Orphan Ch. 02


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She was about to move on to his duffel when he shifted behind her giving a small moan before settling back into sleep.

She was startled so badly that she hastily put everything back where it went, putting his wallet and keys on top of his two bags. She lingered over the smooth stone. It stood out with the books as something meaningful to him. She rubbed it between her palms, feeling her own warmth transmitted to the once cool stone. She lost herself in this tactile connection with something important to the man that lay helpless in the bed before her.

Soon enough the nurse opened the door breaking her out of the trance like state touching the stone had put her in. Placing it next to his wallet and keys she closed the closet door quickly.

'Out of sight out of mind.' She thought settling in with her laptop to work on the quarterly reports.

The remainder of the day had passed uneventfully.

Alexander stirred now and again. She had whetted his lips several more times with fresh ice. The nurse would come in and change out his IV, take his vitals and do the other things that kept him comfortable. But aside from those distractions her desire to see his eyes in person went unfulfilled.

"Still here I see."

Her father's warm voice filled the room.

"Yes, he has stirred some but still hasn't woken."

Carl didn't miss the wistful tone in her voice.

Walking over to the bedside he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Let's go, your mother has dinner just about ready, you know how she is if we're late."

This brought a tired smile to Jenabel's face as she rose, taking one last long look at her sleeping knight before heading home with her father.

Dinner with her parents was a quick affair, images of Alexander kept her distracted and she retired to her bed quickly after the meal was over.

Jenabel was dressed and out the door quickly after her shower. Having replayed yesterday's events again she was anxious to get to the hospital and check up on Alexander.


Her mother's voice washed over the compound and brought a smile to Jenabel's lips.

"I can never seem to get past her in the mornings." Jenabel said to herself as she changed direction to her parent's house.

Placed in the center of the compound it was the largest structure there. Her parents lived on the top floor. The second story housed offices and the first a communal dining area, large kitchen and gathering space. It was the heart of the compound. No matter the time or day you could always find someone watching movies, shooting pool or working on a project.

"Good morning Mom."

Jenabel's affection for her mother was evident in her gentle tone and fierce hug.

"And to you, where are you off to so early?"

Jenabel was not known as a morning person so seeing her awake, dressed and moving with purpose so soon after the sunrise was a rare thing to witness.

Sophie knew the answer to the question before she asked but wanted to hear her youngest daughter's response. She was not disappointed when she noted the gentle blush of red cross her cheeks before she answered.

"I thought I would check on Alexander before heading over to the mine to catch up on some paperwork."

Sophie noted that her youngest daughter didn't meet her eyes as she responded, looking for all the world like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

Sophie didn't think her next statement would go over well but she might as well save her daughter the trip.

"Mr. Dane woke up early this morning and left the hospital. No one is sure where he is."

Jenabel's eyes locked with her mothers.

"What do you mean?"

Sophie was surprised by the change in her daughter. Where a moment ago stood a lighthearted girl, now there stood a strong woman whose tone and bearing were equal parts anger and concern.

"He's...gone, Jenabel."


Alexander woke for the second time that morning to be greeted by the sun rising between tall peaks to the west.

Shading his eyes he stood slowly, his knee complaining about the hard surface and cool morning air.

Walking over to the small stream next to his campsite he splashed the ice cold snow melt on his face and chest. The shocking sensation finally loosened sleep's last hold.

He had intended to leave town, believing it best not to start off in a new place with such a strange introduction. He hated being thought of as a hero for doing things that any sane person would. It had happened more times than he cared to think about during his military service.

Often the term was used with derision, as if he was doing his job solely to attain the title, when, in truth it was the last thing he wanted.

Leaving had been his intention; however his actions seemed to override them as he had driven east away from Red Lodge. The need to stay quickly became overtly demanding. Finally giving in he had turned around, found a small clearing near the road and settled in for a few hours sleep.

"Now what?" He asked the trees bending down over the water to brush his teeth.

"Perhaps breakfast would be a good start?"

