Patti Gets the Nerd


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"Scott, I'm sorry that this shit happened. Thelma will go down to the school Monday morning with you, and I'm sure with your mother as well, and make sure you don't get into any kind of trouble."

"I do need to explain something that Thelma and Patti were talking about in there."

"Thelma and I have always had a more relaxed view on things when it comes to sex and nudity. You'll notice that I didn't get insanely upset when she mentioned that the guy was fondling her inside the bathroom stall."

"We've always told our kids that if they're going to be sexually active, do it under our roof. Around our home, when it's just family, we don't bother being modest around each other. It's not like we're naked all of the time, but we all grew up around each other's bodies and it's no big deal."

"I know we have a very beautiful daughter and that guys check her out a lot. That includes you, Scott, unless you're a homosexual or something, you've noticed her beauty and sexiness."

I was no longer comfortable with this discussion and Wayne noticed it.

"It's all cool, Scott. Seriously. You're a guy. You're also a respectful guy. Shit, I'd rather have you going out with Patti than a couple of guys she's brought home before. At least she didn't sleep with far as I know. Still, Thelma put her on the pill a year ago...just in case."

"Scott, I really hope you really reconsider being her tutor. We appreciate what you've done so far, and frankly, we can't afford another one. If you could do itat least for us, if not Patti."

It was hard to say no to Wayne. He was kind of big, and tough looking, but he was really a gentle person. From the beginning, he had warmly welcomed me into his home. I did have to explain how I learned to fight so well. Even that surprised him.

"Well, you'd be the kind of guy to protect my baby, that's for sure," chuckled Wayne after I told him about my uncle Jeff.

"Wayne, it's not that I don't want Patti to do well. I do like her, I'll admit it. I just can't handle being treated like crap at school then coming back here and being treated like a good friend.

"Keep up the tutoring, Scott, and trust her mother and I to take care of the rest," promised her dad. "I know my wife. Patti will be a different girl after this, I'm pretty sure of it."

We went back inside as Patti and Thelma were walking towards the kitchen table.

Without hesitation, Patti asked if I'd consider continuing to tutor her in Algebra.

I decided to play it cool. I knew her parents would catch on to my plan.

"That depends on whether I still have my job at the school on Monday. Remember, you took Michael to the office. They're going to want to know why I left him with a bloody lip and a hurt tummy."

"Scott, I will go there with you Monday. I will make sure Michael is never allowed on the campus again. What you did today was sweet. Really, it was. You defended me. I'm sorry for acting like such a bitch about it. You're a really good guy."

That made me feel better, but how would she act at school towards me?

"Well, it's too bad your friends don't feel that way about me. What's really so bad is that you're afraid to show them that you even like me at all. I'm just your tutor, just hired help."

Patti reached around me and gave me a tight hug. She held on tightly for at least 10 seconds.

"You're my friend, Scott. Here and at school. I'm sorry for treating you like shit. I hope you understand that I'm very nervous about Monday. When I see you, you're going to be my good friend, Scott. If Shelly, Kathy, Donna, and Misty don't like it, then I may need new friends. Still, we've all been together since junior high. Shelly and Kathy have been my friends since Kindergarten."

I shook my head to show I understood.

"You know what, Patti, I've known Shelly and Kathy about as long as you have," said Thelma. "How much would you like to bet that they won't have a problem with it? I'm not making promises, but I bet you'd be surprised."

Thelma had a big pot of kidney beans on the stove. She invited me to stay for beans, fried potatoes, and cornbread. She called my mother and asked if I could stay over. Of course, mom said yes.

Thankfully, the principal, vice principal, and the Dean took into consideration my reputation. With my mother, Thelma, and Patti there to support me, no action was taken against me.

There were misdemeanor charges filed against Michael Windsor, though. Those charges would be cleared from his record after three years if he had no further problems. We never heard from him again.

Mother knows best. As Thelma predicted, Patti's worries about her friends' reaction to being good friends with Scott were met with tepid surprise. In fact, Kathy had suspected something because of the way Patti went out of her way to prove that Scott WASN'T a friend, just a tutor.

