Poor Rob


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I didn't want a relationship, but I did want to get laid so instead of looking for someone I could ask out on a date I went looking for someone I could pick up.

She looked about my age and she looked hot! Long dark hair and what looked like a magnificent pair of legs. The mirror showed me her front and the face was beautiful and the cleavage I could see was impressive. I slid onto the barstool next to her and she glanced at me with an amused look on her face and I knew what she was thinking.

"Twenty-one stools at the bar and ten of them empty including the six to my right and the four to my left and he sits down next to me. Gee, I wonder why?"

She knew I was going to hit on her so I did. When the bartender came to take my order I told him to give her another of what she was drinking and he looked at her and she gave him a slight nod and he moved off to build the drinks. I turned to her and said:

"Forgive my being so bold, but my daddy always said that free advice wasn't worth spit so I thought I would buy you a drink as payment for asking your advice on something."

She looked at me and said, "Did he not also say that advice from strangers, paid for or not, wasn't worth all that much either?"

"Well, he did say that I should always look for an expert on the subject and as soon as I saw you sitting here I knew you were as close to being an expert as I would be likely to find."

"Me? An expert? And you could tell that just by looking at me sitting here?"

The bartender brought our drinks and when he had moved off I said, "Here is how I see it. A drop dead gorgeous woman like you sitting alone at the bar in a place like this is going to be hit on a lot. That would make you an expert on what I want to know."

"And that is?"

"I have been in a long term relationship that just went belly up. I have been out of the dating scene for quite some time now and I'm nervous about getting back into it. To be brutally honest about it, I wasn't all that good at it when I was still in it. What I wanted to ask you is what are some of the most effective pick-up lines you've heard?"

She looked at me with what I can only call "a coolly appraising and amused gaze" and then she said:

"I would have to say the one you are using on me now is right up there. By the way, my name is Susan."

"Hello Susan, I'm Rob."

"Well tell me this Rob; what did you have in mind? Your place or a motel?"

"My place is close and a lot more comfortable than a motel."

She finished her drink and said, "Should I follow you or will you bring me back for my car later?"

She caught me flat-footed with that. I was hoping to pick her up, but if it happened I thought it would take a while. Trying not to show that she'd caught me off-guard I said:

"Why don't you follow me. That way if you change your mind you can turn off on a side street or just keep on going when we get to my place."

"Why would you think I might do that?"

"You are obviously not a woman who needs to get picked up in bars. You get hit on a lot, but you are not the type who says yes. I'm figuring you said yes to me on a whim and you might re-think things on the drive to my place."

She gave me another one of those amused looks and then said, "Let's go."

I was pleasantly surprised when she was still behind me when we got to my apartment. We were no sooner inside my apartment than she started removing her clothes. She looked at me standing there watching and she said:

"Come on Rob, get with it. We both know what we are here for."

I quickly disrobed, took her in my arms, kissed her and then picked her up and carried her into my bedroom. I set her on the bed and she said, "No foreplay Rob; I'm ready and I need it. Fuck me baby; don't make me sorry I picked you. Fuck me stupid."

It was how I felt; ready and in need. It wasn't going to be a slow seduction; it was going to be an animalistic mating. It was going to be rutting, plain and simple. I reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her mouth to my cock and then I fed it to her. I felt her tongue slide along my length and then she started sucking me. I reached down and slid a finger into her cunt and she moaned. I added another and she moaned louder.

I pulled my cock out of her mouth, man-handled her into the doggie position and then I took her from behind. Susan screamed in pleasure and then I was fucking her hard. I was slamming my cock into her and she was pushing her ass back at me to meet every stroke.

"Fuck me" she gasped, "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."

And I did my best. It felt like I had been fucking her for twenty minutes even though it was actually about five and then suddenly it was that time and my sperm shot out to bathe her insides.

"Oh no! Not yet, please, not yet" she cried and I pushed her down on the bed, pulled her legs apart and buried my face in her bush. I found her clit and I started sucking on it and she screamed as her hands grabbed my head and her body was wracked by a huge climax.. She was gasping for breath as I fell to the bed beside her and seconds later she said:

"I needed that. Oh God, did I ever need that. Thank you."

"My pleasure" I said and then she replied, "And it isn't over yet lover" as her hand moved down my body, found and then began to fondle my soft cock. The second time was slower, as was the third and then I was done; the little guy wouldn't come out to play anymore.

I was leaning on an elbow looking down at her and she looked into my eyes and smiled as she asked:

"What are you thinking?"

"If I told you, you would think I was insecure."

"Oh really. Nothing about what you have done these last two hours looked insecure to me."

"Maybe not, but I'm looking at you and wondering what you are doing with a guy like me. Ladies like you are with movie starts, rock stars, and wealthy important men, not with everyday guys like me."

