Queen Of Sorrows Ch. 02

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Sofia learns the price of disobedience.
12.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/21/2018
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Overseer Willis talked throughout Sofia's afternoon meal. He drilled her with information regarding schedules and timetables, the locations of supplies, tools and cleaning implements, methods, procedures, and the Empress' preferences. The palace fell less than four days ago, and yet this man already knows the layout better than I do. I lived here for nearly ten years. Was I so oblivious to my environment, or is it possible that all palaces are similarly laid out?

"Your eyes will be lowered at all times," he continued. "You will not speak unless given permission."


"You will address Her Eminence only as 'Empress.' If she permits or prefers another form of address in private, she will make that known to you. It has happened before, but don't count on it and do not ever presume."

"Of course."

"You will obey all instructions immediately and without question."

"Who may instruct me?"

"Any free citizen or military officer. However, no one may give you an instruction that countermands the Empress. No one."

"What do I do when that occurs? It seems inevitable."

"You must obey the Empress."

"But what if a military officer demands that I do one thing and the Empress has commanded me to do something else?

"If you violate the instruction of any free person or military officer and the violation is reported to me, then I will administer your punishment. If you violate an order of the Empress, she will punish you. No one else is permitted to administer punishment to a slave of the Empire. No minister, general, or landholder can lawfully do so."

"You still haven't answered my question."

"That's the only answer I can give you. If you attend to your duties and serve the Empress faithfully, you will see the truth in my words."

Sofia ate the rest of her meal in silence. As soon as she finished, the Overseer called for a servant to remove her tray. A young woman wearing the sheer white livery and bearing a black tattoo on her face appeared. She picked up the tray and disappeared, while a second girl took her place. That girl carried two blue uniforms in her arms.

"Try these on," the Overseer said as he took the gowns from the servant and handed them to Sofia.

Sofia held the two garments in front of the window. Sunlight streaming through the glass passed through the sheer material of the livery with almost equal facility. She selected the larger of the two uniforms and tried it on. The style was similar to the white uniform worn by the palace servants-a loose cap-sleeved wrap-around belted at the waist-but whereas the hemline of the white uniform almost reached the knees, the blue uniform was several inches shorter. This outfit is scandalous. It barely covers anything and leaves nothing to the imagination. My bottom will be showing when I bend over. But at least I won't be naked.

"This one will do," Sofia said.

"Excellent." Overseer Willis paused to evaluate the fit. He tugged on the sleeves, pulled the belt away from Sofia's waist, and ran his long, thick fingers along the hemline. He paused when his hand reached the front of the uniform, mere inches from her pubic mound. Sofia hissed inwardly as the Overseer's meaty knuckles grazed her bush.

"I'm not going to lie to you," he said in a low whisper. "This will be a very dangerous place for you. I might even go so far as to say that you would have been better off if the Empress had kept you confined to the dungeon."

"H-how so?" Sofia trembled. She felt his hot breath on her neck.

"You are a temptation that few will be able to resist," he continued. "Every man who enters this palace-and even some women-will lust over you."

"I don't desire..."

"But all men will desire you. Some will not be able to control their desires. I am barely in control of myself now."

"Why now? You saw me naked all morning."

"I lusted for you then, as well. But at that time I was surrounded by other officers and servants. This is my first opportunity to be alone with you. The combination of proximity and privacy is enticing. Even if you resisted, it would make no difference in the end. You and I both know that I could overpower you easily enough."

Towering over Sofia, the Overseer pressed his massive torso against her as he ground his knuckle against her moistening slit.

"Please ... don't," Sofia panted. She put her hands on his chest and tried to push him off. "I'm not worth the trouble."

"That's what I have to remind myself." He looked down at her with a pained look on his aged face. "You are property of the Empress. You are a poisoned spring in the middle of the desert. So tempting, so inviting-but one taste is certain death. I've survived working in this position far too long to lose my bald head over the likes of you."

"Is that the penalty for despoiling the Empress' property?"

"Aye, it would mean a trip to the headsman for at least one of us-probably both. That's why I say it is dangerous for you here."

Sofia shuddered. That's the first piece of useful information I've heard all day.

