only after the immediate pressure was released, that it occurred to him he'd just put in a pathetic performance. Maddie hadn't cum! Though he had never experienced a female cumming as a result of his ministrations, he was reasonably sure the event had not taken place. She was excited, sure, but orgasm? No. Though his natural inclination was to stop thrusting, to collapse atop her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear while his cock slowly shriveled up to normal size, he fought it. He continued thrusting, driving his wet cock into her overflowing passage.

"Ooooh," Maddie said, surprised. "You're not gonna... oooh, you're... oh!"

He began to move faster and harder, moving his cock in such a way that the sensation caressed it firmly enough to prevent it from shriveling. He found it was exactly the manner in which Maddie enjoyed him moving as well. Now it was her words that became incoherent, her body that began to thrust up and down in an out of control manner.

"Oh my God, Conner, you're gonna... oh... you're gonna... Ohhhhhhh!"

He redoubled his efforts, slamming in and out of her, grinding at the bottom of each stroke, rubbing himself on her exposed clitoris. She began to tremble beneath him now, her fingernails biting into his back through his T-shirt. When she finally came, it was an amazing thing to be a part of, an experience that would forever shield him from being fooled by a fake orgasm. She had a near seizure beneath him, her legs tightening around his ass. Her vaginal muscles clenched down on him, nearly hard enough to bridge the gap between pleasure and pain.

"Ahhhhhhh, Goddddddd!" she screamed out, loud enough so that any passing Chinese soldiers on the street below might have heard her.

She relaxed against him but he wasn't done. He kept thrusting, slamming in and out and grinding his body. By now his cock was once again very interested in staying in the game, was begging for another release. There was no way he was going to stop now. He put his mouth to hers, kissing her for the first time. Though he hadn't brushed his teeth in quite some time, though he had been eating seagull for dinner, and though she had been doing the same, he didn't care, and neither did she. Their tongues came together, swirling against one another, probing each other's mouths. She came again a few minutes later, the spasms and groans indicating it was even more powerful than the first. He came shortly after, his orgasm weaker than the first, but certainly nothing to complain about.

At last, both of the sated, he collapsed atop her. They shared a few more deep tongue kisses, their remaining passion grounding like an electrical current, gradually easing off to more affectionate kisses of lovers, of friends.

"Wow," she said at last. "That was, like... you know... wow."

"Yeah," he said, already feeling the pull of sleep trying to take him.

"I've been, you know, like fucked before... but never like that," she said. "No one has ever made me cum before."

He shrugged, as if satisfying lovers was something he did a couple a times a day. "I guess you just haven't found the right man," he said.

"I guess not," she said with a giggle. She took a few more breaths, her hands continuing to caress his back. "I think I can sleep now," she told him. "I feel nice and relaxed. Safe."

"Me too," he said, truthfully.

"Will you still hold me tonight?" she asked, her voice very much that of a little girl.

"Yes," he told her. "I'll hold you. I'd love to."

They repositioned themselves, neither bothering to put their clothes back on. She snuggled up against him, his arms around her. Within minutes, both drifted off, neither thinking about what tomorrow was going to bring.

Al Steiner

March 25, 2004

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Falstaff60Falstaff60about 2 months ago

Interesting story though the premise is not based on reality. The US military is several times larger than Chinas in almost every metric, and the only nation with more tanks is N. Korea. The US Air force and Navy is several times larger than any other nations. In fact, the US Navy is larger than most other countries combined with only N. Korea, again, having more subs, though theirs are older and less advanced. But that's why it's fiction I guess.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well that was traumatising, genocide, child rape and a women with the language skills of a bimbo

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
you need to continue this

like what I said

skywriterxxxskywriterxxxover 7 years ago
yes, it's dark... but

WOW, an amazing story! Well done, and unfortunately, very believable. Good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
great start

Really need to see some more of this one!! Great!!!

nighthawk22204nighthawk22204over 13 years ago
Realism combined with fantasy makes a very enjoyable story.

I wish Tom Hanks had spent 25% of the story getting Private Ryan laid with at least half the passion of Conner's first date. The fantasy is not that the Chinese invaded the US, but that Conner get laid before he got gutshot.

How did the Red Chinese Army do it? Perhaps every immigrant from China, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Malayasia, Phillipines and the Koreas who has two to three generations of resentment over their condescending treatment by Euro-Americans finally decided to act in unity to set things right. Perhaps they were all genetically seeded as deep cover operatives within every office of the US government including every wing of the White House and every ring of the Pentagon.

Perhaps Red China really does covet the entire U S oil and gas and gold and nuclear reserve, and all the technology that made it possible. If it is possible to take out the three largest office buildings in the US with 2 dozen operatives armed with box cutters, how much damage can you do with the fevered commitment of three hundred million armed military? How does a nation do it? How did the US defeat Nazi Germany and the Empire of the Rising Sun back to back? Simple commitment and leveraged debt.

How do you get across an ocean? The same way the US delivered nukes to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Catch a bus. A large bus. An airbus.