"Do you believe in fate Rob?"

"Never much thought about it; why?"

"Were you telling me the truth when you told me that you were just coming out of a relationship that had gone bad?"

"Yeah, although 'just ended' wasn't the right description. It ended three months ago and tonight was the first night I felt like going out and looking for a replacement."

"Well, that's also why I was there at the bar tonight although my relationship ended yesterday. I was at the bar to pick up a man so I could rub my ex's nose in it. To me that means that fate put us together." There was a silent pause and then she said, "I don't want to be alone tonight; can I stay here with you?"

I was going to say no and tell her to leave? I took her in my arms, pulled her to me and we fell asleep together.

In the morning I woke up first and disentangled myself from her and went out to the kitchen and put on the coffee. About five minutes later I heard the shower start running and I stuck my head in the bathroom and asked her how she liked her eggs.

"Over easy" she called back, "But first I need my back scrubbed."

I dropped my robe, pulled the curtain aside and stepped in behind her. She turned and her lips found mine; her tongue darted into my mouth as she took my cock in her hands and began stroking it. I carried her to the bed, both of us dripping wet, and then I mounted her and she moaned as I thrust into her pussy. She threw her head back and looked up into my face with lust filled eyes and moaned:

Oooohhh yes, fuck me lover, fuck me."

Her tight pussy was squeezing my cock and my balls were banging against her ass as I hammered into her. Her legs clamped my body and she hissed:

"Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me."

I wanted to make it last forever, but of course it had to end and that time we came together. And then it was back into the shower. I scrubbed her back and then handed her the rag so she could do mine. Instead she reached for my cock and as much as I hated to do it I pushed her hand away. She pouted and I laughed and said:

"Sorry sweetie, but I'm only human and I don't want to start something I may not be able to finish."

"Spoil sport" she said as she got out of the shower and grabbed a towel.

As she was dipping her toast in her eggs she said, "Was this a one time thing - a one-off as our English cousins would say - or could it go somewhere?"

"I'd have to be an idiot not to want to keep you around, but the question would have to be where would you like it to go?"

"I'm not sure Rob, but I'm comfortable with you. I'd like to spend more time with you and get to know you better."

"No problem there; I'm more than willing."

"Don't be too sure. I can be a trial at times. I'm very ambitious and I put my job ahead of my personal life. That is part of what killed my last relationship. I travel a lot in my job and there will be times that it could be a week to ten days between times we can be together."

"At this point in time I don't see that as a problem. I'm not near enough ready to ask you to marry me and be the mother of my ten children."

"Ten children?"

"Hey, it is important to set goals. Might not meet them, but you should have them."

"We will have to talk about that; a long, long, long talk!"


That was the start of a relationship that lasted for six months. The curious part was that I never saw Susan's apartment. We always met at mine. She would tell me that she was going out of town and a week later she would call me and tell me she was back and ask me if I was going to be home. I always said yes and she would come over and fuck me into a stupor and then spend a couple of nights with me. That should have told me something, but we were good together and I had pretty much convinced myself that I should ask Susan to marry me.

God alone knows how long the relationship might have gone on if my boss hadn't broken a leg skiing. He called me at the office and asked me to stop by his house on my way home from work. When I got there he asked me if I owned a tux and when I said yes he told me that he needed a favor. He usually represented the firm at a charity auction, but with his broken leg he couldn't go. He asked me to go in his place. He told me that all it would amount to would be to have dinner and a couple of drinks, stand up and take a bow when the firm was mentioned as one of the sponsors and dance one dance each with the wives or girlfriends of the other committee members. Susan was on another one of her trips so I told him I would do it.

Imagine my surprise when I saw Susan sitting there, sitting at a table and holding hands with a rather distinguished looking man. I didn't call attention to myself and she didn't see me until the master of ceremonies started introducing the committee members and sponsors of the event. He introduced the chairman of the event and his wife and then he introduced the vice-chairman, "Bill Thompson and his lovely wife Susan." The man with Susan stood up and was acknowledged with applause. Then the other committee members were introduced and he started to introduce the sponsors. When he got to:

"And with us tonight, representing the firm of Farkus, Moser and Cole, is Mr. Rob Cochill."

I stood up and saw Susan pale and then I sat down and did my best to ignore her until I could safely get up and leave. But I couldn't leave until I had done my duty dances with the wives of the committee members, one of whom was Susan. I danced with every wife but Susan and then I went home.


Susan called me at work the next day. "You caused me a great deal of embarrassment last night." No "Hi Rob" or anything like that, just straight to I caused her some embarrassment. "Why didn't you dance with me? Everyone noticed that you didn't and it was commented on."

