Pierced Together


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Michael and Jana stared at each other. They were both struggling to make sense of what was happening to them. They also struggled to prevent their bodies from responding to the nearness of coitus. Such intense frustration and being so very close crushed their spirits like nothing else.

Eventually the twitching and aborted thrusts subsided. Their eyes spoke volumes through the slight openings in the masks. The message was one of mutual restraint, for now.

The posts which held them in place slowly lowered, and Michael and Jana found they could move. Michael's hands immediately went to his penis and Jana's to her pussy. As their hands touched their respective sexes a painful jolt hit them. The pain emanated from a fine metal band at the bottom of their masks.

The pain caused them to pull back suddenly, causing a new pain from their sex organs as the piercings tugged to keep them together. They overcompensated and pulled together, which caused another wave of pain, although compared to the jolt on their collars the tug on their new piercings was not bearable.

Michael slowly started reaching for his penis again. Jana shook her head desperately, she tried to plead with him not to do it, but the gag in her mouth prevented her. When his hand didn't stop moving, she bit down on the gag to brace for the pain to come. She also, almost instinctively grasped Michael's hips, ready to hold them in place when the pain hit.

His hand touched his cock, and he flinched dramatically, but to Jana's relief the pain did not hit her. There was a slight tug on her piercings as Michael reacted to the pain, but she received no shock.

Michael shook his head to try to clear the pain from his thoughts. He wasn't going to try to touch his penis again. As the pain hit him, he didn't notice that the pain hadn't hit Jana. So he was surprised and desperate when he saw her hand reaching downward. He was too late to react, except to brace himself mentally for another jolt.

But Michael didn't get shocked when Jana touched herself, that displeasure was reserved for her. She thrashed momentarily and only Michael's quick hands on her hips prevented her from slipping to the floor in a swoon.

Jana and Michael looked at each other, both breathing more heavily than before. They nodded in mutual understanding: they wouldn't be trying that again. Michael put his hands on Jana's shoulders and Jana put her hands on his hips. She leaned her head down, resting it on his chest and started crying.

They held each other awkwardly, Michael's erection keeping their hips apart. They each tried desperately to make sense of what had happened to them, taking no solace in the fact that it was also happening to someone else.

After some minutes, they had both calmed down. Neither Michael nor Jana really knew who moved first, but a slight motion caused them both to remember their joined sexes. Not just that they were joined, but that they were both incredibly aroused. Michael could feel the heat from Jana's sex on the tip of his cock, and the slippery feel of her labia on the head of his cock. Jana in turn could feel the heat prodding at her sex, desperate for access.

They both started reaching down again, this time their hands touched briefly before they touched themselves. The surprise of encountering each other's hands caused them both to quickly move their hands back to their previous positions.

* * *

"How long does it normally take?"

"It varies greatly depending on the couple."

"A range then."

"The fastest couple learned within an hour, but I believe that was at least partially accidental. The second fastest was just over four hours."

"And the longest?"

"Just over five days."

* * *

Michael and Jana stood holding each other in a loose embrace. Holding each other helped them keep their balance and the delicate separation between them. It also helped them psychologically, as they tried to deal with what was happening to them.

When they got around to looking at the room they found that there was a bed and two doors. Most of the room was a dull white, including the floor, the walls and the bed. Even the doorknobs were painted a flat white. The exception was jet black beveled crown molding, and the ceiling itself, which was a mirror.

Jana nodded her head toward the door to her right. Michael grimaced to himself, but decided she was probably right. Their hands tightened on each other's hips and they slowly inched towards the door. They took small steps, but they still managed to step on each other's toes a number of times. They managed not to trip, which was a terrifying thought to each of them.

Jana reached for the doorknob, but her hand stopped an inch away. She was suddenly filled with dread, what if it sent another shock through her. She had no idea what was allowed, just that she couldn't touch her aching clit without getting a severe shock. She still couldn't understand how she remained horny after the shock, or how Michael maintained his erection!

