Prey of the Incubus; Holy Conquest

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The demon finds a manner of speaking.
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This is something of a departure from Morlis' timeline/storyline, a side story, if you will and a special project I've intended to finish for some time. I hope everyone enjoys it!


The market place bustled around him in the warm glow of the waning afternoon sun, church bells in the distance calling the faithful to the services that would be starting shortly. He enjoyed the human bustle of the market, the anonymity it provided him as well as the reprieve from his chaotic household it represented. He rarely interacted with anyone beyond purchasing the occasional treat or the odd trinket but today was destined to be different and he knew it the moment he laid eyes upon her. She had the face of an angel and seemed to glow with the same peaceful serenity so often seen in the gentler of the angelic choirs. There was a glaringly obvious reason for her gentle demeanor (or perhaps was a result of it); she was a nun.

The vision that so instantly tempted him was garbed in a habit of pure white, the ebon hued rosary about her waist and carved wooden cross about her neck the only relief in the otherwise stark garment. The white veil attached to the small wimple covered her head but several tendrils of her hair managed to escape its confines to reveal that it was the soft pale blond most often attributed to small children. She was exquisite and while the ardor of most would have been doused at the mere sight of a nun's habit it only served to fuel his desire. Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest and he would not be the first demon lured by a member of the clergy or even by an angel; such conquests were highly desired. Even lusted after.

She passed him by, the church bells drawing her like a magnet, and as his eyes feasted on the angelic beauty his dark eyes fell to her left hand; a hand noticeably devoid of the ring that indicated she had taken final vows and was now an official Bride of Christ. A devilish smile played over his lips as a languid push of his shoulder against the wooden post he had been lounging against had him easing into the flow of foot traffic seamlessly. For several minutes he followed her as she wound her way through the crowd, black eyes taking the time to examine what he could of her body through the white habit she wore, his inability to really see anything of the figure it hid only whetting his appetite for the lovely girl.

It was when she paused to speak to a group of children who seemed to know her that he took the opportunity to move ahead of her, easing by her in the crowd so closely that he "accidentally" bumped into her, nearly knocking her over which of course forced him to reach out and grip her arm to prevent the good Sister from tumbling to the ground. He heard her soft cry of surprise as he steadied her, his hands remaining gripping her arms as she looked up to meet his gaze. Intent upon thanking him for his assistance their eyes met and her words froze on her lips, her face stunned as she stared up at him.

He had that effect on a lot of women.

"Please forgive my clumsiness Sister. I hope I did not harm you."

His smooth voice broke the silence, whispering over her like velvet on bare skin, the allure of his aura (the one unique to the incubus race) bled from him to enfold her in its sensual warmth, subtly enticing her, drawing her to him. Her blue eyes became slightly hazy as she gazed into his, her lips parting as her breath came a bit faster, her body even going so far as to sway slightly towards him. Just then the bells tolled a final time to announce the beginning of the evening church service and the sound drew her back to herself, her eyes blinking rapidly as a confused expression took over her delicate features, as if unsure what was happening to her or whether or not she could trust her own senses.

"No harm done, sir. I appreciate your help but I must be going...I'm already late as it is."

She moved to turn away but his smile stopped her, a soft blush creeping up her cheeks revealing that she was not completely immune to his charms, and he slid his hand slowly from her arm. "Until we meet again...Sister," he whispered, his dark eyes filled with the promise that they would be meeting again.

Still blushing furiously she turned and hurried toward the Church where the presiding Priest was waiting on the steps to admonish her for her tardiness. Morlis followed at a slower pace, his predatory gaze never moving from the soft sway of the girl's hips beneath her novice's habit. Now, contrary to popular belief, a demon can enter a church though retaliation from the angelic choirs is swift should that demon decide to harm one of the faithful while within. Ironically enough they would do nothing should he attempt to harm a non-christian and should one of the faithful willingly fall to him...they were fair game. An odd arrangement to be sure but it allowed him to slip through the closed church doors once she had disappeared inside.

