Red Carpet Surprise


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"Oh my," the actress replied. "I had no idea. Thank you so much." She paused and pretended to examine the gap. "Looks like I can just pull this back together and," she said to no one in particular as she tugged on the final fastener, "should be good as new."

With that, she undid the last hook and the entire sleeve slid down her arm and onto the carpet. "Damn," she said in a loud voice, certain to attract attention. "Now what am I supposed to do?" she exclaimed, a helpless look on her face.

"Lose the other one," a photographer shouted out from behind her. With the sleeve removed, the split between the upper panels of the dress could now be seen, with just a hint of skin visible. As she turned to face the photographer, several flashes went off and a buzz started to ripple through the crowd. Looking first at the cameras, then back at the spectators, she shrugged good-naturedly and laughingly replied, "Well, I wonder what's going to happen next?"

"Go on, Erin," a voice called out, "take the other one off." A few more voices joined in, encouraging her to remove the second sleeve.

Teasingly, she reached up to her other shoulder and slowly undid the fasteners, trying to convey a look of hesitation and embarrassment. She felt the sleeve come loose, and she rolled it down her arm, just like a stripper removing a glove, and then tossed it back over her shoulder.

The fasteners had not only served to keep the sleeves in place; they also had helped to pull the panels of the dress together. Now, with the sleeves removed, the gaps between the two panels widened, displaying about two inches or three inches of bare skin and providing a glimpse of the soft curves of the sides of breasts.

"There," she declared to the growing number of spectators and photographers who were coming closer to where she stood on the red carpet. "What do you think? Look better?" Along with a few affirmative cheers, a voice called out, "Don't stop there."

Erin wagged her finger at the person like a mother disciplining a naughty child. "Bad boy," she called back. "You'll get me in trouble." She looked over at Marcus and gave a little wink as she resumed her walk down the red carpet.

By now, word of mouth had reached the larger group of photographers clustered just beyond the right turn in the carpet. Fans could also see the increased activity and they, too, instinctively crowded toward that part of the red carpet. Erin deliberately slowed her walk, taking several steps back and forth across the width of the carpet for every step that she actually moved forward. She smiled and waved to the crowd, striking poses whenever someone who yell out to her, "Over here, Erin."

At one point, she put her hands on her hips, jutting one leg forward, which caused the skirt to part slightly. "That's it," one of the photographers called out, "show us a little more." Erin looked down at her leg and pretended to be upset. She made an exaggerated effort to pull the fabric over her leg but in fact succeeded in loosening the wrap so more of her leg could now be seen.

"Darn," she called out in mock dismay. "What's going on with this? Let me just tighten this a bit," she continued as she rounded the bend in the carpet and stood directly in front of the photographer's podium. She pulled on the ties and then, with a look of utter bafflement, cried out "oh no" as the ties came undone and the skirt fell to the ground.

She quickly stepped out of it, counting on Marcus to gather up the third "veil." She now stood before the crowd in the two panels, held around her middle by the sash, which was now visible for the first time. If it wasn't evident to the experienced camera men before, it was now perfectly clear that this outfit had been designed to come apart. And it was also obvious to almost everyone in the crowd that Erin was wearing nothing more than these three pieces of fabric.

Delicious views of her sideboobs could be seen as she turned first to the right, then to the left as she responded to the requests from the photographers for more pictures. At any moment, it seemed like the panels would shift enough to allow her areolas to come into view, but somehow the fabric managed to cover the tips of her breasts. But the sheer material couldn't conceal the shape of her nipples, which seemed to point out and slightly upward, their shape and direction obvious in the profile shots being snapped by the cameras.

The sash effectively functioned as a belt, holding the panels together at the waist but providing no coverage across her hips. And with each step, the two panels seemed to part a little bit more, until the crowd could see Erin's exposed skin from her waist all the way down the sides of her body to her shoes. And with each step or turn, the panels swayed to reveal the delectable curves at the bottom of her ass cheeks.

By now the excitement of the crowd was palpable; cameras produced a nonstop series of clicks as the paparazzi took shot after shot. And there in the center of the red carpet stood Erin, willingly responding to the directions shouted out by the photographers.

"Here, Erin, look here." "Over your shoulder, please." "Look down, now smile." One of the security guards approached, ready to move her along if she required assistance. But Marcus intervened, signaling that it was fine to give his client a few more minutes on the red carpet.

