Oh! Stephanie

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Just what does Stephanie think she's up to?
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The date isn't important to this tale; but for those pedantic readers amongst you, it is set around 1978-ish or anytime with the last thirty years (or so).


I didn't really want to go to the party. They were all Stephanie's friends who would be there and I wasn't too struck on any of them. Some guy that used to be in her old crowd had moved back into town, apparently he had been pretty popular with his peers and they were holding a big party to welcome him back. GG had insisted that we had to go.

Stephanie (or GG as I called her) and I had been married for eight years now. We'd met at a party, some the girls in the group that I hung around with had been educated at a Catholic school. This had brought them into contact with some girls that were, shall we say, better off. Or in other words, Daddy's got lots of money, so I'm a stuck up little shit. Well that's how I saw them anyway; my father worked with his hands for a living and I did the same. No bloody silver spoons in my life.

Anyway one night, our group (or gang as you might like to call us) was invited to go to a party at a big house out on the Common. All right, someone in our group was invited, but as far as we were concerned invite one, you get the lot. Well, as I had imagined the party was full of Hooray Henry's and the like; so it wasn't up to much. But the beer was free so it wasn't too bad an evening.

Around midnight I was trying to find somewhere to take a leak and I found this young woman siting on a wall in the garden, crying. Now being a gentleman and with an eye for the outside chance. I strolled over and asked if I could be of some assistance. Well, she told me that she didn't require any assistance. OK she told me to "fuck off!" But I don't give up that easily, and after feigning that I was upset at how she had spoken to me. I offered to go and punch his lights out.

She asked, whose lights I was going to punch out? So I told her

"The guy who had made a beautiful young lady cry."

She looked up at me and laughed.

"He'd kill you," she said.

"In that case I'd die a happy man knowing I championed a lady." I replied.

Well to cut a long story, short. Twenty minutes latter, I was driving her home. She went by the unbelievable tittle of Stephanie Grenville-Gordini. Her father was a company director who drove around in a Rolls, and her mother is a real stuck up cow. Shall we say I was not the flavour of the month with them, but Steph and I seemed to hit it off very well.

Stephanie was about my height, five-foot-seven, slim, with quite small tits and bum. But a face to die for. I was really attracted to her, even though she came from a completely different background from me.

Stephanie was not the kind of name I would wish on anyone, so she became GG to me, If you're old enough, you might remember a film back then, the heroin was called Gee Gee. Anyway the nickname suited me, so I have always used it. G.G. has never made comment, although my in-laws get right out of they're prams over it.

Back to my story. Before we realised it, GG and me had became an item; it was like we were attached at the hip or something. We went everywhere together and soon got into some real heavy petting. She gave me blowjob's like no woman had ever done before (or since), but we never had intercourse (GG's term for it) until after we were married. It was three years before we could tie the knot, as we had to wait until she was twenty-one, you can guess why.

We were deeply in love and settled down in a little flat, and for the next few years every thing was rose's. With lots of blood, sweat and tears we saved enough to buy ourselves a little semi-detached house. GG's parents had plenty of cash but never helped us out; I wasn't good enough for Stephanie in their eyes, so we got no encouragement or help from them. We were just at the point of thinking about starting a family, when this bloody party came up.

Christine one of our old friends came round one day and said there was going to be a big party, because Craig Bannock had come back to town and Craig had insist that Stephanie be invited. I could see that GG was excited to hear this news. I had never heard of this Bannock guy before, but GG's reaction to his name, gave me a bad feeling in my stomach.

A few days later I ran into Tony, Christine's husband, in a pub. When I mentioned the party, he appeared surprised that GG and I were going. I pressed him on the subject and I got the feeling he had said something that he regretted. But after a little coaxing and a few more beers he relented. He told me this Craig was the 'leader of the pack' with that crowd, and that Stephanie and Craig had been an item for a long time before she went out with me.

It had been rumoured that the whole crowd they hung around with used to get a bit wild at some of their parties. I could remember some of the girls in my group of friends used to refer to they're parties as orgies. But GG had never hinted at anything like that happening to me. In fact she talked very little about her teenage years before she met me.