"And your presence makes it dangerous for everyone who enters this palace, as well," he added. "Fortunately for me, my position provides access to half a hundred other slaves, one of whom will be relieving the pressure in my groin this afternoon."

Overseer Willis returned his hands to his pockets and walked away.

* * *

Sofia did not see the Overseer the rest of the day. She spent the remainder of the afternoon training with the heads of housekeeping, laundry, and the kitchen. She was disappointed to find her head chef replaced with a Chrysanthin, but that was true of every household department. Sofia recognized some of the servants from her prior staff, but all of the department heads were now Chrysanthins.

The absurdity of receiving instruction on where to find bedroom linens and bathroom supplies in her own home-from someone who had been there less than four full days-was not lost on Sofia. She forced herself to laugh at the situation. The alternative is crying, and I know I'll spend enough nights doing just that. If I can keep busy, maybe I won't dwell on Leopold or the children.

It was several hours past sundown when Sofia and the other servants were given their evening meal. Sofia helped the scullery maids and dishwashers clean up after everyone was finished, and then retreated to the servant's quarters for the night.

"Where do I sleep?' she asked no one in particular.

"You will come with me," a familiar voice answered from the darkness in a corner of the room.

Sofia looked and saw that all the other servants' heads were bowed. She glanced toward the voice just as Kiera stepped from the shadows into a stream of moonlight entering through an open window.

"K-Kiera? I mean, Empress?" Sofia was startled.

A collective gasp engulfed the room. Some tucked their heads under the sheets, while others squeezed their eyes shut and chanted prayers beneath their breaths. No one but Sofia dared look up.

"Whom did you expect? The night reaper?"

Kiera chuckled and took Sofia by the hand. She led her out of the servant's quarters and through the silent palace. They walked past the throne room, up three flights of stairs, and into her chamber in the palace tower. The same chamber that Sofia formerly shared with Leopold.

"This is where you will sleep." Kiera pointed toward a small pallet in the corner of the room. There was a beaten pillow and a thin blanket made of rough wool on top of the pallet.

"If it's all the same to you, I think I would prefer to sleep with the other servants. This room has too many memories for me."

"Your preferences and your memories mean nothing to me, Sofia. You will sleep here, in my chamber."

"Why? Why are you doing this to me?" A tear ran down Sofia's cheek.

"It's rather simple, actually. I want you close by in case I should have need of you during the night."

"Why would you possibly need me in the middle of the night?"

"Come now, Sofia, you are old enough to understand a woman's needs after dark. You are here to satisfy my needs, whenever they should arise."

"Do all women of Chrysanthis practice the same perversion as you, Empress?"

"I will excuse your insolence this time, Sofia, but the next time you will be punished. And even though I am not compelled to answer your question, I will answer it so that you may better understand the nature of our 'relationship.'

"It is not unusual for a woman of Chrysanthis-particularly a woman of wealth or power-to enjoy the pleasures of another woman. The practice is not yet so widespread as to be considered common, but we are long past the time when such conduct is labeled scandalous.

"Today you performed the Ritual of Submission. You performed better than even I imagined possible. In so doing you agreed to submit to my will in all things, including my pursuit of sexual pleasure. I own your body and soul, lips, tits and cunt. The entire nation of Chrysanthis witnessed it, and by now all former citizens of Osthollow are aware of it.

"You will serve me twenty-fours a day, seven days a week. You will pleasure me whenever and however I want to be pleasured. Your body is mine to do with as I wish. If I want to ride your face from midnight til dawn, I will do so and you will not protest.

"That is the nature of our relationship. Those are the terms you willingly agreed to. Now go to bed and get some sleep. I may have need of you before dawn."

Sofia stood frozen for a second. When she could once again move her feet, she shuffled over to the pallet and laid down on top of the blanket. Kiera grabbed a length of chain from a spool on the wall, threaded it through the loops in Sofia's ankle and wrist cuffs, and then clipped it to a piece of metal rod protruding from the wall.

"I know you must find the thought of attacking me in my sleep to be rather tempting." Kiera said. "It's understandable-especially after all you've been through these past four days." Kiera walked to her bed and rested her hand on a lever next to the headboard.

"That would be a mistake." Kiera flipped the lever. A beam rose into the air, pulling Sofia's chains upward.

"What?! Ahhhhh!" Sofia screamed.

