Rachel's Dare: A Walk in the Park


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"Perfect match." I said, complementing her on the bra and panties combination.

"Why thank you, kind sir." she said, doing a small curtsy. Her infectious grin broke out again and, nervously yet unbidden, she placed her hands behind her neck, and pushed her shoulders out, so that I had the best possible view of her bosom.

Through the material of the sports bra, I fancied I could make out the trace of her nipples, and I thought ahead to what the next three coin tosses had in store for us.

"Well then..." I said, struggling for words somewhat, "how about we start heading back then?"

Rachel nodded her head in agreement, and slung her backpack over her shoulders, stopping only to make a show of setting the alarm on her phone to four minutes.

"Four minutes." she said, simply. "Four minutes..."


Rachel and I continued on down the path back to where our cars waited for us. I estimated we were half way to the timer going off again, and so far we'd walked in perfect silence. If she felt anything like me, then her senses would be firing on all cylinders at the moment.

A light breeze had picked up, and was gently wafting through the trees to our right-hand side. The result was that every now and again, a branch creaked, or some leaves rustled on the ground. When it did, we'd both instinctively cast a furtive glance to find the source of the noise, before then quickly exchanging a reassuring glance. I also noticed that she couldn't stop herself from looking back down the path from where we'd just come. I was contemplating teasing her about that, when I realised that I'd subconsciously been doing exactly the same thing.

I figured that the time may go quicker if we chatted about something, and it might also drown out the distracting effects of the breeze.

"So, art history? Any regrets you didn't take that further?"

Rachel shrugged her shoulders. "Honestly? No, not really. I guess 'actuary' doesn't sound all that exciting, but it's rewarding enough."

She continued walking along, lost in her own thoughts. After only a brief interlude, she added to her reply. "It's not the fact that I'm an actuary that I regret. It's the fact that I let it make me so damn safe." She looked sideways at me, appearing to try and judge if I'd got her meaning.

"So, you're saying that when your job is to calculate risk, you begin to try and avoid risk in your own life?" I ventured.

Satisfied, Rachel turned her attention back on to the path in front of us. In the distance, a lamp post reared out of the ground, and it looked suspiciously like the alarm might go off as we reached it.

"Yeah, mostly." she said. "I was a good, upstanding woman of impeccable character. A dedicated professional. A loving mother. A caring wife."

I briefly nodded in acknowledgement. That was certainly the Rachel I knew when we'd first met.

"And then, one day, out of the blue, your husband of seventeen years tells you he's gay. Not so much into you as you might initially have thought. Has a preference for the dudes instead..." Rachel paused in her delivery, and I struggled to come up with anything to say to fill in the sudden void.

Rachel and I had been walking together for several months now, and talked about a lot, but we'd typically steered clear of her break-up. I usually convinced myself that this was the gentlemanly thing to do, and the fact that it was also the easy way out just happened to be a fortuitous coincidence.

"It... must have been difficult for you." I finally added. Rachel didn't look like the kind of woman who'd be used to hearing from men that they weren't interested in her.

"Oh yeah," Rachel said, again with a light shrug of her shoulders. The moonlight danced off her exposed shoulders, and I had to force myself to focus on what she was saying, rather than on the thin bits of material that kept her sports bra on. "Sure, it was difficult. I was angry, furious. To begin with at least. Threatened to kick him out and never let him see the kids. Wasn't my call of course, they're old enough now to make their own decisions. And of course, then I realised, what's the point anyway?" She looked at me, with the question hanging in her beautiful green eyes.

"What's the point?" she repeated. "It's not like Dave woke up one morning and said 'what can I do to piss off Rachel today? I know! I'll develop an insatiable desire to sleep with men!' He loved me. On some level at least. So after a few days of anger, resentment, and all that other good stuff, I realised something. Damn! That was a hell of a risk he'd just taken."

I couldn't disagree with that. "He was, and still is, a very lucky man." I stated.

Rachel gave me a quick smile. "So anyway," she continued, with slightly more bounce in her voice now, "He took a risk. Why stay with the status quo if the only thing it's going to do is ultimately make everyone unhappy?" Rachel stretched her arms out, and spun around like a ballerina, seemingly on a whim. The effect, accentuated by her missing t-shirt and shorts, was mesmerising.

