Pleasure Doll


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I was afraid, but an eerie calmness had taken over my body. My eyes travelled the length of her and I found myself admiring her, in spite of myself. She truly was breathtakingly beautiful.

"You came back," I whispered.

Lola licked her lips. "I couldn't stay away. We made promises to each other."

"I know that, but you have to..."

"Shhh. Don't talk any more. There's nothing left to say."

We regarded one another for a few moments. There was nothing seductive in her gaze. She sprang into action, pouncing onto me and pushing me into the bed. Her lips were ruby red and her teeth were sharp and white. She was frighteningly strong and I felt tremendously weak, as if all of my energy had been zapped from me.

"Come on, baby, stop playing hard to get." She threw her head back and laughed, her teeth glinting in the weak light shining into the room. I made a panicked noise, but she put her hand on my mouth and smiled, letting me see each threatening tooth. "Do you want to know what I'm going to do to you? Would that make you feel better?"

"Please don't kill me," I plead, too petrified to fight back any more.

She giggled again, a high-pitched noise that made me shiver. "I'm not going to kill you, Robert." She leaned forward to nip my ear before sitting back on her heels. She looked down at me like I was a fascinating toy. "No, I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to rip out your heart and tear off your fucking cock with my teeth." A sharp laugh erupted from her. "That's all!"

"No! Please!"

"Yessssssss, keep begging," she hissed, scratching her sharp nails down my back. "Then I'm going to find your little girlfriend and I'm going to use my teeth to gnaw away her skin and rip out her spine. Such plans I have for you, my sweet! Just you wait."


I sprang up in the bed, entirely covered in sweat. I was alone, in the dark, wearing only boxers. I couldn't remember how I wound up in bed but it didn't matter. She wasn't there. I was safe. Safe from her teeth, her eyes, her body.

But I was still devastatingly frightened. I clutched the damp bedsheets and whispered to myself, trying to tell myself I was okay. I had imagined the whole thing. She wasn't coming back. Albert and my gut were wrong. I was safe.

Even as I heard the squeaking of a door opening and the sound of footsteps whispering on the floorboards, I continued to chant that I was safe.

She appeared in the doorway, dressed in a black t-shirt and ripped jeans. She looked like a college student, I thought to myself, albeit one that perhaps moonlighted as an escort. But there was a stiffness to her body and a sheen to her skin that reminded me of the doll she once was. There was still an undeniable and overt sexuality about her as she stood there, her eyes absorbing every movement I made.

"You came back," I said, trying to sound strong. They were the same words I said in the dream.

A smile played with her lips and she sang, "And somehow you know, you know even then, that somehow you'll see her again and again." She sauntered over, and her eyes widened with excitement when she caught my flinch. "I already told you: we made promises to each other."

"You've been fucking with my head from the start, haven't you?"

Lola shrugged a shoulder. "You didn't require a lot of manipulation. You were easily corruptible. Tell me how long would it have taken you to make a move on me first." She reached over and touched my cock through my boxers, grinning when she felt the effect. I couldn't resist her, even then, even after everything, and it was maddening.

"Before I do everything I promised to do, I'm going to fuck you. You can consider it a parting gift." She licked my cheek, laughing when I shuddered. "You wanted this, didn't you? You wanted a girl you could do anything to, who wouldn't say no. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't, right? That turned you on. Your girlfriend couldn't do that for you, right? Filthy, filthy man."

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my eyes darting between her face and her hand stroking me.

She watched me get harder with obvious fascination and more than a little satisfaction. "The same thing you and your dirty little friend wanted. Fun. Our definitions are just a little different."

"I know about you," I said, my voice strained with dismay and unwilling arousal. I wanted to slap her hand away; I wanted to press it down harder. It was confusing and infuriating.

"Yes, I know. I can still smell his cigarettes." She looked at my face and pursed her lips. "He offered you crystals. That wouldn't have helped. Maybe weakened my energy a little, but nothing can stop me now." One of her fingernails slowly scraped my bottom lip. "You belong to me. We have a contract, which you violated. Your life is forfeit."

She pushed down my boxers, then took her own clothes off. I was harder than I could ever remember being. "Do you want me?"

"No," I lied.

Lola made an amused sound through her nose. "Should we cut to the chase, then?"