In less than a second Sofia found herself hanging from the beam, suspended by the chains looped through her ankle and wrist irons. She was trussed like a pig, only with her arms and legs pulled up and behind her. The pain in her wrists and ankles was exceeded by the agony in her shoulders.

"As you can see, I've redecorated this room a little bit." Kiera chuckled. "I hope it's to your liking."

"Get me down," Sofia screamed. "This is ripping my shoulders apart."

"My medic assures me that it won't do permanent damage, although I must concede that it is as painful as it looks. I know. I actually tried it. Once."

"Please. Get me down."

"There's a leather harness that attaches beneath your belly for those times when we are indulging in some naughtiness. Who knows? I might even do it again. Wouldn't that be fun?"


"Excuse me?"



"Please. It hurts."

"Of course, Sofia, of course.

Kiera lifted the lever, and the device lowered Sofia to the floor. She collapsed on the pallet and turned her back to Kiera.

"That was for demonstration purposes, my dear. You should also know that crossing the midpoint of the room will trip a spring and trigger the device, as well. Do you hear me Sofia?"

"Yes, Empress."

"I'm telling you this for your own safety. I wouldn't want you to have an accident in the dead of night."

"Thank you, Empress."

"Good night, sweetheart."

"Good night. Empress."

* * *

Sofia woke before dawn. Her fitful sleep was interrupted by a rattling of the chains connecting her ankles and wrists. Smelling a familiar scent, Sofia opened her eyes and saw Kiera's nude form releasing the chains tethering her to the wall. All at once the horror of the last four days returned to her. She trembled with dread as she contemplated another day full of humiliations and pain.

"I know you're awake," Kiera said. "Stop pretending to sleep."

"I'm not pretending anything," Sofia replied.

"Good. Come join me in my bed."

"Do I have a choice?"

"Absolutely. You can join me willingly or you can face the consequences of displeasing me and then join me. Either way, you will be joining me."

Sofia stood up and followed Kiera to the bed. Kiera laid back against a stack of pillows, spread her knees, and directed Sofia to assume the position between her thighs.

"Most days I prefer to start the morning with an orgasm or two. Yesterday was absolute agony. I had to wait for the Ritual to commence and even when it did, I still didn't know if you were going to succeed. I must commend you on your performance, by the way. Although I must admit that I was beginning to worry whether you would survive. The entire assemblage was worried. You would not have been the first to fail, you know. Princess Mirella of Steepleton failed, as did King Olav of Sunderrealm.

"But you, Sofia, once you understood what was expected of you, you performed like you had been dining on cunt all your life. I was most impressed. Everyone present in that hall was impressed. I don't think any of them had ever seen someone climax as hard as I did yesterday morning.

"Now give me another orgasm just as good as that one."

Kiera grabbed Sofia by the hair and pushed her face into her crotch. The pain in Sofia's scalp was exceeded by the pain in her nose when Kiera smashed it against her pubic bone. Sofia was stunned for a second but recovered before Kiera noticed that anything was amiss.

Sofia extended her tongue. Even before making contact with Kiera's moist slit, she realized that Kiera was not nearly as fresh as she had been the day before. Yesterday's perfume had dissipated, and what little of it that remained was overwhelmed by Kiera's natural musk, a lingering saltiness reminiscent of sweat, and the ammonia-like residue of stale piss. Is this what I smell like, also?

"Empress, would you prefer that I wash you first?" Sofia stalled.

"I don't have time for that. Now get busy."

Kiera cut off any further conversation by wrapping her legs around Sofia's head and squeezing. Sofia did not need another prompt. She extended her tongue and licked.

"There will be mornings when I mount your face and ride you like a courier riding a horse," Kiera mused. "And there will be times when I will enjoy your fingers touching the sweetest, most sensitive spots inside my channel. There will even be days when I will want to taste you even as you are tasting me. But most days this is how I will prefer to start my day-reclining comfortably in my bed while your tongue works its magic on my cunt."

Sofia heard almost none of what the Empress had said to her. Kiera's long lean thighs pressed against Sofia's ears, blocking out most of the sound and garbling her words beyond recognition. She considered pausing to ask for clarification, but Kiera's hands pushing against the back of her head convinced her to stay the course.