"I caused you embarrassment? What about what you caused me Susan? How about what I felt when I saw the woman I was planning on asking to marry me, the woman who was supposed to be out of town on a business trip, sitting and holding hands with a man. How about the shock I felt when you were introduced as the man's wife?"

"May I come by tonight and try to explain?"

"Why? What could you possibly say that I would want to hear?"

"Please Rob, let me talk to you."

I hadn't let Diane talk and I had closed the door in Linda's face. There was obviously something about me that caused women to fuck over me so I thought maybe I should try to find out what it was.

"I'll be home at seven."

"I'll be there."

I got home at 6:55 and promptly at 7 PM the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Susan came in. She went to put her arms around me and kiss me and I pushed her away. She pouted and I said:

"You are here to talk Mrs. Thompson" and I emphasized the "Mrs."

"I don't know where to start."

"How about starting at the beginning - the night we met at the bar. Were you Mrs. Thompson then or did the marriage come later?"

"I didn't lie to you then Rob. I told you then that I was in the same boat you were in; that I had been in a long term relationship that had just ended. It was true at that time. I'd caught Bill fucking his secretary and as far as I was concerned we were over. Just as I told you, I was in that bar to pick up a man and get even with Bill. It was going to be a one night stand and then I was going to go home, show him my cum dripping pussy, ask him how he liked being cheated on and then divorce him. It didn't turn out that way.

"When I went home and rubbed his nose in my infidelity he cried, begged and pleaded with me and convinced me that he truly loved me. He said that if I would forgive him and give him a chance he would make it up to me and never stray again. I'd spent fourteen years loving him so I forgave him. The problem is that you touched a chord in me and I wanted to see you again. And then when I saw you again I wanted to keep on seeing you. I guess it was a case of wanting my cake and eating it too."

"So why did you feel the need to come over here tonight and tell me this?"

"I was hoping that you would accept the status quo."

"You want me to keep cheating with you?"

"It has worked up till now baby."

"Yes Susan, it has, but I didn't know you were married. Now I know."

"It shouldn't matter Rob. We are good together, you know we are."

"Sorry Mrs. Thompson, but I'm just not wired that way. I won't knowingly mess with another man's wife. If you ever leave him give me a call, but if you do I'll want to see the divorce papers. Now if you don't mind I need to be alone."

"Please Rob."

"Goodnight Mrs. Thompson."


So here I was at my favorite watering hole drinking away my sorrows and feeling sorry for myself. Fred, the bartender, set a fresh drink down in front of me. I hadn't ordered it and I said:

"I don't know Fred, I think maybe I'm already one past where I should have quit."

"Maybe so, but the lady at the end of the bar paid for it and told me to give it to you."

I looked down toward the end of the bar and saw Diane sitting there looking at me. Didn't that just figure? I'm trying to drown my sorrows and one of the causes of those sorrows is buying the drinks. Well, what the hell. I picked up the drink, raised it to her and then took a sip. She took that as an invitation and she got up and came down and sat on the stool next to me.

"How have you been Rob?"

"I've been better Diane."

"That makes two of us then."

"What's the matter Diane, true love not running smooth? Freddy not keeping you happy?"

"Freddy has been long gone Rob."

"Current boyfriend not treating you right?"

"There isn't any current boyfriend Rob; there hasn't been anyone since you."

"Oh come on Di; you had Freddy and that's why I bailed."

"That's the irony of it Rob. That night you sat in my apartment parking lot and watched was the night I ended things with Freddy and nothing happened that night. He slept on the couch and I slept in my bedroom. When you saw me in the cafeteria Monday morning Freddy was already history."

"You were wearing my ring Di; why wasn't he history before that night?"

"He was Rob; he just hadn't accepted it yet. It was over between us by the time you asked me out for our fourth date. He kept making the 200 mile drive from Clarkston every Friday trying to get me to change my mind. I should have refused to see him, but I couldn't. He was my boyfriend and my friend for almost ten years and he didn't do anything to make me want to be mean to him. His only fault was that he wasn't you.

"He would come to town every weekend and I would let him stay with me. I told you I spent the night with family because I knew you wouldn't understand my relationship with him. It was complex Rob. He was not only a boyfriend, he was a friend and I felt an obligation to him. I swear to God Rob, after we started keeping steady company Freddy was no longer a boyfriend, but he was still a friend and until I could make him understand that you were the man in my life I couldn't turn him away.

"He was at my place on Fridays, but always on the couch. Yes, he did try to be more than just a friend, but I wouldn't allow it. The Friday you watched I told him that he could not come see me any more and that if he showed up at my door I would turn him away. I told him that he would have to accept the fact that I was yours and that I wasn't going to give him any more false hope by letting him come see me and stay with me."

