Orgy Black

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Five clones fucking: gay or very intense masturbation?
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Hail, hail, the gang's all here, Sarah thought bitterly to herself, seeing Rachel power through the doors of the lab, her high heels making her the tallest person in the room save for Delphine. What a barrel of monkeys.

You had Helena, snitching from Cosima's candy dish—set out in a laboratory just for her, really just a petri dish with some Skittles in it. Then there was Allison, seated primly among the Bunsen burners like she was running for Queen of Science. Herself, her leather jacket making her look as out of place there as anywhere else. Delphine and Cosima, the science twins, their lab coats making them into one of those couples that dressed alike. And now Rachel Duncan, hell on heels, her smartly dressed business attire the final note of conspicuousness to make them all look like they'd drawn jury duty.

Maybe next they'd find a clown clone. Say that five times fast.

"Well, what is it?" Rachel asked. "I take it you're all still refusing to consider the Dyad Institute's generous offer—"

"Can we just table the corporate intrigue for one sec?" Sarah asked. "If my life has to become a sci-fi movie, I'd rather it not be hard sci-fi."

Delphine started to raise her hand in protest, but Cosima quelled her.

Rachel crossed her arms, immediately looking like she was Tough On Crime. "That doesn't leave us much to talk about. We don't exactly have many commonalities."

"I don't know, Allison has a bit of a stick up her ass too—"

Allison shot up. "I would never put a stick in my ass!"

Cosima interrupted. "I think what Sarah's trying to say is that there are more important matters." She glanced to Helena, who was reaching for the candy dish once more. "Right, Hel?"

"Yes," Helena said, waving her palm in front of her face to examine how it had been smeared with color by the Skittles. "Very important matters for all sister-sisters."

"Please don't tell me you're going to let her do the explaining," Rachel said.

Cosima adjusted her glasses. "During my study of our blood samples, I uncovered an anomaly. It took a lot of gene sequencing, but I think that the Leda Project accidentally contaminated the cloning process with—"

"We're one percent cat," Sarah interrupted.

"We'd be an entirely different species if that were true," Cosima said. "It's more like zero-point-zero-zero-zero—"

"A lot of zeros," Delphine clarified.

"Point one percent," Cosima concluded. "We're just... not dog people!"

Helena laughed. "I don't think this is very funny," Allison sniffed.

"What does that mean?" Rachel insisted.

"Very little," Cosima replied. "But based on preliminary analysis, I believe it may be possible for us to go into heat."

"Oh." Rachel glanced at Sarah. "So that's how you're explaining it..."

"Say again, mate?"

"How you're explaining the situation, of course."

Sarah's brow furrowed. "One of these days, you and your nineties indie band haircut—"

Cosima interrupted again. "It's not as bad as it sounds. This genome anomaly technically makes us a mutation, and when this 'mating season' begins, we would only be attracted to members of the same subspecies."

"So what're you saying?" Allison asked. "That we're all going to be... attracted to each other?" She looked at Cosima dubiously—but curiously.

"Yeah, like that'll be something new," Sarah muttered.

"Seestra will be even more beautiful to me?" Helena asked.

"Why is she here?" Rachel asked. Suddenly the executive stopped, shuddering and shivering with clenched fists. Beneath the contours of her jacket, her nipples were bulging against her blouse. "When will this start?"

"Probably not for another—" Cosima gasped gently, eying Sarah. "Two weeks..."

Sarah noticed a sudden moisture within her groin and tightly grasped the desk she was sitting on. "So for the next two weeks, we should probably all... stay away from each other."

"Yes!" Allison agreed, her conservative top now risqué by dint of her poking nipples. "So we don't all just fuck each other!"

A collective shudder went through the room at the notion, even Delphine blushing as the thought of an all clone sex orgy... a clorgy... got to her.

Allison crossed her arms over her breasts in fierce embarrassment, her face turning bright red.

"We certainly wouldn't want that," Rachel said, squeezing her thighs, eyes fixed on Delphine. Thinking of what she got up to, her and Cosima, how they worked for her and she could make them... make them...

Helena was sweating. She clutched at the hem of her dress, very strongly aware that it was time for the touching of herself, but also knowing that she couldn't, not in front of her sisters.

Unless she was wrong about that. She got things wrong, sometimes, because she had been raised wrong. Maybe they would like to see her touching...

Her body was glowing. She smoothed her dress over her breasts, feeling her nipples' hardness stir even more. She stared at Cosima, in her blouse unbuttoned by one button too many. Every time she moved, Helena could see her breasts, rich and brown...