Keeping to the back of the packed congregation he searched the crowd until he found her sitting at the end of the row of Sisters who resided in the adjacent convent. She looked upset, her pale blue eyes glassy with un-shed tears and he assumed it was over whatever chastisement the Priest had doled out. As he watched a much older nun leaned over and whispered something to the girl after which she rose to her feet and discreetly slipped away through a door partially hidden behind the Nun's pew. Intrigued he followed, slipping through the shadows behind the enraptured congregation until he was able to ease through the same door she had taken, moving swiftly lest he be discovered by the nuns guarding the entrance.

Once through he realized it must be the doorway that lead to the adjoining convent, the arched hallway extending in front of him before branching off into several directions. Relying on his instincts to guide him he focused on the brief physical contact they'd had and soon felt an answering tug in his gut leading him down the hallway towards his prey. Turning left where the hallway split he silently slipped deeper into the bowels of the convent until he came upon an isolated chapel, the muffled prayers heard through the oak door confirming that his quarry had run to ground here.

Silent as the grave he moved through the door and closed it quietly behind him, pausing just within the interior of the chapel to observe his surroundings. The rows of lit candles in front of where the sweet sister knelt before the crucifix hanging in front of her allowed him to see her clearly while keeping him hidden by shadow. Her beautiful face was upturned towards the crucifix in sweet supplication and he could see the tears glistening on her cheeks as she prayed fervently to the God she loved so devoutly. The decent thing to do would be to back out of the small chapel and leave her to her prayers, it was horribly wrong of him to intrude upon such a personal moment, which of course made the whole situation all the more appealing.

"Forgive me Lord, for my weakness. I displeased the Father today with my tardiness. I let my head be turned a man...but he seemed like so much more than a man. More like an angel..or a devil to tempt me..."

A little bit of both, he thought to himself as he heard her prayers. Prayers that were about him. That was a delicious bit of information. As he had suspected the presiding Priest had scolded her for being late but she seemed more concerned about how he had made her feel and instantly he began to plan a means of capitalizing on it.

"I have never felt anything like it," she continued, her soft voice bewildered as she poured out her heart to God. "No man has ever made me think such thoughts...thoughts a nun has no right entertaining."

It was then he knew exactly how he would claim the nun, a slow smile spreading over his lips as her head bowed once more, eyes falling closed as she began a litany of Hail Mary's for her sin of lust, a sin he had every intention of encouraging wholeheartedly. She had no way of knowing that while she might have felt a genuine attraction for the incubus, it had been intensified and amplified by the natural abilities inherent to all lust demons. Abilities he summoned now to continue his game with the innocent little nun.

Turning to the door behind him he quietly slid the primitive lock on the wooden door into place, a lock that consisted of little more than a plank and latch device but it would prevent anyone from walking in and that was all he needed for now. Easing through the shadows as silently as possible he summoned the powers inherent in all incubi and reached out to her with the same aura he had so briefly touched her with in the market place only this time it was stronger. This time he was seeking to control, not simply to entice.

His mind brushed against hers and he could see the shiver as it raced down her spine from the contact and in that moment he knew her name, Mary Rose. As open as she was to the presence of her God it was frighteningly easy to slip into her thoughts, insidiously worming his way into her more hidden desires, that place where people push all the things they think they should not do. It was in this place that he found the barely suppressed desire he had aroused in her earlier in the day and gleefully he stoked the smoldering ember back to life. The voice is an especially effective tool of the incubus as most women are aroused by the audio senses rather than the visual and as he drew up behind the unsuspecting nun the sound of pure verbal seduction slid from his lips to ensnare the will of the woman kneeling in front of him.

"You have no cause to beg for My forgiveness, My child. You are My Bride and have done nothing wrong."

As expected he felt the sudden flare of alarm at the sound of another voice but was able to quickly dampen it between a surge of lust strong enough to have her gasping as much in physical need as shock over the sound of a man's voice. A man who was speaking as the voice of the God she so devoutly prayed too, no less. Her fingers curled around the arm rest of the prayer bench she knelt upon and he saw her body tense as if to turn around and confront him but before she could act on her impulse he reached out, his right hand coming to rest gently but firmly on her shoulder, halting any movement she might have made.