How do you create a safe harbor, controlled mass landing zone in North America? Buy one. If Harrison Ford can buy an 800 acre ranch just for a homestead, how many acres can you acquire with the joint efforts of thousands of Chinese immigrant millionaires in Vancouver alone?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
This was good, you should follow it up.

I have read both this and "Collateral Damage" and did not find them that dark. Then again I laugh when I hear of people saying that scenes of excessive and graphic violence in "Saving Private Ryan" should be remove.

Rarely do I leave comments or opinions as I rarely (reality never have when I use to) hear back from authors their thoughts on my opinions.

You have done well in crafting this stories and the results are very realistic and true to form, though your time line might be off a bit. They also open up areas that need to be addressed, such as our wounded troops coming back and the difficulties faced by care givers.

I have also found some of the comments of others entertaining. Though I would find rat on a stick infinitely better than boiled seagull, food is food or as we use to say in survival training "it's 70% water, 30% protein" to the refresher trainees.

I would hope that you continue your writing, if not in this venue at least in some other.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Good but a few flaws

I thought it was very good, however with everything in life, there were a few flaws in the story.'

I am not going to be listing the kind of flaws that the anonymous readers have posted, but other flaws.

I find it too typical that a cheerleader type of girl survives through a war in her hometown and flirts and has sex with a nerd soldier. I mean, come on. The least you could have done is write Madison as a drama/artsy type of girl. That way, it would have been a little more believable. Nonetheless, it seems those cheer practices have paying off as she was able to survive through bombs, bullets, napalm, ect.

I highly doubt eating a seagull would be sanitary. Granted, the place where Connor and Madison ate wasn't either, but seagulls are supposed to be rabid with diseases and flus. Especially the BIRD FLU!

Overall, it was a good story. I hope there will be a second/third/fourth part. I want to know if they live through the ordeal and start a family.

YoB1009YoB1009almost 16 years ago
Great story.

While not my normal choice for reading i loved your story. I agree with most of these guys. Does it really matter that this is an "unrealistic" scenario? Its fiction, if it bothers you so much to see it set in 2012 maybe imagine it happening a decade or 2 later. Who knows what china will have then. That being said i would love to see this story continue. It has a lot of potential.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanalmost 16 years ago
I know it's only a fictional story, but

let's put IT (in the year 2012?, about 3 and a half yaers from now?) into some sensible perspective: <p>

1. china has a few spy satellites in orbit... <p>

2. america has a few dozen of them.... <p>

3. china's few mid-sized submarines (1-2 decently equipped nuclear-powered subs) --- with vew few, if any, having the capability to do year-long, long-ranged patrol from east to west and pole to pole, carrying no more than a dozen or so single "nukular" warhead... <p>

4. america has a fleet (close to 20) of super-sized, nuclear powered subs that are equipped with ICBM type "nukular" warheads, and these subs are all over the world, carrying HUNDREDS of multiple ICBM's, each with dozens of MULTIPLE warheads [merv's], that are programmed to split from the mother warhead, to fly to a different target.... <p>

5. china has a standing armed forces that out-number america's by 4-6, that's true....<p>

6. but rowing your way across, from Hongkong and Shanghai harbors toward Oregon and Washington states, even with a Red Army of 2,000,000 is a bit awkward and slow, isn't it? how you're going to do that without triggering america detection, from both land and space? <p>

[[[How did Gen. Li Chang get across the Pacific Ocean? AFTER America's armed forces have already been reduced to no more than a few thousand militia type units? HOW?]]]

7. while china's few hundred military airplanes --- from helicopters to jets --- are mostly modified technolgies and parts, and wholes, from russia, of the 1980s and 90's,,,,,,,, america's fleet of supersonic jets and stealth planes, which could fly in any weather, in darkness ('cuz they are guilded by SPY/military satellites, which america has outnumbering the chinese by a large margin and with more senstive software, too) outnumbered the chinese by a few good hundreds.... <p>

8. china's overt military budget is less than $25 billion a year; america's overt pentagon budget --- with all stupid Libral's cuts --- is close to $600 BILLION a year, more than half of the world's military expenditures on militarism! <p>

9. while china has a few hundred moderate size ICBM type "nukular" warheads, america has a couple thousands, most of which have been upgraded, so that they not only have higher yield but also so that each has multiple re-entry smaller and programmable warheads ["mirv's"]... <p>

10. yes, it is true enough that with "nukular" warheads, whether it is a 500 kT 2,000 kT, if each side sends a couple hundred of them over to the other side, after a while the respective landscapes tend to all blur up, with intense radiation all over the place, hard to see or breath.... so it is true that america does NOT have that much advantage over china, in nukular exchange..... <p>

so, again, I wonder how Gen. Li Chang of the Red Army got to the Pacific northwest, in Oregon and Washington states, showly marching across the mine-fields of the Dakotas, littered with thousands of now-obsolete?, nukular ICBMs??? <p>

this sci-fi/fantasy MUST, then, be an "alternate history" piece....which there's nothing wrong with [[[I just don't read alternate history fiction, because to me straight pretending sci-fi is enough stretching of the imagination]]]

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