Return to Sessia Ch. 13

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She's captured and stripped naked in public.
10.9k words

Part 13 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/13/2014
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"Gretchen and I have been planning another display, you know," said Lady Preston, "Another public and potentially humiliating event with you as the entertainment."

In the past nine weeks Gretchen and Lady Preston had gone from oppositional associates, to genial confidants. And now that they liked each other, they had no qualms about making plans about me behind my back.

I raised my head from between Lady Preston's thighs. "Only potentially humiliating, Mistress?

Suddenly I felt the sting of a leather slapper as it slapped down against the back of my thigh, reminding me. I returned to the task of lapping at Lady Preston's sex. My hands were cuffed behind me, joined to the back of my collar with a short chain that kept my hands from protecting my bottom. Lady Preston moaned with pleasure.

"The level of humiliation will depend largely upon you. You are going to be playing a game called 'Escape and Capture'. The rules are very much like the rules of 'Hide and Seek'. However if you get captured, the penalty will be nothing like being found in a child's game."

I raised my head again. "I've always been an obedient slave, Mistress. And I love Gretchen. I can't imagine ever trying to escape from her!"

For ceasing my work on Lady Preston's moist sex, I was rewarded with another, harder stroke from the leather slapper.

My naked skin burned and I dutifully returned to lapping at her slit.

"It's not a legitimate escape attempt, you little fox," Lady Preston admonished, "It's a game. We had the devil's own time of it, getting all the details approved. The O.S.I will be tracking you the whole time through that beacon you've got implanted in your neck, so you won't have a chance of escaping for real, however you can put on a show for the locals and the tourists. And if you get caught, you'll be punished horribly, which is what most of the spectators will be rooting for."

My buttocks and the backs of my thighs were a welter of stinging pain, my jaw ached, my tongue was sore and Lady Preston was teasing me with cryptic hints of horrible punishment if I lost this game of Escape and Capture, however there was no other place that I would rather be than kneeling at this authoritarian woman's feet. She made me feel owned and helpless, which was exactly what I craved.

"I'll leave it to Gretchen to fill you in on all the details and get you ready," Lady Preston said as I got into her wet slit and worked my tongue in good and deep. I had already given her three orgasms today, but she somehow still seemed eager for more.

* * * * * * * * * *

Back at the hotel, I stripped naked and Olivia hugged me before she removed my slave collar and put her clothes back on. I think she enjoyed impersonating me when I went to go visit Lady Preston, however Gretchen still had to pay her each time we called upon her services.

When she was fully dressed and I was standing fully naked in front of Gretchen, Victoria, Olivia and Lexi, Olivia patted and fondled my naked bottom and said, "Your bottom is even redder than usual today! Was your client cruel to you?"

Her question felt like a trap, so I was evasive and cautious, "I cannot complain about my clients, can I Mistress?"

"Ah, so she was cruel," Olivia said more to herself than to me, "But you enjoyed it didn't you?"

Without warning, a strong, insistent finger was thrust into my wet vagina, where it explored deeply, making me gasp. My libido had calmed somewhat on the car ride back to the hotel, however being naked in front of four clothed women and being impaled on Olivia's questing finger stirred up my libido again and soon my poor sex was throbbing with need.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied in between girlish whimpering, "I enjoy it when women are cruel to me."

That answer seemed to satisfy her, as she stood in front of me, embraced me in loving arms and kissed me affectionately on the lips. She then lovingly patted my sore, abused bottom, and went away.

"Now that Olivia is gone," Gretchen proclaimed, "I'll tell you all about 'Escape and Capture', but first let's get you in the proper frame of mind. On your knees, girl. And hold your hands up over your head with your wrists together."

I sank gracefully to my knees, head bowed with my wrists raised. Gretchen produced handcuffs and the familiar metallic clicking sounds signaled my being made helpless.

"Okay, Victoria already knows all the details," Gretchen began, "But this will be news to Lexi and Diane. On November the twenty-first, we'll take Diane to the O.S.I. offices in Greenfield. Once there, O.S.I. officials will remove her collar and give her clothes to wear."

"I thought that it was against the law for slaves to wear clothes," Lexi interjected.

