Paradox, Pair o' cocks


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"Hurry back, it's snuggle time!" Emma called after me.


Emma and I had agreed that the only way to ask Erik for an intimate favor like this one was in person. I had fired off a message to him, asking him to meet us on Monday evening and he had agreed. As the moment approached, I felt excited and very nervous. No matter what Emma had said, there was a chance Erik would turn down this opportunity. I considered not asking at all. But I had come this far, and Emma was being so generous about this...

While the three of us had beer and nachos, Erik and I talked about the Wildcats' chances to get into the tournament and to advance if they got there. Emma only made a comment or two; sports aren't her thing, except for golf.

Erik and I agreed that there would be no national championship for our alma mater this year. Then he asked me why he'd been invited to our place out of the blue.

I had the gumption to answer. "We--Emma and I, but mostly I--have a huge favor to ask you. I'd really love it'd come to our bedroom with us." His eyelids opened wider. "I've got condoms. And then you and Emma would...please me together."

He sat very still, glancing from me to Emma and back to me. He shook his head as though he was tired. "Hawk, please tell me this is one of your weird jokes...You haven't forgotten that Anne and I have been together nine years and that we've got two kids together, right?"

"It would just be the once," I said, though I sounded so childish even to myself that I winced immediately.

"If you weren't my best friend, I might stomp right out of here!" Erik said, laughing quietly. In spite of herself, Emma laughed too. "Even for you: there. Is. No. Way. Get it? Remember how things went when I proposed to Anne?"

"Of course, I'll never forget comforting you after she turned you down and you two had that blow-up. She doesn't believe in marriage."

"But she believes in...?"

I took the prompt. "...Family."

"Family, which she and I have," Erik said. He raised his eyebrows and popped another nacho in his mouth.

"Got it, Erik," I said. "I'm sorry; I didn't consider her for even a second."

I must have looked pretty disconsolate in that moment, because Emma spoke very unexpectedly. "Could Anne chaperone?" she suggested.

Erik and I laughed heartily. "She controls probably a third of the world's jealousy reserves!" I replied, once I could breathe well enough.

"It was just a suggestion," Emma said matter-of-factly, looking very red-faced. "I've only met her twice!"

"Thanks, dear love." I took her hand and squeezed gently. "But you know Mr. Proper here--"

"--I prefer 'Mr. Family Man'," Erik said, sticking out his tongue.

"--has made it crystal clear that he's not going to be part of this. I admit, I can't think of any other man I'd trust enough."

"This is a setback for us, sweetie," my girlfriend said.

I was really glad to hear her say "us," even though she was right. I said, "I guess you're glad you didn't put money on this."

Erik's eyes darted toward mine. "You knew me well enough to know that I could refuse, Hawk. Good, you haven't gone completely nuts."

I wasn't about to let him have the last word. "Right. I also know that for all your noble talk, you were really, really tempted. Part of why you refused is that you weren't sure you could trust yourself in a threesome with me and Emma."

He had the decency to glance away and mumble something about straight guys needing to be careful around lesbians.


On Thursday, Emma was grilling the salmon while I was cooking the rice for dinner. "Robby," she said. "What do you think?"

"Hm?" I said, not sure what she was asking me.

"How about Robby and I fuck you?"

I dropped the stirring spoon into the pot. Emma laughed. I mock-glared at her. "A little preamble next time?" I said.

"Sure," she said. I got another spoon and used it to fish out the first. "So how about it?"

"You're serious? Wouldn't that weird you out?"

"A little, sure--but it would be you he'd be fucking. He and I wouldn't even have to look at each other."

"Like you could avoid that!"

"I don't mean we'd try to keep from seeing each other at all. I just meant that we'd pretty much ignore each other."

"Yeah, I'm just twitting you a bit," I said. Emma replied with a sour face. "You know, my love, I've only spoken to Robby two or three times. Are you sure we could have him join us for sex and not have things turn complicated?"

She smiled and nudged my hip with hers. "Yeah, I've known him since he was a baby. He is my cousin, after all! He's got no girlfriend right now. And he and I have always gotten along really great."

"You sound like you're confident about this," I said.

My hesitance must have been evident, because Emma quickly responded. "I am completely confident. But if things start to go wrong, I can make him behave. We used to roughhouse when we were little; I'm sure he remembers how dirty I fight. Plus...I know his mother!"

