Nothing Between Us


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I was in love. I could feel it. I knew it because my heart was melting for this woman. "Thuy," I whispered, my mouth just an inch from hers, "this is the best day of my life."

I saw tears in her eyes and she nodded quickly.

"I'd do anything for you," I told her, the emotions quickly overpowering me.

"I know," she replied and wrapped her legs around my waist. My cock was again pressing up against her mound, though this time wrapped in a plastic shield. I looked up into her burning eyes. My hips moved a bit lower until it felt like my tip was between her labia. I pressed forward and she wiggled under me, moving. I pressed forward again, not sure. Where the hell was I? Everything was wet and warm and wonderful. How did I figure out where to go? Thuy reached down and took my condom-wrapped shaft in her hand, pulling me lower and at a different angle.

I pushed my hips forward again where she had placed me and Thuy's eyes shot open.

My head was inside her. I could feel the tightness.

I pushed again and Thuy cried out. Her arms wrapped around me tightly, clutching me. "Slow..." she coaxed.

I nodded, but the truth was I had no idea what I was doing. Was I in just a bit or a lot? She was so tight around me and I felt so much pressure that I didn't know how to move slow or fast. I tried to inch in a little more and Thuy was whimpering. My Thuy. Oh, my Thuy. I didn't want to hurt her. I resolved not to move an inch more inside. Instead I would try moving in and out, but going no deeper than I was. I slid backwards and she moaned. I moved in again and she cried out. I didn't know what to do. All I could think to do was stay put and hold her, so I did. We lay there for a while with me resting partway in her, clutching each other.

Suddenly, I felt her hips move against me, rocking ever so slightly. I kissed her again and tried to remain still, letting her control what happened. She continued these tiny rocking motions against me and I could feel sensations already starting between my legs.

"I'm not gonna last long," I confessed to her.

"That's OK," she said in a voice that seemed about to break.

"Are you doing alright?"

She nodded, then said, "it hurts some." She looked deep into my eyes and then caressed my face while our hips moved back and forth together. "I'm so happy."

I admit that I didn't totally understand, but how could I? My gaze fell down the woman I loved to where our bodies met. I could just see the base of my cock before it disappeared inside her. I was further in than I realized.

I had an idea. I propped myself on one arm and lowered the other down her torso, gliding over her skin as I went. My hand disappeared between her legs, bumping into my own cock inside her. I slid up from there.... Thuy squealed and jumped up. I had found her clit. I kept my cock as still as I could, just filling her, while my fingers began to touch that sensitive spot. Her little whimpers became cries and her arms started to flail around the bed. As she moved, her muscles gripped my cock inside her, squeezing it and releasing it. It felt so good.

I kept rubbing her clitoris as she rocked her hips against me, and she was speaking, "yes," Jake," "omigod," and 20 others that I couldn't figure out. I felt my balls clutching, building and building. I realized I was thrusting into her. I hadn't meant to. It was so hard to stop now. Her hips were rocking harder too. I really hadn't meant to.




Oh, love.


Her fingers clawed at my back hard and she was watching me so intensely. There was sweat on her skin and tears.

I made sure my fingers kept moving on her. Tears sliding down her cheeks. I wanted to kiss each one. Her hips bucked hard into me. I was thrusting. Oh, thrusting deep into the one I had always loved.

It felt so good.






I was cumming, cumming, and cumming. I felt my face twisting and my whole body convulsing. Shot after shot into her.

But I kept my finger moving on her clit as I was collapsing on her. I didn't forget. All I wanted in the world was to make her feel like I did. She deserved everything I could give her. "Beautiful, beautiful," I heard myself saying over and over incoherently as my cock continued to throb deep inside her. She screamed and flew to the ceiling. She plastered herself against my body. My fingers slipped from their place. Her face was buried in my neck and her body convulsed with soft sobs. I didn't let go. I was here forever for her. As long as she would have me.

"Are you OK?" I asked. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, baby," she said still clutching me harder than I could believe. "Just a lot-" she breathed and wiped her face against me, "to handle," breath, "at once."

"Good," I said. "I think."

I felt her smile forming on my shoulder. "This is the reaction you want."

As our bodies calmed down, my emotions grew. I wanted to say something. To tell her. But I couldn't. There were no words for this.

I slowly said, "Thuy, I don't know how to tell you. How. How I feel. About you. I don't know. I want to tell you."