Kathy quoted a line from Shakespeare's Hamlet, "She doth protest too much."

Yes, Patti and I became more than just friends We eventually became lovers. The first time I saw her naked, about a month before we graduated, I had come to her house to just visit and show her the 1966 Nova I had just bought from Mr. Hayfield. She had no idea what I had done, and I planned on surprising her. Her mother told me that she was in her room, but to just go on back and get her.

When I walked into her room, she was standing in front of her closet wearing nothing but a bra and panties. She was looking for something comfortable to wear around the house. Even though we had kissed and petted previously, I had never seen her with so few clothes.

She didn't act ashamed at all. She stood proudly and let me have a long look.

"Ok, baby. You've seen me in my underwear, let me see you in yours."

"Your parents are in the other room," I whispered.

"So, they don't care if we get naked and have sex. Remember? Besides, they're bound to see you naked sometime after Daddy gets that hot tub from your neighbor. Trust me, you won't be allowed inside it with a swimsuit on."

A neighbor two houses down from us was moving and didn't want to take their hot tub. He gave it to Wayne and Thelma for free as long as they paid someone to move it. Since Wayne had picked up a lot of hours during the Spring months, he was able to pay the 60 dollars it took to move it.

I had a raging hard-on just seeing her in a modest bra and panties. I kept staring.

"Come on, Scott. Either strip down to your undies or I'm throwing a baggy old dress on."

I didn't want her to add any clothes, so I stripped down to my white cotton shorts...with a noticeable rock hard cock causing the material to poke straight out.

"Hmmm," she said with a naughty smile. "Somebody must like what he sees?'

"Well, yeah! Why wouldn't I? You're so damn hot."

"Well, do you think my boobs are hot also?"

Before I answered, she had pulled her bra off and exposed her bare tits to me. They seemed larger than what I had imagined. I had put my hands on her tits before, but that was when she had a shirt or sweater with a bra on. Seeing them bare, they looked larger.

"Based on the looks in your eyes, you must like them naked as well, huh?"

"Hell, yeah. Mind if I touch them?"

"Touch them all you want. Feel them, suck on them. Whatever you want. Just shut the door first, huh?"

Of course. That made sense. I shut the door immediately and then took her tits into my hands. They fit perfectly in my average-sized hands. She had large areolas with long, puffy nipples. The excitement of seeing and feeling them practically sent me over the edge. I had never been anywhere close to sex before.

The stimulus from my hands and fingers caused her nipples to harden considerably. As she closed her eyes and enjoyed the stimulating from my hands and mouth, she reached down and grabbed my package.

I wasn't going to last much longer. I pulled down her panties and was given a long look at a thick and curly patch of dark brown hair nestled between her long legs. She removed my shorts, took my hand, and walked towards her bed.

"I'm a virgin, Scott. Please be careful. Be gentle, please. I've inserted something in there before, just not a guy's dick."

I did as I was told. She was incredibly tight. Little by little, I pushed my way deeper inside of her. I knew that a woman's first time could be uncomfortable, and I wanted it to be as gentle as possible. Once I finally got all the way inside, I could tell that she was fine. She looked up at me and smiled.

I slowly pumped my cock in and out of her. Unfortunately, that only lasted about 10 seconds. I could no longer hold back. I shot several hard shots of juices inside of her wet and hairy hole.

I heard footsteps in the hallway. Either one or both of her parents had walked by and saw the door closed. Despite what I had been told, I was still nervous about being on her bed naked with her. I knew they had no problem with it, but it just seemed strange. I knew I couldn't do that at home.

That was an awkward moment. We had been in her room for over a half hour with the door closed. Her mother was fixing spaghetti on the stove when I walked in the door. Dinner was probably ready and one of them had probably went in there to get her but saw her door shut instead.

For whatever reason, I panicked. Her dad was at least 6 feet 3 inches tall and a muscular 220 pounds or so. Although he had always been so kind to me and had never tried to intimidate me, I feared how he'd react after being in his daughter's bedroom having sex. The fact that they had no problem with her bringing guys into her room, and they had expressly told me so, didn't seem to matter.