For the second time in as many days someone had gotten close enough to truly startle him. It was something Alexander had no intention of fostering.

Calming his natural tendency to become aggressive he slowly turned toward the voice.

Carl Benton watched the young man with a smile on his face. He had been on his way to town when he caught a glint of metal from the woods. Pulling over he quickly found Alexander's make shift campsite.

"Good morning, I didn't mean to trespass. If I am?"

Alexander's words were cautious and questioning. He didn't know what to make of the man before him or his intentions.

He was big, almost as tall as Alexander and just as broad across the shoulders. He had gray close cropped hair that still showed the dark streaks that belied its younger ebony shade. Holding himself in an easy stance, a black cowboy hat on his head, Alexander didn't feel anything threatening from the man. If anything he seemed pleased to have found Alexander.

Alexander relaxed a bit as the man spoke.

"Good morning to you, and thank you for your help two days ago. If you hadn't come by Jenabel and myself would have surely had a much tougher time of it. All this land is mine, so you don't ever have to worry about trespassing here."

The man's open smile and genuine nature caught Alexander off guard. Before he knew what he was doing he had crossed the distance between them to take the offered hand.

"Carl Benton, it's a pleasure to finally meet you upright and conscious Mr. Dane."

Alexander went rigid as he grasped Carl Benton's hand. Thinking on it later the best comparison he could come up with was grabbing electrified steel, but the sensation was not painful or even fear provoking. It contained a level of deep comfort coupled with an overwhelming strength that Alexander had never experienced before.

As the handshake ended, Alexander felt a deep internal shift take place, he couldn't put the feeling into words or even cohesive thought. He merely accepted it had happened and wondered what its significance may be.

Alexander took an instant liking to the older man in a way that was totally outside of his experience. Looking directly in the older mans eyes he paused a moment, trying to reign in his convoluted emotions before responding.

"Please, call me Alexander, I have no idea who Mr. Dane was but I am sure that it isn't me." He grinned as he said this last part.

Carl was as shocked as Alexander at the reaction the handshake had elicited. While Carl knew what it meant, it also opened up a multitude of questions that he would have to act quickly to answer if he hoped to help the young man in front of him.

Pulling himself together, Carl stepped back a few paces and regarded Alexander, seeing him in new light.

"Alexander it is then. Why don't you gather your things and follow me in to town. We can swing into the diner and grab some breakfast while we figure out how I can start to repay you for the service you did me and my family.

Carl did not miss how Alexander stiffened at his statement.

'What the hell has this man been through?' Carl questioned to himself.

"You don't owe me anything Mr. Benton. I only did what anyone else would have."

Carl was shocked by the anger behind the young mans words. It took him a moment to respond, trying to figure out what would have the most positive impact on Mr. Dane.

"That you believe that says a great deal about your character, however, it isn't really your place to say what I may or may not owe you. Whether or not anyone else would have...or could have done what you did is a moot point. You saved my daughters life and for that I do owe you a debt. One that I am most happy to owe."

Alexander watched Mr. Benton as he pulled on his boots and fished out a clean t-shirt. Finally, with a brief nod more to himself than to Mr. Benton he acknowledged the man's statement.

"That's fair sir, I didn't mean to tell you how to feel, it's just..." words failed Alexander to express what he was feeling.

Carl Benton smiled.

"Good, now that we have gotten that out of the way lets eat. I don't know about you but if I don't get breakfast, soon the local deer and elk better start watching their backs."

Carl's easy nature put Alexander at ease. Packing up his few things he started his Harley, intrigued by this man's easy but commanding presence. He didn't think he had ever encountered anyone so confident simply being who they were.


Sophie Benton watched her daughter pace around her kitchen. She was like a caged animal trying to find a way out. With the full knowledge there was no escaping the truth of her powerlessness.

"Why would he just leave?"

It was the third time Jenabel had asked the question.

"There are a thousand different reasons why people do things Jenabel. If he turns up, then you can ask him."

