Penny's Promiscuity Ch. 08: Fornication


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When we returned home we found the house full; Tony's two kids had come round to see their oldest friends. We opened beer and wine, bought in pizza and Chinese food and had a wonderful few hours until it was clear that Pete and I needed to get some sleep.

We left the five of them arguing over Netflix exactly as they had argued over DVDs when they were younger.


Next morning was the last before I had to go back to work for a couple of days. Managers are expected to do their turn between Christmas and New Year but I would have volunteered anyway. Pete and I had finished breakfast and were planning which cinema to go to that afternoon when our daughter appeared bleary-eyed in the doorway.

In a few minutes of slurred, dozy conversation she told us that after Pete and I had gone to bed, the five kids

had made plans to go to an indoor ski slope that day as we had done when they were young. We their parents were not invited.

Our two families had discovered skiing together when the kids were young and they were all now very good. The attraction was powerful enough to get even our younger son out of bed before nine-thirty and a shortr while later their cars had slipped out of the driveway.

After the noise and hubbub of Christmas it felt eerily strange to be in a silent house but there was a lot to do after having had all those guests. After an hour or so things began to look as if some form of order had been restored and that Pete and I might actually get a bit an afternoon to relax together; maybe even see the movie we had talked about.

When I mentioned it, Pete looked less than enthusiastic; in fact he looked distinctly awkward.

"Don't you fancy a date with your wife?" I teased him, grinning.

"It's not that," he replied. "I'm happy for you to have a date but..."

"But what? So much for a romantic afternoon," I teased, not understanding what he meant. "This is a perfect opportunity for us."

"That's right. But it's also a perfect opportunity for you to... to make that bracelet a little heavier."

I looked at him in astonishment. At first I thought he was joking but Pete insisted he was sincere.

"His flat will be empty. The kids will be away for hours and..."


"And I've been thinking about little else for two days!" he confessed sheepishly. "Have I said something wrong?"

Seconds later I sent Tony an excited message. He replied promptly. A date was fixed for that very afternoon!

I could hardly believe it; another, unexpected date at almost no notice! It couldn't be a long one because we weren't sure when the kids would return but I guessed we would be safe if I left his place by four o'clock.

We agreed I would arrive at his flat around two o'clock, giving us two whole hours for... I was so excited my heart was pounding! My tummy was bubbling too. I couldn't face eating lunch; there was so little time to get ready. I spent a rushed half hour bathing, shaving my legs and doing my hair.

Choosing clothes proved to be a difficult decision. Obviously, the panties had to come from my Christmas collection from Pete, but which pair? And how should I dress for an assignation aimed purely at wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am sex rather than a romantic date?

In the end I decided to wear whatever made me feel sexy rather than what I thought Tony would prefer; whatever clothes I chose, I wouldn't be wearing them for long anyway so I opted for my sure fire 'fuck-me' heels and hold up stockings, both in black. Add to that a black thong, black bra and a short dark blue cocktail dress and I felt as sexy as a fifty-plus married mother of three could feel.

Pete watched me throughout this process with a look somewhere between amusement, uncertainty and anguish on his handsome face. As I sat at the mirror I could see him perched on the bed with a wistful look in his eye. I pretended not to have noticed and brushed my hair until I was as satisfied with the result as I could have been with so little time.

I looked at the clock; five minutes to go. A shiver of anticipation passed through me. Smiling I stood in front of my husband and twirled from side to side.

"Will I do?" I asked eagerly.

"You're gorgeous, Penn," he smiled back. "He won't know what hit him."

"You say all the right things," I grinned, genuinely pleased. , "You're really sure this is okay with you? You really want me to do this? It's not too late to cancel; I could make some excuse."

"Do you want to back out?"

I thought for a moment then shook my head. I couldn't lie.

"No. I really want this, Pete."

"Then think of it as an extra Christmas present from me to both of you."

I crossed to where he was sitting and perched on the bed next to him. I turned his face towards mine and kissed him on the lips. His fingers began to stroke my neck softly.

"I do love you," I said, meaning every word.

"I love you too, Penny," he replied. "And I'm proud of you."

I lowered my eyes, amazed at the incongruity of the situation. Here we were; two long-term married people professing their love and respect for one another before one of them took the other to be fucked by another man.

