Penny's Promiscuity Ch. 09: New Year


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The single finger was working its way into my rectum as his tongue worked its way into my vagina. I was being invaded in two places at once. The feeling was amazing but disturbing at the same time. Something deep within me wasn't ready for whatever Tony had in mind but I was too confused either to object or comply.

Fortunately I needed to do neither. Tony had clearly decided that enough foreplay was enough because the next thing I knew, both my vulva and anus had been abandoned and he was mounting me quickly and efficiently.

Tony's tall, slim body rose over mine, casting a shadow over my eager, anxious body. His broad chest blocked out the light, his strong arms either side of my shoulders held me helpless beneath him as his hips descended and his erect cock brushed against my belly.

I lowered my hand between my thighs, grabbing his thick shaft, directing its smooth, rounded head towards my entrance. I felt my inner lips being parted and Tony's head beginning to enter the dark cavern beyond.

But then he paused.

"You want me fuck you Mrs Barker?" he growled.

"Yes! Yes! YESSSS!" I wailed; this teasing was cruel.

"Tell me! Tell me how badly you want it!"

"Badly! Really badly! Oh Christ I need your cock!" I croaked.

This was no act; I really did crave this stubby cock inside me again.

"Where do you need it Mrs Barker? Tell me!"

"In my cunt! I need it in my cunt!"

"In your what?" he hissed.

"In my pussy! My shaved married pussy!"

Just saying those words sent a shiver of excitement through me. My legs opened instinctively wider and my hands flew to his well-toned shoulders.

Tony thrust his cock into my capacious vagina with a lustful force that shocked me, driving his short, stubby but wonderfully thick shaft past any and all resistance my slit and inner labia dared to offer.

"Christ!" I exclaimed as my entrance was stretched brutally wide, brutally quickly.

"You said we had to hurry," he grunted, withdrawing an inch or two,

"I know but... Jesus!"

I half yelled in shock as he forced himself hard into me again, driving himself home until his pubic hair rasped against the place mine used to be. His shaft was thick but its base was even thicker, stretching my over-sized entrance to its limit.

"Is that better?" he asked with a wicked leer, knowing what his cock must be doing to my body.

In an instant I remembered why I loved being fucked by this man. I felt tight again, young again, sexy again, as if my three kids hadn't passed through that part of my body, destroying my youthful elasticity on their way.

"Stop congratulating yourself and fuck me!" I told him with an equally lustful smile.

And that's what he did! There was no time for subtlety; no time for love or romance and yet even now it remains one of my most memorable fucks. There, in Tony's friends' borrowed room, surrounded by their open suitcases and half hung clothes, on my back on their rumpled bed with my dress crudely shoved high under my armpits, my lover fucked the living daylights out of me.

Dimly concerned about the neighbours in the rooms next door, I tried hard not to scream as the orgasms began, weakly at first then building rapidly. But it was no use. I bit my lower lip, then my fingers and finally the edge of the pillow but no amount of material could fully stifle the wild, feral sounds that escaped my mouth.

The breeding frenzy hit about half way though, opening my thighs impossibly wide, my hands on his buttocks pulling hard, finger nails digging into his flesh as if trying to draw my lover bodily into my womb. My head thrashed from side to side, my body convulsing under his, my vagina in spasm, clamping over and over again onto the thick shaft on which I was physically and emotionally impaled.

Tony had seen the beast within me before, but not as wild and uncontrolled as it was that night. Time and again I cursed him for not fucking me hard enough; begging him to go deeper and faster to take me to even greater heights of climax. As his thrusts grew wilder and more frantic, I heard my own voice calling out in wild crazy gasps, begging him to cum inside me; to fill my married cunt with his seed and make a baby in me.

God knows what was going through Tony's mind as I thrashed beneath him, pinioned by his arms and impaled on his cock. I could hardly have seemed human; just a crazed creature crying out to be inseminated; impregnated. I bit his arm alongside my shoulders, I scratched his biceps and his chest; I raised my head from the sheets and sank my teeth into his lower neck like a vampire.

Then it all became too much for him; Tony's climax arrived and he began to cum inside me. The wonderful, earth-mother sensation of a man's erect penis throbbing inside me, ropes of pale sticky semen spurting from the tiny lips on its smooth rounded tip and smearing over my cervix brought a feeling of deep fulfilment that surpassed even the height of my orgasms.

The calm and serenity slowly began to return.

Tony's cock pulsed in my vagina for a long time, its walls clenching on the invading shaft over and over as if milking it of every last drop of fluid; every last wriggling sperm - though of course there were none.

When the last pulse had faded and his cock began to soften, Tony lowered his heavy body onto mine, crushing my tiny boobs and pressing me into the mattress.

"Jesus Penny," he gasped, panting loudly. "Where the Hell did that come from?"