Jenabel turned a withering stare on her mother.

"If he turns up? He damn well better turn up if he knows what's good for him."

Sophie had never seen her daughter in such a state over anyone.

There had been those in the compound and friends at school that had tried to get close to Jenabel, all of them she kept at arms length. To see her daughters almost feral reaction to the news about Mr. Dane's departure brought out more questions than answers.

She was going to answer her daughter when her phone chimed softly on the table. Both she and Jenabel looked at it for a moment before Sophie picked it up to check the text message.

The broad smile that crossed her face had her daughter scowling at her.

"What is it? The only one you ever get texts from is Daddy."

Sophie cocked her head and raised an eyebrow at her daughter's impudent tone. Jenabel knew that look and softened immediately.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what is wrong with me," she said slumping into the chair across from her mother.

'Oh I have a pretty good idea my girl, but it's not for me to guess.'

Her train of thought was broken by the beseeching look in her daughter's eye. With a smile and a sigh she told Jenabel.

"Your father found him camped out on the side of the road about four miles from here. He is taking him to breakfast at the diner."

Jenabel's face glowed with happiness as she stood quickly heading toward the door.

"Not so fast young lady. He asked that you stay away for awhile, he wants some time to get to know him, see what his plans are before you go bursting in on him."

Jenabel whirled around; the look on her face was stony. It softened under her mothers glare.

"I don't understand why I'm acting this way."

Her tone was forlorn. She was torn between going to find Alexander and following her father's simple request.

"Why is this so hard? I've never felt anything like this before"

Sophie wrapped Jenabel in a warm hug, understanding her confusion but also realizing that for whatever reason Jenabel was trying to deny what was so obviously the truth.

"Do you really need me to answer that question Jenabel?"

She stiffened in her mothers arms, as she smiled and hugged her tighter.

"You mean you think..."

Jenabel's words tapered off as she finally acknowledged what she knew in her very soul to be true. But there was a problem, and it was, as far as she knew an insurmountable one.

She looked at her mother, eyes filled with terror.

"Shhhh, it will be alright little one. We answer the call; it is all we can do. It's our nature to do so. We need to have all the facts, lets not make assumptions. Get to know him, let your father do some more digging, and don't jump to conclusions."

Her words did little to soften Jenabel's quickly escalating feelings. She couldn't seem to complete a full sentence.

"But if he isn't,"

"There is no way,"

"You know what it means for me..."

Sophie pulled her daughter closer, her terror and pain being transmitted through their bond. She did everything she could to calm her child.

"Trust that you don't know the outcome yet Jenabel. While the world may be a cruel and unyielding mistress at times, she is not without magic. Rarely does she open a door that does not lead us to exactly where we need to be.


Breakfast had started off tense, neither man wanting to say the wrong thing and upset the other. It was Carl who finally broke the impasse.

"We won't get far staring at the table top and not saying anything." His easy smile allowed Alexander to relax a little.

"How did you come to pick Red Lodge as a destination?"

Alexander wasn't surprised by the question. He had been expecting it.

From their reception in town it was evident that Mr. Benton was someone important. Everyone they ran into knew him and greeted him by name, the older people with his first name and a handshake, the younger with Mr. Benton and a deferential nod. To Carl's credit, Alexander noted that he answered them all, knowing their names, asking about family or business or some other small detail of the persons life that made it known he had a true interest in their lives.

It was only once they were seated in the booth near the back of the diner that people stopped greeting the man.

"I picked it randomly from a map." Alexander stated honestly before providing a quick recap of his military service, discharge and subsequent wanderings.

All of Alexander's statements rang true to the information the sheriff had provided him.

Alexander hadn't mentioned family or friends. Carl knew the reason but was interested to see what Alexander's response would be. As Carl finished his breakfast he decided he would push a little for more answers.

"So, what about family, friends, where do your people come from?"

Alexander stiffened at the question, Carl felt instantly bad for bringing up what was obviously a painful subject but he needed the answers before deciding what the best way to proceed was.