Most bizarrely of all, both of us were happy at the prospect.

My lowered eyes strayed to my handsome husband's crotch where a large and obvious bulge was growing. I stared at it, then at Pete then put my hand on his groin.

"I mustn't get messed up, I said softly. "And there's not much time but if you want..."

"Let's leave it for afterwards!" he smiled. "I'm saving myself."


It was just after two when Pete's Porsche pulled up outside Tony's apartment block. I was buzzing with excitement. Predictably for December it was pouring with rain so we sat in the car for a few moments while we both steeled ourselves for what was to come.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I eventually asked, breaking the silence.

My husband appeared to think carefully before answering. His body language was tense but his voice was strong.

"It was my idea, wasn't it? Besides, if it's what you need, it's what I want."

"What will you do while I'm...?"

"Getting fucked silly? I don't know yet but I can handle it. Enjoy yourself."

"I do love you," I told him for the second time in half an hour, no less honestly than before.

The rain was relentless. Pete got out of the car first and took a golf umbrella from the back before opening my door. He escorted me to the entry phone to keep us both dry. Tony must have been watching from an upstairs window because the door buzzed as soon as we arrived. I stepped into the foyer then turned to thank my thoughtful husband but he was already half way along the path back to the car and did not turn back.

Nervously I pressed the call button for the lift; the pressure inside me was building rapidly and as the cabin slowly rose, memories of my last visit only days ago surged into my mind. I could feel myself lubricating and my heart thumping.

Less than a minute later the door to the apartment opened and I stepped inside. Tony closed the door behind me and locked it securely. The excited pressure inside me grew stronger and stronger as he took my coat.

"What a lovely surprise," he began, smiling knowingly.

That smile made my knees go weak. My chest went tight and my face burned. Not noticing, Tony continued:

"I thought I was going to have a lonely afternoon watching the TV but..."

My lips cut him short as, without a word, I hurled myself forwards, raising my arms around his back and kissing him full on the mouth. The sheer lust that overtook first me and then Tony was almost frightening in its intensity. I kissed him with an energy and enthusiasm that I had seldom felt since I was a teenager, thrusting my tongue deep into his mouth, feeling his teeth and tongue all around it. I sucked on him, drawing his tongue deep into my mouth as fully as I intended to draw his cock into my... my cunt.

It took Tony a few seconds to understand what was happening but then he responded forcefully and in kind. Suddenly his hands were all over me, on my boobs, on my bottom, under the hem of my dress, inside my panties.

I felt the zipper at my back being deftly lowered; the dress being lifted up over my head and cast aside leaving me in my lingerie and heels. Then his hands were on my boobs again, fumbling with my bra. In a second it was gone and my tiny globes freed.

I felt his warm palms on my soft flesh and his knuckles closing on my hardening nipples, crushing them cruelly. It hurt like hell and I loved it.

My hands flew to his waist, unfastening first his belt then the clasp on his trousers. The zip slid smoothly down and my hand plunged deep into his underpants, seeking and finding the short, stubby but oh-so-thick erection that had been trapped within.

I gripped his shaft firmly, feeling its impressive girth in my fingers then almost before I knew it I was on my knees before him, my tiny boobs bared. I pulled open his waistband and drew both trousers and pants to his ankles before taking his fully erect cock in my hand.

The next moment it was in my mouth, huge and strong, my tongue inexpertly playing with his smooth tip and ridge while my free hand cupped the sack between his thighs. He tasted faintly of soap; had obviously just showered to be clean and fresh for me.

A thrill surged through me as I toyed with his balls in their tightening sack, pumping my head back and forward as if fucking his cock with my mouth. I felt his fingers in my hair, pulling me a little further forward each time until his cock hit the back of my throat and I gagged rather unattractively.

"Sorry, sorry..." he began.

I didn't care; seconds later I had recovered and resumed my assault. Tony must have felt too close to climax because the next thing I knew, his fingers were under my chin, lifting my head from his cock and tilting it up towards his handsome face. His erection slipped from my lips as I rose to my feet, still dressed only in my stockings, heels and panties. I stared him in the face, my lips already numb from our long kissing and all they had done to his thick cock.

"No romance this time. Just fuck me Tony! Just fuck me!"

