Queen of the Isle


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"Hey, it's our anniversary. Can't let something like being stuck on a deserted island get in the way of that, can we?"

"I love, love, love, love you."

Thakkor cut the tail from the lobster and extracted the meat, putting it on her plate. It barely settled before Alicia tore off a piece and slipped it between her lips. Her moan of delight was so sexual that her cheeks warmed when she heard it. Thakkor sat watching her lick her fingers afterward, grinning from ear to ear.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

He shuddered and nodded toward the plate. "Mind if I just watch for a bit?"

Alicia slapped his arm and said, "Eat, you pervert."

Conversation halted after that until the lobster and fish were both gone. When Thakkor pulled his feet under him, Alicia knew that he wasn't done. She let him go without comment, settling into a more comfortable position and looking out to sea while sipping from her warming cup of water.

Her grin when he returned with the oysters bordered on the naughty, reflecting a rapidly growing desire within her. "I suppose you had no idea that oysters are an aphrodisiac, hmm?"

"A what?" He asked as he sat down and handed her a half-shell.

Unsure about whether he was serious or playing — and not really concerned either way — Alicia accepted the oyster and tipped the shell back, using her tongue in a sultry display to scoop up the meat.

Something between a growl and a moan rumbled from Thakkor's throat as he picked up an oyster for himself. After having a second, Alicia put down the empty shell and scooted a little closer to her husband. She leaned toward him and whispered in his ear, "I think it's working."

"Think sooo?" The last word turned into a groan as her tongue swirled around his ear.

"Uh huh," Alicia answered before nibbling his earlobe while reaching for the drawstring of his breeches. He was about half hard when she wormed her fingers beneath the loosened waist to squeeze his cock. She pushed on his chest, guiding him to lie down, and then knee walked to where she could jerk the obstructing cloth down his legs.

Thakkor was still struggling to kick his breeches off his feet when Alicia bent over him in a sinuous motion, looking deep into his eyes, and gave his hardening cock a broad stroke of her tongue.

"Gods, Alicia," he groaned as she reached the head.

Alicia kissed the swelling tip, slipping her hands beneath his knees at the same time. She pulled up, then pushed until he bent his knees, giving her access to the smooth shaven orbs between his legs.

Thakkor pulled his knees even farther back and grunted as her tongue washed over his balls. Alicia lapped and teased with the tip of her tongue, thoroughly wetting the wrinkled pouch of his jewels, and then returned to his fully erect manhood. After a suckling kiss of the purple helmet, she lifted her knees over him to straddle his hips.

Thakkor stroked his hands up and down her legs as she spoke the words of a spell that she knew by heart. When she placed her hand over her tummy and loins at the culmination of the magic, a cool blue glow revealed what both of them desired — she couldn't become pregnant right now.

Alicia fell forward onto her hands, seeking her husband's lips. She kissed him hard, her tongue exploring him with unusual fervor.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked when she moved to kissing his neck instead.

"Nothing — yet," she answered, her voice thick with passion. "Do you think..." Alicia kissed him briefly, but hungrily. "You could do something..." Another kiss. "About that?"

"I live to serve you, my queen."

Alicia let out a moan and shuddered. "Gods, I need you."

As she spoke, Alicia scooted backward, once again centering her hips over his. She reached a hand between their bodies, lifting his throbbing manhood, and guided it to the parting of her nether lips.

A long, low groan erupted from Alicia as she rose up onto her knees, and sank down on her husband's cock. "Oh, you're so hard. You feel so big."

Thakkor growled from the tight squeeze of her walls around him, watching her caress her breasts as she relished the feeling of him filling her so full — fitting her so perfectly. "Damn, you're wet."

Alicia responded with only a moan as she rocked her hips, stirring him inside her. The motion changed to one more circular for a few heartbeats, and then she braced her hands on his chest and lifted her hips. Gasping, she let him slide partially free of her wet heat, and then dropped back down again. Her bottom bounced off his legs, and she once again gasped at the delightful friction of his cock sliding in and out of her.

Thakkor's eyes roved from her flushed face — already beading with sweat — to her bouncing breasts, to his glistening cock appearing and disappearing as she rode him with ever increasing abandon.

Her golden tresses dancing wildly and her bottom slapping against his legs, Alicia gave in to the overwhelming need inside her. She swore that she could feel him in her belly, and he felt as thick as her wrist. Leaning forward slightly caused him to slip against her clit, and she cried out from the pulse of chilly bliss that shot through her.

Strong hands gripped her buttocks, and she felt him thrust his hips upward as she came down. Never once did his timing fail him or his cock slip free of her hot embrace. Alicia rode him hard and fast, carried on a tide of almost desperate need, ignoring the first twinges of protest from her muscles.

Even as her muscles burned, the glowing spark of orgasmic energy inside grew hotter, ready to consume her. She was close — so close — when the limits of her endurance surpassed her desire. Her wild ride slowed as she fought against the weakness, her whimpers of pleasure taking on hints of discomfort. Panting for breath and dripping with sweat, she poured all her will into reaching that perfect place, the convergence of sensation and emotion that would grant her the blissfullness of orgasm. Still, she was losing the battle.