I had no idea. Maybe it was New Year, maybe it was my near-exhibitionist dress; maybe it was my newly-shaven pussy; maybe it was a combination of all three of these. Whatever it was, I had reached a new level of wantonness that was frightening.

Certainly it had shocked the man who had delivered it.

I looked up into Tony's baffled face. His eyes were soft and dreamy, partly through alcohol but mostly through lust. My own must look the same. I could see the 'hickey' beginning to form on his neck and wondered whether the same thing was appearing on mine too.

"Hold me," I whispered. "Please."

I felt the bed rock as he rolled off me, pulling his flaccid cock from my pink-framed slit then his arms wrapped tightly around.

"I love you, Penny," he whispered over and over into my hair.

For a long time I let him hold me, feeling the strength of his body around mine, the reassurance of his love washing over me. I could feel tears beginning to run down my cheeks as I realised I how much I felt the same; how much I needed this man in my life.

"What time is it?" he eventually asked.

"Five to one," I replied, looking at the clock on the bedside table and sighing. "Pete will be waiting."

"I wish you didn't have to go," Tony was upset. "I wish you could stay. I wish we could wake up together in the morning."

It was what I wished too. Tired, tipsy and copiously inseminated, all I wanted to do was sleep in the arms of the man whose semen was even then being absorbed into my body.

But I couldn't. However I felt, I had to keep my agreement with my husband. Sighing again, I lifted my legs over the side of the bed and rose to my feet.

"Your friends will be back soon anyway," I said flatly.

"That's true," Tony reluctantly agreed. "I'd better get dressed too I suppose."

As he began to pull on his shorts and trousers, I scoured the floor for my missing tights, panties and shoes. Having been unceremoniously shoved under my armpits throughout the whole half hour's fucking my dress was very badly crumpled.

Finding my missing garments, I began to dress myself as best I could. Predictably, the tights were fit only for the bin. The knickers weren't much better but with a dress as short as mine, I couldn't go back into the hotel's lobby with a bare bottom and vulva.

I pulled them as high as I could, tying a knot in the over-stretched elastic and saying a small prayer to the patron saint of adulterers.

"Can we meet soon?" Tony asked when we finally broke from our goodnight embrace.

"I'm not sure. Pete's been good so far; I don't want to push my luck too far."

"Then don't tell him," Tony replied. "I'll meet you anywhere at any time. Just use your phone and let me know. Pete need never know."

Something inside me told me this was wrong; that a line was about to be crossed but I didn't listen to that voice; the roar of lust from my body simply drowned it out.

"Give me a couple of days," I said, kissing him once again. "I can't go much longer than that without your cock!"

We kissed slowly and lingeringly, the distinctive taste of a man immediately after ejaculation filling my mouth.

"Wait five minutes before you leave. We can't be seen together now," I said softly.

"Goodnight Mrs Barker," he said as I passed close in front of him. "I love you! And your new pussy!"

With a broad smile on my face I closed the door as quietly as I could and padded along the corridor towards the hotel's bar.

My legs were bare and the cooling evening air was working its way under the hem of my far-too-short dress and wafting around my damp vulva; a vulva from which my own juices and Tony's semen were beginning to ooze freely, my shredded knickers offering no resistance.

I could feel the cold dampness on my most private parts, bringing a chill to my inner thighs. Convinced that my near-naked vulva must be visible to anyone who passed by me, I held the hem of my dress as low as I could, trying hopelessly not to attract attention.

A hard core of drinkers was still gathered around a table in the bar as I turned the corner. I hesitated; two men were sitting on stools at the raised bar. They were both quite drunk; I saw that one of them was Pete who rose to meet me as I nervously approached.

He had already retrieved our coats and to my considerable relief, slipped mine around my shoulders before anyone in the bar could see the exposed base of my buttocks or the trickles of goo that were running down my inner thighs.

"How are you?" he smiled as I took his arm. We walked rather unsteadily to the hotel's front door where our taxi was waiting. "Did it go... well?"

"It went very well," I smiled, my eyes still dreamy from alcohol and orgasms. "Thank you so much, Pete."

"It was my pleasure, Penn," he smiled, holding my hand tightly and reassuringly. "And will be again when we get home."


In fact Pete had to wait for his cuckold's reward. When we arrived home in the small hours of the morning I was far too tired to enjoy sex and after spending so long in the bar waiting for me, Pete had drunk too much to put up much of a protest.

Whatever the reason, he didn't press his post-date rights on me for which I was thankful. After Tony's cock had done its impressive work on my vagina, I didn't want any half-baked attempts by my husband to cause any more damage to my increasingly sore vulva.

