Putt Putt Pussy

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Josh gets a private showing at PuttPutt.
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Josh had a date. Well a second date. The first date had gone well, very well in fact. There had been lots of good flowing conversation and many laughs had been shared between the two. They had gone to an old style diner for burgers before seeing a classic monster movie at a local retro theatre, her Idea.

While sitting opposite Josh in the old style booth, between sips of her vanilla malt shake, Jordyn had suggested they should go play some mini golf sometime at a place she used to work.

"Sure, that should be fun!" Josh had responded

"I should be able to swing it so we can play after hours. That way we won't have to worry about any annoying crowds." Jordyn followed up

They had headed to the movies after finishing up dinner, taking a nice stroll from the diner to the theatre down the road. This gave Josh a chance to get a nice view of Jordyn, as on occasion she would almost skip ahead with happy anticipation of the movie they were about to see. Jordyn was tall with platinum blonde hair that reached just short of her shoulders. Josh was reminded of a Blonde version of Kate Beckinsale playing a Vampire in the underworld Series.

She was also wearing a pale blue rockabilly style dress adorned with finches that matched perfectly with the diner meal they had just enjoyed.

In the movie Josh was well aware of how close he now was seated to Jordyn. He could see her near constant smile out of the corner of his eye. After the movie finished they shared a friendly hug, before promising they would catch up again soon.

The next day Jordyn sent the first message. She explained how much fun she had the previous night and how she was looking forward to a follow up, making sure to include a winking face. Josh responded with similar levels of excitement.

"Can't wait, tell me the time and place and I'll be there! :)" Josh sent

"Tonight? Private PuttPutt? If you don't mind seeing me two nights in a row that is" Jordyn replied

"Not at all, what time?" Josh was ready for the opportunity to see her face again

"The Place closes at 9pm, so we should be able to get there at 8:45 just as everyone is finishing up. I'll let my friend who works there know I can make sure all the lights get turned off and the place gets locked up once we are done."

The rest of the day dragged on for Josh who had one thing on his mind, seeing the beautifully striking Jordyn again.

When 8:30 came Josh was sitting in his car in the parking lot. From his position he could see a large sign lit up by lights that read "Fantasy Putt". The large neon words sat next to what he would describe as a family friendly depiction of a heroine wielding a sword against a dragon in the style of Heavy METAL.

Josh got out of his car a few minutes later and decided to sit under the sign and wait for Jordyn to arrive. Not even two minutes later Josh looked up from his phone as to see Jordyn even more gorgeous than he had remembered.

"So do you like it?" she asked him

Unsure what she meant, thinking maybe she was referring to what she was wearing Josh took a quickly looked her up and down. Josh noticed she was wearing a short black mini skirt, showing off her silky legs and a white off the shoulder t-shirt tucked into her skirt. Realizing he must have been staring, he snapped out of it.

"Like what?" He replied

"The Mural! I painted that when I used to work here!" Jordyn added pointing behind him

Josh took a quick turn to look at the sign again.

"Really? You didn't tell me you were an artist! That's fantastic!"

Josh could now see the Heroine on the sign may have shared a few features with its Artist. "I dabble!" she said coyly "Anyway, lets head in." she continued before grabbing Josh's hand and dragging him to the front entrance gate.

The large masses of people inside appeared to be heading towards the exit to leave before the place closed for the night. Jordyn and Josh decided they should head to the café to grab some drinks while they waited until all of the visitors had left. Before long the only ones left besides Josh and Jordyn were the few remaining staff members.

A brunette staff member who looked to be in her mid twenties spotted Jordyn. She made her way over to the two. Full of smiles, Jordyn and the girl hugged like long lost friends who had not seen each other for a while.

"I love your Skirt!" Squealed the brunette in delight

"Thanks! Josh, this is Ellie, my friend on the inside!"

Josh and Ellie both gave each other friendly waves and hellos.

"So everything is all set for you guys to have your little date!" Ellie began

"Just make sure the lights are switched off and the place is locked up when you are done. I even put aside some clubs and balls at the first hole."

"You are too good, Ellie!" Jordyn replied "I'm so excited! This is going to be fun!"