The words were coarse but time was short. I didn't want to be seduced; I didn't want to be romanced. I wanted my lover to fuck me hard, fast and thoroughly.

Tony got the message, pushing me roughly towards the sofa until the back of my knees touched its edge. My legs bent automatically and I sat abruptly down on the cushion. He pushed me back further still until I was lying on the seat then raised my legs above my head, grabbed my panties and literally tore them from my body.

I squealed in pain as the waistband parted and the tiny scrap of ruined material was thrown far across the room. My vulva now fully exposed, Tony dragged me from the sofa to the rug where he rolled me onto on all fours. In a trice he was on his knees behind me, his hands holding my bottom firmly.

"You want to be fucked, Penny?"

"God yes!"

"You to be fucked like this? Like the animal you are!"

"Oh God!"

I felt the heat of his body against the back of my thighs, pressing against my buttocks. I felt his knees parting my legs forcefully; I felt something rubbing against my slit.

"Yes! Please! Please!"

Tony thrust his thick, ugly cock into my vagina from behind, without subtlety, without love, without any thought for my comfort, forcing himself as deep into my body as his short cock would go until I felt his balls slap against my clitoris and upper thighs. Despite my arousal, I wasn't quite ready; I wasn't properly prepared for the size and brutality of his violent penetration.

But it was exactly what I needed!


I yelped with a mix of shock and pain which quickly melted into a feeling of incredible fullness.

"Like it rough, Mrs...?" Tony growled my married name.

"Oh yes! Oh yes!" I gasped as he twisted his hips left and right, moving his cock inside me.

"Think you can you take it, Penny! Think you can you take it all?"

I knew I could take it! The way I felt I could take all Tony could give and more!

"Where are you going to put it, Mister...?" I replied angrily, using his surname as he had used mine and feeling my lubrication working overtime.

"In your pu..."

"Where?" I snapped before he could use that terrible American word.

"In your cunt!"

"That's right Mister...; in my cunt! In my hot, cheating CUNT!"

It was short, it was violent; it was wonderfully painful but Tony really delivered the goods, thrusting into my eager, begging body from behind over and over again. I'm not sure when or even whether I came but the sensations were overwhelming; raw, crude and animal in intensity.

My arms gave way soon after his thrusting began. My face fell to the floor leaving my bottom stuck obscenely high in the air. His hands were on my hips, pulling me hard onto his cock with every thrust. I felt helpless, desired and violated all at once, my body yielding completely to everything this amazing man wanted to do.

Taken from behind, his cock felt so, so different; twisting my insides, pulling my entrance in different directions, grinding his pubic hair in new and exciting places. Tony slapped my buttocks hard with his palm once, twice, three times as he plunged into me, thrusting his stubby cock harder and faster until his own climax rushed in on him faster than either of us expected.

"Oh yes! Oh God YESSSS!"

Tony's voice was hoarse as his orgasm hit and he began to ejaculate inside me. As his cock throbbed in my pulsing vagina I felt his fingernails digging hard into the flesh of my hips as he drove himself violently and uncontrollably into me.

My mind span, picturing rope after rope of warm, pale semen spurting from his smooth head and spreading over the entrance to my still-fertile womb as we both shook and trembled and our first copulation of the day came to a hot, sweaty, messy end.

For a long time re remained locked together panting for breath, our first passion spent; me face down on the floor, Tony lying on my back, crushing me as his cock softened and slipped out.

The whole fabulous fuck had lasted less than ten minutes.

Afterwards, we lay nestled into each other on the sofa watching the inevitable 'Sound of Music' on TV with Tony's flaccid penis pressed against my bare buttocks. I had kicked off my heels and pulled on one of Tony's old rugby shirts but was still wearing the hold-up stockings that seemed to arouse him so much. From time to time I wiggled my bottom to see whether any life had returned to his much-desired cock but it was too soon.

"If I was twenty years younger I'd be hard again already," he sighed, disappointment in his voice as he stroked my left boob.

"If we were twenty years younger we would both have demanding young kids and be too exhausted," I reassured him, squeezing the fingers on his hand as they toyed with my nipple. "Let's just enjoy what we have today."