Patti saw me staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"Scott?" She said it like a question rather than a statement.


"I wanted this as much as you did. Before today, the only thing I've put inside of me was a cucumber...and even then, it didn't go all the way in. I wanted you. I didn't know you were coming over so early, but when you saw me in my bra and panties, I wasn't ashamed at all. I wanted you to stare at me. I want you to stare at my naked body. I love you, Scott."

We had told each other that we love one another before, but this time the words seemed so much more real to me. I reaffirmed my love for her as well.

"Scott, the past few months, since that incident with Michael, have been the happiest of my 18 years. I'm sure you wanted to have sex with me before today, but you were always a gentleman. I love that. I appreciate that."

"Still, today, when I saw you look at me when you came in, I wanted more than just a hug and a kiss. I got to have you inside of me. I get to lay here in my bed naked with you. I want to take a shower with you now before dinner time. Don't worry about walking into the hallway naked. My parents do it a lot. There's no shame in our home."

I did as she told me and walked completely naked from her room, down the hall, and to the bathroom on the right side. She didn't even bother shutting the bathroom door. They never shut their bathroom doors while showering.

That was just another way of making me feel more like family. As we walked back to her bedroom to get dressed, her dad passed by us and smiled. I knew that he was happy that we were dating, but now he seemed pleased that we were also having sex together.

Eventually, my parents found out about our more intimate relationship. They usually wouldn't have allowed me to have a girl in my room, but they seemed happy that I was dating Patti and made an exception.

In time, my parents became occasional visitors to Patti's home...and vice versa. During our freshman year at junior college, my parents came over one night while Thelma and Wayne were in the shower together. Patti had forgotten that they were in there and didn't get a chance to warn them that they had visitors.

Not surprisingly, they walked into the kitchen completely naked. The look on my parent's face was a combination of shock and amusement. We look back on it with hearty laughter and off-color jokes, but neither of my parents knew what to say or how to act.

I'm sure Dad had to be impressed with what he saw. Like Patti, Thelma was tall, thin, and reasonably endowed. I knew Patti was a B cup, but Thelma was slightly larger. She also had a toned body and a thick and dark bush like her daughter.

I'm sure Mom must have noticed Wayne's physique as well. Although not exceptionally hung, he was exceptionally thick. Although I considered myself to be a little better than average in girth, Wayne was even more impressive.

What was surprising was that neither Thelma nor Wayne acted the least bit embarrassed. They were apologetic and went back to their room and put on robes, but they felt no shame at all.

They had no choice but to explain their family culture. They assured them that nothing incestuous has ever gone on in their home. Thelma explained that she grew up in a home where there was never a need to cover up their naked bodies for the sake of modesty.

I explained to Mom and Dad that I had adapted to their lifestyle, but I didn't expect them to change theirs for Patti. Patti agreed. She promised to never do anything at their home that would disrespect their rules and their culture.

Mom and Dad seemed content with the explanation, in fact, they didn't act upset or even bothered too much by it. Either they agreed with what they were doing, or they were being gracious guests. They had grown to love Patti since she became a regular visitor, so my thinking was that they were being gracious.

Two weeks later, while I was eating dinner with Patti's family, my mother calls their house. They wanted to know if they could come over later and use the hot tub with them. They agreed that they didn't need swimsuits.

My parents? Joining us in the hot tub? Naked? I had seen my dad undressed a few times, but never my mother. I'd barely seen any cleavage on her before. Where did this change of heart come from?

I found out later. If I hadn't already been undressed and in the tub, it would have knocked my socks off.

Many years ago, in the 1953, my parents were living in the San Jose area. They met at a party that was given by a friend of my mother's.

A mutual friend invited my dad to this same party. What was so different about this party was that my mother's friend had the house to herself for the weekend and she and her boyfriend hosted an all-nude party.

As guests entered the house, they had to disrobe and place their clothes on a shelf, then grab a towel for sitting and for drying off after being in the pool.

