Penny's Promiscuity Ch. 35-36


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Two, three, four waves of orgasm washed through my pregnant frame before Pete finally decided I had endured or enjoyed enough his finger fucking slowed to a halt.

There was a pause while we both took stock of what had just happened. Though his thrusting had stopped, at least two of Pete's fingers were still inside me as I lay panting and staring up at him adoringly.

"No more," I begged. "Fuck me if you want but please, no more orgasms!"

My body was still shaking as Pete's hand left my vagina, leaving it feeling battered and empty. With me incapable of movement, he wriggled up the bed until his erection was above my red raw vulva.

He smiled down at me, struggling to get the angle right over my swollen belly, then with some considerable care, slipped his erect cock into my soaking wet, badly stretched vagina.

I barely felt it enter. So numbed was I by his fingers and by the many climaxes he had inflicted on me, my vagina barely registered Pete's cock on its way into its depths. It wasn't until his pubic hair ground against my sore outer lips that I felt anything significant, and that was painful enough to make me wince.

"Sorry," Pete smiled wryly. "I've roughed you up a bit."

"It's okay," I sighed, my head still spinning. "But you'd better finish off soon."

"Your wish is my command, Hot Wife Penny," he grinned. "But it might get worse before it gets better."

Good to his word, Pete's thrusts began slowly and smoothly but, with my vagina loose around his shaft, the sensations were clearly not enough to bring him release. He began to thrust harder, moving his hips to change the angle and try to rub against my entrance in the hope of finding resistance.

I clamped down on his as hard as my baby-laden pelvic flor would allow, with some success; Pete began to moan and grunt as his own arousal rose.

But it was still not enough. With a sigh of resignation, I knew there was only one option. I felt too tired to do it properly but leaving my husband unsatisfied would not have been fair.

Pushing Pete away until his cock slipped from my vagina, I rolled uncomfortably onto my front, my upper body proposed on two pillows to protect my baby, my bottom stuck up into the air.

It took my husband moment to realise what I intended but when he did understand, a note of delight entered his voice.

"Are you sure Penn?"

"You need it," I replied without real enthusiasm.

"But it might hurt..." he began.

"Just get on with it before I change my mind."

Pete needed no second bidding. Using his sticky, smelly fingers, he wiped a goodly amount of lubricating juices from around my vulva and spread them over my puckered anus. I shivered as his fingers touched the tightly closed sphincter.

There was a shuffling behind me then strong hands spread my skinny legs almost painfully wide. I could feel the heat of Pete's body behind mine then a single finger being rubbed along the crack between my buttocks.

I shuddered in expectation, partly of pain, partly of pleasure.

Then the single finger was pushed through my sphincter and into my rectum. It was uncomfortable but not painful. Nonetheless, my body instinctively tried to expel the invader, pushing at it as if trying to move my bowels. Expecting this, Pete held his hand firm, pressing deeper into me, twisting his finger from left to right as he had twisted his hand in my vagina and thrusting it in and out.

I could feel the urge to push reducing but the finger still felt huge.

A short while later Pete withdrew his finger from my rectum and mounted me from behind. I could feel the heat of his body against my back and thighs as he forced my legs so wide apart that my hips hurt. Then I felt the head of his cock being pressed against my anus, resting there a moment, then being thrust hard against the muscular ring of my sphincter.

It hurt! I sank my teeth into the white cotton beneath me. Despite the slenderness of Pete's cock, the shortage of lubrication was obvious.

"Are you okay?" Pete asked.

"Just do it Pete," I mumbled into the pillow.

Pete drew back a little. I felt his finger dipping into my vagina once again then running over, around an inside my anus. This time it entered more smoothly and the pain was less.

I could feel his round cockhead resting in the cleft between my buttocks as his finger probed deeper and deeper into my rectum. Then, without warning, Pete pulled his finger out and before my sphincter could close, thrust the head of his cock through.


I gasped as I felt him enter me, my bottom closing as tightly around his shaft as it could. It felt huge and alien as before. My body tried instinctively to expel the invading phallus, but Pete held himself steady, gripping my hips hard until the spasm had passed.

"Jesus! You're tight tonight, Penn!" he hissed.

Panting from the shock, I said nothing but tried hard to relax, hoping my anus would relax too. After a few moments deep breathing, Pete must have felt the tightness around his cock lessen because very slowly and gingerly, he began to rock back and forth inside me.

It felt strange, but not unpleasant. I began to relax more and soon felt Pete's movements growing stronger and more forceful.

"That's better," he hissed with satisfaction, his thrusts now deeper and finding a slow rhythm.