"I know, baby, I know. I think our bodies have been trying to say it for us."

Yeah. "Since we didn't know how."

From the very first touch, so many hours ago, this had felt different from the mild experiences I had had previously. Now, I got it. My times with the other girls had been about sex, me trying to learn, but this wasn't. This was about Thuy.

Thuy lifted herself up and my cock slid out of her. I rolled the condom off, tied it, and tossed it in a trashcan. After I settled back down on the bed lying on my back, Thuy crawled on top of me again, resting her body on mine. She put her head on my chest and we lay quietly together for some minutes, breathing. I just held her and watched her rise and fall with each breath. I drew the sheets up around us.

She spoke.

"You know, I've been wondering why you haven't ever had sex before. There are women all over you, and as clueless as you, as we, can be, I think you know it deep down. If you had ever really tried, you'd have found someone to play with." She ran her fingers through my chest hair and then looked up into my eyes. "What were you waiting for?"

I knew the answer now.



Late the next evening, Thuy and I were cuddling on the living room floor watching something forgettable when the phone rang. I picked it up to discover my mom on the other end. "Hey."

"How was your weekend, Jacob?"

Best ever. World shattering. Life changing.

"It was good."

"Who is it?" Thuy whispered from where she lay in my lap.

"Mom," I told her.

"Was that Jennifer?" my mom asked.

"Yeah. We're hanging out together." I looked down at Thuy and decided to go for it. "Actually, I think she and I are going to try dating each other for a bit. See how it goes."

Thuy straightened up and looked at me.

I heard my mother scream. "May! May!" That was Thuy's mother's name. "You were right! You were right! You said they'd figure it out!" There was a bang as my mother seemed to drop the phone and I heard Thuy's mother saying something. Sounded like they were jumping up and down. Then I heard my dad's voice.

"'Bout damn time. Can I go home now?"


"Don't stay out late.
Nowhere to go.
I'm home about eight.
Just me and my radio.

Ain't Misbehavin'
Saving my love for you."

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Best story on this website hands down

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Absolutely classic first time story! Well-done

MyglarenMyglaren18 days ago

Superb story and while it is porn, it also isn't, it has elevated itself beyond porn.

It is sexually exciting and the anticipation is all it should be but it is real people with real emotions that raise it to another level.

Beautifully written with no jarring spelling mistakes.

Only one minor nitpick (sorry) Thuy would have straight pubic hair, not curly. Asian/oriental people have straight pubic hair. I don't pretend to know why but have made this observation following my first experience of cunnilingus, where I was 'forced'* to lick the cunt of a Siberian girl who had such pubic hair. Long, straight, soft and wonderful, like the hair on her head. Delicious cunt too, one of the outstanding experiences of my life and I have loved licking cunts ever since.

I love hairy cunts, shaven cunts are boring.

*not much force was required, I was a willing participant, just a bit clueless initially.

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

„Now, I got it. My times with the other girls had been about sex, me trying to learn, but this wasn't. This was about Thuy.“

A beautiful line, and I, as a young man like Jake, will take this as inspiration for how I’ll treat sex in my life. I‘ve always viewed it as an act, but now I understand that it might be better to treat sex primarily as being with the person you‘re with.

WindHawkWindHawkabout 2 months ago

I loved how you balanced emotional maturity with sexual innocence to make their first time really special. The sex was written well too. The trip to the Condom Store was fun. Thanks for a great story.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I really enjoyed the skilful way you depicted the long respectful history of their friendship. The banter was very believable. As they became intimate the intensity and awe came through very well too.

Looking back I can well remember exploring the first time I went down on my girlfriend ,not really knowing what to do but listening out for feedback. Sadly English girls rarely gave me directions but it was wonderful experimenting. When I finally lost my virginity the sensory overload meant I had no real idea where I was .I thought I’d been engulfed in a magic warm velvet glove. I was hooked but it was all over way too soon which must have disappointed my partner no end. I never got the chance to make it up to her sadly so I envy Jake & Thuy. Worth waiting for.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I was thinking about this story well after reading it. It reminds me of a could-have-been in my life a couple decades ago. It captures the emotion and the cuteness of that age so well.

pk2curiouspk2curious2 months ago

GR8 story . Well done . Anoymous below is an idiot . Hymens are not on the entrance . They vary from a half inch to an inch or so .