"Why not mix things up a little? Take a bit of a risk? See if you can find out who you truly are?"

A nearby lamppost threw down a circle of light directly in front of us. With a few quick steps, Rachel ran into the circle, turning to face me with a look of determination. Her arms outstretched, her head thrown back, she looked like a stage performer awaiting an audience's adulation. "And so here I am World, here is Rachel, taking just a bit of a risk!"

If a higher power was watching us at that moment, then they apparently had a flair for the dramatic. For it was at that exact point in time that the phone alarm chose to burst into life.

I stopped in my tracks, and the thrill sent a cold shiver went down my spine. I half-waited for Rachel to burst into a mock assessment of my chances, but this time Rachel herself was strangely quiet. The steely determination she had sported only seconds ago now seemed to have subtly morphed into introspection. It occurred to me that before, she'd had the safety valve of having a t-shirt or shorts to lose. This time, should she call incorrectly, she'd have to go further than she'd ever gone before.

Emboldened somewhat by Rachel's quietness, I stepped into the circle of light with Rachel. Wordlessly, she took out the phone from the bag and handed it to me. One hand involuntary went back to her sports bra, as she contemplated what she might have to soon discard.

"Your call." I said. I was pretty impressed by the measure of calm authority I managed to fake.

She stared at me. "Heads."

I nodded my understanding, and tapped the interface. The coin started on it's fateful trajectory. Whatever the result now, there was going to be nudity involved. Looking at her, I could see that we both knew that we'd reached the business end of our personal journey.

She shifted on the spot as the coin flipped this way and that. I focussed on the screen, holding my breath, willing it to be 'Tails'.

And as suddenly as it started, the coin stopped and rested on it's result. I slowly closed my eyes, and grimaced. "Heads." I said, in a monotone. "It's 'Heads'."

If Rachel's demeanour before the coin toss had been mute, her reaction afterwards was anything but. Breaking into a victory jig, she hollered to the sky in an obscenely loud voice, and I had to break out of my trance to try and shush her. We didn't need anyone coming to investigate the shouting. I certainly didn't need anyone to come investigating, at least.

Rachel broke into another rendition of the tune for 'The Stripper', and held her open backpack out invitingly. "Come on big boy, show us what you've got!" she teased.

My jaw tightened as I considered my options. In theory, I could just run back to the car. The 'flight' option. Rachel would hardly be the first woman to see me naked. That said, the intensity of the lamp light combined with the sheer openness of the park were making me feel very self-conscious. Seeing her eyes sparkle though removed any thought of flight, at least for now. Sighing, I once again acknowledged my defeat.

Rachel twirled a finger around in the air, indicating that I should turn around. I got the gist of what she wanted, and she was simply too cute to refuse. Resigned, I turned my back on her, held my boxers in readiness, and then leaned over. I pulled the boxers down as I bent at the waist, and forced them down past my knees. I pictured how Rachel had looked when she pulled that same manoeuvre with her shorts, a few coin tosses ago.

I had to confess I wasn't as flexible, but I at least made up for having to bend my knees a little by giving her a good wiggle of my naked backside. The laughter and clapping I heard from behind me suggested I was a hit. I couldn't help but smile, even as I felt my cheeks flush. I didn't even try to remove my shoes this time, and forced my boxers over them, before standing up with them in one hand.

So here I was, I thought. Naked. In the middle of a public park. I knew Rachel was expecting me to turn around and give her an unrestricted view of my fully erect manhood. Self-consciousness temporarily rooted me to the spot though, before I heard an expectant cough. Oh, what the hell, I thought. What's the old saying? 'Grin and bare it'? I twirled around and deliberately placed my hands on my hips, more to keep myself from reflexively covering my penis than anything else.

Rachel treated me to an admiring gasp, and covered her mouth with her hand. In my current state of mind, I couldn't fully tell whether she was genuinely impressed, openly mocking me, or just being polite.

Still, I thought, I'm standing in front of a beautiful woman who might herself be naked in two more coin tosses. Why not assume the best and just enjoy the moment. I gave her an impish smile, and was rewarded with a wink. Rachel then mimicked my own hands-on-hips pose for a moment, and gave a me serious look.

