Notes From The Underground


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"What's going on?" inquired Erin excitedly.

"Well nothing definite as yet" replied Kelly. "But there are some potentially interesting threads starting on the legal discoms." Discoms were discussions and communications special interest forums. These were essentially specialized hotops for a particular profession. In this case the legal profession consisted of judicial consuls, legal consuls and others who made their living with the practice of the law.

Erin was both surprised and confused. This was not the area where she would have expected such a hotop to start. "What possible talk could there be? Their legal status was settled long ago, unfortunately."

"The discussion is not about their legal status, that's the interesting part" continued Kelly. "It's about the interpretation of some silly and confusing legal formality."

Erin was very interested now. Perhaps there was another loophole in the law that someone had found. This was entirely possible since the law itself was over a hundred years old. Maybe someone had re-examined the law now that the Children were nearing legal age. Zax might have even initiated the inquiry. Wouldn't that be ironic! "Someone found a new loophole?"

"No, I don't think so" said Kelly simultaneously dashing Erin's hopes and adding to her confusion.

"What then?"

"Well it appears that there might be a requirement that the Children undergo an examination by the State when they reach legal age, but before they are converted."

"So maybe there is another loophole after all", repeated Erin her hope rising again.

"I don't think so" replied Kelly. 'The exam appears to be a formality. As you know, the offspring of diapered slaves were supposed to be treated just like other children until they reached legal age. Clearly inflicting such a punishment on an infant or small child or even a young teen was considered too severe or perhaps taboo. In order to insure that the owners did not violate this requirement, the law mandated that the child be examined just prior to conversion to see if she had been mistreated."

"And if she had?"

"Then she would be taken away from her owners and given to someone else, apparently."

"But her fate would remain the same" added Erin.

"That would depend on the new owner, I guess" said Kelly.

"Interesting" said Erin. "However, this does not seem to help us or them, as you said. It's well known that Zax has treated them well. Everyone knows they live in some sort of school on the Island. Zax made sure this was well publicized."

"Yes" said Kelly nodding her head. "Very true, however the really interesting thing is that the exam is apparently not just physical, it's mental as well."

"What?" said Erin surprised. "You mean that a psychtech must examine them?"

"Possibly; there is a lot of discussion over this point. As you know the law is old and the language archaic. Psychtechs did not exactly exist at that time, so there is substantial debate over exactly what 'examine' means."

Erin sat silent for several minutes thinking. Language evolution was a well know phenomenon. New words were introduced by each new generation; some of them were formally adopted, while others were essentially ignored. However over time, new words would replace older ones and worse yet influence the grammar and sentence structure. After a few hundred years, most people could still read and understand what was written, however as more time passed the difficulty increased until at some point the language has changed so much that it had essentially became foreign. This phenomenon had grown worse as technological advancement had increased at an ever faster pace. In the twentieth century it was still possible for native speakers to understand texts that were 400 or more years old. By the 24th the ability of a reader to understand older texts had narrowed to less than 200 years. In fact, even the alphabet had changed significantly over that period of time. Erin could well see the how difficult a problem interpreting a 100 year old law would be. In fact, anyone engaged in such an activity would need to be a scholar in old and ancient texts. A large part of the controversy over Zax's breeding program had centered on just this problem. There were only a handful of women alive that could actually read and understand the text of the original law. Zax of course, had almost all these on retainer at the time, further adding to the debate over what was fair and just. However, this new development was interesting and possibly presented a new opening not only in the debate over Zax's control of the Children, but their ultimate fate as well.

"This is most interesting indeed" said Erin finally. "It bares much closer examination and inquiry. However, this time we need a legal scholar on our side. Eighteen years ago, Zax ran rough-shod over everyone by monopolizing access to all the legal scholars. We can't let this happen again. Also, we need to examine the psychological aspect. Has Del returned from the University?"