Then Cosima looked at her, prompting a blush from even the indomitable Helena. She thought she'd been about to come without even touching...

Cosima smiled. "If you want to look, look. It's your body too, after all."

"Cosima!" Allison shrieked, outraged.

"Don't be such a prude," Sarah told her.

Cosima shrugged off her lab coat, fully exposing her physique within her skinny jeans and blouse. "I've got nothing to hide."

"You certainly don't," Rachel blurted.

Helena could take no more. She stalked over to Cosima with a hunter's confidence, grabbing her by her dreadlocks and kissing her.

"Mon dieu," Delphine said, though she certainly wasn't complaining.

Cosima was responding where everyone else was too stunned to, running her hands through Helena's curly hair until Helena suddenly ducked, leaving Cosima's hands in mid-air, and bent her head to Cosima's blouse, pulling it open, sucking on her exposed breast.

"Dude!" Cosima gasped. She pulled away from Helena, not adjusting her wardrobe—her breast, gleaming with saliva, heaved in the open air. Nipple erect.

"I'm sorry," Helena said miserably. "You so pretty—body looks so nice—wanted to show you how much I like you—"

Now Cosima moved to button her blouse, but thought better of it on the way there, putting a comforting hand on Helena's arm instead. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I know you were just trying to make me feel good..."

Helena nodded. Her legs ached at their tops. The ache was getting bigger all the time. She wanted to go somewhere and rub it all away. Cosima was still talking.

"I'm sure you have no idea what to do with these complex, confusing feelings and very few positive experiences with human sexuality—not really mature enough to control yourself like we are—maybe if I demonstrated for you—just a little—"

Before Helena knew it, Cosima was on her knees, head under Helena's dress, tongue lapping at her pussy. Helena gave a moan of pleasure and staggered back onto a desk, lifting her hips and spreading her legs. Cosima's tongue felt good everywhere, but she wanted it on that one, stingingly hard place that was driving her crazy...

"You really don't have to do that in front of us," Allison said.

"You really don't have to watch," Sarah said.

Neither of them moved. They saw Helena's body shake as Cosima's tongue delicately ran over her clit, Helena gripping Cosima's dreadlocks even tighter than before, holding her in exactly the right spot, hips pistoning faster and faster into Cosima's wonderful tongue.

"Give me pleasure," Helena moaned. "Pleasure from your mouth."

Cosima gently closed her teeth around Helena's virgin button. She was rewarded with a shriek of pleasure from Helena, the blonde sobbing with gratitude as she clamped her hands to her breasts, squeezing them almost painfully as they burned with the waves of heat rolling through her. She was so hot, she thought she would melt. Melt and be licked up by Cosima's perfect tongue...

And Cosima felt her own lust rising. She felt Delphine's eyes on her—her approving eyes—and slid one hand down under her jeans. Touched her screaming clit, made herself nip sharply at Helena's clit in her sudden pleasure.

While Sarah and Rachel watched this breathlessly, Allison sat down, thanking Christ the chair didn't squeak. Her lower body safely behind a desk, she scooted her panties down out from under her skirt, put them in her purse, and took out from her purse her little helper. Mr. Happy. The only affair she'd ever had—well, the only one that counted. If she didn't come, who cared?

She twisted its handle, grateful that the discreet buzzing noise couldn't be heard by the others any more than it could be detected by her children. She moved the vibrator under her skirt, the tip around her clit, sex spasming with thrills. Her juices flowed as she took another look at Cosima and Helena's disgusting display, then entered herself.

She groaned inwardly. It felt good. Even better than usual. The vibrator had to be getting better with age. Thank God for whoever'd invented them. He or she—probably she—deserved a Nobel Prize. A Marvel movie. Something.

The vibrator reached deep inside her cunt, seeming to shake harder and harder, the lovely feelings starting her down the same path that Helena was just now finishing.

"GAH!" Helena cried, seeming to black out as she felt an explosion of color inside herself, even behind her eyes. Her hands slid away from her abused breasts, her thighs falling open, cool air bathing her heated, victorious sex.

"Wow," Cosima said as she stared at Helena's pussy, touching herself unreservedly now, her whole body seeming to twist in on itself. She laid down on her back, still enjoying the sight of the woman she had undoubtedly initiated into sex, and gave huge shudder of relief as she joined Helena in satisfaction.