"I have none Mr. Benton. I was left on the doorstep of an orphanage when I was about two days old. Just my name on the note pinned to the box I was in, asking that the nuns take care of me."

"As for friends, I had a few men that I served with who I would call such, some are dead and some are half way around the world still in the thick of the fight. I've always found life easier on my own. Satisfied to carry the failures and successes of life my own shoulders."

Alexander went quiet as he finished his breakfast, leaving Carl not much more informed than when he started.

He could see the tension asking about his family had caused in Alexander.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. It's one of the benefits and pitfalls of living in a small town I'm afraid. Everyone knows everyone else, and not just on the cursory. We live and work together, most of us are born, live and die right here. It's our way to simply ask what's on our minds, like a big loose family."

Alexander twitched at the word.

'So lonely.' Carl thought as Millie brought the check.

"Everything good?"

Alexander nodded as Carl replied.

"It was very good as always, thank you Millie."

"So what are your plans Alexander, what can I do to start to repay the debt I owe you?"

Alexander sighed; he knew that Mr. Benton would not be deterred. Standing straight and looking him in the eye he answered.

"I could use a job and if you could steer me toward a small apartment that would be very helpful. I don't want you to go out of your way, but I'm a hard worker, nothing is beneath me. I move a little slower than I used to because of my knee but I really would like to find something meaningful to do. I won't let you down."

Carl placed his hand on Alexander's shoulder.

"Oh I think we can find something you might like to try and I know just the place for you to lay your head at night while you figure out what suits you best."

"Let's sort out your roof before we see what might spark an interest for work?"

Carl said it as a question but Alexander decided quickly that it really wasn't one.

"Follow me, we'll get you sorted out and your things secured then we'll see about gainful employment."

Alexander stopped him as he was turning around heading for his truck.

"Since I will be staying in town awhile, I would like to go by the hospital and settle up my bill. I left some money but I doubt it was enough to cover the expenses."

Carl smiled at him.

"No need Alexander, the clinic is free. We can swing by there on the way and pick up what you left."

Alexander was surprised, for a small town it was a very well equipped clinic.

"How can the town afford to offer that?"

Carl looked at him, his face taking on a serious cast.

"We take care of our own Alexander."

With that Carl was walking toward his truck pulling out his cell phone. Alexander watched him for a moment, surprised by the determination Mr. Benton displayed while talking of taking care of "their own".

'What must it be like to be part of a place like this?' Alexander wondered as he started the motorcycle and followed the fast disappearing bumper on Mr. Benton's Suburban.


"That's good news."

"I'll be sure to let her know."

"I love you too."

Jenabel watched her mother as she spoke softly to her father on the phone.

It had been several hours since he had let them know he had found Alexander.

Jenabel was nearly climbing the walls.


Her exasperated tone made Sophie smile.

"He's decided to stay in town for awhile. Your father is going to rent him the old Smithson place for now on a month to month basis. They are headed there now to get Alexander settled then they will be going to the mine. Seems Alexander is looking for work and Carl is going to help him find something."

Sophie couldn't help the grin that crossed her lips as she watched her daughter relax for the first time in hours.

"The Smithson place is less than three miles away." There was a happy, secretive lilt to her voice which her mother knew well. Jenabel didn't have a deceptive bone in her body. Whenever she tried to keep something hidden, be it a secret or an emotion it shone through in her actions and words.

"Now young lady, don't you go rushing over there to see him. I know you want to, and yes before you correct me, I know it is more than just a want."

"But you have to remember who we are. You have to take this slow. Let your father get to know him, figure out why you would be drawn to someone like him. We have to know more before it gets to be too much for you. And the rest of us for that matter"

Her mother wrapped her arms around her waist as she looked out the window toward the mountains.

"The only thing for it may be for him to leave, it's not a solution we want but it may be the only way. I know what you're thinking but that is the truth of it, your survival might depend on it."