"No. You looked upon My face once today and turned away from Me. Now you must earn the privilege of gazing upon My countenance. You must become My Bride in more than just name."

The spell he wove around her was quickly turning her thoughts hazy, making her drunk on the aura that now eddied thickly around her, enticing her to forget everything she had ever believed in and indulge her repressed passions. His left hand joined his right on her shoulders as her blue eyes turned to the large crucifix hanging over the alter as if seeking confirmation that the man behind her was truly Him. His words had confused her and she struggled to piece their meaning together, her eyes darting to her left hand that would one day wear the band of a fully avowed nun.

"The the market place...the handsome man I...I wanted to touch.."

Her voice was halting, unsure, as if struggling to form a complete thought out of the morass her mind had become. Hands slid from her shoulders up the side of her neck, the touch of his fingers as they caressed the bare skin drawing another shiver down her body, a body he was becoming hungrier to see. His nimble touch picked at the pins of her veil and soon the small wimple and veil she wore were freed from her soft blonde hair and he was throwing it to the ground beside them. In its absence the pale curls fell freely down her back and slowly he eased down to his knees behind her.

"Yes my sweet Marie Rose..that was Me. Of all My Brides it is you that has been chosen to know My touch."

As he spoke his fingers were nimbly undoing the buttons at the back of her habit, the gardenia fair skin of her shoulders and back slowly revealing itself to him with every button that was unfastened. He heard her gasp as the cool air touched her flesh and he could feel her struggle with the idea that she was being undressed right there in the chapel, the fact that it was being done by a man claiming to be the physical embodiment of God further confusing and exciting her all at once. How could this be God? And yet...he'd known things about her, things a man could not have known. And it wasn't as if this was the first time God was accused of coupling with a mortal woman, after all.

All of this he could sense in her thoughts as he continued to weave the net that would ensnare her and tie her to him forever. The small chapel became thick with their mutual desire as he finished unbuttoning the habit she wore and pushed the simple attire from her shoulders and down her arms where its descent was halted by the rosary she wore about her waist.

Her hands returned to clutch at the prayer bench where she still knelt, eyes seeking out the image of Christ hanging above her as if seeking divine confirmation that this was real and truly happening as she was suddenly exposed from the waist up. She felt his hands caress up her back, fingertips caressing her sides until they brushed the sides of her breasts causing her to bite into her lower lip to prevent her gasp of shock from parting her lips. No man had ever touched her before, a fact he had known the moment he touched her mind, and he could feel her surprise. Not just at the fact that this was happening, but at how it made her feel. His own clothing seemed to meld away, falling from his body as if flaking ash before vanishing completely, leaving him nude behind her as was befitting a False God.

He leaned forward, his chest pressing to her back, skin caressing skin as his hands slid around her to gently cup her breasts. She whimpered, trembling in his arms even as her nipples hardened against his palms. Lowering his head he nuzzled gently into her neck, his lips pressing to her skin as her lips finally parted, gasping for some measure of control as her body succumbed so easily to him.

"Oh God," she whimpered, the two simple words sounding more like a prayer than an exclamation. His soft sensual laughter whispered against her neck in response to her exclamation as his hands continued to gently massage her breasts, his fingers playing over her nipples until they hardened beneath his palms.

Soon enough her back arched, pressing her breasts into the palms of his hands, her mind finally succumbing to what her body already knew it wanted. It was then that he knew he truly had her and lowering his hands from her breasts he pushed her habit and rosary down over her hips until it pooled around her knees where she still knelt on the prayer bench. There, where she made her daily devotions, was where he would take her. Right beneath the eyes of her watchful God. He could see her shivering, could sense that she was frightened of the unknown aspects of sexual union, but he could also sense her rising desire. He could smell it, the sweet scent of her arousal permeating the air around him, and unable to keep from touching her any longer his right hand delved between her thighs where his fingers deftly parted the already wet folds of her lips to find her clit.