After talking to Tony, I told GG that I didn't want to go to this party. GG got annoyed with me and in the end we had a slanging match. The first real argument of our marriage. The only way I could calm her down was to say I was going, as she had threatened to go without me.

When we got there I was like a fish out of water. A guy who I assumed was Bannock came straight over and kissed Stephanie, ignoring me completely. He dragged GG onto the dance floor and she went with him without looking back at me.

Now, I was really pissed-off. Tony and Christine came over and kept me company whilst I glowered at GG and Bannock.

After maybe half an hour GG came back to me and asked me to dance a slow number with her. Once we were on the floor I told her I was not happy, and if she didn't stop playing up to Bannock we were going home.

GG said that I was being silly. Craig was just an old friend and I shouldn't get jealous. When I insisted that she stayed away from him she got really mad at me and walked off the dance floor to go and sit with Christine. I went and joined them, but you could cut the atmosphere with a knife.

GG was drinking far more than usual, and to be honest I was wishing I had let her come on her own. But I had the feeling that this Bannock guy had plans for my wife this evening that were going to fuck up my life.

Sure enough he came over, and once again ignoring me and asked her to dance. Now Craig Bannock was a big guy maybe e over six foot; I think he thought I was a push over for him, just because he had five or six inches on me. But he was a Hooray Henry and I was a street kid, where I grew up you had to be able to handle yourself and none of that Marquis of Queensbury nonsense.

I was surprised when GG told him, he had to ask her husband if he could dance with her. He turned to me and in a very condescending manor asked me. The look GG gave me made it plan that I had too consent and they went back on the floor. I could see his hands in all the places they shouldn't be, but I was helpless to do anything about it without causing a scene and that would definitely push GG over the edge. After the dance GG came back and danced the next dance with me although we hardly spoke.

As we danced I was keeping my eye on Bannock; he appeared to be making a tour of the place talking to all his pales. But the disconcerting thing was whichever guy he was talking too would take a quick look over at GG and me; Bannock always kept his back to me when he was talking.

I'm not daft, I'd seen the scenario a hundred times before, I just had to figure out what the Prick was planning. I doubted he was thinking of the old fashioned punch-up, which his manoeuvres would normally end in.

After GG and I sat down again, his plan became clear. Some guy I didn't know came over to talk to GG, who introduced him to me. The Guy had brought over drinks for both of us, one taste of the pint he had brought me, told me it was spiked. I didn't get off the boat yesterday! So that was Bannock's plan; I wondered if GG's drink was spiked as well; but figured he wanted her compos mentis when he got into her pants.

I had to be cleaver now, I couldn't drink the fucking Mickey so I had to loose it, and I didn't want Craig to know I was onto him. The other thing I needed to know was, did GG know what was going on? Was she in on Craig's plan to get me drunk, so they could get together?

The first drink I switched with Tony's whilst he and Christine were dancing. The next I surreptitiously dumped into a nearby plant. The third went down the loo. Well that's the way it went on. These Pratt's kept bringing me spiked drinks and I kept dumping them. I made it look like I was drinking them though and started to look a little unsteady on my feet. I think I must have carried it off quite well, because GG told me that I should lay off the drink a bit. Now I had to figure out; was she covering herself or was she really concerned?

Around eleven I thought that the drunken stupor would save me having to dump anymore drinks. We had moved on to a long couch, so I laid back and pretended to fall asleep. GG was sat on one side of me and Tony and Christine on the other.

Shortly after he thought I was asleep, Bannock came over. I watched him coming through half closed eyes. He took GG out on the floor and they danced around together. I saw him getting in a good few gropes and was surprised and pleased to see that GG was now pushing his hands away. Maybe I could trust her, but she'd had a lot to drink.

Shortly after they stopped playing records and some joker started playing the piano. Almost everyone got in a huddle around him and they started singing Rugby songs. I doubt any of these guys had ever been anywhere near a Rugby Pitch in they're lives. As I remember the ones that I knew were wimps of the first order. The only thing they had going for them was they're parents' money.