"Emma, thank you for being so sweet to me. You don't need to go this far. You'll notice that I haven't died of grief since Erik turned us down."

Emma gave me her most innocent grin. "It's not like you'd owe me for the rest of your life, Hawk," she lied. "I wouldn't use this as leverage to get you to do what I want for as long as we both shall live."

"You've already got me wrapped around your finger; how much 'leverage' do you need?" I grumbled.

My brunette girlfriend kissed my cheek. "Let's get him to meet us and we can ask him together, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you. I love you so much, Emma."

"And I'm crazy about you, Hawk."


We asked on Friday and the second time was the charm. Robby--who, like Erik, had thought we were joking at first--agreed to join us in our bedroom and double-penetrate me with Emma. To his credit, he didn't balk at or raise an objection to wearing a condom.

So the next day, Emma and I met Robby at our door and brought him to our bedroom. I was really nervous and Robby seemed to be also, considering how red his face and ears were. Emma may have been feeling some nerves as well, but if so, she hid them well.

"Thank you two," I said, turning to face them. "If you want me to do something or stop doing something, just say so." I gulped back my sudden panic. This would be the first time in my life that I would take off my clothes in front of a man. I had worn a tight, light-weight black one-piece dress to make undressing quicker.

I unzipped the back of the dress, pushed off the straps, and pulled the dress over my head. I saw Robby's eyes get wider. I don't advertise that I have DDs, so my chest size probably surprised him. Emma's eyes were also fixed on me, looking at me with affection. While she watched me, she swept off her shirt. Now that I'd begun to strip, it was easy to keep going. I popped open my black lace bra and tossed it onto my chair. Robby stared openly for a couple of seconds at my boobs. (I didn't blame him; they were much larger than average and he might never have seen any their size.) I slid my black lace g-string to my knees, then reached down and took off the panties as well. (I only own a couple of g-strings, to avoid panty-lines when I'm wearing tight pants or skirts.)

Emma was quietly taking off her jeans. Robby was looking at me but not making any moves yet. He seemed to feel like he should say something. "Love your raccoon," he said, referring to the tattoo above my hip bone.

"Sweet of you!" I said, keeping a straight face and patting the tattoo. "Want any help?"

He shook his head. "No, it'll just take me a minute." I felt an unexpected stab of pride; he was hard already. My body was a bit overweight, but I must have had some sex appeal! Robby unzipped his sweatshirt and started taking off his clothes. While he was doing that, I turned my attention to Emma.

Emma had waited to finish stripping. Once she had my attention, she slowly pulled her shimmery canary yellow camisole over her head, revealing her beautifully perky little breasts. (I wanted to put my mouth on them immediately, but managed to control myself.) Emma rolled her flimsy yellow panties over her hips and let them fall, revealing her tiny diamond-shaped patch of trimmed brown hair and just beneath that, her pretty pussy. The inner labia protruded slightly and they were colored a gorgeous violet-tinged pink. The dark color indicated her arousal. She swung her trim hips a little as she abandoned her panties and picked up the red and black dildo harness.

I looked over at Robby. He was close to naked already. His narrow, strong chest had only a bit of sparse black hair; his shoulders and arms were muscular; his abs looked pretty well-toned. I may be gay, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good build in anyone--woman or man--and Robby's upper body looked good to me.

While I watched, he became aware of me. He gave me a little smile that was halfway between embarrassment and happiness. He pulled down his blue, green, and red plaid cotton boxers. His erect penis bobbed for a moment. Besides in porn, I hadn't seen a penis since high school and I had never seen one erect. It looked so strange in three dimensions: the shape was kind of grotesque, but still fascinating and somehow attractive. Because it pointed upward, Robby's testicles were visible too. I didn't feel anything when I looked at them; they were just kind of weird and I wondered how guys ran with those vulnerable organs hanging between their closely-spaced thighs.

I didn't want things to get awkward, so I advanced quickly. "Looking good," I said to the young man, mostly honestly. I kissed him on the cheek, which I think startled him a little. "Shall we get started?"

"Hell yes, let's get started!" he said eagerly.

I put my right hand on his shoulder and started running it lightly up and down his side and his back. I was completely unsurprised when his hands went immediately to my tits. His touch was quite gentle--and of course his hands covered more of my skin than any of my previous lovers' hands would have. I reached backward with my left hand and patted Emma's firm ass. She pressed against me and put her hands on my waist, then kissed my neck briefly, once on each side.