To Erin, it was all a blur. Her stomach was doing somersaults; she could feel the cool evening breeze blowing under her dress. Her nipples responded to the chill, growing ever more noticeable under the silky material of the front panel. And a tingling feeling grew ever stronger, the warmth of her pussy reacting to the night air. It was dawning on her how much she was loving this and how she just couldn't wait to remove the final "veils."

Almost unconsciously, she found her hands reaching for the knot that held the sash around her waist. As she turned first one direction then another to face the cameras, her fingers pulled at the tie until she felt it release. She let the sash fall free, placing her hands on her hips and turned her back to the crowd.

Now only the two white panels covered her, and those just barely. Tied over each shoulder, they reached mid-thigh, about six or seven inches below the bottom of her ass. But with every movement of her body, the panels swayed to provide fleeting glimpses of the sides of her derriere. Erin could feel the electricity in the crowd and the voices of the photographers grew louder and more insistent. "Over here." "Please, Erin, turn around." "Come on, show us some more."

"How can I refuse," she thought to herself, realizing her red carpet strip was going even better than she and Marcus had dared to hope. There was a good chance that one or more of the producers were attending this event, and even if they weren't, there were going to be pictures of her all over the internet by tomorrow. She grinned mischievously and slowly turned to face the crowd, and as she did, she allowed her right hand to gently push the front panel toward the middle of her body.

The panel shifted to the left, the top still barely covering her breasts but the edge of the fabric moving tantalizingly close to her pussy. All of her right leg was exposed, and she decided it was time to take the final step. Her right hand released the panel, trusting it to remain between her legs, and she reached up to undo the fasteners that held the front and back panels together.

Before anyone realized what was happening, Erin had released the clasp on her left shoulder, the front panel started to fall forward. Her left breast sprung into view, and an audible gasp went up from the crowd. If there was any uncertainty about whether she had worn any sort of nipple covering, that doubt was now removed. Her large and luscious areola was now on display, a soft pink against her naturally fair skin. Her nipple pointed out and slightly up, stiffened by the cool night air. Erin worked the other fastener loose, allowing the back panel to drop to the carpet while holding onto the top of the front panel.

With the fabric now released from its clasps, it slid naturally between Erin's generous cleavage, exposing both of her generous 36D orbs. But by clutching the panel, she was able to make sure that it still covered her most intimate area. Meanwhile, her entire ass was revealed, and she turned slightly on the carpet as the photographers' flashes went wild.

Erin felt a type of excitement she had never know before, combining the most exhilarating sense of sexual tension with the heightened rush of adrenaline she experienced when performing in front of a camera. It was all she could do to keep her knees from buckling under her as she slowly resumed her walk down the remaining twenty feet of red carpet.

By now, waves of applause rippled through the crowd. Whistles and catcalls followed, and Erin responded by teasingly lower the panel. Her hands still held it, but she was now bringing it down below her belly button. Finally, with a dramatic flourish, she let the material drop and raised her arms up in the arm, triumphantly displaying her nudity for all to see.

It didn't escape the public commentary that eventually followed on the internet that her neatly trimmed pubic hair proved that, in Erin's case, the carpet did indeed match the drapes. The flash of the cameras went on nonstop and she felt like she could have stood there for hours proudly displaying herself and reveling in the attention. But she could see frustrated security guards approaching and guessed that things were beginning to back up as more celebrities arrived.

Walking the rest of the way toward the theater entrance, her hips and heels accentuating the sway of her ass cheeks as she completed the last part of her journey down the red carpet, Erin smiled back over her shoulder and said, "Hope you enjoy the show tonight."

Marcus had somehow moved around the crowd and gotten ahead of her; he was now waiting at the doorway into the theater and holding her cape. He casually threw it around her shoulders and together they disappeared into the lobby. Finally, the nervous energy and the adrenaline caught up with her, and she practically collapsed into her agent's arm.

"You did it, Erin, you pulled it off. This town will be talking about nothing but you for the next week. I guarantee it." Still trying to hold the cape around her, he guided her toward the ladies room. "Now you go in there and make yourself decent again."

Erin took the pieces of her discarded outfit from him and ducked into the rest room. "But not too decent," Marcus shouted after her, as he turned to field questions from the throng of reporters who were now peppering him with questions.