"Well then. I reckon we're about ten minutes from the car. I wonder..." Rachel pondered, "... exactly how many joggers we'll run into. Three? Five? How many do you think?"

I didn't answer, and quickly added my boxers to her bag so that she didn't have the chance to delay any further.

"Come on then." I said, hurriedly. Standing around as the night slowly slipped away was already tugging at my earlier resolve to just enjoy the moment. Nervousness was beginning to return after the strange euphoria of being fully exposed in front of Rachel.

Rachel didn't seem to be in a huge hurry though, and seemed to struggle to put the backpack on.

"So heavy!" she complained, with a sly grin. "Oh well, at least you haven't got anything else to add to the bag!" She stopped, and looked at me with a puzzled look. "Of course, that means you've got nothing left to take off when you lose the next two coin tosses! Hmm..."

I gave Rachel the universal sign for hurry up, and began to glance up and down the path.

"Wait," Rachel continued, and seemed to be considering my problem with great thought, "don't worry though. I'm sure in the next four minutes I'll be think of something... appropriate... for you to do." She suddenly smiled wickedly. "Don't you worry about a thing, Rachel's got this under control."

I had no snappy comeback, so I just took her hand and started walking her back towards the cars. Her gentle laughter rang in my ears, and I saw her set the alarm for our next coin toss.

Between my pounding heart and my rapidly mounting fear of discovery, a single thought demanded attention. I absolutely, definitely, unquestionably wanted to take possession of Rachel's sports bra at the next coin toss.

No, wait, that wasn't quite right.

I absolutely, definitely, unquestionably _needed_ to take possession of that bra...


Rachel assured me the alarm had been set for four minutes. Logically, at the rate we were walking, it had to have been set for four minutes. So why then did it feel like forty minutes passed before we reached the next waypoint? Mercifully, we hadn't run into anyone else yet. By some miracle we still had the park to ourselves.

Rachel didn't help though, constantly suggesting that the smallest movement of a tree in the distance might be an oncoming jogger. She dressed it up as looking after my welfare, what with me being in such an undressed state. I had my doubts though. Her protestations that she was trying to look out for me, rather than sending me into mild panic attacks, was somewhat undermined by the slightly smug expression on her face.

"Is that...!" she exclaimed, pointing into the distance at absolutely nothing. Damn it. Even though this was the twelfth such time she pulled this stunt, my heart still quickened again and a shiver still ran down my spine.

I'd been forbidden - forced to promise on my word of honour - that I wouldn't cover up, and my hands hung helplessly at my side, as my penis stuck out like a steel rod in front of me. We'd passed two lamp posts on the way to the next waypoint, and mysteriously Rachel had to stop and do her shoe laces up at both of them. In the exact middle of the pool of light. With me by her side, keeping her company.

"I can't see to tie my laces up in just the moonlight." she opined.

I felt like my naked crotch was a bright beacon that would attract attention from miles around. I even told her that she should just kneel down beside it to do tie her laces, before I fully realised exactly what she thought I might be implying. It had taken another agonising minute of full-nudity-awaiting-discovery for Rachel to stop convulsing in laughter.

She'd then politely turned down the offer, and simply spent more time in the light making sure that the laces were done up properly.

Rachel had been happy enough for us to walk in relative silence for most of the past four minutes. Whether she was simply admiring the view, or thought that the silence might accentuate my current predicament, I couldn't quite tell. Probably both, I thought.

So it was with some blessed relief when we turned a corner in the path, and the deafening silence around me was interrupted by the sound of Rachel's alarm. Right, I thought, time for Rachel to get a taste of her own medicine!

Rachel seemed to have other ideas. Smiling brightly at me, she quickly muted the alarm and swung the full backpack of her shoulders. I also dropped my backpack, and made a point of unzipping the bag, in readiness for her bra to be deposited safely inside.

"Good news!" Rachel said, cheerfully, "I know what you can do when you lose."

"Good news!" I retorted. "I've got plenty of space in my bag for your bra and panties."