Kiera's body tensed. She dug her heels into the mattress and raised her hips off the bed. Sofia flattened her tongue and licked her with long swathes up and down the length of her slit. The acrid flavor that first greeted her palate was long gone, replaced with a fragrant musk that intimated need and satisfaction in equal parts. She actually climaxes rather easily. It just takes a sustained effort.

"Just like that," Kiera urged. "Don't stop."

Kiera thrust her hips upward, smashing her crotch against Sofia's mouth. Sofia slipped her hands under Kiera's taut cheeks and grabbed two handfuls of firm, muscular flesh. The razor stubble on Kiera's crotch would leave a telltale rash on her face, Sofia knew, but she had no choice in the matter.

"Now concentrate on my clit," Kiera directed. "Suck it between your lips and flick your tongue back and forth."

I wish she had directed me like this yesterday. I might have finished the Ritual in half the time.

Sofia applied her full focus to the little nub of flesh standing rigidly between the fleshy petals of Kiera's tender slit She recalled a technique she occasionally used on her husband, in which she curled the tip of her tongue upward and raked it over the thickest part of the glans.

"Oh! I like that," Kiera gushed. "Keep doing that."

Sofia repeated that motion over and over, increasing her speed as she did so. Kiera bounced up and down on the bed for several seconds, and then her body went rigid and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Yes! That's ... ungh! Ahh! Unghh!"

Kiera collapsed on the bed. Sofia continued licking, but Kiera grabbed a handful of hair and lifted her head until Sofia's mouth broke contact with her crotch.

"That's enough. That's ... good. I'm good. You were good. You were very good."

Kiera laid on her back catching her breath, while Sofia rested her head against her Empress' thigh.

Snap! A switch smacked Sofia on her ass.

"Ow!" she cried. "What was that for?"

"So that you have a taste of what your punishment will be, should you ever give me a reason to punish you. That was one blow with the switch. Imagine twenty, or thirty such blows. Now imagine fifty, or one hundred."

Kiera tucked the four foot long bamboo switch under the edge of the mattress.

"Am I excused?" Sofia asked, rubbing her ass.

"Go to the Overseer. Tell him I'm ready for my bath."

"Yes, Kiera ... Empress."

Sofia adjusted her uniform and then headed for the door.


"Yes, Empress?"

"Don't keep me waiting."

"Yes, Empress."

Sofia slipped out the door and headed for the servant's quarters. All the servants were already awake, dressed, and going about their duties. She found the Overseer talking to the laundress.

"Overseer Willis," Sofia interrupted. She kept her head bowed as she spoke.

"One moment, girl," the Overseer replied.

"The Empress is ready for her bath," Sofia looked up and met the Overseer's gaze with her own steely stare. I may be a servant, but I know how to be a Queen.

Both the Overseer and the laundress turned their heads and scowled at Sofia. The Overseer towered over Sofia, but the laundress was the same height as her. The laundress sniffed the air, glared at Sofia, and then turned her head and walked away. The Overseer also looked down and sniffed, but instead of glaring a small smile formed at the corners of his mouth. They can smell Kiera's secretions on my face. They know I just pleasured her. Sofia's face flushed.

Unlike the day before, the Overseer maintained a proper distance between himself and Sofia. He looked over her head as he spoke.

"I'll send some servants with her hot water immediately. I had them light the stove an hour ago, so I'm sure the water is ready. Apparently, the Empress was detained this morning. She normally takes her bath earlier."

A fresh wave of heat washed over Sofia's face.

Unlike the day before, Overseer Willis maintained a proper distance. Sofia turned and headed for the door before he could shame her further.

* * *

The two guards standing outside Kiera's bedchamber stood as rigid as stone statues. Neither moved a muscle nor batted an eyelash as Sofia approached. She paused in front of the entry, but neither man questioned her and neither offered to help her open the heavy oaken door. Apparently I'm not viewed as a threat, but I'm not worthy of assistance, either. I'll have to keep that in mind.

Upon entering the room, Sofia found Kiera sitting on the bed in a silk dressing gown with her long legs crossed. She was reviewing a stack of papers that appeared to be written on official stationary. The intense expression on Kiera's face contrasted with the casual manner in which she leafed through the documents.