"This is were things start getting out of hand." I heard Christine say to Tony. "The girls will be getting they're tits out next."

"Shall we go home" Tony replied "I don't think I'm into Orgies."

"We can't. What about Stephanie and John? John's in no condition to know what's going on. If we go Craig will be fucking Stephanie over that piano in front of everyone. He's done it before!"

"Shit you've got to be joking."

"I'm not, he had nearly all the girls naked one night, then he bent Steph over a table and fucked her in front of everyone. Then he let his friend fuck her as well, while he had her try to suck him off again. But he couldn't get it up a third time."

"What do you mean a third time?"

"You'll see, when the slag's start stripping, he'll have one of them give him a blow job. I'd bet it would be Stephanie, if John and us weren't here. He might try for her anyway, she's had a lot to drink and John's out cold."

"Oh Christ Christine, what the hell are we going to do if he does."

"I haven't got the faintest idea. I wish John hadn't got so drunk, he'd have put a stop to it."

They went quiet as Craig's voice could be heard starting a chant. "Get them out. Get them out."

They all joined in and a big woman with rather large tits began to strip off her blouse and bra. Within moments she was dancing around, her massive tits bouncing up and down.

Everyone cheered, and then the chanting started again. Until another girl stripped to the waist. Five minutes later nearly all of the girls had they're tops off and were dancing around displaying they're tits. GG had stepped back a bit, but appeared to be watching with interest.

Suddenly the chant changed to 'Get them off' and the big girl who had been the first to get her tits out, striped out of the rest of her clothes. Soon other girls started to follow suit.

The big girl was hugging some guy who I assumed was her husband or boyfriend as they had been together most of the evening. Bannock said something to her, but I couldn't make out what it was because of the noise. She looked at her man and he nodded to her, then she went over to Bannock and dropped to her knees before him.

The chant changed once again to "Get it out. Get it out." and the girl undid Bannocks trousers, pulled them down and got his cock out; which she then proceeded to kiss and suck. Her fella went up behind her, dropped his trousers and proceeded to fuck her from behind.

The chanting had virtually stopped now. While the girl still sucking him, Bannock called out to GG. "Come on Steph lets see those lovely tits of yours?"

Everyone's attention now turned to GG. She looked unsure of what she was going to do and looked over at the three of us on the couch.

"Don't be a silly bitch" Christine said, but I don't know whether GG heard her, as the chanting of "Get them out" had started up again.

GG looked undecided for about a minute, then suddenly she was naked to the waist, and dancing around. The chanting changed to "Get them off" again and she stopped dancing and stood looking at me for a while. Then she obviously made a decision.

The room went very quiet as everyone watched GG removed her skirt and pants. I began to think they had all been waiting for Stephanie to get naked. Then Bannock said to her in a very commanding tone.

"Come over here my little slutt. You can finish this blow job off for me; you're much better at it than Jean."

GG slowly began to move towards him.

"Shit we've got to do something." Tony said, Then he and Christine both stood up and Christine called out to GG. "Stephanie NO!"

GG turned to look at Christine and Tony, but saw me standing beside them looking as sober as a Judge and a look of horror came on her face.

I had several choices now; I could walk over and thump Bannock, which was my preferred option. But I had to discard that idea, as he was surrounded by his friends and I'd probably get my head kicked in. I could drag Stephanie out of there, which I suppose a lot of people would have done, or I could just walk out and leave her, there. I chose the last option; I figured she had just striped naked on the whim of that Pratt, and was just about to give him a blowjob. Leave the bitch and get a divorce I figured was my only sensible course of action.

I turned and walked out, with Tony in hot pursuit.

"Hold on John, you can't leave Stephanie here with these arse-holes." He said.

"If she want's to fuck them all, she can. I don't give a shit anymore." I replied.

I got in my car, but those arse-holes had made such pigs ears of parking they're fucking cars, that it took me some time to extract mine without doing any damage to it. I was just about to drive away when GG, accompanied by of all people, Bannock came up to the car.

"John wait, please wait for me?" GG said; she was still struggling to do up her blouse.