Delphine took a step toward her. Helena was quicker, righting herself before she fell and looking down at how wet Cosima was—her heaving breasts inviting, succulent.

"My turn now?" she asked, and Cosima looked to her girlfriend, a flicker of conscience concerning her.

"It's only fair," Delphine said.

Helena laid down on top of Cosima, sharing another clumsy kiss before she moved down, leaving a trail of kisses over Cosima's body.

"Your mouth is so sweet," Cosima laughed, rubbing Helena's head while she was still within reach. Then Helena opened up her thighs. She had never seen a naked woman's treasure before, besides that of herself, and the sight fascinated her. So wet, so soft, so alive...

She reached out, gently slipping her finger a little ways into Cosima, feeling the pink flesh clench on her just as she remembered feeling herself tense when Cosima had licked her.

"Dude, c'mon—" Cosima's voice was husky. "Don't play me like that. You liked what I did, now do it to me. Eat me."

Helena bent her head and, always looking up to Cosima's eyes to see if she was alright, tentatively licked at Cosima. The scientist couldn't help it. She moaned with frustration.

"Higher! On my clit!"

Helena cocked her head. "What is clit?"

Huffing a sigh, Cosima reached down and tapped on the little pebble of flesh. A quizzical expression on her face, Helena touched it lightly to confirm it was what Cosima had indicated.

"Ah!" Cosima's hips jerked. Something about Helena's touch—the fact that it was her own clone, a virgin baby dyke she was seducing into Sappho mode, it made her feel unbearably erotic. "More!"

Helena was eager to please. She fastened her lips around the small, but hard thrumming flesh, and licked it, sucked it, as hard and as often as she could. Cosima was transformed into a wild, desperate, loud animal, her fingers digging at Helena's scalp, her back arching, her body shuddering, her soul screaming each time Helena's tongue touched her as only a woman with exactly the same body could know how.

"Yes! Eat me! Oh, you beautiful disaster, eat me!"

Helena felt Cosima jerk away from her in a helpless spasm; she grabbed the writhing woman's hips with both hands, pulling her back and pressing her down, thumbs nailed to either side of Cosima's clit, forcing it to her hungry mouth. Cosima was devoured with a strangled gasp, her eyes rolling up in her head. She gave a huge shudder, her mouth flying open—

"Oh my God! Ungghhhh! Oohhh! Aaghh!" It was not Cosima screaming, but Allison, unable to go without voicing the wondrous feelings her vibrator was giving her. Just as Cosima collapsed, legs twitching, so did Allison slump down in her chair, exhausted and spent, Mr. Happy still vibrating in her limp hand.

Cosima laughed from the floor, taking off her steamed-up glasses. "Looks like someone else wants to play."

Allison forced her head to shake, managing it with a bit of a nervous jigger, like a toy that had broken. "Oh, no, no, I like penis—"

"I have one of those," Delphine said. Rachel gave her a surprised look. "In my desk. And if it is acceptable—and enjoyable—for my lovely partner to... wander, as it were..."

Cosima beamed at her.

"Perhaps she will also enjoy watching me conduct such an experiment. I could be the control group, so to speak."

Rachel nodded tightly. "We should study this new phenomenon very vigorously. We could invent a... a Viagra for women!"

"Guess Mum wouldn't forgive me if I didn't help out with that," Sarah said. "In an advisory sort of—consulting—position." At the mention of positions, her eyes dipped—the same thought going through her as everyone else in the room.

Allison seethed. But, as always, she had found a way to twist the world into making sense for her. "I suppose it's really unfair for Helena—who's a murderer, after all—no offense—to get some kind of reward out of this while I, an upstanding member of my community who has voted in both federal and state elections since I came of age, should just have to suffer from this—excess of—enthusiasm. No, no, I insist on joining in on this lesbian sexual encounter!"

"With dildos," Sarah needled.

"Technically, strap-ons," Cosima added.

Allison folded her arms. "I personally think I'm the only one who deserves a strap-on. It takes a certain level of maturity."

Delphine approached her, the strap-on in her hand.

"What is that?" Allison cried.

"A strap-on." Delphine shook the leather straps. "You put these on, then you use the long bit to make love to me."

"But it's not, I mean—it's not from a death-row inmate or anything, right? You didn't grow it in a petri dish?"

Cosima pulled herself up onto a chair, with a little nudge to Helena beside her. "I told her we should've gotten one without the veins."

Sighing, Delphine tossed it to the housewife. Allison caught it, feeling it up and down. It was stiff and spongy, but obviously fake.