I fondled Emma's butt lovingly for a few seconds. Then I let go of her and put my left hand on Robby's thigh. I moved both hands lower, until they were on his ass. It was narrower and more solid than Emma's; I knew I'd never enjoy caressing a man's backside as much as a woman's.

Now that I was touching Robby below the waist, his hands began to move lower too. They wandered over my ribs and abdomen, then slid to my ass and started kneading. His motions felt pretty good.

Emma's hands moved upward, cupping my breasts, massaging lightly. Her lips rained soft kisses on my shoulders and back. I sighed almost silently.

Things were feeling less odd, but still much different from usual. I kissed Robby's upper chest. This time, if he was startled, he didn't let on. I kissed his chest again. My right hand moved from his butt and traveled to his groin. I slowly rested my fingers--one at a time--and then my palm on his penis. It was warmer than I had expected; it was almost hot. I could also feel it pulsing. The size and shape were like most of our dildos, but the feeling of life was powerful and a bit poignant. I can't really describe the emotion I felt when I touched it, but I had a sudden insight into straight women's minds.

Robby's fingers stroked my crotch.

I felt blind panic. A man was touching my pussy! I wanted to recoil, but just for an instant. I took a deep breath. I was safe. I was in my home. Emma was with me. All this was happening because I wanted it to happen.

I wrapped my fingers around Robby's stiff penis and carefully stroked from balls to head to balls again, back and forth. "Impressive!" I whispered to him. (Every straight and bi woman I know have agreed on one point: men like to be told that their cocks are big.) I kissed his chest lightly while I stroked him. Emma's lips began to kiss my ears and her hands continued to please my breasts and their sensitive nipples.

"That feels real good, Hawk," Robby said quietly.

"Thanks, you're making me feel good too," I replied. The part of my brain that loves women exclusively wished I hadn't said that, but it was true; Robby was handling my body more tenderly and skillfully than I'd expected he would.

Emma's pelvis pressed against my ass and I felt the firm length of our favorite dildo. I moaned. I knew she wanted to put that toy to good use and I wanted that too.

A trace of warm fluid seeped onto my fingers. It was slippery, yet sticky; it had to be Robby's pre-cum. I took my mouth from his chest and looked up, into his face, making eye-contact. "Let me put on the condom, okay?" I asked, doubtless sounding very horny.

Robby winked. "Be my guest," he said saucily.

This was part of the sex, so I paid attention to the task, rolling the thin latex with slow, sensual motions, varying the pressure my fingers applied to the solid, erect shaft. Inwardly, I bit back a scream of fear and elation. This was a man's penis and I--the gayest lesbian I had ever met--was preparing it to enter me. My nerves were charged; my emotions were conflicted; my body was on edge. (A forbidden fruit effect?) I got a healthy dollop of gel and slowly smeared it along Robby's penis.

I softly squeezed and relaxed, squeezed and relaxed. "Lie back, big man," I said, fixing my eyes on his. He reclined, closing his eyes as his grin grew wider.

Keeping five fingers around the twitching shaft, I put my left knee on the bed, moving slowly. Next I put my right knee on the bed. Next I descended, onto the hard penis that waited under my body. I took as much time as I could because I wanted to remember the details of this experience. My vagina swallowed the phallus gratefully.

Inside me, the penis felt really similar to a dildo; the main difference was the warmth of Robby's cock. It felt lovely, plump--very solid but comfortable.

Instantly, I wanted Emma inside me too; I slapped my ass, hoping she'd take the invitation. I wanted to be mounted so I could start riding!

Emma's familiar hands grasped my sensitive waist, just above my hips. I trembled voluntarily, encouraging her. I ran my fingers along Robby's chest but I had my eyes closed. Robby's pelvis pushed slowly upward. I wanted to move in response, but I stayed still, waiting for the other cock. My exhalation sounded like a gasp. My fingers started to curl, digging lightly into the torso beneath me.

Teeth bit my neck firmly just as the slippery plastic head of the dildo pressed against my vulnerable rectum. The moment seemed to stretch into interminable hours of anticipation. My sweet lover applied herself to the task. She sank our toy deep into my ass. This time, my gasp was much louder. My eyes opened. I grinned down at the young man below me.

Emma and Robby began to pull back. I hissed at the powerful, sensual tugging of my sensitive flesh. I felt Emma's thighs lightly gripping mine. I moved carefully, starting to ride the two dicks.

