Randy's Revenge (The Pharmacist)


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We see Big Duke Hardascz wearing a don't-I-look-like-a-tough-guy trench-coat, bloviating to some buddies. He barely notices his coat is becoming larger.

"Yeah, the vigilance committee's having a big meeting tonight, gonna take care of a little problem, fuck yeah, those filthy shits will get a big sur-- HEY!! WHAT THE FUCK!! HOLY SHIT!! CHRIST NO!!" Duke roared with shock as his narrow pomaded head vanished down his coat collar like a lazy whack-a-mole.

Yes, the townsfolk all underwent remarkable transformations! They shrank down to one-third of their natural size!

But guess what, folks? THAT'S NOT ALL! It gets even better!


A crowd of naked shrunken people gathered in the streets around the town square. They are variously unbelieving, terrified, enraged, confused. Some have pissed themselves. Some try to cover their exposed flesh. Some are almost brain-dead.

They clustered, and become a mob with the collective IQ of a beet.

Voices cried out in the mob's rumble and roar: "Oh fuck!" "What's happened to us?" "Oh god oh god oh god..." "Motherfucker!" "Shit shit shit!" "Aargh!"

An ugly naked man bellowed, "Only one fucker could have done this to us!" His fatty lumps and pale man-tits jiggled with indignation.

A shapely naked redhead, her fierce freckled face a grotesque grimace of hate, screamed, "It's that little freak!"

Naked not-so-Big Duke Hardascz yelled, "Yeah, fucking Randy Ronk! C'mon, boys, we'll fix his little cockroach ass, we'll fix him good!"

Scrawny naked shrunken Gilda stared at the oversized heart-shaped tablet she held. "Ooh, Dexedrine!" Her expression was dreamy.

Duke grabbed Gilda's thin upper arm and dragged her along with him, her saggy tits flopping wildly, the big pink tablet flying from her startled grasp. He turned to the crowd and roared, "Let's GET the little fuckwad!"

The maddened miniaturized mob surged down the main street to Randy's dreary pharmacy. Enraged naked people, none much more than two feet tall, pounded with futility on the shop door.

Duke, leading the mob, battered at the solid door with all his now-puny strength, and shouted squeakily at the top of his now-tiny lungs.


The screechy voices of the little townsfolk boiled behind Duke: "Kill the fucker!" "Cut off his balls!" "Where's a noose?" "Stomp the freak!" "Burn him out!"

The shop door slammed open. Now-giant Randy stepped outside and loomed over the shrunken townsfolk, none of whose little heads reached above his waist.

"Yes?" Randy leered at the astonished and terrified munchkins.

Little Duke screamed at him, "YAAA!!!"

Randy grabbed little Duke by the throat, lifted him up, squeezed a bit.

"RUNT!" Randy spewed into Duke's face.

Randy squeezed harder. Duke's neck made POP CRACKLE CRUNCH noises. His eyeballs bulged and popped. His tumid bowels relaxed and emptied noisily, juicily. Randy casually tossed aside Duke's lifeless body.

Randy laughed thinly, and pointed to the facing crowd.

"Well now, my friends, my runty MIDGET friends, I have an offer for you. I have an antidote, yes, an ANTIDOTE! And I will gladly give it to you, for no charge, no cost to you. I only want one small favor. I ask you to give me -- GILDA!"

Gosh, Randy does not want much, does he?

"Well," he asked, "do we have a deal?"

Randy impatiently awaited their response.

How do his listeners react?

We see Gilda's sneering face, framed by shadowed fearful faces.

"Right, for-GET it, freak! My friends won't give me up!" Gilda rasped.

We see Gilda look around nervously, framed by shadowed angry faces.

"You guys won't give me up, right, gang?" Gilda whined, her voice quavering.

We see Gilda's forlorn visage, framed by shadowed grasping hands.

"Guys...?" Gilda whimpered in vain.

Her small scraggy female figure is passed overhead by the crowd.

We see drooling little Randy clutching struggling naked littler Gilda.

"YES, YES! Thank you all so much, neighbors!" Randy cackled. "A deal is a deal. You all honorably kept your part; now, I'll keep mine. You all want the antidote, yes? The antidote is on the counter inside my store. Take it in good health!"

Gilda squirmed and squealed, "NO! EEEEEEEE HELP! NO! MGRUMPF..."

Randy salivated and gibbered, "HEH HEH HEH GOBBLE DROOL PANT!"

We see the silhouette of Randy running off with naked contorted Gilda.

We see the tiny townsfolk desperately race into the pharmacy with absolutely zero regard for life or limb.

We see shadowed faces at the pharmacy counter, and tiny greedy hands reaching for lined-up labeled medicine bottles.