"Put it on," Delphine said. Allison fumbled with it. Rachel had to help her get it situated.

Allison's brow furrowed at the executive's expertise with it. "I thought you were seeing a man."

Rachel nodded.

"So how... oh muffins—"

"I thought you and Donny would be into that," Sarah teased. "More cushion for the pushin', you know."

Allison scowled at her. "Donny is not a cushion, he is a healthy weight for his height." She turned her glower down toward her crotch, where the dildo protruded menacingly. She wondered if this was what Ryan Gosling saw when he looked down at his thing. It probably was!

Delphine had turned around and bent over a lab table, arching her back to display a wonderfully round, voluptuous ass, the slightest of wiggles going through it. "Fuck me already," she breathed. "Take me just like Cosima does. I want to know how it feels for you to fuck me without love."

"Give it to her," Rachel agreed, pushing Allison forward, the others girls all muttering similar sentiments.

Allison moved stiffly—grabbing Delphine's ass, working the head of the dildo into the slit of her sex, pushing gently, delicately, as if afraid Delphine would explode.

"C'mon, more!" Delphine sighed. "Cosima's big cock is no good if it is not inside me! Ramming me!"

Allison rolled her eyes and thrust, penetrating Delphine to her moans and the clones' cheers. The sight of the strap-on disappearing into the Frenchwoman stunned Allison—how her petite sex seemed to suck up the length of the dildo, swallowing it until her labia hugged the base of the thick dildo, stretching wide to the straps that held it in place.

"Fuck her!" Sarah said with a swat to Allison's ass, Rachel on Allison's other side, urging her on as well. "Fuck Delphine!"

Cosima joined in, as did Helena. "Fuck her hard!"

Helplessly, Allison's hips moved, sliding the big dildo in and out of Delphine with every buck of her ass. Allison googled, a hapless smile on her lips. It was fun, driving the thing into Delphine, seeing how she moaned and bucked with every little protrusion. She could see why guys liked to fuck so much. And Delphine probably wasn't half the giving, considerate lover that she was.

Behind her, where Allison would be shocked to learn that the view of her rutting ass was being much appreciated, Sarah felt nervous fingers divesting her of her foremost layer of clothing. She moved in iotas, barely helping the gentle Helena to undress her. After all, it was her own twin sister—though she didn't know if that made the prospect more appealing or less.

Nonetheless, soon Helena's soft touch was upon naked skin. She seemed most fascinated by Sarah's ample breasts, still carrying the heft pregnancy had given them. When she stroked the nipples, Sarah's breath rushed into her chest. Helena was a fast learner...

Delphine groaned, tossing her head, sweeping her golden hair across the lab table like a scythe. Allison felt a rush of power, fucking this glamorous European just as good as any man. She shouted as she took Delphine fast and hard, Cosima's girlfriend throwing her ass backward to better eat the dildo being fed to her.

"Yes, you're doing it to me!" Delphine gasped. "It's almost done! It's almost done!"

Allison rammed into Delphine harder. The stronger she went, the stronger she wanted to go. Delphine was squirming like she wanted to escape, but was tied down by her pleasure. The scent of her arousal saturated the air, calling to every woman in the room. Suddenly, Allison impaled Delphine, penetrating her deeper, harder, more fully than ever before. She held it inside Delphine, who snapped up like she'd been struck by lightning, and yowled like she was a cat being rutted by a tom.

After a long, ecstatic moment of orgasm for Delphine, Allison started ramming it into her again, digging her fingers into Delphine's jerking ass to steady the blonde. She could feel how Delphine's clenching cunt tried to suck the dildo off its harness, keep it inside her where it was doing so much good.

Allison found herself wishing that she really did have a cock, like a boy clone, and so could spend herself inside Delphine's horny, needy cunt, but then dismissed the idea as absurd. She stopped, hearing Delphine cry out again—brought to multiple orgasms by a woman who knew her way around sex toys.

Before Delphine had finished spasming, there were tugs at Allison's arms.

"I'm next, old pal, old friend—" Cosima grinned.

"No, I'm next," Rachel said, "I can pay—"

And as Allison realized what a long night she was in for, Delphine looked to Sarah's nipples, hard and electric after Helena's play. Sarah felt a little embarrassed. Especially when Delphine's eyes dropped to her unshorn sex. Helena gave Delphine a grin, then picked Sarah up and set her on the neighboring table. She sat spread-legged, her sex gaping open.