Our Evolving Love


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"Rick, I'm just gonna lay it all out there. The idea came to me last night that I should offer you a chance to see if you might enjoy me giving you a blowjob. There it is Rick, I'll give you a sample so you can decide if it really is that revolting to you."

As Rick sits looking at me, obviously thinking about how to reply, I take a deep breath and try to slow my mind that's telling me that I just made a total fool of myself. And that my cock is hard in my pants and I feel an erotic rush of humiliation makes it even more unreal. I glance back to Rick and he has a slight smile on his face.

It seems like time has shifted to a crawl as we sit there looking at each other. I assume my face is red because I feel hot and unsure of myself. Finally Rick says, "Ken, I'll take you up on that offer. But I have some conditions too. I want you to agree that on occasion Jen and I can go someplace together, just the two of us. I might even want to take a short trip with her at times. What do you think about that?"

Not having planned for this, I try to calm my mind and think this through. It's hopeless, I'm too amped up to be rational so I just blurt out, "Yes, I can see where you two would want to do that on occasion." In my mind, images of Jen and him together on a sunny beach take shape and I can't even describe the feelings I'm having about just offering my Jen up to him. The only thing that keeps it all grounded is that I know she needs it too and will enjoy it.

"So how do we go about me getting my sample of cock sucking?"

Rick's question brings me back to the cafe and I focus on his question. "I can come over to your place any time that's good for you Rick."

"Ken ole buddy, I should probably tell you that right now I'm rock hard thinking about you doing that. I gotta say it surprises me, but something about the idea of you on your knees for my pleasure just turns me on. Can you come by my place tonight after work?"

"Yes, I'll be there. What time do you want me to come over?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter too much. Why don't you call me after work and let me know your ready. I'm sure Jen is anxious to hear how our talk went."

"Actually Rick, she doesn't know I'm here making this offer. But I want you to know, I want this to work as much...maybe more for Jen as I want it for me. Really, I want it for all of us Rick. I want you to really get something out of it too."

"Hey, I've been excited since it all started. Sorry about being so hesitant to give the bi thing a chance. I've already had second thoughts before you made your offer today. I just didn't know how to figure it out. I think your idea is a good one Ken. I'd be lying if I said I've never watched any gay porn. But I do like the idea of you being the one on your knees. It gives me sort of a rush thinking about it, to be honest."

"Hey, that's all I needed to hear to be more than willing to give you all the sampling you need. I'll do my best to convince you buddy."

"Okay, we better get back to work. I think this day is going to drag out long and slow now that we know what's on the schedule tonight. Will you want to bring Jen to watch?"

"I haven't even told her what I was going to offer you yet. I figured if you said no, nothing ventured nothing gained and she didn't need to know. Now I have to tell her, but I think she'll be fine with it. But, maybe for this first time I could do it without her watching? It's pretty humiliating to be the one doing the sucking, even for just you to see. I know in time, if this all works out, she'll see me servicing you and be okay with it. She already told awhile back that she gets off on guys together. That was news to me, but good news."

"Yeah, I can see that. Okay Ken, just you and me tonight."

As we walk back toward the office, for one thing, I can't believe I just did that. For another thing, my cock is still so hard it's getting rubbed inside my pants with each step. I guess I really did need this more than even I realized.


Ken and Jen — The New Plan

I tell her first thing as I walk into the kitchen after work. "I've got news to share."

"What's happened now?"

"Rick and I had a good talk about bi stuff. Jen, I had the idea to offer him a sample of how it feels to have me suck his cock. It was the only thing I could think to do to try and get us all back on track. He was thinking that we wanted him to suck me too, but I cleared it up. I told him I was fine with him just receiving it from me and you. He's agreed to give it a try."

I know my mouth is open, and that I probably look pretty stupid. But I can't believe I just heard what I did. I have to ask him, "You did what?"

"We talked for about thirty minutes over coffee and I told him how much his friendship means to both of us, and I offered to suck his dick if he'd give it another consideration. I thought maybe he would realize it isn't as bad as he thought it would be — he even said that he felt he might have been too hasty in his first response. So he's been thinking about us too. His only request if we do all get together was that I would be okay with you and him taking the occasional trip alone. That, of course is up to you to decide if you even want to do that. But if you do, then I'm okay with that and I told him so."