I didn't say anything, however I was just as surprised as Lexi. I had studied Sessian slave laws, and it was, indeed, illegal for slaves to wear clothing.

"It is," Gretchen confirmed, "However a special exception has been made in this case. The police have already been informed of the special circumstances for this event and it will be advertised on the telly and on the radio in the weeks to come."

"So, I won't be arrested for not being naked?"

"No, Darling, you won't be arrested for not being naked. However, you'll have your hands full with other problems."

My heart beat faster at that. I still hadn't heard the rules for this game, but I just knew that somehow, someway, it would lead to suffering for me.

"At 9:00 AM, you'll leave the offices of the O.S.I. and you'll proceed on foot to the Emmeline Pankhurst University in Bridgeworth. If you can make it to the university by 7:00 PM, you'll have won the game and you'll be granted twenty-four hours of freedom before you have to return to your life as a naked slave."

"That O.S.I. office is only 11 or 12 kilometers from the university. Diane should be able to cover that distance easily in that amount of time!"

I didn't exactly know how long a kilometer was, however I knew it was less than a mile. And I was in great physical condition! My personal trainer at Sharp Fitness had worked me hard, and my endurance and muscle-tone were incredible. Speed wasn't a high priority in my training, however I was certain I could cover 12 kilometers in ten hours!

"Well, if that's all there was to it, I'm sure my slave girl would win this game easily. However, there's more to it than simply traveling 12 kilometers on foot."

A hush fell over the room as Lexi and I waited for the other shoe to drop.

"While you're trying to make it safely to Emmeline Pankhurst University," Victoria explained, "several female contestants will be trying to stop you. If they see you, they will give chase. They'll attempt to run you down, capture you, strip you naked and return you to the O.S.I. offices in Greenfield."

I couldn't help it, my nipples got painfully hard and a tingle of excitement spread through most of my body. What Victoria described was a fantasy that I had masturbated to scores of times. The idea of being chased, captured and stripped naked on a public street by a domineering woman's strong hands and abducted was the sort of thing I had wet dreams about...very intense wet dreams! My head was swimming and I suddenly seemed to have difficulty breathing.

"If any of female contestants succeed in capturing you, stripping you naked and returning you to the O.S.I. offices, they win a prize of £10,000. If you succeed in evading capture, you win 24 hours of freedom."

"Mistress, will these women be working as a team?"

"Actually, that will be entirely up to them," Gretchen responded, "Although I highly doubt it. If one woman captures you by herself, she wins £10,000. If two women working together capture you, they only get £5,000 each. And if three women work together to capture you, the prize goes down to approximately £3,333 each. So, the human tendency towards greed should prevent any of the contestants from cooperating with each other."

"And what if Diane loses," Lexi asked, "What happens to her then?"

"She'll be punished," Victoria answered.

"Just like any slave who attempts to escape," Gretchen added.

"But it's just a game," Lexi protested, "She shouldn't be punished for an escape attempt that's not even real!"

My heart went out to Lexi. I loved her for being my advocate and attempting to protect me, but she just didn't have the authority to change anything.

"Lexi, every game has some sort of consequence for the losing side. That's part of the reason that athletes and enthusiasts work so hard not to lose. Diane is sure to try harder and give us her best possible effort if she knows that she'll be punished horribly and unfairly if she loses."

Then Gretchen gave me a very intense look and asked, "Won't you, Diane?"

Naturally, I said, "Yes, Mistress."

"We'll be hiring a new trainer for you," Gretchen said, "Somebody who will not only teach you how to outrun an opponent, but also avoid being seen, how to blend into the background and how to choose the best route to evade being spotted by your pursuers."

* * * * * * * * * *

My new trainer's name was Darya, although Gretchen insisted that I always call her Mistress.

First and foremost, Darya taught me sprinting. On her first day she brought me some socks and running shoes in my size.

"To run fast, you need good traction," Darya insisted, "And will make sure you have running shoes on "Escape and Capture" Day. It will make it easier for you to evade your foes."

I already had strong legs from years of ballet and from training with Claudia, however I had never really attempted to take advantage of my leg muscles to win races or outrun opponents before. Darya intended to turn me into a speed demon.