We hear the little bellicose voices. "Get outa my way!" "Move your ass!" "Mine!" "Get away!" "Fuck you!" "Aargh!" "Me!" "No, me!"

We see the wee munchkins scrambling for medicine, spilling bottles, grabbing little handfuls of powders, and swallowing them down.

Their desperation was almost amusing.


Now, Randy may have been a deranged twisted little freak, but he was honest, and honorable. When he made a deal, he kept his side of it, you bet.

But Randy didn't talk a lot. If questioned, he answered. Otherwise, he didn't volunteer information. And none of the townsfolk had ever really wanted to listen to him anyway.

So he didn't bother to tell the shrunken shitheads everything about the antidote.

For instance, Randy didn't mention that he had designed the restorative admixtures with the same methodology as with the size-reduction formulations -- as a group of SEPARATE compounds that each targeted different tissue types and organs.

Yes, there was not ONE antidote, but a whole SET of medicines, that needed to be precisely mixed to counteract the shrinkage brew. Detailed instructions on mixing and dosages were included on each bottle's label.

Do you think the diminutive desperados bothered to read those labels?

Yeah, sure.

Can you guess what happened right after the individual compounds were swallowed?

Well, the chemicals were quite fast-acting.

Explosively so.

The tiny townsfolk now tasted Randy's REVENGE, to the tune of damp detonations.

Eyeballs violently expanded to ten times their normal size. POP! SPLASH!

Brains blew out to quadruple size, sending skull fragments and grey matter in all directions. CRACK! GOOSH!

Leg and hip and arm joints flashed up to elephantine size, with gristle-thick debris flying. CRUNCH! SPLAT!

Intestines swelled to the dimensions of fire hoses and burst forth. SPLORT! GLARG!

Jaws and teeth sprang to sabre-tooth tiger proportions. KRUNK! POM! FROMP!

Tongues attained the magnitude of killer whales. WHOD! FRUGRAM!

And then, silence, except for occasional obscene hisses and gurgles.


You may be wondering, "What about Randy and Gilda?"

Well, Randy now had Gilda totally in his power, TOTALLY, and he was ready and willing and able to fulfill his darkest weirdest sickest thickest fantasies. And he didn't stop there. He went One Step Beyond.

First, he injected Gilda with a special preparation.

He gave her just enough carefully-mixed antidote to expand her naked body to 60% of normal, only a bit smaller than Randy's own diminutive freaky frame, just right. And he added enough sedatives and hypnotics that she wouldn't resist him.

Now, he could do anything he wanted with her. ANYTHING! He just needed a couple tablets of Viagra to sustain him. Just a couple tabs. Just long enough.

Remember, Randy was rather smaller than normal humans. But his dick was in good proportion to his dwarfed stature. It made a good fit into Gilda's resized body.

Randy fucked Gilda's face relentlessly for a half-hour. He came with a squealing squirming squirting orgasm, like a spastic fire hydrant opened wide. If Gilda had been rational, she may have thought she swallowed quarts of cum. Maybe she did.

Randy flipped his wasted Gilda around and went at her dog-style, or hog-style, or rabid-wolverine style. Her sagging tits were his handholds. Her scrawny butt was his unpadded landing pad. Her cervix was his target.

Ready! Aim! Fire! BULLS-EYE!

Gilda screamed. Randy bellowed. Gilda went comatose. Randy kept pounding. Gilda revived and babbled orgasmicly. Randy exulted.

Let us listen to them:

Randy: "HAARGH! PANT! GRUNT! At last you are mine, my precious... HA... ARGH! But you've been naughty... my queen..."

Gilda: "Mumble... pills... all the pills... I'll be good... HAH! They..."

Randy: "Oh no, my queen... you'll get even more... before you are transformed... HAH! DAMN! OIK! OIK!"

Gilda: "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck OH FUCK!! Oh, the needle... Oh, the joy... Oh, OH..."

Randy pulled his greasy dick out of Gilda's creamed cunt, aimed, and drove deep into her annular anus, bottoming-out, pedal to the metal. PLOINK!

Gilda and Randy (in unison): "OH SHIT!!" And gasping...

Gilda's asshole was not exactly virgin but it also was not quite as... expanded... as her well-used vagina. Randy found the tightness even more stimulating. He pounded and pulverized her tight turd-tunnel with his peripatetic piston. POW!

Gilda's physiology reacted automatically. She came, and came, and came. WOW!

And then, Randy's cum grenade.

Randy was at the height of his prurient perverted ecstasy. He could feel his white-hot little testicles burning and boiling and smoking like a smudge-pot in an orange grove. He was on the verge, nearly there. And he was going to make this the FUCK OF A LIFETIME. Somebody's lifetime, anyway.