I feel my spirits begin to lift. Since this whole thing blew up all that I've been thinking about is Rick's wonderful cock and how it made me feel. It's not only physical, but for some reason I felt young and pretty again. Rick desires me. I tell myself this is wrong for a married woman to think about, but these thoughts have a strength of their own. All I can do is let them run their course. But now...now it might all unfold like a beautiful romance movie. I get two men who both desire me, who could turn this down? I look at Ken, only to find an eager smiling face looking back at me. "Thank you Ken. I would have never thought to do what you did. It had to be hard for you, was it?"

"It was weird. But Jen, I got so hard just from making the offer. I can't even explain how I felt, words don't tell it all. But first off, I was humiliated to the souls of my feet as I was offering to suck him off if he would just give us another chance. I'm hard right now. How weird is that? But it worked, and if you agree, I'll go over tonight and see if I can persuade him."

I guess I had thought it was something in the future maybe, "You're going to suck him tonight?"

"That was Rick's suggestion. I told him you had the final approval though."

It feels like a huge responsibility to make a decision like this. But I can see where it makes sense. I am his wife, and we have started this together. So I ponder for the first time the fact that my husband is going to be sucking another man's cock. I always considered myself open to all sexualities, but this strikes close to home. Will it be good for him, or could he suffer something unforeseen? Do I have any problems with it? I try to think of any negatives but come up with a blank. I know he probably needs to do this to scratch his own itch...and it really doesn't hurt anyone. I look up and smile, "I can't think of any reason not to give it a try. But you have to tell me all the details when you get home. Or am I supposed to go with you tonight?"

"First, I agree about no reason not to give it a try. You already knew I was bi, now we'll just both be having sex with the same guy. I think it might be better for this first time if Rick and I are alone. With you watching it might make him, or me, feel awkward. I want him to enjoy it, so no reason to risk that with him feeling weird that you're watching us."

"Part of me has to agree Ken. But I can't tell you how much I want to see this!"

"If everything finally goes as planned, you'll be seeing it very soon. I hope you aren't disappointed by what you will see. That is my one worry, you'll think less of me once you see me sucking him."

"I've told you a lot of times how much it turns me own baby. We've watched it on porn together and I know what it is for two men to suck each other. I still like it and it turns me on faster than most anything...come here and feel. I think we'll even be sucking him together at some point," I say with a laugh.

Jen opens the buttons on her pants and makes it clear that I should feel her. I walk close, but first I kiss her and we hold each other. I slip my hand between our bodies, she moves just enough for me to snake my way into her underwear, and her answer is right there, wet and hot to the touch. I curl a finger inside of her as we stand there rocking slowly sharing this turning pint in our lives.

After some unmeasured time, Jen whispers, "Rick is probably waiting for you to call him and let him know."

I pull back enough to look into my wife's beautiful eyes. I kiss her lips and then say, "I guess it's show time."


Ken and Rick — The Audition

I guess all of the tensions and emotions had finally worn themselves out. As I drive the short distance to Rick's place, for some reason I feet a sense of calmness that seems misplaced. But I'm ready. It's been years since I was able to scratch this constant itch. I guess it would be hard for someone who isn't bi to even wrap their head around the attraction. But it's like some unfed beast who regularly grumbles and growls to let me know he wants to be let out of his cage. I have ignored that beast to the best of my strength, and now I'm so close to finally getting a chance to let the beast run free.

Rick answers the door quickly, and invites me inside. I had hoped he would have thought to buy something to calm our nerves, and there it sits on the coffee-table. I notice that Rick has obviously showered and cleaned up, and he's dressed in loose fitting casual clothes.

"Would you like a glass of wine Ken?"

"I was hoping you thought of that. It slipped my mind until I was almost here."

"Here you go buddy, drink as much as you need to get your courage up," Rick said jokingly.

"Thanks for your thoughtfulness Rick. To be honest, I'm not as nervous now that I'm here as I was driving over. But wine is always a good addition to a party."