Bannock was saying something like "Let the Wanker go, you know you like my cock better than his."

As he was saying this Bannock had made a major strategic error, he had come too near to my car, and his friends most likely because of they're state of dress or undress had stayed in the house. I got out of the car and told him what I thought of him.

With his size he seemed to think he was onto a winner, and he made another mistake by coming in too close and kind of leaning down to me. I think he was going to say something else, but he didn't get the chance.

I didn't even bother to punch him; the classic head-but did the trick. I heard and felt his nose break and he went down like a log. Two quick kicks in the reproduction department and I was satisfied with my efforts.

"Well I don't think she will be enjoying the feel of your cock for a while." I said

Stephanie was bending down looking at him, as I climbed back into my car and drove away. She shouted something but I couldn't hear her for the noise of the engine.

Strangely Bannock's friends hadn't come to his aid; they had just stood there aghast. Personally I thought that he had them all in awe of him, maybe it was fear that made them follow his perverted biddings. Now he was lying on the ground rolling in agony and put there by a guy much smaller than he was.

I drove home very carefully, as I had consumed more alcohol than was prudent when you're driving. Although there was no breathalyser test to worry about back then.

Once home, I went to my bedroom and began packing my bags. GG had let me down big time; I had no intention of staying with a woman that would fuck around on me. I reckoned that there was going to be a real fuck fest, until I put the damper on things.

I'd put two cases in the car and was just getting the third from the bedroom when I heard a car pull up outside. Looking out the window I saw Stephanie, Christine and Tony get out of it. I was glad to see Christine had been driving, because Tony had drunk at least one of the spiked drinks that were intended for me.

GG was at the bottom of the stairs as I came down them.

"Please John. You've got to let me explain."

Fucking hell, I thought how the fuck does she think she can explain her behaviour tonight away. I didn't care if she'd been a silly little slut before I'd met her. But to strip naked in front of all those arse-holes, then to acquiesce to giving the big cunt a blowjob and she was probably intending to follow that up by fucking a few of the guys. No you can't explain that away."

I just looked at her. She had the sense to shut up and stand back, so I could pass and go out the door. But when I got outside Tony was not so obliging.

"Hold it right there, John!" He said. "Now you know I'm not the push over that cunt was. I've fought, both with you and against you in the past. But I hope now you count me as a friend. You're going to listen to what Stephanie has to say; or you'll regret it in the long run. So I intend to make you listen."

"Tony I'm sorry but you drank at least one of the spiked drinks that were meant for me tonight. I don't want to hurt you but I will."

"NO No please don't you start fighting." Christine pushed herself in between us. "John please, five minutes that's all we ask?"

Tony was a good bloke, and I knew he could handle himself; even if he'd had a few drinks. To be honest I don't know whether I could take him out or not. Discretion is the better part of valour sometimes.

"All right five minutes, but this has got to be good."

I put my case down and we went back inside; where I made myself comfortable in a chair in the lounge. Christine led GG into the room. GG was crying and the cockiness she'd shown earlier in the evening was gone. When everyone was seated Christine turned to GG and said.

"Well go for it girl, you've got your chance. Don't bloody waste it."

GG looked at me.

"I'm sorry I should have told you." She said as she threw an envelope on the table. "I was hoping I could get these from him without you ever knowing they existed."

I picked the envelope up and looked inside. There were a lot of two and quarter square photographic negatives inside; I took one of them out and held it up to the light. It was of a girl in a classic spit-roast position with two guys. I didn't have to ask, I knew who the girl was.

"He promised me he would give them to me if I went to the party. I knew he had them in his pocket; he showed the envelope to me, but I don't think he had any intention of handing them over. When Jean dropped his trousers to give him that blowjob, the envelope was hanging out of his pocket. I saw my chance and put an act on from then. I thought you were out cold and wouldn't know what I was doing. I honestly wouldn't have given him a blowjob, I just had to get close enough to him without him realising what I was up to."

"Please John, try to understand, he said he was going to have big blowups made and send them to you. I didn't want you to know they existed, I didn't want you to think you had married a dirty little slut."