Then Thakkor came to the rescue.

Alicia yelped in surprise as his grip on her bottom tightened and his knees bent. His first thrust up into her elicited a sharp yelp, and her hands slipped on his sweat-dampened chest. Falling forward, she caught herself on her hands, her hair falling in front of her face.

Rabbit-quick, his cock slammed into her depths, rocking her forward and making her breasts swing erratically. She cried out, the words forming from pure instinct, and her tone rising in pitch with each exclamation.

"Yes! Yes! Faster! Harder! Faster! Yes!"

Intelligible words vanished in favor of high-pitched squeals, culminating in a scream that she could feel screeching from her throat, but couldn't hear over the pounding of her fast-beating heart in her ears. Orgasm claimed her, stiffening her every muscle and closing her throat. Spots danced before her eyes before she managed to suck in a noisy breath, only to have it emerge in a scream as another wave of ecstasy ripped through her.

Over and over, the wonderful agony gripped her, driven by Thakkor's cock continuing to assault her tightly clenched canal. In a moment of brief clarity, she saw the strain in her husband's face through the dancing curtain of her hair, and heard his loud grunts of exertion.

He let out a great roar, and pulled her down against him even as he slammed his hips into her. The thrust stole the last of Alicia's strength and balance. She collapsed against his chest, feeling him throb and pulse inside her, flooding her depths with cream.

Time lost all meaning as Alicia regained her breath, still twitching from aftershocks of the powerful orgasm. Thakkor emitted pained little grunts as her walls rhythmically tightened around his sensitive manhood. After what felt like an eternity, Alicia's heart slowed to normal, and she let out a moan of ultimate satisfaction.

Thakkor smoothed back the hair still hanging in front of her face and smiled up at her, then grunted as the sight of him in post-climatic reverie caused her to clench around him one last time.

"That was... That was wonderful," Alicia whispered, and then let out a sexy growl.

"Uh huh," he groaned in response, and then weakly chuckled. "I really need to move."

Alicia let out a sad moan, and then took a deep breath in preparation. She pulled her knees under her, rocked forward slightly, and gasped as his softening cock slipped from her to fall with a wet slap against his leg. A quick tightening of her intimate muscles kept all but a dollop of the mingled cum from escaping her as she lay down next to her husband on the blanket.

The sun was sinking toward the horizon, beginning to color the sky with deepening shades of rose and orange. Alicia smiled as a dolphin breeched the surface of the sea, leaping into the air before vanishing beneath the waves once more. She swallowed, her throat feeling dry and scratchy from crying out.

"Could your queen trouble you for a cup of water?"

Thakkor chuckled and tried to rise, but failed rather miserably with his first attempt. He blew out a breath, his lips flapping with a flatulent noise, and tried again. This time, he managed to sit up, only to discover that they'd upended not only both tin cups, but the coffee pot that held the rest of the water as well.

"Oh boy. Be right back," he said in a resigned voice, and then gathered up his strength to find his feet.

Alicia fought back a chuckle as she watched her husband stumble like a fawn walking for the first time toward the tent with the coffee pot. The cloth he'd hidden the pineapple with at the beginning of this wonderful day still lay on the blanket, so Alicia shook it out to ensure no sand was clinging to it, and tucked it between her legs.

Once she'd wetted her parched throat, gone to the chamber pot in the tent, and cleaned up, Alicia returned to the blanket to watch the sun set with her husband. She sat down next to him and nestled her head into his shoulder.

"Thank you for today — for everything. It was perfect — beautiful."

"You're welcome, and thank you," he responded, and then kissed her.

"I believe I could endure being stuck here for a while, if it's like this."

Thakkor chuckled and then cleared his throat. "I got you something."

Alicia's brow furrowed and she tilted her head back until she could look at him. "Did I miss a wandering merchant?"

It was Thakkor's turn to roll his eyes as she giggled and kissed his shoulder in apology. He lifted one leg and reached under, pulling out a large oyster shell that he'd apparently secreted there while she was in the tent. Holding it in front of her on his palm, he said, "Open it."

Alicia lifted the top half of the shell, which tumbled to the blanket as she stared in wide-eyed wonder at the pearl within. It was easily the largest she'd ever seen, lustrous even in the fading light, and scintillating with color.

"Thakkor... I... It's..." Her eyes welled up, twin tears trailing down her face.

"You like it?"

"I love it." She pulled his lips to hers, kissing him deeply — passionately — tears still streaming down her face.

Once their lips parted, Thakkor grinned. "A queen has to have some proper baubles, after all." He lifted the pearl out of the shell, placed it in her palm, and nodded toward the horizon.

Alicia nuzzled up against him again to watch the sun complete its journey, and then kissed his cheek before standing.

"Ready to get back to your spell?"

"No, I think I'm ready to go to bed."

He stood up and stretched. "Tired, huh?"

"I didn't say that," she answered, and then walked toward the tent, her bottom swaying hypnotically.