"What about the party where the girls said you were all over him?"

"I don't know what they thought they saw Rob. But outside of dancing with him nothing happened. I didn't even let him kiss me. He tried to a couple of times but I pushed him away.

"It killed me when you pulled the ring off my finger Rob. It killed me when you wouldn't even talk to me to let me try to explain things."

"So I'm supposed to believe that you have spent the last three years ignoring men and pining away for me?"

"It's true. I've never been far away Rob. You haven't noticed, but I've never been far away."

"Why? Why would you waste your life like that?"

"It is called love Rob. I love you and I can't get over you. I even humiliated myself over you, but I'll bet you don't even know it."

"You humiliated yourself over me?"

"Remember when you dropped the ring in the garbage can? Well, after you were gone, in front of God and everybody, I dug through the garbage until I found the ring. I sat on the floor crying my eyes out and pawing through the garbage while everybody snickered at me. I found it and I cleaned it up. I wear it every day Rob, not on my finger, but I wear it."

She had a chain around her neck and she took hold of it and pulled it up and I saw the ring I had given her when I proposed.

"I'll wait Rob; I'll wait for as long as it takes because I know we were meant for each other and sooner or later you will realize it too."

She finished her drink and started to get up and I asked her where she was going.

"I've bent your ear long enough Rob. I'll let you be, but I'll be around when you decide you are ready."

She slid off the stool and started to stand, but I caught her sleeve. "What would you say to a cup of coffee?"

"I'd like that."

"At my place?"

She turned and I saw the tears on her cheek as she came into my arms.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 17 hours ago

I know it's hearsay, but wasn't Diane getting fucked at a party with a door open for everyone to see?

some sad/mixed up relationship stories there, Susan in particular.

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

I do not buy that Diane's boyfriend/friend was sleeping on the couch every Friday for months and months. She'd already had a sexual relationship with him for years so suddenly she's denying him? Its possible but its not likely. Ocean's razor

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good story. Her explanation was too crazy to not be true. She was still an idiot for not refusing to see Freddy earlier. While she may have seen some of those nights as going out with an old friend, Freddy saw them as dates and kept making the drive of 200 miles back and forth. Doubtful this would be accepted in real life, especially given the gossip he overhead, though to be fair, her being with Freddy at the party probably occurred before she met probably or at least before they were exclusive. Isn't like the bitch coworkers are going to be detailed and factual in their gossip. Buy accepting that nothing happened beyond "friends" every Friday for what six plus months, probably doesn't work in real life. Sure she carries a torch for Rob but she went way overboard in the timing. For pity's sake before the reveal, they were engaged and she broke his heart. But this is fantasy and they managed to restart. She won't be so immature again. I prefer to believe they will have a happy life together. 5 stars.

geekeyedgeekeyed11 months ago

Addressng miket0422's doubts:

Not a bathroom, but one of the bedrooms at Marie's birthday party, which was anytime within the last one year (and could have been before the half year Diane and Rob were going steady)_

Not Bob, it's Rob.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don’t know which is more entertaining…the stories or the haters…LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Life can be such a vicious circle.

rn2711rn2711over 1 year ago

And you believed her???

If she had come clean and say she learned her lesson and grew up I would understand him if he took her back but not the way she handled it. Visiting the family. Making her friend understand? And how will she continue the relationship with the friend when she is married?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Once a cheater , always a cheater .

Once a suckered, always a sucker.

miket0422miket0422almost 2 years ago

Small problem with Diane's explanation about Freddy. I'll buy the explanation about sleeping on the couch the night Bob was watching. I'll even buy the explanation about only dancing at the party and pushing him away when he tried to kiss her. The part that wasn't addressed and she couldn't explain away is the party where she was fucking him in the bathroom with the door open. From the way it sounded they weren't engaged yet but , were already dating.

Without Bob asking her about that the ending is difficult to accept

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 2 years ago

I think this is probably one of JPB's best stories. It seems there is a lot of immaturity in this story, but there are a lot of immature people and the descriptions fit. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fun story, I enjoyed it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I Like most of JPB Stories but not this one . I agree He is suppose to believe that He did not sleep in her Bed . After all he was her Boyfriend . He is as dumb as I was when I believed that my ex was faithful to Me because She only went to parties at her friends house . It took almost 7 months to finally catch her cheating at one of the parties

AkSh4BloOdAkSh4BloOdover 2 years ago

Men of the Human species needs some serious help in terms of Female.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The man's an idiot but the story was fun. 5*

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

If she loved him which I think she did,why did she wait three years,not three months to tell him.Also,how did he manage to avoid her at work.

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

I think the three year gap needs explaining.If she loved him she wouldn't have waited three months, let alone three years.

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