"Yes," I said, my voice shaking.

Idly, she touched her breasts, pinching the peach-colored nipples between two fingers. "You sure about that?"

Rational thought was abandoning me. Desire flooded my brain, my stomach, my cock. I needed to come, but I needed to keep my wits about me, too.

"Why do you want to kill me?"

"I like collecting lives."

"Albert said you were envious. You have a limited amount of energy."

A bizarre expression flashed across her face for one instant. Then she smiled wide, turning my stomach. "Envious? Of you? Ha! You're pathetic."

There was desperation in my voice, but I clung to a half-formed concept. "Maybe I'm pathetic, but I'm alive. I. Am. Alive."

Hatred blazed in her eyes. "Barely."

I did it before I even fully thought it through. I jumped up and pushed at her, surprising her and causing her to collapse on the floor. Then I bolted for the kitchen. I didn't know if a knife would have any effect on her but I had to try.

Her cackling followed me. "You're going to stab me? You naive idiot."

I ignored her and grabbed the sharpest one I could find. I wasn't going to let some fucking doll win without a fight.

She was on me before I turned around and we wrestled for the knife. She was stronger than I was and I was sure I was going to lose. The knife only grazed my stomach, but it was deep enough to send blood dripping down to the floor. The smile on her face was victorious and we both were sure she had won. But then the heels she was wearing slipped through the blood and she was on her ass, blinking with shock.

I didn't wait; I attacked. I leapt onto her and tore at her with my teeth, I twisted my fingers into her flesh, I smacked her and beat her until she stopped moving.

I crumpled beside her, panting and sweating. Blood was all over me, my own blood. She was untouched, but her face was frozen into a cruel smile and her eyes were fixed onto the ceiling. She was transformed back into a doll, having used whatever amount of energy she had.

I sobbed against her hair, which smelled faintly like cherries. I'd won. I beat her. I made it. 
 My numb fingers dialed Mark's number. He answered on the second ring and his tone was worried. He said something I couldn't understand over the rush of blood in my ears.

"Mark," I said, cutting into whatever he was saying. "I need your help."

***** Mark never asked questions about that night. Our friendship, however, was changed forever.

He found me bloodied and bruised on the kitchen floor, clutching my shallow knife wound and bawling like crazy. Then he noticed Lola on the kitchen floor, perfect except for her messy hair.

"You went back and got her?" he'd asked, but I didn't answer.

He helped me get her into a cab. I ignored the cab driver's curious eyes and Mark's baiting silence. We drove to the suburbs and I dropped her directly at the dump. I didn't look back.

"How do you know she won't come back?" Mark asked me sarcastically when we returned to my apartment.

I stared at the blood in the kitchen. "I don't."

I never saw him again. He called a few times after, and I got the impression it was more due to morbid curiosity than actual concern. That was fine with me.

I went through the motions the next few days. I went to work, texted Tina, ordered takeout.

But what I saw changed me. I had seen beyond what the average human was allowed to see. I could pretend, and I intended to, but I still couldn't deny that evil existed. What kept me up at night was whether or not goodness still did.

I went into my hallway closet one night when I couldn't sleep. A Celtic cross my mother had bought me years ago when I moved into my own place was still in its box. I ran my fingers over it and said a prayer, just in case, and then hung it by my front door. Couldn't hurt, I figured, and I hoped it would protect me from any other future psychopathic dolls that crossed my path.

It took me some time to get back to something that resembled normal, but once I felt like I could breathe again, I called Tina over. I attacked her with kisses as soon as she walked through the door and swept her straight into the bedroom.

I positioned her onto her stomach and climbed atop her body, breathing deeply when my cock pushed itself between her clenched thighs. There was so much I needed to do to her in that moment. I knew that I needed to slow myself down, but my yearning to be inside of her body outweighed any consideration of foreplay. I was insatiable.

Slowly but deliberately, I sank into Tina. She was hot and wet, the ultimate combination, and I couldn't stop myself from rutting into her like a crazed animal. My eyes shut and I pictured long blonde hair, blue eyes that pierced my soul, mocking lips. Frustrated, my fist found Tina's hair and she made a noise of surprise.

"Am I hurting you?" I asked, my voice gravelly with arousal.

"No," she said. She didn't sound sure, but she was letting me pull her hair. I was ecstatic.