"Yes, back yesterday" said Kelly. Delaware Jones, PhD was the only permanent resident at the Ranch who was not an ex-slave. She was a well known psychtech from the University where she still lectured. Delaware, or Del as the women of Varinia called her, had become interested in the colony of ex-slaves about 10 years ago. The group was well known by then, especially for its raid on Zax Island and its ceaseless advocacy for slave's rights. However Del was interested in the slaves themselves. Few had done research on the psychological impact of slavery on the salves themselves and absolutely no one had done any research whatsoever on ex-slaves. And for good reason: there were so very few of them. The servitude laws sentenced women convicted of committing a crime to anywhere from 24 hours to a lifetime of service, depending on the offense. Most offences were minor and the vast majority of those convicted served their sentences as servants. Slaves on the other hand were in an entirely different category.

A slave was owned and had essentially no rights whatsoever. Unlike a servant whose servitude eventually ended, a salve remained in servitude for life. Because of their low numbers, lifetime sentences, and non-person legal status, they were considered uninteresting and irrelevant with regards to psychological research. After all, no matter what the findings, they would be essentially irrelevant to everyone since there was no reprieve or path back into society for someone so condemned. However, a freed slave was another matter. Here was a woman that was condemned to the worst possible punishment and left without hope, who had by some unimaginable turn of fortune and luck been redeemed. Because of the small number of slaves and the enormous difficulties involved in gaining freedom, the number of freed slaves amounted to perhaps less than 50 women on the entire planet. In fact, no one knew the actual numbers, or for that matter cared; the number was that small.

Delaware had become interested in this rare group just as researchers of old had studied individuals with freak brain injuries in order to learn more about the functioning of the mind. After reading some Varinia's hotops and other literature, she had contacted Erin requesting a visit to the colony of ex-slaves. Erin at first had been suspicious and very reluctant to grant the request. Fortunately for Delaware, Erin's lover and close, Cathy Long, was also a professor at the University, and she was able to broker a deal for a visit. Even then, Erin had been reserved and reticent, although she was polite, as were the other women of Varinia. Delaware had found the small group of women both fascinating as well as captivating. Each women had a very unique story and a strangely up-beat, but oddly sad demeanor. Intrigued, she wanted to study the women long term and explore their unique situation. However, Erin would not hear of it. She was still suspicious and worried about invasion of their privacy as well as the malicious intent of Varinia's powerful enemies, most notably Zax.

It was shear luck that saved the day for Delaware. On the last day of her visit, one of the women in the group attempted suicide. Fortunately, she was discovered in time and before serious physical injury had been sustained. This however had not been the first suicide among Varinia's members. Years earlier a young woman named Jan, a close friend of Erin's who had suffered with her though the dungeons of Zax had committed suicide. This new attempt had brought back a flood of unpleasant memories for Erin who felt quite guilty about the entire episode, both present and past. Delaware had stayed to help the woman who had attempted to take her life and eventually Erin as well. A few days grew into a few weeks and as Delaware talked to the other women at Varinia she grew to like and respect them, and they her. She soon gained their confidence and they began to confide in her, and she was able to help them with their problems. When it came time for her to leave, everyone approached Erin asking her to let Delaware stay.

The two women had a frank talk one afternoon when Delaware went to say goodbye to Erin. "I want to thank you for your generosity and hospitality in letting me stay so long. We both know that my immediate reason for staying passed weeks ago. You have been most kind and I shall remember you always, Erin."

"It is I who should be thanking you" said Erin and she meant it. "You are probably aware that everyone here has requested that I let you stay." Delaware was about to say how flattered she was, but that she respected Erin's decision as their leader. But before she could say anything, Erin raised her hand and continued "I have been doing a lot of thinking the last few weeks. Jan was a very close and dear friend. You can only love someone like that when you have the kind of horrible shared experience we had together. I miss her intensely to this day. I also realize that we all have on-going problems, including myself. Our experience as slaves haunts us to this day and will forever I guess. You have helped us immensely, I see that now. There are big improvements in the women here, improvements that you are responsible for. I am also afraid now. There may be more attempts like the one we just saw. Our group is small and we can't afford to loose anyone. I guess what I am try to say is, will you please stay? We are in your debt and I can offer you little more than our grateful thanks."