It felt better too. Though still inexperienced, I was no longer a complete stranger to anal sex, my final virginity having been taken by Adam, the male half of the escort couple we had met with in Manchester earlier in the year.

Adam had been an expert, taking me so carefully that I had actually enjoyed my anal defloration and had even derived some pleasure from the few and rather less expert sessions that had taken place with Pete since then.

In fact, the stirrings in my lower belly and the base of my slit suggested I was going to get more than a little pleasure - of rather brutal in nature - from this penetration too.

'Slup! Slup! Slup! Slup!'

Pete's strokes were now strong, regular and getting deeper. I could feel my body opening up for him, the tightness in my anus fading fast.

'Slup! Slup! Slup! Slup!'

The sound of my rectum being fucked wasn't pretty, lacking the wetness that goes with a full-on vaginal hammering but its crude, feral nature made my chest tighten and my baby-filled belly rumble with butterflies.

'Slup! Slup! Slup! Slup!'

Pete's pace was increasing quickly. Even with my limited experience I knew that the unfamiliar grip around his shaft coupled with minimum lubrication was likely to bring my husband to climax much faster than my over-sized vagina.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" Pete began to grunt as he thrust himself forcefully in and out of my rectum.

Now fully yielded, it offered little or no resistance to his repeated penetrations; the pain was trivial, the pleasure building quickly. Anal sex isn't for every woman, but for me it was like discovering sex for the first time all over again.

'Slup! Slup! Slup! Slup!'

If anyone had told me a year before that in only a few months' time I would be on my knees, face down on the bed, a baby in my belly while my husband fucked me in the arse, I would have thought them crazy. And yet there I was, not only doing all those things, but getting physical and emotional pleasure from them too.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

I could feel Pete's shaft as it passed through my dilated sphincter, stimulating what felt like every one of the nerves that ended on or around that now-fully-dilated circle of muscle. My rectum open wide, Pete's thrusts were now completely unresisted, his hips and upper thighs colliding with the underside of my buttocks every time he bottomed out inside me, the paper thin membrane separating my vagina from my rectum feeling the brunt of his assault too.

The strong, newly discovered pleasure mounted and mounted. I rasied my face from the pillow and waile into the half darkness

"Oooowwww! Oh God! Oh God!"


Pete's thrust were reaching the short, sharp stage which promised an imminent ejaculation. Suddenly I knew what I wanted.

"Spank me!" I pleaded.


"Spank me! Fucking spank me!"

My voice was loud and angry. In all my life I had never either wanted or asked to be spanked in mid-fuck but right there and then, it was all I wanted in the world.

"Christ Pete! Spank me now!"


Pete's right hand fell onto my right buttock. I barely felt it.

"Harder! Harder!" I croaked.



Oh God! It felt amazing. The sharp slapping sound followed by the sting right across my right buttock made both my vagina and anus tighten sharply.

"Jeez!" Pete exclaimed as my anus gripped his cock hard.

"Again!" I begged. "Harder!"


Pete's hand fell first on my right buttock again then on my left. The pain was exquisite; no wonder Izzy loved being spanked during sex. Why hadn't I thought of this years ago?



It wasn't a full anal orgasm that hit me as Pete began to ejaculate in my rectum, but the intensity of pleasure wasn't far off. As my husband's body went into spasm, his cock began to throb and pulse and ropes of sperm-free semen began to spurt into the darkness of my colon, my entire body was wracked with waves of uncontrollable sensation.

Part pain, part pleasure, part pain again, my entire being was completely engulfed and my mind sent into a tailspin. I fell forward onto the bed, crushing my baby bump into the mattress. Pete following me, his cock still embedded in my body, falling as I fell until he was lying full length on my back.

The motion pulled his cock unceremoniously from me, making me yelp with a combination of pain, surprise and disappointment at being abandoned. The sudden noise shocked us both, bringing our copulation to an abrupt end.

Pete rolled quickly off my back and lay alongside me. Still face down, exhausted, with my bottom gaping and already feeling empty inside, speech was beyond me.

"Wow! Jesus Penn; that was amazing!"

Pete's face was alight with joy as he looked across at me, his chest heaving as he panted for breath.

"You were amazing You ARE amazing!" he added, seeing that for the moment at least, nothing comprehensible was going to come from me.

We lay silently side by side for a long time, recovering our breath, smiling and giggling at what we had just done. Two fifty-something, responsible adults having just behaved like lust-driven teens.

"Are you okay?" Pete eventually asked softly. "I hope I didn't hurt you."

"You didn't," I assured him, my voice still unstable. "It was nice."

"All of it?"

"All of it," I assured him.

There was a long pause.

"Why the spanking?" Pete asked quietly. "I mean, it was great fun, but you've never asked me to do that before."