Gwen paced the floor of her room within Osterfayre castle, her heels clicking ominously as she considered checking on the wizard she'd hired once again, though she'd already asked twice in the hour since awakening from a fitful sleep. Her maid wisely stayed out of the way, and out of sight, but still ready to serve the baroness on a moment's notice.

Dark hair whipping, Gwendoline turned upon reaching the wall and started toward the other side of the room once more.


The baroness yelped in alarm and spun on her heel, her hand over her heart. Her maid likewise cried out, having seen the transparent image of Alicia appear from thin air.

"Alicia, I quite nearly wet myself. Where are you? Are you all right?"

"Sorry to frighten you. This is the first time I've cast this spell. We're fine. A sea monster attacked the ship, and it sank, but we made it to an island."

"Thank the gods." Gwen turned to her maid. "Hannah, please fetch the wizard."

"At once, your Ladyship," the blonde replied, and hurried from the room.

"Ladyship?" Alicia repeated after Hannah had left the room, and then laughed.

Gwen walked up to the magical image of her friend and waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. "She's new. She'll grow out of it." Curiosity got the better of her, and she reached out to pass her hand through the image of Alicia.

"Gwen, if anyone comes in right now, they're going to think some very improper things."

It was only then that the baroness realized she was passing her hand through Alicia's transparent breasts. She snapped her hands to her mouth, her face turning red, and laughed.

"The wizard, your Ladyship," Hannah announced as she opened the door and ushered him in.

"Ah, is this your missing friend?" the portly wizard asked. When Gwendoline nodded, he said, "Splendid. This will make things quite simple. I can follow her magic with my own, and we'll know where she is in a few moments."

"What do I do?" Alicia asked.

"Just maintain the spell, and don't resist when you feel my magic." With that, the wizard began his spell-weaving. Only a few seconds after completing his spell, he declared, "There we are. I can direct the ship to them now. If we leave immediately, we should reach the island by tomorrow afternoon."

Gwen breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. Please, seek out the captain and make haste." The wizard nodded and turned to the door. "Can you endure that long?"

Alicia looked back over her shoulder as Thakkor chuckled behind her. Though he wasn't visible, his voice carried through the magic, prompting a knowing grin from the baroness.

"I suppose we can endure this terrible hardship for another day," Alicia answered, her voice full of overdone drama.

"You must tell me about this hardship as soon as you return. You will be coming directly back here. I've delayed your anniversary gala, but I will not let all my preparations go to waste."

"We wouldn't dream of missing it." Alicia let out an, "Oh," of surprise when Thakkor gave her bottom a little squeeze.

Guessing what was going on somewhere far away, Gwen giggled. "You will use your new magic frequently to let me know that you still fare well, won't you?"

Alicia swatted away her husband's hand before he reached her this time. "Of course. After supper?"

"I will be waiting with bated breath."

"Until then. Farewell."



Alicia let the magic lapse and turned around, putting her hands on her hips as she stared hard at her chuckling husband.

"Couldn't resist."

"You are..."

"Incorrigible," he said simultaneously with her. "But you love me anyway."

Alicia growled and jumped on him where he lay on the bed. A few seconds later, they were kissing, and clothing began falling away.

There was still plenty of time for hardship before tomorrow.


Hope you've enjoyed this little tale. Please take a moment to vote, and feel free to leave a comment if the urge strikes you. Those comments are what keeps us coming back for more, even when they're little more than "good job!"

I'll take a minute to give you a bit of chronology ( as it stands ) for the stories in the "Nobles by Deed" series. Lit is working on allowing authors to group stories into series, so I hope that I won't have to do this at some point in the future.

Casting off Convention

To Catch a Merchant Princess

( Lowborn - in progress )

Queen of the Isle

Take Me Away

King Thakkorias

Blackhawk Hall

Queen Alicia

Missionary Impossible

The first four stories (including the upcoming history of Mindblind, "Lowborn" ) take place at about the same time. The rest of the stories in the series take place about a decade later, in the sequence listed. I'll fill in that history gap between the two groups, and the gap between Blackhawk and the last two in time.

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cittrancittranabout 11 years ago
Not once in my life have I ever held the notion that seafood is even remotely sexual.

Damn you.

Now I can never think about oysters without this coming to my mind. (Okay, fine, admittedly that isn't a bad thing.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
good read!

I really like how the story is erotic and yet has a plot as well. It gets boring when the author just jumps right into the fucking. looking forward to more!

Cedar_NeedleCedar_Needlealmost 14 years ago

I’ve never actually read your work before, but I have to say, I am hooked. This was so incredibly engaging and a very fun read. Loved their relationship, but again, I am sure there is soooooo much more to this than I even know because I have not read anything else.

Glad you posted the story here! I always love stumbling across well written pieces and this didn’t disappoint!

KolrinKolrinalmost 14 years ago
Damn good

Definitely up to your standard. Only thing souring this a bit is the long wait for the next installemnt of Sisters of the mist. But I'm sure you're working hard.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Great Story

I have always fantasized about being the only male on an island with a young sexy woman or women. Keep up the good work.

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