"Anyway, it looks like everyone else has gone so I'll take my cue because my shift has ended! Jordyn, we'll catch up soon." She said with a wink

"Josh, nice to meet you! Look after my girl. Also know she plays mean!"

"Will do, and nice to meet you too." Josh said

Soon the two were all alone in the mini golf resort. The fantasy theme displayed on the outside continued on throughout inside park.

The paths were all cobblestone and the lighting looked like lanterns hanging off castle wall facades. The course seemed to consist of both inside and outside holes.

The First Hole

Jordyn lead Josh to the first hole, which resembled a big open wheat field. Lining either side of the course was what appeared to be artificial wheat fields that were extended out by walls on either side with painted landscape to give the appearance of an extended scene.

Josh saw the putters and golf balls laid out at the start of the course as well as a scoring card and tiny pencil. Josh picked up the two golf balls from the ground and displayed them on an open hand out for Jordyn to pick one.

There was a red and a blue ball. She quickly picked the red ball before laughing to herself.

"Oh no! I've left you with the blue balls!" she giggled.

Josh laughed before replying "Oh well, I guess I better leave myself in charge of scoring then!" He said while indicating the scoring pencil in his other hand.

"You aren't going to struggle scoring with something that small?" she said referring to the short pencil.

"It is smaller than what I'm used to. But I'm sure we will make do." Josh finished

They both stood staring at each other smiling in a moment as the silence reached out over the empty park.

Jordyn picked up one of the Putters and stepped to the start of the first hole. Dropping her ball on the green and standing over it looking down over the ball, before shaking her hips to loosen them up.

Sticking her butt out a little and slightly arching her back to get into her stance out of the corner she could see Josh with a small sly smile on his face.

"Are you staring at my putt?" she quipped.

Laughing, Josh Replied "I can't deny it, I am"

She looked up towards the hole straight down at the other end before looking back down at her ball. She pivoted back her putter and sent the ball straight down toward the hole. The Red ball hit the back end of the hole and dropped away from sight.

She looked up at Josh in surprise. "Look, I'm not going to say that wasn't a fluke!"

Josh took his place at the start and gets his ball into the hole in two.

"Not bad!" Jordyn adds with no sense of irony.

The Second Hole

The second hole was a gradual S bend course designed to look like a forest path. Either side of the course was scattered with fake looking trees close off the course.

Jordyn planted herself at the start of the second hole, aimed for a section of the bend down the end and made it in, in two.

"Get it in one and we will be tying" She said before winking and then turning to stroll down the end to collect her ball.

Josh aimed for the same area of the course as Jordyn, but gave it a bit more of a hit. The ball bounced hard off the bend and managed to go in.

"Well, now things have gotten interesting!" She says before running off ahead to the next hole.

The Third Hole

The third hole was a long elevated arching course leading over what looked to be a little lake.

"You don't mind if I break protocol and go first?" Jordyn asks Josh.

"Ladies first!" Josh responds before indicating for her to go ahead

Jordyn takes her position and takes her first swing. The ball makes its way half way up the incline before running out of steam and starts to make its way back down, not far in front of where it was first hit. Clearly a little angered by this she walks to its position and gives it a quick whack, sending it over the bridge leaving it not far from the hole sinking it in 3.

Josh stands over his ball at the start, looking up in the direction of the hole. He sees Jordyn standing directly over the hole.

Seeing that she has his attention she brings her hand up to her loose shirt collar hanging off her shoulder. As she locks eyes with Josh she slowly uses a finger to hook onto her collar and drag it down slightly. Jordyn's cleavage now on display has worked to distract Josh. He stops for a second and crouches behind the ball, looking towards the hole at the other end.

His vision tracks from the green up to Jordyn's legs and waist and once again taking in the freshly revealed cleavage on display just for him. He can see she has a big smile on her face.

Josh stands up and takes his place over the ball. Swings and watches the ball sail over the incline and down the other side right between Jordyns legs and into the hole.

Amazed by this effort, Jordyn reacts with "Guess I have to try harder next time."

The Fourth Hole

The next hole is similar to the last, straight with an incline over water. This time there are wooden planks and towers representing a draw bridge over a moat.