Six days a week she would take me out to a running track in Bridgeworth and make me run until I was breathless and my naked body was covered in sweat. Running naked at a full gallop, as Darya chased me, shouted and demanded more from me, I felt like Princess Beauty from Ann Rice's BDSM books, when she was forced to run the Bridle Path. I suppose I should had considered myself fortunate that Darya wasn't riding a horse and swatting my ass with a wooden paddle every time she caught up with me.

Of course there were times; when Darya felt that I wasn't giving one-hundred percent; that she would take me over to the bleachers and spank my poor ass until I was red-faced, red-assed and sobbing. To make matters even worse, the running track was out behind a school, so when I was over her knee, being mercilessly spanked, there were quite often girls of around eighteen, nineteen or twenty years old walking by with textbooks, witnessing my painful humiliation.

Gretchen and Victoria showed up on one of these occasions where students were openly staring at my naked body over Darya's lap. Victoria commented that it must be humiliating for me to be naked while so many clothed people stared at my naked body and seemed to view me as a sex object.

Gretchen's response to that was that, as a slave, it was my societal duty in this country to display and sexualize my body for students, teachers and really any clothed women in Sessia.

"It's her duty," Gretchen said, sharply, "to allow all of these clothed women to sexually objectify her. This is her proper place in Sessian society, to be naked while free women are clothed, and free to ogle her naked body."

I had never heard it phrased that way before, however when I heard the words, it felt right to me. This was my proper place in society. In fact it felt so right that I was actually somewhat regretting my eventual return to America, where I would no longer be displayed naked in public and sexually objectified by the local inhabitants.

Of course, even with all the training I was doing with Darya, I was still required to be spanked in the hotel lobby every morning, for the entertainment of the hotel guests and hotel staff. I was also expected to visit Lady Preston once a week and be stripped naked, cruelly punished and mercilessly violated by her, in the privacy of her home.

Of course added to all that, bear in mind Gretchen was constantly bringing home women that she'd met on the street, in the hotel lobby, at Sharp Fitness or at that lesbian club and offering them my naked body for sex, bondage, fondling, ogling and cruel, stinging discipline.

I remember one time she brought home a tall, thin, boyish looking woman named Mariska. Mariska had a boyish haircut and lean, muscular arms with a tattoo of two interlocking female symbols on her right arm. She wore a tight-fitting tank top that left her arms exposed, so she could show off her lean, ropey muscles to everyone she met.

"I saw you get spanked this morning," were her first words to me.

If I were a free woman, it would have been socially acceptable for her to say "Hello" or "Good Morning" or "Hi, I'm Mariska", but as I was a slave, it was socially acceptable for her first words to me to be about my painful and humiliating punishment.

I was naked, with my shaved sex exposed to her hungry gaze. She was wearing a tank top, black leather pants and biker boots. My inferior status was obvious to anyone who was watching. My nudity was a stark contrast to her attire.

I nodded in agreement to the boyish looking woman, and then she sharply said, "Turn around".

Obviously, I turned around for her, displaying my bare buttocks to this clothed woman. Gretchen was standing just a few feet away, so disobedience was unthinkable.

I submissively kept my hands at my sides as I felt Mariska's hand on my right thigh, my left thigh and then my right buttock, then she held both of my buttocks in her hands at the same time and squeezed them firmly. I whimpered as my buttocks and thighs were sore and tender from my morning spanking and the way that Mariska's strong hands handled my abused flesh exasperated the pain.

"She got you good, didn't she?" Mariska asked as she continued to grip and stroke my naked flesh. It seemed like a rhetorical question, but I answered anyway. Lexi's spankings had been getting more intense lately. I think she was trying to impress me. Or possibly she was trying to impress Gretchen. All I knew was, my bottom was stinging more than usual these days.

Mariska's impersonal examination of my naked flesh made me even more aroused and tingly. I had developed an emotional need to feel owned and objectified, and Mariska was making me feel that way with the indifferent and clinical way she examined my nude body.

Without any verbal commands, Mariska then took me by the hand and led me over to Gretchen's bed. She sat down and pulled me down across her lap, leaving my reddened, naked buttocks exposed and within easy reach of her strong hands.