Delaware was moved by Erin's plea and she said, "Of course Erin. It would be my privilege." The two women stood and embraced and there were tears in Erin's eyes. However things were not quite that simple. Delaware actually did need to leave. She had been away from the University too long already. She had not expected to stay even a fraction of the time she actually had, and her duties as a professor were severely backlogged. It was with sad heart that she departed the Ranch and there was not a dry eye anywhere, including her own. It was almost six months before she returned and was able to settle in.

Delaware spent the next 10 years shuttling back between the University and the Ranch, spending slightly more than half her time at the Ranch gathering data for her research, observing, and counseling the women there. Her research turned out to be groundbreaking and her book, Aftermath, about the impact of slavery on the women of Varinia and society in general was a run away best seller. She had insisted on splitting the proceeds with Varinia, who used their share of the funds to further the cause of reforming the servitude laws. Although Delaware was well liked and accepted by everyone, she still felt like an outsider. Part of this was due to her professional responsibility to remain objective and neutral. The rest was unchangeable fact: no matter how much time she spent in the colony of ex-slaves, she as a non-slave could never fully share in the common bond among the women there. Erin sensed her feelings of apartness at times, and would invite her to participate in the on-going group-sexual activities that were continually changing and evolving amongst Varinia's members. However, Del always declined, claiming the need to remain professionally objective. This is not to say, that Del hid in her quarters whenever there was a party or orgy. The sexual activities of the women were a large and important part of her research, and as such, she needed to gather as much information as she could about them.

These information-gathering sessions though professionally necessary and interesting were not something Del looked forward too. She was no prude and had, had several sexual relationships herself in the world outside of Varinia. In fact she rightly considered herself a typical modern woman. Sexual liaisons usually began in a woman's teens and lasted most of her life. It was rare for a woman to have only one or two partners during her lifetime, and except during the child-rearing years, relationships usually lasted no more than a decade. This is not to say that promiscuity was commonplace. Although one-night stands were not uncommon, the behavior of most women conformed to that expected from the Venkatesan Modification. As such, women typically went from one private and exclusive relationship to another and most of these lasted for several years or more. It was in this way that the ex-slaves were different. Their sexual relationships were constantly changing and far short of private, in direct violation of the Venkatesan Modification. Group sex, relatively uncommon in the outside world, was the norm here. More over the composition of these groups was continually changing and evolving. Lasting, longer-term relationships were virtually non-existent, though there were some trends in that direction. Liaisons outside the colony were unknown and shunned. Erin was one of the exceptions in this area. She had an on-going relationship with Cathy Long and ex-college pal (and now lover) who was a professor at the University. But this was a troubled pairing, plagued by long separations and an underlying moodiness on the part of both women.

When questioned, Erin would shrug her shoulders and say, "I don't know", when pressed she would blame matters on the fact that Cathy had not been a slave and could never really understand. Del saw deeper issues and sought answers in part by watching the women engage in their sexual soirées. These were usually quite raucous and kinky. Del would usually sit in the same room observing and taking notes while they were engaged in these 'sessions'. There was typically some object or focus upon which their activity centered. The vibrator was a good example. The group's technical wiz, a young woman named Stacy, had taken a vibrator and reprogrammed it to adaptively adjust itself based on the user's response. Although not completely satisfied, she announced one day that it was "ready for testing." Kelly, Erin's lieutenant and the 'naughty-girl' of the group immediately arranged a get together for that evening.