Quickly, I found out that this wasn't going to be as easy as it looked in those videos I'd watched (purely for research). Emma and I had a certain love-making tempo and Robby wasn't matching it; he was on the bottom, so he favored short, quick, powerful thrusts. I winced a bit at the second or third time I got my perineum stretched to the point of stinging.

Robby wasn't looking at my face; he was watching my tits as they bounced above him. I slowed almost to a stop. Emma slowed behind me. Robby looked up and I grinned encouragingly. I didn't say a word; I just put my right hand farther up his chest and squeezed, rising on his shaft as I did. He got the gist right away.

The three of us resumed our fucking, with better results. A lot better results! The nerves in my puffy labia started singing with happiness; my clitoris throbbed joyously; my anus twitched with pleasure. Emma's left hand was still on my hip, but she'd brought her right forward and down; she was drumming her fingers over my clitoral hood just the way I love it.

This was what I'd been wanting! "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh yeah, oh yeah," I was muttering when I had the breath to make sounds. Pure enjoyment, pure contentment rushed through my entire body. This moment was the moment I'd wanted for most of my life!

Sweating and slippery, our male partner looked like he was having great fun also. His eyes kept moving to my chest, to my face, to his cousin's face behind me, to my pelvis--the place where his cock met my twat. His face shone with disbelieving happiness.

Emma's lips landed on my ear, kissing and caressing. "Havin' a good time?" she whispered. "My sexy, sweet li'l lover?"

"Oh, Emma!" I mumbled. "Fuck good!"

"'S'yer night, babe," said Emma quietly.

As the three of us kept pushing and pulling, straining and relaxing, I noticed that our pace was picking up. I didn't know who instigated it--or maybe no one did and we just naturally increased our speed. But I felt my heart hammering as my urgency grew. The nerves and skin and muscle squeezing the two shafts responded with heat and elation. I panted and rode my lovers' cocks harder.

"Whoa! Uh! Huh!" Robby grunted unintelligibly beneath me, sometimes closing his eyes. Emma's fingers dug more deeply into my hips; her breath on my back felt almost like steam.

Twinges from my groin signaled my orgasm. My muscles responded. Almost frantically, I pumped my lower torso, impaling myself on my two lovers. The beautiful climax lengthened. My breath burned in my lungs.

"Hawk! Uh! Uh!" Robby's large hands clenched my lower thighs. I saw his jaw and neck straining, his eyes and mouth drawn to slits. Male orgasm--it was cute--kind of impressive and a little comical. I could tell that he was ejaculating, emptying his balls inside me. For an instant, I panicked about pregnancy, then remembered that he was wearing a condom.

A forceful groan escaped his lips. Emma's soft voice told me, "Ease up. He's spent!" She didn't need to tell me, but I was still glad to hear her say it. She and I slowed our movements and let them get shallower. Robby wasn't thrusting at all, just twitching a bit.

It was pretty much over. certainly had been different. And fun! And part of me was glad it was over while another part wished it hadn't ended yet.

Moving carefully, I eased myself off Robby's cock. I took the hot organ in my hands and gently tugged the condom. I had meant to simply knot it and drop it onto the tray on my bedside table; without conscious thought, I changed course. I kept the used rubber in my hand.

These two naughty fuckers had given me a fabulous ride. I sank slowly until I was lying on Robby, letting him enjoy the feeling of my voluptuous twins on his chest. (Emma pulled the dildo completely from my ass while I did this.) I looked into his eyes. "That was wonderful!" I said truthfully. I squeezed his thighs in my hands.

"Hawk--damn, that was the best!" he said. His wide fingers gripped my ass a final time, then he let go.

I rolled off him. As he and Emma watched, I pinched the end of the condom and squeezed along its rather slimy exterior. The semen oozed from the condom and dripped onto my breasts. I set the condom on the table, then rubbed the sticky liquid on my tits like skin creme.

A few seconds later, Emma collapsed onto me, settling so that her slippery crotch pressed heavily into my thigh.

Obviously, my girlfriend wanted me to finish her off now. I certainly wasn't about to refuse! "You could use some attention, baby?" I cooed to her. "Hop aboard!" My right hand stole down to her spreading labia. I raised my knee and flexed my thigh a little, giving her a nice smooth leg to ride. Her lewdest leer appeared on her face and she started humping. I started to pet her hot, dribbling pussy.