Josh indicates for Jordyn to go ahead first.

"Are you sure?" She asks

Josh nods in response.

Jordyn gives a big swing and gets her ball up and over on the other side with no issues. She walks over the bridge to the ball and quickly knocks it in next shot.

Looking back over her shoulder knowing she has once again caught Josh's eye, she slowly bends over at the waist to pick up her ball from the hole. Josh now has a clear glimpse up her black mini skirt and can see her underwear. They look to be a dark, almost metallic in colour.

Clearly she is trying to put him off his game again.

Jordyn holds herself in this position occasionally looking back, waiting for Josh to take his shot.

He makes it over the bridge in two and for his 3rd shot guides the ball between her legs and into the hole.

She stands up before expressing "He is Human!"

"On occasion" Josh responds.

They both smile at each other before moving on.

The Fifth Hole

Hole 5 seems to be in a giant X shape with market stall cutouts acting as obstacles on either side of the course and some full size medieval stocks in the middle. The stocks have huge holes for arms and a spot for to place a head. Jordyn Smacks the ball and lets it ricochet several times before taking another two shots to sink it in the hole.

She quickly runs up behind the stocks and places her arms and head through the holes.

"I'll tell you what. Get a hole in one and I'll let you kiss me!" She says with laughter

"And what if I don't get it in one?" Josh responds

"I'll leave that up to you!" she says winking.

"Seeing as you seem to be in the stocks maybe I'll just steal one now!" he adds before jumping up on the stocks in front of her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. She quickly turns her head towards him and steals one on the lips, and they kiss for a few seconds. Josh pulls away leaving her still in the stocks.

"Guess I better get that hole in one now then!"

"There might be punishment involved if you don't!" she laughs

He takes his first and second shot before finally sinking the ball on the third.

"Into the stocks with you!" Jordyn demands before removing herself from them.

Josh places his head and arms through the holes waiting for his punishment.

"One lashing for every extra shot it took to put your ball in the hole!"

Josh braces as Jordyn dishes out one spanking for each cheek.

"Ok, you have served your punishment well. You can now remove yourself from the stockade!" Jordyn says.

The Sixth Hole

The next hole looks to represent a large steep stone staircase. The hole only takes a few heavy whacks each from Jordyn and Josh to complete.

Josh once again gets a little glimpse of Jordyn's peculiar underwear.

The Seventh Hole

The 7th hole is the most daunting so far. Two large wooden doors towered over the whole course, blocking the end of the hole. What appears to be two little mouse holes on the bottom in the door frame looked to be the path of progression.

Jordyn took her shot choosing to send her ball through the left opening. Her ball vanished through to the next room. Josh knowing Jordyn has more of an idea to what awaits on the other side followed suit also sending his ball into the left opening.

He then followed her through a side door into the structure. When they got inside they couldn't see where their balls had gone. Moments later they spot it. Both of them have scored a hole in one on the hole.

The Eighth Hole

The next hole was a long, long straight putt down an illuminated hallway. Hanging on the walls was a number of portraits; Portraits of Kings, Queens, Knights and other characters. The style looked instantly familiar to Josh and he turned to Jordyn.

"Did you also do these?" he enquired

"Yup! Haha, there is actually a naughty little hidden detail in one of them which I have not told anyone about." she explains

"What? Where?" Josh asked with obvious excitement

"The Knight portrait! In the background with the castle. People are getting busy in one of the windows. As far as I know, nobody has ever spotted it."

Josh raced down the hall to the Knight's portrait and scanned the details in the background.

"Oh! She is enjoying herself!" Josh exclaims

"Oh, Yeah! You know who else is enjoying themselves?"

"Is it you?"

"Hell yes it is! Anyway, my turn!" Jordyn starts as she raced down to the putting start.

She takes a moment lining up the long shot and swings, sending her ball half way down.

"Damn, not hard enough!" she exclaimed

She quickly made her way down to the ball and quickly knocked it further down the course where it rested just off to the hole. She quickly sank it before bending over again to collect the ball from the hole.

"I don't know what the score is, but I need to put you off your game somehow!"