Rachel laughed at that, and showed me the coin toss app. Still, I could see the nervousness that she'd felt at the last coin toss creeping into her body language. I may be playing for my dignity, what little was left of it anyway, but she was also playing for high stakes. I win this coin toss, and I got an unfettered view of two magnificent c-cup mammaries.

We stared at each other again. "Come on then," she prompted, "your call."

I didn't bother thinking through it, this was always just a game of sheer luck. "Tails." I said.

She acknowledged my call, and then tapped the screen. The coin animation kicked into action one more time, flipping over and over and over again. I felt a zen-like calm wash over me, as I placed my fate in the hands of a 99c app. It was going to be 'Tails'. It had to be 'Tails'. In all possible universes that branched out from this exact moment in time, the coin landed as 'Tails'. There was only one side to the coin, and it was indisputably, undeniably 'Tails'.

The coin finally landed.


Well, fuck.


I scurried along the path, the car park now visible in the distance. The street lamp where our two cars were parked shone like a star beckoning me towards salvation. Behind me, I could still feel Rachel's eyes penetrating into me, and I knew even without turning around that the smirk was still firmly plastered on her face.

The moments after I'd lost the last coin toss had been pandemonium. Rachel seemed to be spending our walk dreaming up more and more elaborate victory dances. It said something about my current vulnerability that a stunning beauty dancing in front of me in a green bra and panties hadn't actually improved my spirits. Perhaps if I'd actually had my boxers on, I may have actually paid more attention to the way Rachel's breasts swayed within the supporting confines of her sports bra. Her jumping up and down was doing some wonderful things to her chest, and yet I'd still been staring mindlessly at the screen.

When we'd discussed the walk yesterday, we'd both known that penalties might have to come into play. Rachel had promised some fairly soft-core penalties, especially for our first walk, and at the time I'd dismissed that as not something to overly worry about. That was because I was an idiot, it would seem.

Once Rachel had slightly calmed down, she'd strutted around and checked me out from all angles. Then, in an authoritative tone, she'd said that my gym work was actually beginning to deliver some dividends. That said, as an experienced gym goer herself, she might be able to offer some tips on good form. I'd swallowed hard at that point. I'd seen where she was going with that line.

She was noticeably emboldened by the disastrous imbalance in our respective attire.

With a broad smile, she'd instructed me to perform a series of exercises under a lamp post. Jumping jacks, sit-ups, press-ups, followed by a sequence of stretches. She occasionally prodded me in places, happily critiquing my form, and making suggestions for improvement. I couldn't help but notice that most of her improvements just made me even more exposed, such as spreading my legs further apart in my sit-ups.

It was a toss-up as to whether it was the actual exercises that were the most embarrassing, or the fact that we were at it for nearly ten minutes. I realised belatedly that I hadn't factored in the penalties in to my calculations as to when we'd be finished. Naively, I thought we'd be back to the cars by 5:20am. Still under cover of darkness.

With Rachel's shoe-lace-tying, and now the first penalty, we were way behind schedule. Towards the end of the exercise regime, Rachel had off-handedly informed me that it was already 5:25am. With a sickening feeling, I realised that dawn was around 5:40am.

She'd finally finished with me doing twenty jumping jacks. As I leapt up and down, thrusting out my legs and arms, my fully erect penis slapped into my stomach a few times. Rachel seemed particularly interested in this, and the twenty jumping jacks ended up being sixty, before she was satisfied that I'd performed them correctly.

My face was burning at that point, and I still couldn't believe we hadn't been discovered. Perhaps there was someone out there, watching from a distance. I wouldn't have known. I was in a large pool of light in an otherwise dark world. Anyone could be further down the path in either direction, wondering exactly why a fully naked man was flopping about.

As she'd signalled the conclusion of my first penalty, it had occurred to me what exactly would happen if I lost the very last coin toss.

Our final stop was the car park, and there was no longer any need for the alarm. We'd get there when we got there. It was now a straight run across a large grassy area to the car park, perhaps four hundred metres in total. With the night slowly receding, the cars were clearly visible, and I reckoned we were five minutes away at a respectable walking pace, and two hours away at the pace Rachel seemed to be favouring.

As I marched on, red-faced, Rachel caught up behind me and suddenly pointed at something in the distance to our left. "Is that...!" she exclaimed, and I raised a hand to cut her off.