She looked at Michael and heard him give a grunt. He wasn't happy that she was going to make him try the doorknob. After a minute of thought, he decided he was curious enough, perhaps desperate enough to risk the shock that she clearly dreaded.

His hand touched the knob and nothing happened. He expelled the breath he didn't realize he had been holding and gave the knob a turn. He was rather surprised that the knob turned, and even more surprised that the door opened. He pushed the door open revealing a bathroom.

There was a slight threshold to the room and a drain in the center of the floor. The shower head mounted directly to the wall, so the whole bathroom served as the shower stall. There was a small sink cantilevered from the wall, with a vanity mirror above it. There was also a handicapped toilet.

On second glance it wasn't a handicapped toilet, the support rails were much too close together. A sense of dread filled Jana and Michael. They realized that the only way they could use the toilet is if both of them worked together and slowly lowered themselves onto the toilet.

They exchanged a quick glance, and hoped that they weren't stuck here long enough to have to use the toilet. Jana nodded her head back the way they came and Michael quickly nodded assent. They carefully stepped back into the first room. As they did the door swung shut on its own and latched with an almost imperceptible click.

They started moving towards the other door, this time Jana reached out for the doorknob. Once again the door swung open easily. The next room was again all white, except for the crown molding and the mirrored ceiling.

It looked like a small kitchenette without any appliances except a refrigerator. There were also a couple of oddly shaped pieces of furniture. It took them a while to figure out that one of the pieces of furniture was a chair that would allow Michael to sit down with Jana sitting a couple of inches over his lap. There were even foot pegs set to allow them each to sit comfortably.

Jana wanted to go to the kitchen side, and Michael tried to pull towards the oddly shaped chair. Although Michael was stronger, Jana was more insistent and willing to put up with a greater tug on her piercings. Finally Michael relented and they hobbled together toward the kitchenette. Jana opened the cabinet to find two bottles with straws coming out the top, which were bent at an angle.

Jana picked up one of the bottles and wondered how it would do them any good, since they both had gags in their mouths. Jana looked a little closer at Michael's mask and realized that there was actually a small hole in the center. She took the bottle and lined the straw up with Michael's mask. It turned out to be a perfect fit. She gave a little push and the straw disappeared into the hole.

Michael was a bit perplexed, but decided to play along. He was a bit surprised when the straw actually pushed its way into his gag. He gave an experimental suck, and realized he was sucking on the bottle. It seemed to be filled with nothing but air, but he could do it.

His sucking suddenly stopped as Jana removed the straw from his mouth. Some sort of latch closed inside the gag, preventing anything more from coming in. The change came as a bit of a shock to Michael, and he nearly started coughing. He panicked and started taking in huge gulps of air through his nose.

He felt a painful tug on his penis, but he was too busy trying to breathe to care about that. He felt hands on his face and suddenly his vision was filled with a black mask, and two bright eyes. He heaved in one lungful of air after another, his tenuous connection with sanity a pair of pained, but worried eyes.

Eventually he got control of himself. Jana was relieved, because it felt like he almost yanked out her piercings as he flipped out. She had thought about slapping him, but was afraid he would trip, which would tear out her piercings for sure. Well, it might be his that tore, but it wasn't something she wanted to find out.

Michael inclined his head toward the odd chair contraption. This time Jana decided to go along, if only out of fear that he would collapse if they didn't. They stood next to the contraption and although they had figured out what it was for, figuring out how to get in was more daunting.

Jana grasped the arms of her side of the chair as she swung her left leg over his seat. She put her foot on the peg on the far side and with Michael's head slowly raised herself onto the seat. The seat was shaped like the lid of a toilet, supporting her legs, but allowing Michael's cock to remain pointed at her sex.

With some effort and a slightly distressing amount of tug on their piercings, they eventually got Jana far enough onto the seat, that Michael could begin climbing onto his side. Michael swung his legs under and found a rung to rest his feet on. The last step was for them to both settle fully onto the chair and for Jana's right leg to find its perch.