As we sit on the sofa talking, Rick says, "I think your going to have to let me know what I'm supposed to do here. Like I told you earlier, I've watched some gay porn and the one thing that is kinda arousing is when one guy is dominant and the other submissive. Is that what you have in mind Ken?"

"Yes, pretty much. I also like those kinds of clips. I don't really like the really harsh physical punishment though. Basically, I've given my queer side a lot of thought, and I know I'm submissive to other men in this situation. I don't have much experience with it, and you have none, so I guess we'll just have to try stuff and see what works."

Rick laughs softly and says, "I was afraid you would say that. So basically, two newbies, eh?"

"Pretty much. I sucked some guys in college. But being older, I think it'll be different between us. I've been talking myself into saying this, so understand this is really embarrassing — I am offering myself as your sub cocksucker Rick. I have told myself I will submit to whatever you want of me. I want to please you, and I'm officially begging you to share my wife with me. I want to say that I want to do whatever you tell me to do to make you feel good."

I have to admit that I am shocked that my cock is at full mast from hearing Ken offer his manhood up to me like he just did. If I was skeptical before about anything bisexual, my cock is telling me that it's time to reconsider! "Ken, I want you to stand up and walk out in front of the coffee table."

Inside, I know my life as a sub male is beginning and I do as Rick has told me. I stand waiting for his next command and our eyes make a connection that brings even more hope into my heart.

"Okay Ken, strip for me."

Five simple words, but oh how powerfully they rock me! It's been years of only hearing such words in my fantasies. But now I am obeying a true man...the man who fucks my wife and gives her what I can't. As my clothes drop from my body to the floor, Rick watches intently. My heart leaps when I see the bulge beginning to tent his sweat pants — he's interested!

Finally it's just me and my underwear standing before him. I too am erect in arousal, something I see Rick take note of. Then he says, "Strip Ken."

I peel my shorts over my hips and my hard dick, then feel them slide down my legs to the floor. I step free of the last of my covering and stand naked for Rick's inspection.

"I see your gym time is working well for you Ken. Jen told me you have a nice sized cock, it's just that it can't hold off firing too soon. It is a nice cock Ken. I'm sorry you can't satisfy Jen. Tell me now, face to face, do you want me to take over that responsibility too Ken?"

"Yes. Yes I do Rick."

"Say it Ken. Say the dirty words that make you ashamed."

I know instantly what he wants to hear. Even though I've said it hundreds of times in my own mind, it's hard and humiliating to say it to him like this...naked and hard from arousal at being at his mercy.

"Go ahead and say it Ken. You have to say it."

I'm a tangle of emotions now, and I capitulate just as he knew I would and blurt out, "Rick I'm asking you to fuck my wife like I can't." I drop to my knees and continue, "I'm begging you Rick. Please fuck Jen for me."

Trying to keep up my part, I mimic something like I've seen on the porn clips. "Ken, I like you on your knees. Why don't you crawl over here between my legs and show me you really mean what you ask of me."

I do as he tells me and retrace my way back around the coffee-table the way I came — only this time I'm a naked cocksucker on my knees begging! As I get close, Rick spreads his legs open and I know where he wants me. I work my way between his legs and immediately smell his scent...a mixture of scented soap and the musky smell of a man in heat.

"I think you know what's expected next Ken. You said I can fuck Jen if I let you suck my cock, right?"

"Yes Rick, that's what I said."

"Okay, get busy Ken."

And with those four simple words I start down a new path in my life. Rick lifts himself up enough to allow me to get his pants down around his ankles. He isn't wearing any underwear and his cock is fat and hard with veins bulging. Part of me is ashamed of being here on my knees like this, but another part is proud that his cock is hard for me. It's not my lovely wife who is now getting it all fat and ready to get down to business...it's me!

I look up and all I can think to say is, "It's beautiful Rick...may I suck your cock?"

I feel Rick kick his feet free from his bunched up pants and he spreads wider for me. His scent is strong and I await his permission to become his cocksucker. Finally I hear the words that seems to have been an eternity in coming; "Okay Ken, let's see if you can suck cock as good as your wife can."