"Oh? Try your best!" Josh replied

Taking this as a challenge, Jordyn squatted down over the hole with her legs spread towards Josh. She made sure her skirt was hiked to either side to give josh a full view of her crotch and unusual underwear.

Josh realized he had to focus on not being so obviously turned on. After all he still had a game of Putt Putt to win and putting with an additional club is something he has never had to attempt before.

Noticing Josh go a little bit shy and realizing her plan may just be working Jordyn shouted towards him "You aren't deciding to switch putters are you?"

Josh took a moment to clear his mind and take his breath.

He dropped his ball onto the course and took his time taking a swing. He had the distance right as the ball sailed down the course. It looked like he might be right on target as well as his ball neared the hole down the end. Josh held his breath waiting to see what will happen.

The ball stopped right on top of the hole, Directly under Jordyn who was still squatting over the hole watching the ball. Josh waited for perhaps a final bit of momentum to see if it will go in, but it didn't. The ball sat right on the edge, almost like it was mocking him. Jordyn didn't move. Josh made his way down the long hallway so that he was right in front of Jordyn, still squatting, legs spread apart. He placed his putter right between her legs and gently tapped the ball into the hole before bending down and reaching right passed Jordyn to pull out his ball out of the hole.

Jordyn grabbed his hand as it grasped the ball and pulled him closer for another kiss. This time the kiss they shared was much longer and allowed their tongues to explore.

The Ninth Hole

The next hole appeared to have several pegs for obstruction on the course, but Josh couldn't see the hole. The end of the course seemed to be covered by a large wooden throne. Jordyn slowly walked her way down the course stepping from peg to peg before taking a seat atop the giant throne.

"As the Ruler of this here course" She started, planting her golf club beside her "I proclaim that not only must you go first on this hole, but that you must do it without that shirt!"

"Fair is fair, and you are my Ruler!" Josh said as he took his shirt off.

"Yes, remove thy coverage!" She cheered while clapping

Josh now shirtless, setting himself up to take his shot looked down to where he assumed the hole for the course was, underneath the Throne. That was when he noticed, Jordyn once again spread her legs to show off her underwear. Noticing Josh taking another glance, she hiked up her skirt so that he could now get a clear view.

Josh was now able to identify what her underwear was, the colours now made sense and Josh was taken back to a memory of watching the Movie, Robin Hood: Men in Tights when he was younger. Jordyn's underwear resembled a faux metal chastity belt.

This shot was going to be a struggle, not because the space underneath the throne was small and required much accuracy, but because his concentration on the game was getting harder and harder to maintain.

Josh closed his eyes and tried to find himself the focus he needed.

Josh opened his eyes, to see Jordyn stroking herself through her Chastity belt Underwear and new he could no longer play a calm focused game.

Laughing to herself "Oh I'm sorry, you were taking your time so I thought I would entertain myself. Am I too much of a distraction for you?" Jordyn said

Once again back with the world Josh retorted "Depends if you want to win?"

"Ooh, Cheeky Boy! I like you!" She responded with more laughter

Josh took his first shot which rebounded off two of the pegs before resting just in front of the throne.

As Josh got closer to take his next shot stepping right up in front of the throne, Jordyn lifted her legs up over each side of the chair making everything just that little bit easier to see while she continued to stroke herself.

"Oh, you think I'll miss from here?" Josh added

"Oh no this is just for me, as I now have a nice close up view" She said staring at Josh's bare chest. This was the final push that got Josh completely hard. Jordyn could see this through Josh's pants instantly.

"Ooh, hello there!" She gasped.

Josh quickly knocked the ball under the throne and into a large hole that carried the ball off to another area.

"Your shot!" Josh exclaimed as he stretched out an arm to help Jordyn out of the chair. She made sure to "accidently" brush past his hard crotch with her hand as she got up. Josh took the now empty space on the throne and leant back, grabbing his crotch in an effort to distract her from her shot.

Jordyn decided power was the best choice for this hole over precision. After 4 frustrating whacks her ball finally made it to the other of the pegs and she then sent the ball flying under the throne.

A door to the right of the throne would lead out to a turret spire that overlooked a lot of the park. Both the balls were just short of the 9th hole. They both quickly knocked the balls in to the hole.