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I can always tell when a writer has not been with a virgin, the hymen is a flap of skin that covers the entrance, it is not up inside. You can see it by simply spreading her pussy lips. Otherwise great story.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This story was a Masterpiece. Gosh i love romance and genuine love stories on here. This is one of the best

jhmastacooljhmastacool3 months ago

This is my favorite story here! I _so_ wish I was Jacob!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

4th time reading. Gets better every time. Would love to see the storyline continued. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


Thank you so much.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well written, crafted with care. Write more!!!

6King6King4 months ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Been a long time since I read this, but I love this story!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Wonderful narrative. Thank you for the effort and congratulations.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I’m 70 years old, and you’ve just taken me back 55 years, to my first real girlfriend. Thanks.

Unlike the previous anonymous writer, the two of didn’t last more than a year or so— she left for college and I was just 15. It was the first time for both of us, though, and I will never forget her.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I am 80 yrs. I met my wife when she was 16 and I, 21. We found our way like the people in your story. We married when she was 18, had 5 children. It's been 53 years. Some dreams do come true.

ExcoachExcoach5 months ago

Another refreshing story that is a flashback fo many people to their youth. Totally enjoyed every work of it. Fantastic job and a pleasant read

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I didn't expect the ending, but the rest of the story was great!

SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawa5 months ago

@My-Erotyka a very well presented path from simple acquaintance through friendship to love. Showing the personalities of each character in the story, it felt like you were one of those people. A beautiful description of sex and showing how you get to know your own and your partner's bodies. And despite all the turmoil, love brought Thuy (Jennifer) and Jacob together. 👧🏻♀️❤️🧒🏻♂️

ps. Sorry for any errors and linguistic inaccuracies, I don't speak English.

Best regards, SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland. 👩🏻‍🦳⚧️🧒🏻❤️⚧️👧🏻

Whome1578Whome15786 months ago

Great story well done. Love to read more of this story.

pummel187pummel1876 months ago

Beautiful story and I have no doubt that it was based on a real life experience, but why is the man in this story written like a complete imbecile?😮‍💨

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Love it. Sensitive, arousing, and cute.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The story was interesting, but confusing. The sex between the two, Thuy and Jake, was sensual and hot, but all the breakaways involving Jenny, then moms et al, broke the continuity. Having read it once, I don't think that I would want to read the story again. I don't want to belittle the author, but it sounded like the author was high on e LSD when he or she wrote it. Maybe, just me based on comments from other people here.

MoMiner64MeteMoMiner64Mete6 months ago

Verbose! Somuch extra trash in this story it was bordering on BORING. If all of the extraneous trash were removed it could have been a good story. With all the extraneous trash it is only mediocre. MM


WOW! This is a great story! I read a few pages and had to leave for about 4 hours. The first thing I had to do when I got back was to finish reading it.

Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What a beautiful, wonderful story! As I read it, I found it resonating with a time in my life when a very dear friendship suddenly bloomed into the discovery of a love so deep and complete that it shook me to the depths of my being. We had to wait longer in life to make the discovery. What is also interesting to me is the very end of the story, because when we found our connection she told me that years earlier her mother had said, “He’s very much in love with you, you know.”

I hope that you get the recognition for your writing that you desire; I am certain that you deserve it.

ParsimoniousPersimmonParsimoniousPersimmon7 months ago

Wow. This is one of best stories on Lit.

BiologoBiologo7 months ago

Excellent character development. The explorative physicality nicely detailed without turgid vocabulary or skills demonstrations beyond their experience—almost as engaging as their word play. Enthusiastic five stars.

One minor break in reality for me was imagining rolling down a well filled condom and then tying it off. Much easier to pull a condom off a softening cock and knot it; much less messy and likely to still contain more ejaculate than one rolled off.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Stop writing literotica. Go write a romance novel - with this kind of amazing skill, you can easily publish bestsellers. 10/5.

texlootexloo7 months ago

In generaln, I find the actual hardcore intercourse parts of stories tiresome, if they go on beyond a paragraph or so. I love the flirty touching leading up, and the aftermath, but not the extensively chronicled act. The expections to this are when the acts are over the top farce (sexual olympics for instance), or when the direct intercourse is written in such a way to tell the emotional stories of the protagonists. Many sex scenes could be switched with ones from other stories, and authors, with only a few minutes editing. That is not the case in this story. You are a very good writer.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Burnt Redstone was right, you write a winner in every way.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Beautiful story, thank you!

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