Her body jerked at the sudden jolt of raw lust she felt in conjunction with the touch of a man where none had ever caressed her before and she cried out, the sound echoing around the room. He had no worries of being overheard, they were in the recesses of the convent which was deserted for now as the mass was still underway and the voice of the pontificating priest would be more than enough to cover any noise they might make. He began to rub her clit, rolling it rhythmically beneath his fingertips, the flesh beginning to throb as her hips began to move in time with his hand. It was tentative at first, a gentle rolling of her hips at first as if unsure of what to do, she quickly found the natural sensual rhythm inherent in all creatures and was soon pressing her hips more forcefully against his hand.

Knowing she would soon be ready, and keenly aware of his time limitations, his left hand eased between her thighs and flattening his palm against her inner thigh he gently pushed until she had parted her thighs to his satisfaction. She was growing wetter, he could feel it coating his fingers as well as hear it as his fingers slid down from her clit where, without warning, he slid his index and middle finger fully into her. Her head fell back, a cry of surprise mingled with desire filling the small chapel, her hands curling into the wood of the prayer bench. She was a virgin, which of course he'd already known, but now he could feel the physical proof of it against his finger tips.

Pressing his fingers deeply into her he held them there, giving her time to become used to the penetration, and as soon as he felt her relax he eased them nearly from her before pushing them back into her wet cunt. He began fucking her with his fingers, slowly at first, then more quickly as she began to move against his hand again until she was meeting each thrust of his fingers with her own thrust of her hips. Soft pink lips parted on high pitched moan and gentle cries and sensing she was ready he presses his lips to her ear and again let his dark velvet voice caress her senses.

"Are you ready My sweet Marie Rose? Ready to fully become My Bride?"

"Yes! Yes my Lord...I am Yours." She cried out without hesitation, giving herself over of her own free will (technically) to the man who held her in his arms and made her body cry out for more of him. His dark eyes rose to the crucifix that hung over them and a triumphant smile creased his lips as if the God the crucifix represented was there to physically witness the demon's victory.

"And Mine you shall always be," he crooned into her ear moments before sliding his fingers from within her. Drawing her back more fully against him he gripped her hips and positioned her body just as he wished and, finally, with a single thrust he forced his thick cock deep into her innocent depths. She arched against him and cried out though not in pain for, just as he had penetrated her body, he had also penetrated her mind, ensuring she would feel no pain during her first sexual encounter. It was this seemingly simple act that would later convince the young novice that the man that now held her was truly the embodiment of God for who else would be capable of giving her such pleasure without even a hint of pain?

Her pussy was tight around his cock and he couldn't help his own moans as they fell from his lips. She felt so good around him, better than he'd expected actually, and gripping her hips he slid his cock nearly free of her before thrusting deeply back into her depths. They gasped in unison and that was all it took for him to begin thrusting forcefully into her until he was nearly bouncing her on his cock, the sound of his length sinking into her wet cunt mingling with their combined moans.

Needing to touch more of her his left hand slid from her hip up to her breasts here he braced his arm in front of her and cupped her right breast. His right hand also shifted, sliding from her hips back between her thighs where he began to rub at her clit, pinching the swollen flesh until she nearly screamed from the intense pleasure that engulfed her. Knowing that it was dangerous to allow her to be so loud lest they be discovered he still could not stop himself from pushing her further, fucking her harder, until she was completely consumed by him. He intended to fully claim this little novice for all time.

He fucked her faster, harder, grinding his cock into her cunt with every thrust and he could feel her squeezing her cunt around him in response. Though a virgin until now her body knew what to do and she instinctively moved against him, dancing her hips back into his cock, rolling them to forcefully meet each of his thrusts. He could feel her nearing her orgasm, could sense it inherently, and though he regretted not being able to enjoy her body at his leisure he knew their time was nearly running out and soon others would be flooding this part of the building, some perhaps even in search of his little nun.