They both relaxed with a sigh. The seat was perfectly positioned to hold them in position without putting stress on their interlocked genitals. Of course, the position also meant that Michael's cock was pointed directly along the length of Jana's vagina. It also meant that Jana's breasts were almost directly in front of Michael's face. Had he not been gagged, Michael would likely have already started sucking on them.

* * *

Despite the perfect fit, the chair did not remain comfortable for long. As they relaxed, Michael's erection finally started to subside. As his cock softened, it shrank, tugging on them both. At first it wasn't too bad, but the tugging got stronger and more painful.

Michael tried lifting himself off the chair. While it relieved the pressure, it was not something he could sustain for long. Through a few shared looks, they decided to get down. The process of climbing off the chair was the same as getting on, in reverse. However, since Michael was now considerably shorter, they had less maneuvering room. Jana also found it harder to keep her balance, but luckily Michael's hands held her hips firmly, preventing a disastrous fall.

They were standing much closer together now. Without either of them being aroused, it was much less comfortable. They were both the type to roll over, or get out of bed once sex was over. While neither of them had cum, they both were in a post-coital mood. Unfortunately, they couldn't get away from each other. They couldn't even look far away from each other.

Eventually they compromised and started exploring the rest of the room. The second piece of furniture also looked like it might be a chair, but they couldn't figure out how they could get on. For one thing there was only a single seat. But there were some odd pads above the seat and a second set of arm rests parallel to the one for the seat.

They gave up figuring that out and went back to the kitchen side of the room. Jana opened the refrigerator and found a couple of jugs inside. She pulled the first one out and opened the lid. She took a sniff, and it smelled sweet and slightly medicinal. Michael had grabbed the other bottle and it also smelled sweet, with a slight tang to it. He thought it smelled like a sports drink.

It was only after smelling the open bottle that Michael realized how thirsty he was. He should probably be hungry as well, but surprisingly his stomach was not complaining. It was a good thing too, since there was no food in the refrigerator, only the bottles. Not that they could eat anything with the gags in.

Michael gestured for Jana to return her bottle and then guided her back to the bottles in the cabinet. Sure enough the straw and top came off the smaller bottle. Michael carefully poured the liquid in the jug into the smaller bottle. Once it was full, he screwed the top back on.

He set the larger bottle on the counter and picked up the smaller one. He lifted the straw to the hole in his gag and just as they made contact he felt the electric shock collar activate again. He was so surprised that he dropped the bottle. Only Jana's hands on his waist kept him from pulling away.

Jana's hands also helped to trap the bottle between their bodies. Neither of them wanted to think how hard it would be to retrieve a bottle from the floor, connected as they were. Once Jana was sure that Michael had recovered from the shock she picked up the bottle.

Why hadn't it shocked him when she had put it in his gag before? It occurred to her that the previous time, she had been the one holding the bottle. She lifted it back to his gag, and he quickly turned his head away. Jana cursed inwardly, since he clearly hadn't realized the difference.

Instead, she handed him the bottle, and gestured that he should feed her. He looked at her in disbelief. When she started to tap her foot, he decided to go ahead. He slowly maneuvered the bottle until the straw was lined up. As the straw contacted her gag he braced for a shock. But neither of them received a shock, so he feed the straw further in.

He felt the sides of the bottle collapse slightly as she began sucking. Jana got a small mouthful of sweet liquid into her mouth. It turned out to be harder to swallow than she expected, with the gag holding her mouth in place. Eventually she got the hang of it and took a couple of more sips. She was about to take another when Michael pulled the bottle away.

She cursed inwardly, and glared outwardly as the straw was suddenly removed. He pushed the bottle into her hands and pantomimed that he wanted some. She had only gotten enough to truly understand how thirsty she was, and here he was demanding to be fed instead. She briefly thought about slapping him, or kicking him in the balls, but quickly put those thoughts aside, since it would literally hurt her as much as it did him.

She set the bottle down and got the other bottle off the shelf. She might have to feed him, but she wasn't going to share a straw with him. She realized how juvenile that was, since his penis was almost inside of her, but it was the principle of the thing. Also, the amount of time it would take to fill the second bottle was a subtle cruelty she could invoke.