A group of six women met in Kelly's quarters about 10PM. Kelly had cleared the center of the living room, and as the women arrived they sat on the carpeted floor in a circle. Del was the first to arrive and she took a seat in a comfortable chair along one wall about 5 or 6 feet away from where the women would sit. Erin arrived next, followed by Pam, Stacy, and two others. Erin joked with Del as they waited for everyone to arrive and take their place. "You're not going to just sit there with your legs crossed all evening are you? I hear that Stacy's gadget is really something. Surely you can let loose just this once."

The remark about "keeping her legs crossed" brought giggles from the small group and Del blushed. But she retorted, "I might not be the only one!" This brought more laughter and a few cat-calls. However, Kelly was anxious to get started, so standing up she discarded her robe revealing her tall athletic body, full breasts, and shaven pussy. Del noted the latter in her notes. Diapered slaves had their pubic hair depilated and Kelly had chosen to remain this way; she also wore and used diapers occasionally. Erin on the other hand had her public hair restored and seemed to take pride in it. Del had questioned both women on their 'choices' but could not reach a firm conclusion as to the reason for this behavior. Worse some of the other women were constantly switching back and forth between having and not having pubic hair. Raising her hands for silence, Kelly announced "As you all know, Stacy as tinkered together yet another toy for our pleasure." There was more laughter and some hoots and Kelly was forced to pause, smiling at the levity in the room. "Being among the privileged few, I have tried it myself, purely to see if it would merit your attention and…" She was interrupted by some boos and snide remarks at this point. "…and I can assure you, everyone is in for a good time tonight!" More clapping erupted from the women and whistling also. "Now without further ado, let's get started!" With that, Kelly took her place in the group and Stacy stood up holding the vibrator. She was already naked and she walked to the center of the circle of women and held up the vibrator, turning it on and razing it over her head.

"I give you the goddess of pure pleasure", she announced turning slowly in place so all could see her. The women went wild and getting on their knees, bowed as if worshiping some pagan idol. At this point all the women had removed any remaining clothing and the group started chanting "Fuck me! Fuck me!" as Stacy continued to turn and hold up the idol of the affection. Kelly jumped up and blindfolded Stacy, spinning her around to disorient her. Resuming her place, she raised a fist and shouted, "Fuck me now! Fuck me now!"

Erin, whose back was to Del, was bent forward with her head touching the floor and arms extended, her pussy fully exposed to the psychtech. Del gulped and crossed her legs, trying to focus on her notes. After a minute or so, the chanting reached fever pitch and Stacy stopped turning and removing the blind fold, lowered the vibrator and pointing it at Pam who she was facing screamed, "Fuck you!"

The women went wild and jumping up mobbed Pam. Pam, like Kelly, was an ex-diapered slave who had spent time in Zax's dungeon and owed her release to Erin. A handsome woman in her early biological forties she was the oldest member of the current group and she groaned as the other women piled on top of her. Erin and Kelly took her arms while the other two grabbed her legs and spread them. Stacy knelt down between Pam's spread legs and literally stabbed the vibrator into her vagina. Del winched at the sudden and brutal movement, but Pam moaned in pleasure. Her loose pussy lips glistened with her juices and it was clear that the device had slid frictionlessly into her. The five women took up Stacy's chant, "Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck you!" For her part, Pam rolled her head back and moaned. Within about 30 seconds she came moaning, "Oh god! Yes, oh Yes, Yes!" This went on for a good ten minutes or so during which Pam must have had at least four or five orgasms. The last one left her withering and panting and pleading, "God no more! I can't take it, I'm spent!"

Stacy removed the vibrator and the women released Pam who lay on the floor, a hand between her large breasts and over her heart, panting. Kelly put the blindfold back on Stacy and the women resumed their positions and their chanting. After a few minutes of slowly turning in place, Stacy stopped again and removed the blindfold. This time she pointed the vibrator at Erin. "Take me from behind", Erin announced. The women went wild, and Erin got up on her hands and knees. Stacy stood behind her and plunged the vibrator into Erin's vagina. "Fuck me!" yelled Erin. "Move it in and out! Fuck me like a whore!"