"We're just here to enjoy the premiere," Marcus said, as if to imply that he was completely baffled by all the fuss. "Anything beyond that is just...," and he paused as if searching for some profound explanation. "Well, it's just Erin being Erin."

The questions continued uninterrupted, one reporter shouting over the other - "why did she do it?" What's she promoting?" "Weren't you worried she'd get arrested," all of which Marcus dismissed with a wave of his hand. And the questioning only grew more persistent when Erin arranged from the changing room, wearing now the two panels of the dress and a gold chain belt holding it in place while still clearly revealing that she had nothing on under the front and back pieces of the dress.

Erin pretended not to notice the questions, but obligingly struck various poses while the cameras clicked away. Leaning slightly forward, she provided ample glimpses of her sideboobs. Then, turning to the left, one edge of the panel came perilously close to uncovering her pussy. With a slightly shocked look, her hand covering her mouth as if to exclaim "oh my," she shifted the panel back in place but not before allowing the areola and nipple of her left breast to pop into view briefly.

She and Marcus made their way into the theater and found their seats. The agent excused himself and left her with a group of people - actors and agents that Erin knew well. All the while, total strangers approached her to offer their congratulations on her entrance and to pose for pictures with her on their phones. Finally, the lights started to dim and took her seat on the aisle, leaving room for Marcus to her left. For the first time since the ride over in the limo, Erin had the chance to check her cell phone.

Literally dozens of text messages had arrived, but she skipped right to the ones from Jim and from Marcus. It appeared that her agent had been busy sending his own candid shots of her red carpet appearance to Jim, who had commented appreciatively as the strip show had progressed. For the final shot that revealed her in all of her full frontal glory - a shot she hadn't realized Marcus had even been in a position to take - Jim had simply replied "OMFG."

Erin smiled and, despite the air conditioned temperature of the theater and the very minimal amount of covering she was wearing, shuddered as a delicious warmth overspread her body and her fingers slipped under the front dress panel. With the movie now underway, she leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, ignoring the older man seated directly across the aisle who continued to look in her direction. Erin gently pressed her finger against her very sensitive nub and let it slide slowly down her very moist slit.

Her reverie was interrupted by some movement on her right, and she realized that Marcus had finally arrived and was standing next to her in the aisle. "Oh my, I seem to have disturbed you," he whispered as he slid in past her and took his seat.

It was uncanny, Erin thought, his ability to figure out exactly what she was thinking and doing, particularly when it was anything even remotely sexual. And then she blushed slightly as she realized that her current behavior couldn't really be described as "remote" - it was in fact screamingly obvious.

"Well my dear," he continued after a pause to allow her to focus her attention on their conversation. "I thought you might like to know that I just heard from Chris, who confirmed that he and his colleagues will have a draft of a contract waiting at my office. They believe," Marcus quoted in a slightly bemused way, "that they have found the ideal actress for their part. I of course congratulated them on their genius and insight. But we know, my dear, all the credit goes to you."

It was all she could do to suppress a scream of delight, but instead she squeezed his arm tightly, kissed him on the cheek, and said "I couldn't have done it without your support. And, "she added glancing at the texts on her cell phone, "my amazing husband."

Her agent nodded knowingly, then whispered in her ear. "Now, you go back to whatever you were doing, and don't worry about that silly old queen across the aisle. I've known him for years and I can assure you that both of us have seen far more scandalous behavior in movie theaters than anything you might get up to."

With that, he patted her arm and gently directed her hand back to her thigh. "I, for one, am going to try to enjoy the movie."

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MorevinilaMorevinila6 months ago

splendid as always

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

So hot

jennyphiljennyphilover 6 years ago

Another chapter?

Plenty of work for MILF Models, search Arabella MILF...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Totally, erotically fantastic!

When I saw this story would be four chapters long, at first I despaired, thinking it would just drag on. But now, having just finished reading it, I wish it would just go on and on! That's how much I enjoyed it. It's a story you might actually believe happened, even though you know society's convention never would allow it to happen without some sort of initial ''punishment" of some sort. of my favorites on this site!

Annie Nonnomous

TimerisTimerisover 7 years ago
Another fun story!

I do enjoy your perspective -- looking forward to more!

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