The moment has finally arrived and I embrace it with all my heart. I take him into my mouth with the thought that Jen did this. I feel my own cock grow to what feels like a bursting point. Rick's hand on the back of my head refocuses my attention as he slowly pushes my mouth down on his hard flesh — now the symbol of my domination. I have never tried to deep throat anyone but have read how to do it and practiced a little on Jen's dildo. If this is what Rick wants of me, then I will do my best to give it to him. I gag as the head of his cock slips into my throat... I pull back to regroup and try again. This time my saliva is running thicker and in steps I get his cock into my throat. I work it up and down, pulling up just enough to get a new breath of air then down again until finally my nose is in his pubic hair. I can't breath! I panic and pull off — saliva strings drooping from his cock to my lips. I look up and Rick is smiling and I say, "I just needed some more air...ready for some more?"

"I'm ready for all you got little buddy. Now suck it like a real cocksucker!"

The second time is easier. My throat is even slicker and I have another deep breath...then back down I go as his cock fills me up again. This time I add in more small up and down action to give him some deeper pleasure. He's starting to hump up to me now, a good sign that he's enjoying this. It's like he's fucking my mouth now, we have a rhythm where I get some air and go back down...more air and down again. Rick's naked ass is making squeaking noises against the leather seat of the sofa. His legs are wide now and my fingers find his big nut sack and add to his pleasure. His smell is getting stronger as he works up a moist sweat. I'm doing my best, I think it's my best ever blowjob and my spirits soar to be once again bringing such pleasure to another man!

I drift in my own euphoria, confident that I am giving Rick something he's never experienced. When his hand resettles on the back of my head, instinct tells me he is close to his release. I have already coached myself over and over to make this part good for him and sense that very soon I will get my chance to show him I can give him something good and exciting.

"Damn Ken, you're the best cocksucker I've ever had. Fuck! Suck it! You have me about to cum you little sneak...now finish it!"

If I could have smiled I would have. What I can do with a mouth full of hard man flesh is redouble my efforts now that he has accepted that this is better than he expected! Again, a deep breath and back down the pole. I'm totally into it now and his cock seems to be a perfect compliment to my mouth and throat. It is so close I can feel him shaking trying to hold back a little longer...in response I use my free hand to search out his left nipple. It's hard and aroused when I find it and my fingers make it even more so. That did it! I feel him swell and stiffen and with the fingers of one hand toying his nipple and those of the other gently massaging his balls, I feel the contraction that is quickly followed by a man sized burst of cum that shoots straight down my throat!

I have to just tell myself to relax and let him have his way with my mouth until he finally finishes and slumps back into the sofa. I switch it down to a more gentle pace and tenderly lick and clean his still swollen, but conquered cock.. Cum is still oozing out and I clean each drop for him as it appears. When he is finally truly done, I tell him, 'Wait here Rick while I get a damp cloth to clean you up a bit."

Rick can only sigh in response as I get up and walk to the kitchen — my own hard dick waving in front of me. Upon my return, I once again take my place on my knees between his spread legs. Ever so gently I use the warm washcloth to bathe the flesh I adore so much. I wash most of my saliva and Rick's spunk from his curly black pubic hair, adding a lick here and there to make sure. Finally, he is clean and somewhat recovered from his experience. I look up from my place between his legs and feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that I gave him something he had never even know he wanted. All of my dreams and fantasies were just a dim foreshadowing of this reality. Now I know for sure — I really am a sub male cock sucker...and for some reason it feels good to finally affirm this as a mature man. This is me, and I'm good with that.

Rick's voice brings me back from my thoughts when he says, "Damn Ken...I never knew it could be like that. I really didn't think you could convince me...but I was wrong little buddy. I want you to be my cocksucker for as long as you want."

"And I want you to fuck my wife until she can't walk."

"I think we have a mutually satisfying deal Ken. I don't even think we need to shake on after what you just did for me."

I feel a surge of pride knowing I converted a hard sell into seeing the truth. In response to his words, I bend forward and kiss his thighs just below his crotch. Rick spreads for me again and I take the head of his spent cock back between my lips. In a very short time he begins to swell in my mouth. I suckle him gently for awhile, but it's too soon and finally give it one more kiss before getting up to sit next to him.