"I..." I began but of course couldn't possibly let my husband know that the idea had come from watching his daughter being fucked by her ex-boyfriend on video.

"It just seemed a good idea at the time," I replied, silently praying Pete wouldn't press me for any more details. "Where did you learn to do that?" I asked quickly to try and prevent him doing so.

Pete thought for a moment.

"Partly watching you in Manchester," he relied. "And Julie's a good teacher so..."

I didn't want to think of my husband fucking my best friend's rectum, so I interrupted before he could go into any disturbing details.

"I meant the fingering. You've never made me do that before."

Pete seemed a little unconfutable; embarrassed. Though after all he had just done to me, God alone knew why.

"I... I saw it online. Actually, I watched a video about it. How to do it, sort of thing."

"You were watching porn online?" I asked, surprised.

Pete seemed to read this as criticism though with my record, that would have been extraordinary hypocrisy.

"Not porn exactly," Pete insisted. "Well, it was on a porn site, but it was more like an instructional video."

"It showed you how to make me squirt?"

"It showed a man making a woman squirt and explaining what he was doing. It looked amazing Penn. The woman looked... well, like you did. Shocked but really happy."

I was certainly both of those, though my anus would be sore in the morning.

"And you thought I would like to feel it too?"

"You've been getting harder and harder to satisfy these days," Pete said resignedly. "I never was that good at making you cum, so I thought I'd better learn some new techniques before..."


There was a long pause.

"Before you found someone else who can. Again."

"You're feeling that insecure?" I asked.

"Sometimes," he replied. "I mean we all know my cock is too small for your cunt and you're carrying another man's baby now so..."

"Pete, I..."

"I know Penn. And I'm not going back on any of it. I'm happy to raise your baby as if he or she was mine. I'm even happy for you to go on seeing other men eventually."

"But I haven't..."

"I know Penny; in some ways that's the worst part. However insecure I might feel now, a large part of me is pleased you had the affair. Part of me loves the fact that you've been knocked up by a good-looking young man. The truth is, I still love thinking of you being fucked by other men with bigger cocks who can make you cum in a way I can't. I still want you to cheat on me again and I definitely want to watch you doing it."

This was an unusual outburst for my husband both in length and subject. I could do nothing but listen intently to his words.

"So, what do we do?" I asked. "I'm fifty-one, about to become a Grandmother and I'm up the duff. I can't see a queue of young men waiting to provide you with a floorshow."

"I suppose there's nothing else for it," he sighed, a twinkle in his eye. "Either we call Darren to come and meet his baby and give you a repeat performance or..."

At that moment, the thought of having my baby's gorgeous father with his olive-gild skin fuck me as comprehensively as he had the first time, had more than a little appeal. But I knew Pete was joking so I played the game.

"Or...?" I asked archly.

"Or we need another trip to Manchester!"

"Pete!" I exclaimed, amazed. "Are you serious?"

"I'm deadly serious," he replied. "It was the most erotic experience of my entire life. Why wouldn't I want to do it again?"

"You really ARE serious!" I gasped.

"Too right I am," he said, looking me in the eye. "And we'd better make it soon before either you die of sexual frustration or I have a heart attack, Penny Barker."

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tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
WOW! Another great chapter

Penny just gets more wonton with each chapter, and Pete revels in it. I will say it again, aside from a few bumps in the road this couple is having the time of their lives. A 5 Star Rating and a Favorite.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
That's better!

Thank goodness Ms Gently is back doing what she does best. Writing about her own kinky needs and those of her cuckold. If you ever read these comments, Ms Gently, please consider experiencing fisting. Like you, my cunt isn't as tight as it once was (not through childbirth, I might add. Probably too many huge dildos!) but when I was first fisted I squirted for the first time in my life. I'm sure you will love the sensations (and the results) of having your cuckold's arm elbow deep in you! 5 stars for this chapter (1 for every finger of your cuckold's hand!)

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 4 years ago

Love everything about this story except for the comments of those that think everyone needs to lead the same sheltered repressed lives that they lead. Different folks, different strokes works for me. I'm not perfect and don't expect others to be. Another fiver for Jenny.

tennesseeredtennesseeredalmost 5 years ago
First rate drama with a side of sex!

How do she do it? JG keeps this story ticking and I keep on clicking. Never a dull moment!

InsigniaInsigniaalmost 5 years ago
In for a Penny

In for a pounding. JG does a great job of creating multiple possible directions. Julie could ask Penny to instruct her neophyte son? The secret videos could be exposed. Adam and Eve could assist Izzy. The boys from the gym could take a turn. 2 chapters in a row with no cheating. The horror. This is a strange tale that keeps me clicking. Than you.

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