Eventually the second bottle was filled and Jana lined up the straw for Michael to drink. She thought about squeezing the sides of the bottle, to squirt a giant gush into the back of his throat. At the last minute she decided against it. She remembered his gagging episode earlier and knew a repeat, with actually liquid would be so much worse.

They took turns feeding each other sips of the drinks. They each got about four swallows before the other would stop them and demand their share. They traded back and forth, and it took them a long time to drain the bottles. Even then their thirst wasn't quenched, and they refilled the bottles and drank more.

* * *

After drinking two full bottles of the sweet liquid, Michael's erection began to return. Judging from the heat and moisture coming from his fellow captive, she was also getting aroused. He involuntarily started thrusting his hips forward, only to be met once again with the painful resistance.

A thought suddenly occurred to him. He pointed at the bottle and then down at his erection. As he pantomimed, he saw recognition dawn in her eyes. Whatever was in the bottle wasn't just sweet, it was an aphrodisiac.

The girl gestured to the chair they had occupied before. Michael decided that it was as good a plan as any. He just hoped that the effects of the drink wore off before he got thirsty again. The second time climbing into the chair was considerably less painful.

* * *

They sat in the chair for a long time, but the effects were not wearing off. If anything Jana was feeling hornier the longer they sat there.

Jana felt a sudden slap, and immediately grew irate. She glared at her co-captive, but he was glaring back. It was only when his eyes flicked to her hands that she realized they were getting very close to her breasts. Playing with her breasts wasn't even really masturbating; it was just something she did when her hands were idle.

Her frustration ever increasing, Jana clasped her hands behind her back and prepared to wait it out.

* * *

"They are stubborn."

"Yes. They are also a bit too clever."

"Too clever?"

"Or perhaps, not clever enough."

"Ah... They are clever enough to see the pitfalls, but not to see a path through. So they do nothing."

* * *

After what felt like several hours, Jana finally felt her arousal waning, but that problem was replaced with another. She needed to pee. She desperately hoped that their captors would separate them soon, since she couldn't imagine having to go while attached to him as she was.

* * *

Michael noticed the girl getting more and more restless. He thought the effect had been wearing off, because her hands had stopped trying to move to her breasts. He thought he could feel his erection starting to wear off, although he was developing the world's worst case of blue balls.

His erection was definitely starting to wane, but the girl was getting really antsy. He saw her eyes flick back to the bedroom. Not the bedroom, he realized. She had to go to the bathroom. With his concentration on his erection, and controlling his instinct to thrust into the girl, he barely realized that his bladder was getting full.

Michael caught her eye, and jerked his head toward the bathroom. He had no idea how they were going to manage, but he wasn't going to pee in the middle of their living room if he could help it.

* * *

Jana panicked. She knew what he meant with the head jerk, but the thought of peeing, while attached was horrifying. Of course, the other option was to have an accident and potentially be left with a puddle.

They slowly extricated themselves from the chair and slowly made their way to the bathroom. The motion as their genitals pushed and pulled at each other was enough to retrigger their arousal. The drugs hadn't worn off entirely, and the added stimulation sufficed.

Eventually they managed to get back to the bathroom, but then they had to figure out how to use it without making a mess. Jana gave it some thought, and started to gesture to Michael. She pointed at him and put down two fingers, bending them in the middle. She hoped he understood that he should kneel in front of the toilet. She could lower herself until she was sitting on the toilet, and they could both go.

She watched him think about what she proposed. Eventually he seemed to realize there wasn't another way for her to use the toilet, since it wasn't big enough for them both to sit facing each other. Even if it was, she couldn't figure out how their legs could intertwine.

Using the hand rails eventually they lower themselves into place. By this point the pressure on her bladder was incredible. As she settled into the seat, she suddenly got pee shy. She couldn't go while he was watching her. But they were practically nose to nose, not to mention that the tip of his penis was sure to get a liberal splashing.