It sounded mature and reassuring but inside, I badly wanted that thick, ugly cock inside me a second time. In sharp contrast to the lust of our first mating - possibly because the violence had taken us both by surprise - we cuddled close and lovingly in the warmth of the room for a long time. I could feel his lips brushing against the back of my neck or my shoulders and a tingle ran through me.

"I don't want you to go home today," Tony murmured.

"Neither do I," I sighed. "But I have to."

"I want to spend the night with you; the whole day too. I want to wake up with you, Mrs..." He used my married name again; it made me tingle once more as a warning bell began to sound dimly inside my head.

It would be so easy to fall in love with this man. It would be so easy to agree; to spend the night with him; to wake up with him as he wanted to wake up with me. He hadn't treated me with the love, care, sensitivity and respect that Pete did but I didn't want that from a lover. Tony had fucked me hard and roughly, forcing himself upon me in any way he wanted. It was exactly what I had wanted and needed.

The contrast between the passion and brutality of his fucking and the sensitivity - perhaps even adoration with which he was treating me now was hard to reconcile and getting harder to resist.

The danger to my marriage was clear and present.

Fortunately resistance wasn't the only thing that was getting harder. As the von Trapp family sang their hearts out on the TV, I felt the pressure on the back of my thighs that I had desired so much. I wriggled my bottom against Tony's groin and to my delight, felt the small hard pressure of his firming erection grow stronger. I wriggled again and heard Tony sigh contentedly.

"That's better," I whispered.

"All things come to those who wait," he chuckled in return.

I had expected him to roll me onto my back prior to mounting me again. My heart thumped in anticipation but instead, Tony slipped his fingers under my left knee and raised my leg a little. His rapidly hardening cock slipped between my upper thighs to lie against my rather open slit. Apparently content with this position, he lowered my leg, trapping his erection tightly against my vulva.

"That's so good; so tight," he murmured, planting a kiss on the back of my neck.

I felt him fidgeting; there was a little jiggling against my slit then he began to move forwards and backwards, sawing the top of his shaft all along my recently-used and sensitive slit. At first it felt dry and uncomfortable but as his fingers found my nipple and kisses began to rain across my shoulders I found myself lubricating very satisfactorily.

"So much tighter..."

I pressed my thighs harder together to provide the grip that, after giving birth to three children my vagina could no longer deliver and was pleased hear a sigh of delight from behind my head. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the growing glow between my thighs as Tony's thick cock was dragged back and forth across my inner lips and clitoris.

It felt good - very good but I needed more.

Raising my left leg again, I reached down and took his shaft in my hand. Once again I was amazed by its girth and bit my lower lip as I directed its smooth tip towards my eager opening from behind.

At first, the angles were all wrong but with a little more wriggling and giggling, I manoeuvred my opening onto the tip of his cock and waited expectantly. There was a pause just long enough for him to draw breath, then I felt his body tense, his leg muscles flex and...

"Oh my God!"

Tony's huge, swollen head burst into my body, plunging maybe half his short length in a single powerful thrust. I squealed as I felt it invade me, our position uncomfortable but bringing new and extraordinary sensations throughout my whole vulva.

If I had thought he was thick before, this angle felt made him feel much thicker, stretching me painfully - but what an amazing pain!

"Are you ok?" he whispered in my ear.

"Mmm! Mmm!" was all I could reply as with a second thrust of his hips, he drove his cock into me as deep as the angle of my buttocks would allow.

"Oh! That's good," I heard him sigh again as for a moment our bodies adjusted.

And then he began to fuck me, on my side, from behind. His cock wasn't long but he made up for this with the speed and frequency of his thrusts. My husband's cock is long and thin; his thrusts are long, slow and deep. Tony's shorter, thicker erection needed faster, more energetic thrusts and I have to say once again he did not disappoint.

Within a minute, my body was trembling as his thick head rasped across my g-spot, the rear-entry angle nearly perfect. He thrust harder into me, his lower belly slapping against my buttocks, the pat-pat-pat muffled by the sofa's cushions.

Seconds later I began to shake violently as a powerful tremor washed over me. Tony's pace didn't falter; instead he thrust relentlessly until another wave broke over me and I twisted on the couch until my face was buried in the cushions. Tony's body followed mine, his cock still within my vagina until his weight was on my back, thrusting vertically downwards into my shaking body.