We undressed and got into bed. Pete went to sleep straight away. As a result he didn't get to see the new hairless me that night. This was a relief too; I didn't want to have to explain my newly-shaved 'pussy' when I was tired and tipsy and besides, the rubbing of my knickers followed by the grinding of Tony's wiry pubic hair against my newly-exposed and highly sensitive skin had brought me out in a rash.

I was pink, sore and prickly down there all the next day. No amount of moisturiser would help.

Fortunately when he did see my hairless vulva the following morning, Pete was over the moon with excitement. It seems he had wanted me to 'go bare' down there for years - decades even but had been too afraid to mention it. He said he wished I'd let him watch me shave it.

I was baffled. My husband was happy enough to ask me to have sex with other men, but too embarrassed to tell me he would like me to shave off my pubic hair?

Men are very strange sometimes!

Before dropping into the arms of Morpheus, I ran over the events of the evening in my mind. I had escaped the potential disaster of my husband and lover being in the same room at the same time after copious amounts of alcohol. I had enjoyed an entirely unexpected and extremely pleasurable New Year fuck in someone else's hotel room; passionate enough for the breeding frenzy to strike again.

In retrospect, my choice of dress had been a mistake; something that short was too risky for anything other than a hot date. On the other hand, it had certainly felt dangerous and exciting to spend an evening so close to making the world a gynaecologist. I still couldn't be sure my most private parts hadn't been visible to strangers as I passed them.

Maybe that was something I should explore in future.


I sat back in my chair and clicked on 'save', satisfied. The whole New Year's Eve story had been recorded on disk in a single session, without being interrupted either by my husband, my children or by the phone.

To my surprise, the two week perspective had sharpened rather than diminished my memories of the evening's events. Re-living the amazing fucking I had received from Tony had brought back vivid images that sent a thrill though me. As a result, I was feeling very warm and highly aroused.

The memories of my 'walk of shame' from the room in which I had just been comprehensively fucked to the bar where my husband was waiting were especially vivid. The coolness of fresh air around my wet, semi-exposed vulva and inner thighs had been a massive turn-on though at the time my principal emotion had been fear.

Perhaps the danger of exhibitionism was something to add to our lovemaking in future. A thrill passed through me at the idea. I would have to talk to Tony about that very soon.

The fact that I wanted to talk to Tony about this rather than my husband should have warned me that things had already started to go awry. But it didn't; instead I could think only of the sexy fun that might result from bringing a new 'kink' into my new sex life and I longed to tell my lover all about it.

Thinking about Tony reminded me of my secret mobile phone. The ringer was permanently switched off so I had to dig it out of my handbag to see if he had sent me any messages while I had been hard at work. My heart missed a beat when the screen burst into life and I saw a short series of white text on the dark background.

Listening hard to make sure Pete wasn't about to walk in on me, I typed in the pass code and the phone sprang into life.

For the next half hour Tony and I exchanged hardcore sex messages focussed mainly on his plans for me on our next date. I could barely believe the language he and now used routinely with each other and the explicit way in which we described all we wanted to do to each other.

By the time my husband had woken, gone to the bathroom and descended the stairs, there was a large damp patch on my chair which I quickly covered with a pile of ironing.

When I heard Pete's footsteps in the hallway and replaced the secret phone guiltily back in my handbag, I had no idea just how close my marriage was to come to ending or just how quickly that danger might come about.

And I had no idea just how extraordinary a man my husband truly was.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
StubbyoneStubbyoneabout 1 year ago

I have no idea ho you do it, but your chapters get better and better. The anxiety that Penn experiences is palpable. The emotions that they both feel are felt by your readers. Well done. 5-😊😊😊😊😊’s again, easily.

Ridiculous69Ridiculous69over 1 year ago

Seems to be a pattern with all authors named Jenny. Each of their stories glorify and sell the Hot Wife (whore) stultify while at the same time always making hubby a pathetic and sickening cuck. They truly must be narcissists and hate real marriages and/or normal guys as husbands. Sluts and cucks.

maddictmaddictover 3 years ago

Is it me or is Penny's attitude changing

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 4 years ago
I'm loving this story, but...

I'm not liking the person that Penny is becoming. Losing sight of her commitment to her husband. Letting Tony get away with trying to corrupt her relationship with her husband. She should have shut him down a long time ago when he said he loved her. She promised Pete it was only sex. BAD! BAD! BAD! A 5 Star Rating and a Favorite.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Reality strikes

What I love about this author is her refusal to avoid the awkward situations that being a hotwife entail. There is always the risk that you will crave your lover's cock more than your cuckold's inadequate equipment. In other, less well written stories, the hotwife sails through life without a care in the world, and everything is hunky dory. Those of us who have been in the lifestyle know that the reality is so different to mass produced cuckold porn.

An excellent addition to this very enjoyable story. Keep it up, Ms Gently - I'm sure both your lover and your cuckold will also "keep it up"! 5 stars.

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