"Talk dirty to me."

Her head turned slightly so she could meet my eye. "I want your cock."

I pulled her hair harder, needing her to distract me from thoughts of Lola. "More."

"I need you to fuck me."

"You're going to let me use you to get off?"

She whimpered when I roughly thrust inside of her. "Yes."

"Like a little slut."

"Yes," she repeated.

"Say it. That you're my slut. That you'll do anything I want. Say it!"

"Anything you want," she whispered.

I came in a frenzied rush, hardly aware of anything except the enormous relief I felt. She came, too, squeezing herself around my cock in a series of spasms that had my eyes rolling backwards in my head. Afterward, Tina proclaimed it the best sex we ever had and I agreed. I guess I had something to thank Lola for. I shivered at the thought.

Work picked back up again. Another big client came my way, and I couldn't help but give Tom a smug smile now and then. They were ten times more important than Mrs. Holloway; he could have the bitch.

Everything drifted back to normal and I decided Lola wasn't coming back. She had been destroyed in the dump, or me unexpectedly fighting back had destroyed her "fun". Whatever the cause, months went by and the creeping sensation of being watched never returned. 
I was safe.


"Open it!" someone screeched, nearly deafening me.

Caroline's husband, Anthony, gave his friend a good-natured smile. It was his fiftieth birthday party and all of his friends were going all out. I probably should have gotten something better than a tie.

Anthony pulled the wrapping paper off the rather large present. "Why do I have the impression this is going to be an evil gift?"

"Never!" the voice called before bursting into giggles.

Tina handed me a glass of wine and sighed. "Caroline just cornered me in the kitchen. She wants you to do an ice run, if you don't mind."

"Of course not."

Anthony tutted playfully and looked into the box. He turned completely red at the box's contents. "Gary, you shithead!"

Caroline popped in and frowned. "What's the matter?"

Her husband held both hands up. "I didn't ask for it."

"What is it?" Tina asked with a laugh.

Anthony tore the box open and reached in, yanking out a doll. The twenty or so people in the house gasped. My stomach dropped, just like people say. It felt like I was sinking, falling, dying, but somehow I remained upright. I believe I even had a smile on my face.

Caroline picked up a paper from the box and cast a glare over at Gary. "You're vile," she spat. "Absolutely vile!"

Gary shrugged and gave her a nasty smile. "I've been called worse."

"He got Anthony a doll?" someone called.

"A pleasure doll," Caroline responded, her face almost redder than Anthony's. "You're taking it back, Gary!"

Anthony spotted me and made a beckoning gesture with a smirk. "Maybe you'd like this, Rob. Come here a second."

Tina snorted, but she pushed me toward him. "Check it out."

I moved forward on wooden legs, compelled by a force stronger than me.

Anthony put her in a chair and stared at her, elbowing me when I joined him. "She's not bad, huh?"

"Not bad," I repeated.

Lola's crystal eyes gazed back at me.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Convinced me to stay away from them dolls! )

MigbirdMigbird8 months ago

Just read again; crazy, scary and so erotic. Timeless piece — nothing lost in revisiting; in fact, grows on you. You are creative.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

That was so original and well written!

Professor_JackProfessor_Jackabout 4 years ago

i'm... confused. you have a scene where Mark takes the doll.

she comes back that night, makes him promise not to throw her away, then leaves again.

how did he break the contract? is the phone call from mark supposed to let us know the scene where he took her away the first time wasnt real? rob never throws her out again, she leaves of her own accord.

please know this isnt meant as critical, i just think i misunderstood something somewhere

InsigniaInsigniaabout 5 years ago
Very different and very entertaining

You could do a sequel called Valley of the Dolls. This was one of the hottest stories you have written. Just superb.

Todd172Todd172about 5 years ago
Always Remarkable

Well written, well told and with a very well done Twilight Zone twist.

stev2244stev2244about 5 years ago

That was absolutely great!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Loved it

This may be the best Erotic Horror piece i've read in here....ever, Thanks GITM.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 5 years ago
Yeah. I finished reading this at 2am

Wonder if I'll sleep tonight?

This was a great, creepy read. Thanks!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 5 years ago
This is erotic horror at its best!

Great story, well plotted and wonderfully written. GirlintheMoon is one of a kind. Great writing!

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