Yes, my parents first meeting was in the nude. The party was wild with plenty of beer to go around. That night, my parents had sex for the first time with each other, and with other partners. However, it was a personal connection that kept them in touch and get married a year later.

One of the females that my dad had enjoyed that night was Tellie. When my dad met Thelma that fateful night when they walked in on them while nude, he recognized a tattoo with the name Tellie located just above her navel. He then thought back to that night and figured out who Thelma was.

Yes, Thelma was known as Tellie to many of her friends in that area. In fact, Wayne still often referred to her as Tellie. Yes, my dad had sex that night with Thelma, aka Tellie. Mom understood. She was there that night and had two other men other than my dad that evening. Rather than be upset about it, they laughed at the odds of all of them being over 200 miles away at the time and now living just two streets apart...and their kids being lovers.

Wayne wasn't there for that party. He didn't meet Thelma until a month later. They did go to a couple of parties like that together later, but they finally settled with each other...much like my parents did.

Mom and Dad admitted to experimenting with other groups after that date. Once they got married and decided to raise a family, they remained monogamous and kept their nudist behavior to the bedroom and showering together often...and when my sister and I were gone and they had the house to themselves.

I assumed that dad probably slept in the nude because I had seen him walk into the kitchen after going to bed and he would be wearing nothing at all. It was no big deal to me, but when my sister lived at home, I often wondered what she'd say if she saw that. To the best of my knowledge, she never did. Maybe the fact that she was an early to bed, early to rise kind of girl meant that she wouldn't be in the kitchen at 11pm. Still, it was risky.

Our parents became good friends with each other. We suspected that maybe they became even better friends when we weren't around. The way they interacted together clearly showed a level of intimacy that would be considered unusual between two couples. Also, the fact that the men were so comfortable patting the other guy's wife on the ass was a strong hint. When Patti or I would make a suggestive comment about their closeness, they laughed it off...but didn't deny it either!

That didn't matter to Patti nor myself. Once Patti got her nursing degree and began her career as on OR Nurse, we were invited to the house of one of the surgeons that worked at her OR. He and his wife invited us for a BBQ and a swim.

We brought our swimsuits, although neither of us had worn one in years. When we arrived, Dr. Steven Douglas and Mrs. Lisa Douglas were wearing nothing but aprons. Lisa's loose-fitting apron did nothing to hide her smallish breasts or nice little ass. All she had to do was reach upwards and her blonde pubes came into view. Steven's apron didn't cover his cock at all.

We were in heaven. We had made friends at a nude beach about two hours from us and were very comfortable being unclothed in their presence. How did this couple know that we'd be so accepting of their invitation to join them in the nude?

They had seen us at the nude beach once before but wasn't sure whether to walk over and join us. We never knew they were there. They decided they would have us over for a BBQ and a swim and we'd discover their nude tendencies. Although there was no sex that night, the playful talk and touching set the foundation for a long and out of the bedroom.

Although about 10 years older than us, they became good friends...very good friends. That was the only couple that Patti and I ever swapped with. It wasn't too often because of our varied work schedules, but a lot of fun when we could.

Patti also discovered some exhibitionist tendencies that she had. She became the master of giving down blouse peeks and semi-transparent blouses without a bra on. That excited her, and I was the beneficiary when we got home. She also got her thrills when we'd used the pools at the hotels on vacation.

She loved to wear the skimpiest bikini bottoms and let her thick mane of dark pussy hair creep out of the sides. She enjoyed it when she would see guys get into a position to get a better look. She also enjoyed bikini tops that became semi-transparent when wet. Her hard, dark nipples could be easily seen.

Married nearly 33 years, with a 29-year-old son that has followed in my footsteps as a history teacher. Still nudists, although only at our favorite beach and at home.

Dr. Douglas and Lisa moved to Texas 8 years ago. Our opportunities to swap are so very few now, but we find a way to get together at least once a year in Las Vegas. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. The sex is better than ever and the friendship stronger than ever.

I think it's safe to say that Patti is happy that she finally hooked up with that high school nerd. I'm not complaining, either. It's been a great life and we hope to have many more together as we look at retirement in the near future.

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