"Get those legs apart," Gretchen commanded sharply and I separated my thighs as well as I could, given my awkward position across Mariska's lap. Of course I ended up spreading my legs far enough apart that I left my wet sex and my anus exposed and unprotected.

"Look in the mirror, Diane," Mariska ordered me and I raised my head up and looked over at the large mirror above the dresser, directly across from Gretchen's bed.

The girl in the mirror was naked (except for her slave collar) and draped submissively across a clothed woman's lap. The expression on the naked girl's face advertised worry, unease, fear and girlish helplessness It was the facial expression of a girl pleading for mercy that had no expectation of receiving any. Also the naked girl's obvious panting and parted lips seemed to indicate sexual arousal.

"That's what a slave looks like," Mariska informed me. I began to lower my head, but Mariska slapped my bare bottom and ordered me to keep my eyes on my own reflection until I was given permission to look away.

Mariska continued to examine my punished bottom with her hands, intensifying the stinging pain and also my feelings of submissiveness towards her.

I was sore all over, however Mariska seemed to have a perverse talent for finding the most sensitive spots on my naked buttocks, whereupon she would knead and pinch the already-abused flesh.

"Ooooo, ouch," I exclaimed and the naked girl in mirror furrowed her brow, tossed her head up and gritted her teeth in an obvious pain response, however she also gyrated her naked hips across the clothed woman's lap in a way that hinted more of sexual arousal than of pain.

"Gretchen dear, bring me my bag," Mariska said in a friendly tone of voice and I began to pant in anticipation. I didn't know what was in Mariska's bag, however my naked and vulnerable position over her lap strongly indicated that was something I should worry about.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that Mariska's bag looked very much like a gym, workout bag, however I seriously doubted that she was going to pull gym shorts or sneakers out of it.

When she saw where my eyes were focused, Mariska brought her hand down hard, three times across my naked ass, causing me to gasp and bounce across her lap as my body reacted reflexively to the sharp, stinging pain.

"Eyes on the mirror, slave-girl," Mariska admonished me.

My eyes once again focused on the naked slavegirl in the mirror. Her eyes looked wet as if tears might start to well up in her eyes soon and she looked more submissive than ever. I could hear Mariska unzipping her gym bag, but I couldn't see what she removed from its interior.

I felt Mariska's strong hands dipping into the furrow between my buttocks and then I felt on of her digits pressing gently, yet firmly against my asshole.

I moaned as I felt a finger or thumb stroking the tender flesh of my anus. I flinched involuntarily as I felt that tender, pink hole being probed gently at first, and then more forcefully and then Mariska said, "I understand you have some sort of fear about anal rape."

I whimpered at that, and the naked girl in the mirror had an unmistakable look of dread and trepidation on her face. One small tear spilled out of the naked girl's right eye and slowly traveled down her cheek.

"I told Mariska that you have an irrational fear about anal penetration," Gretchen said. "Lord knows I've repeatedly tried to break you of it."

Mariska's finger probed and pushed against my asshole more forcefully and I panted and felt more helpless and subjugated than before. I knew what must come next and I dreaded it, but my submissive nature demanded that I would do nothing to defend myself, and with that thought of utter defenselessness and submission to this woman, I felt the heat of sexual arousal flood my naked body from my thighs all the way to my rapidly beating heart. My sex throbbed and my nipples became so erect and swollen that they ached. And looking in the mirror, the naked slave girl's eyes were heavy-lidded and her lips parted wider as she panted in shameless surrender to a dominant woman.

The deeper Mariska's finger prodded into my anus, the more my sex ached. I felt like an abused innocent in a woman's prison, stripped naked and forced to submit to cruel prison guards, intent on performing a cruel and unnecessary body-cavity search.

My hips began to shudder and squirm involuntarily as my whole body was flooded with a welter of confusing and powerful emotions. I saw the naked girl's hips in the mirror and they appeared to be writhing in a shameless, wanton manner.

"Please, Mistress," I pleaded, although my words were reflexive and even I'm not certain what I meant by them. The naked girl in the mirror had a look of extreme distress and pleading on her face, however Mariska ignored my words and the look of pleading on my face and I soon felt globs of cold, thick gel being drizzled between my ass cheeks and then fingers smearing the gel across my anus.