Randy reached for the first of the shiny syringes that lay nearby. He carefully positioned the needle at an artery for fastest circulation, injected himself, and laid the hypo down next to the bottle he had filled it from. A small black bottle labeled:

. Concentrated Antidote For Formula 163-M GENITALS 99%

He immediately took the second syringe and similarly injected Gilda from another small black bottle, a bottle labeled:

. Concentrated Antidote For Formula 785-F PELVIS-REPRO 8735

The original formulae would shrink targeted parts. The antidotes would expand them again. Ah, but Randy and Gilda's juicy bits had not been shrunk. They had nowhere to go but up, expanded far beyond current reality..

Events ensued rapidly.

The ANTIDOTES coursed powerfully through Randy's and Gilda's receptive bodies.

The ANTIDOTES worked quickly, very quickly, to perform their functions.

The ANTIDOTES efficiently caused the desired reactions.

Randy's cock expanded immensely within Gilda, to ten times its normal size! From two inches diameter, to twenty inches! From four inches long, to forty inches! A great fleshy pillar of immense strength! A towering tsunami of turgid triumph! His bollocks bloated similarly, from golf balls to soccer balls. And they were loaded!

Gilda's body responded even more radically and quickly. Her hips, pelvis, and reproductive system almost instantly ballooned-out massively. Her cunt became a receptacle for Randy's mammoth manhood. The sudden transformation wracked her with orgasmic pleasure beyond anything she had experienced. Wotta cum!

Randy came at the same instant -- his cum-spurt matched their growth spurts.

The sudden inflation of his now-mighty manhood would have exploded Gilda's lean body into bloody cum-soaked little shreds. SPLAT! ...had she not likewise expanded to match his billowing bazooka. Everything within her babymaker grew. Her womb became a bottomless cavern. Her clitoris was a massive joystick, her G-spot a garden of ecstasy. Her labia could suck the paint off a SmartCar.

All her pelvic nerves expanded also. Frantic signals fed into her spine, up to her brain, nearly cooking and detonating her hedonic hotspots. Result: the most fucking outrageous orgasm of her decadent life. WOW! Her wasted soul immediately found its Heaven.

The force and magnitude of Randy's cum should have blown her head off. POW! (Bounce!) But her amplified uterus absorbed the entire Noachian flood from his massive meatballs.

This mating happened to leave a large wet spot. GOOSH!

What a way to spend the day, hey?

And guess what? It was the best fuck of Randy's life, so far. And of Gilda's.


This story has a moral, of course. I can't just leave you, the innocent reader, hanging here, stranded amid scenes of carnage. No, we have much to learn from this little tale. A moral tale.

The lesson is: Don't insult little freaks.

And of course, moral questions arise: Which of you, man and woman, want some of that GENITAL ENLARGEMENT compound? What would you do to obtain it? Who would you use it on, either as fucker or fucked? Would you gain their consent first?

Talk amongst yourselves.



Yes, all the townsfolk who had patronized and degraded Randy for so long were no longer on the scene. Enough people remained, however, to rebuild and continue as a viable community. But they always showed great respect and deference to their town druggist.

And they mostly took their prescriptions to the WalMart pharmacy sixty miles away.

Gilda Gilroy found employment with an adults-only circus in the clown-car act. Instead of many clowns emerging from a small car, many midget clowns jumped from her spacious snapper, to deafening applause from besotted audiences. She no longer needed MedicAid to pay for her scribbled prescriptions.

Dr Randall Erasmus 'Randy' Ronk found that he LIKED having a very, very large penis and scrotum and testicles. Unfortunately, no woman other than Gilda was discovered to match Randy's superlative dimensions, and she is elsewhere. For masturbation purposes, Randy now prefers a top-loading Samsung dishwasher filled with raw liver and mayonnaise.


Author's note: Gentle Readers, I hope for your useful feedback. I expect some rather negative comments. Folks, this tale is DEVIANT FICTION, a WEIRD FANTASY, a HORROR SATIRE, and is NOT to be taken seriously. Yes, this is a sick tale. Try to be original with your hate mail, OK? The same old shit sure gets tedious. Cheers, y'all!

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Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundasson15 days ago

That's different :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, now take your medication and the nurse will take you back to your room.

green117green117almost 4 years ago

and, to be honest, so over the top that buy in on the story is very weak.

But for OTT, not too bad.


HypoxiaHypoxiaover 5 years agoAuthor
@SyptemberSmyth: I was inspired

That's what happens when I read all those old horror comix. Boogeys!

SyptemberSmythSyptemberSmythover 5 years ago

What a stunningly twisted story which could only have come from a perfectly twisted mind.

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